Trump: "One of the most urgent tasks... is to decisively defeat the climate hysteria hoax." kaboom, GREEN energy & fraud climate change got kicked in nads with a frozen boot; VOSTOK tells real story!
Yes. As regards heat waves, the good news is that more six-hour periods of wet bulb temperatures that are unsurvivable by healthy adults and cannot be adapted to are expected to occur firstly in muslim and other parts of the globe before they occur in the US and then are expected to occur in Arizona, Nevada and parts of California before they start occurring elsewhere in the US. This in important because California votes blue and Nevada and Arizona are swing states. Unfortunately, the elderly who primarily vote Republican are likely to be among the first affected in these states.
Lethal Heat Is Spreading across the Planet
Since 1970 more than 350 weather stations have experienced at least one six-hour period of a potentially deadly combination of heat and humidity. Scientists expect these episodes will increase as temperatures rise
A 35 C wet bulb assumes 100 percent humidity, but the same lethal combination could be met with higher air temperatures and lower humidity levels.
... Just a few hours of these conditions are unsurvivable even for the most well-adapted humans, the study found ...
Nothing legitimate comes from SA anymore. The planet experiences periods of high temperatures and high humidity all the time, especially in equatorial areas, and has for million of years. Manipulating data and making up new pseudoscience terms such as “wet bulb” is not proof of anything.
"The wet-bulb temperature (WBT) is a temperature that can be measured by a thermometer covered in cloth which has been soaked in water at ambient temperature (a wet-bulb thermometer) and over which air is passed. At 100% relative humidity, the wet-bulb temperature is equal to the air temperature (dry-bulb temperature); at lower humidity the wet-bulb temperature is lower than dry-bulb temperature because of evaporative cooling.
A sling psychrometer. The sock is wet with distilled water and whirled around for a minute or more before taking the readings.
The wet-bulb temperature is defined as the temperature of a parcel of air cooled to saturation (100% relative humidity) by the evaporation of water into it, with the latent heat supplied by the parcel.[2] A wet-bulb thermometer indicates a temperature close to the true (thermodynamic) wet-bulb temperature. The wet-bulb temperature is the lowest temperature that can be reached under current ambient conditions by the evaporation of water only.
Even heat-adapted people cannot carry out normal outdoor activities past a wet-bulb temperature of 32 °C (90 °F), equivalent to a heat index of 55 °C (131 °F). A reading of 35 °C (95 °F) – equivalent to a heat index of 71 °C (160 °F) – is considered the theoretical human survivability limit for up to six hours of exposure."
Thanks for that Philip. A heap of muslims dropped dead this year during Mecca and it wasn't even particularly humid. One of the great tragedies of science is the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by the discovery of the odd ugly fact. Are there any combinations of temperature and humidity that humans cannot survive for longer than six hours? If so, what are they and, if "wet bulb" is not a useful way to measure temperature and humidity combinations, how should they be measured?
Well, if "climate change mitigation efforts" actually lead to increases in periods of unsurvivable "wet bulb" temperatures, rather than produce decreases or have no effect, the mRNA covid vax will be the least of anyone's concerns.
Anyone that knows the score knows full well that "climate change" is every bit the criminal fraud that the "covid pandemic" was - maybe even more so. A person that does not know this is ignorant, stupid, or agrees with the agenda, which would make him/her a criminal, and part of the problem.
boom...stay with us...the good, bad, ugly stack may come to fruition and I will work with you on it...I am hoping we have no 'bad' or 'ugly' with each Trump's actions.
“A study reveals that doubling atmospheric CO2 could raise Earth’s average temperature by up to 14 degrees, far exceeding current UN estimates. The research, based on a 45-year-old Pacific Ocean drill core, highlights a stronger relationship between CO2 levels and temperature than previously understood.”
Deep state says humans are destroying the planet. Of course, chemtrails is just a wonderful idea on their part. The insane oligarchs made their money selling stuff that resulted in pollution of all kinds but that's perfectly OK. Vaccine hysteria is apparently their idea of mitigation of all things bad. Oh, they are sooooo concerned that people cannot have freedom 'cuz mankind is simply not up to their standards. Let's see if Trump exposes the Epstein files, the 911 lies, etc. Bet he doesn't.......he's one of them, he'll remove all of our doubts and show he's just another Zionist turncoat.
"Deep state says humans are destroying the planet."
Okay, I'll believe them when they start practicing what they preach, instead of demanding it from everyone *EXCEPT* themselves. In particular, when they start *offing* themselves "for the good of the planet", then they'll become credible. They're just a bunch of lying hypocrites who think they're better than anyone.
Lastly, the idea that Trump is one of 'them' is a theory that I first proposed in April 2017. I believe that that theory will 'soon' be proven right or wrong.
The issue is NOT "heat related mortality", the issue is the CAUSE of the heat.
The climate criminals want you and I to believe that *WE* are the cause. While it's true that human activities may *contribute*, we are not the 'cause'.
You know how you can tell that these people are full of crap? Simple.
While they're telling YOU and ME to change our lifestyle "for the good of the planet", they ride around in their Lear Jets, fleets of gas-guzzling cars, and yachts. They tell us to "eat bugs for the good of the Earth", while they eat prime steak any time they feel the desire. FAKE ... LIES !!!
It's *ALL* a fraud. Just like when they mandated masks, "social distancing", and stay-at-home lockdowns, while they often did not wear any masks, kept no distances (attending parties and functions), and traveled anywhere they wanted.
