I hope this helps. We need to stop the shots, especially for the children.

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Get ready for the: "DeSantis is reckless and dangerous" gobbledygook to come from the "Perpetual Covid and Vaccine Huggers Club."

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I’m in a red state, Texas.... DeSantis makes me even more infuriated with our Governor (Abbott)- WHERE ARE THE OTHER GOVERNORS IN THE COUNTRY STANDING UP TO THIS CATASTROPHE??? I’m sick to my stomach that they are NOT doing ANYTHING on the level of DeSantis. EVERY STATE needs to be having this discussion and IMMEDIATELY HALTING ALL VACCINES! They should be seized and destroyed!!!!!!

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The FDA has to be included for this to cause real change. FL is taking on a much larger opponent in the US gov pharma and military complex. It is actually the NSC thru FENA that developed the response plan. But, the research group that decided on the RNA of the spike protein as the antigen is who I want to see get 500 lashes at the mainmast for treason and crimes against humanity!

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If this case proceeds and the monsters are held accountable then other States can also do the same thing, except in blue states, they love death and illness. God is great and I'll be praying everything goes as planned.

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Sweden and Florida. The only ones in their RIGHT MINDS!

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May they all be named and rot for their criminal actions “legal” under the EUA or not.

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Watching this now. As amazing as this is, the globalists are moving fast to corral humanity with a CBDC, a social credit system and a digital prison in which compliance is the only means of survival.

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Hugs and kisses? Ahhh, no. Pass most definitely.. Will push for Nuremberg til end of my life

Press, Silicon definitely on list. And also treason during war time

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Great move DeSantis, but are you doing it for glory and the ultimate trophy of the White House, or because you really care about the vaxx injured/dead electorate?

"By the time a man gets to be presidential material, he's been bought ten times over".

— Gore Vidal, 1925-2012, American writer.

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ANYBODDY who has been injected should receive HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS in payments for health/suffering/shortening of life.

And those family survivors of those killed, more!

And then punitive damages on top of that.

Fauci, Birtch, Biden, ALL Of the health officials that were in this scam should pay personally too.

Hey Bill Gates, ALL of that farm land you bought, ALL of your drug money made ALL go to pain and suffering.

And ALL of these scumbags like Biden, Fauci, Gates face Nuremberg trials in military type tribunals. Maybe Fauci will smirk there too before they hang the mass murderer.

I'm a Florida resident, bring it on!

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Absolutely hang onto your guns … Trudo thinks Canadian farmers and hunters will politely hand them over? Already, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Yukon, NW Territories and New Brunswick won’t agree to it.

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As long as fraud is called and named as it should be for the 1291 serious side effects not divulged by Pfizer, then all those who gave vaccine shots that caused harm will be found guilty! Dr. A. you are sounding more and more like us, a little blood thirsty, are we???

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Will this finally break the spell? I don't think so. Listening to the excellent podcast on the Children's Health Defense fund where Dr. Mercola interviewed Edward Dowd, formerly with Black Rock. Dowd discussed the sunk cost fallacy which I think is a huge factor in the vaxxed letting go of the narrative. Linking definition of theory from microsoft because I find it humorous that they listed it as a problem pre-Covid. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365-life-hacks/budgeting/sunk-cost-fallacy-affect-finances. Dowd seems to think that $$$ looking to investing the clean up of the aftermath may do the trick.

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It will be very satisfying to vote for Desantis without holding my nose as some of us did when voting for Trump. Trumpism without the egotistical, self-aggrandizing personality! That is Yuge!

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Dr. Alexander, If any of the media, or Medical Industrial Complex, or the Government even think about "hugging and kissing" you, DON'T let them near you! DON'T trust them! They will have something with them to try and kill you. That's the type of people they are.

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