I could watch Lara all day. She's a great reporter, too.

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Lara is one of the best journalists on the planet. She has the old school journalistic integrity, intelligence, work ethic and diligence that are so needed and lacking in today's news media.

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Lara's summation of the Ukraine situation is more than a bit interesting.

After all, how does one explain all the unabashed fawning over "Emperor (Z)elensky" by nearly every "leader" in the collective West with, perhaps, the exception of Viktor Orban, who's now being ostracized by the majority of his fellow E.U. members for not going along so willingly with Ursula van der Crazy's "Ukraine Policy". The German "leadership" is WILLINGLY de-industrializing itself, not to mention de-militarizing itself. As are the majority of the E.U. member states. And of course there's the seemingly rather odd "bromance" between Boris Johnson (I satirically refer to him as "B.J.", for more than a couple reasons) and (Z)elensky, "B.J." having flown to Kyiv how many times now, 4? With "B.J.'s latest rendezvous in Kyiv as a "de-throned" P.M. Even the newest Italian Prime Minister, who was billed as one that would refocus the Italian government's overall policy toward that of Italy, is turning out to be yet another globalist and pledging her unwavering support of (Z)elensky. And of course I cannot go without mentioning the utterly disgusting display that recently took place in the halls of the U.S. government in the (D)istrict of (C)riminals, with (Z) elensky pouring his pleading heart out on to the congressional floor whilst the Ukrainian flag is being raised in the chambers.


For me, it also peaks another curiosity if held for several months.

For those unaware, in Utah County here in the United States, there is an ongoing investigation involving a Satanic Cult/Child Trafficking Ring that has tentacles reaching as far away as, yes you guessed it, Ukraine, and New York City. That particular case came to light around May or June of 2022 and, implicates several curious actors. As per usual, such cases rarely get much national attention, even so, to the credit of the Utah County Sheriff's Department they've kept a rather tight lid on things up to this point so as not to spoil the investigation. Fortunately, there are a couple of brothers, Frank Zell and Jim Zell, that have much expertise in that type of investigation. For anybody that may want to, the Zell brothers do have a website, inthezellar.com that you can access in order to find out some of the latest developments. The Zell brothers have developed a contact in Mike Smith's office in Utah County in order to obtain whatever updates the Sheriff's Office will permit to be released. The Zell's also provide links to pertinent press releases from media outlets in Utah County.

Anybody is more than welcome to call me a conspiracy theorist on this one, to which I will respond, Thank You and, now show me the "client list" of one Ms. Ghislaine Maxwell? Surely she wasn't trafficking children ONLY to her dearly departed Jeffrey Epstein.

There's simply way more, far, FAR, more to all this fawning over (Z)elensky and his beloved Ukraine than meets the eye.

IMO, Lara's only touched on the tip of the iceberg.

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The most frustrating thing is that Ukraine was corrupt from the beginning and the Obama/Biden administration along with rhino politicians like Romney and then there is Kerry, have had their kids involved with it as well. They are the ones who installed the Nazi regime. They are the ones killing Ukrainians. Remember when Biden threatened and fired the prosecutor!!! Its been a money laundering scheme with biolabs thanks to Ovomit! What’s most telling is all our other so called congressman/women who do nothing and look the other way. No wonder they come in and leave with millions. Purely disgusting. Russia has more credibility than the US now and forget about the other EU countries!

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There is a very strong Zionist convergence occurring in the Ukraine, much as the nation once sent us all the people who created Hollywood and funded Communism from Wall Street, 150 years ago. jews are exiting Russia, and going to Ukraine, and the USA is funding Israel and Ukraine above all other nations on the planet. Something is more than rotten in Ukraine, not the least of which is their gay, jewish President.


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I admit, it would give the US a run for the money in the corruption races.

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Which "American journalist" in Ukraine is she referring to at the beginning g of the interview?

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I have been saying that the Ukraine is and always has been corrupt. It has been the hub of money laundering, sex and child trafficking for years. As many have seen the money sent to Ukraine, switched to crypto in FTX and sent back to mostly benefit of dems but also corrupt republicans. Ukraine is selling the arms we send over there and Zelenskiy is now a multi millionaire, who buys 1.4 million dollar homes for MOM in the middle of a war?? Where is that money going, NOT to the people!

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It was a great video, Lara is so smart and she never holds back, its so refreshing to see a real reporter.

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Thanks for this DrPaul!

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People are finally waking up. Keep up the good work everyone.

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Lara is one awesome journalist/investigative reporter. For some reason, I trust her a bit more than any of the TV reporters.... 🤔😂

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Ukraine AND Russia top the Most Corrupt Countries in Europe list.


These countries are exploited by the powers that be to launder money to the powerful and privileged.

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In what language does she speak? Captions don't work.

The Corporation of the President (LDS, Mormons) boasts of being Zionist. What does this tell you about Mitt and Tagg Romney?

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great lady!

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Turducken loves stelleto man.

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