Again, it's *ALL* a fraud. Rules for us but not for them. It's about CONTROL.
There are countless videos that prove what I'm saying here.
That's a relief Jorge. The idea that Bill Gates is actually making things worse was a a bit concerning. I had been concerned that using aircraft to release chemicals to try to "stop global warming" could backfire. There are alarmists who are claiming that "urgent action to fight climate change" is actually increasing the sun's heating of the earth by reversing "global dimming" or the "aerosol cooling effect" and that global warming zealots could bring about human extinction.
I'll start believing them when they actually practice what they preach, instead of demanding it from everyone *EXCEPT* themselves. In particular, when they kill themselves en masse "for the good of the planet", then they'll become credible. They're just a bunch of psychopath lying hypocrites who think they're better than anyone. Thus, in their minds they "deserve life and creature comforts" while the rest of humanity can "live in tiny houses and eat insects". These are EVIL monsters, undeserving of being called 'human'.
Hurricanes, floods, droughts, heat waves and more can be GEOENGINEERED -- that is, can be purposely enhanced, changed, blocked, etcetera, thereby altering natural weather systems and patterns. In my view, those heat wave related deaths could very well be GEOENGINEERED murders pursued by Technocrats and Eugenicists. We don't have time to waste trying to apply the hype the hoaxers are dishing out. We need to get the big picture, take into account all the available science -- not just the hoaxers' "consensus scientism".
Bill Gates is reportedly big on geoengineering. Additionally, the idea of using aircraft to release trails of chemicals to modify the climate is interesting.
There's more information there than you can shake a stick at. Many others are also involved in presenting REAL science regarding "climate change". The agendas behind this weather manipulation and geoengineering should be on everyone's radar by now and understood by all. This has been going on for decades and decades, escalating in scope and nefarious activities since the 1940's... just like quackcines, another VERY long history of assaults on humanity.
The historical global temperatures and atmospheric CO2 levels prove the opposite effect, temperatures rise prior to increasing COs levels. Current CO2 levels are near the lowest in geological history and pose an existential threat to life on the planet if reduced below photosynthesis sustainability levels of @200 ppm. Doubling current CO2 levels would lead to a more lush, verdant planet.
Right - a fact that they NEVER bring up. Plants *thrive* on CO2 and produce O2, without which humans die. They are pathological liars with self-serving agendas.
Trump is right on with this: Global warming was a political decision, and part of the narrative to create One World Gov't. They bought off enough of the Scientific Community to support the idea. It was designed to the bring about the destruction of America's economy, but the Truth is that Green Energy doesn't come close to meeting our Energy needs, and it can't. Thank you, Mr. President, for proclaiming the Truth !
I don't think their so-called green energy was ever meant to serve all the needs of all of us. I think they thought they'd have it for themselves when we were all depopulated as planned. Maybe then their "alternatives" might have served some purpose.
Not sure how you do/did it day in and day out dealing with all the ass clowns selected to pretend to represent us, let alone all the unelected deep state psycopaths, especially the intel types. When you strip away all their tech and laudered drug/war money, theyre all just common criminals with badges and titles.. operating under the guise of a representative govt.
Trump better be the real deal. He better be ready day 1 to fix this shit. All of it. The deep state wont just simply surrender. He MUST bring in those to his next admin with the stomach to go to the bottom of the putrid swamp. It will be ugly. There will be casualties. Friends will become enemies and vice versa. Trump needs to deal with both accordingly. We the People will suffer more, guaranteed. Hopefully many more asleep will awaken in the aftermath.
Once you look behind the green curtain you can never unsee how deep the rabbit hole is truly.
They will never stop the Climate Change hoax because people would find out that the real NATURAL cause of "Climate Change" is the coming Pole Shift. The Earth is moving 40' a year to the East and so are the latitudes. What was warm is becoming colder and what was arctic is warming.
Sure there's all the "Climate Change" bs to cover the geoengineering and Directed Energy Weapons, etc, but the carbon bs is to introduce all those regulations that are crushing our farmers. Do you remember Farm Aid? When Americans rallied and protested to stop the banks from calling in the loans on all those big generational farms. Know who owns all those huge farms now? Monsanto.
And guess who's going to be manufacturing all the new MAHA food? ;)
Good luck putting an end to weather weaponization that has already occurred. I hope there is enough evidence with flight patterns and material orders to prove that Helene was completely engineered. I'm sure Dane Wiggington and other's were watching that closely. But this poisoning of our soil and water from the air needs to end now!
How about we address geoengineering, HAARP, cloud seeding, frequencies for weather manipulation, smart dust, etc that the cartel babylon DS globalist psychos (who run many aspects of the g0vt, including the "military" to be used against the useless eaters for the dep0pulation agenda and other nefarious deeds) use to create intentional harm, if we want to "get things out in the open". And while we're at it, let's go to basic, junior high actual "science" on CO2... which means that "reducing CO2" means reducing photosynthesis, so reducing the food supply, for starters. Simply put, no carbon= no life. Reducing carbon does nothing the "save the planet" or anything else. It destroys it. The more carbon there is, the more greenery, the higher the nutritious density of food, the better the crop growth, the healthier the population, etc. And about that "carbon bad" narrative... how about we put the REAL definition of what that means out there. Given that humans (plants, animals, etc) are carbon based, getting rid of carbon means getting rid of humans and other life forms, not some imaginary "carbon pollutuon". So to all the psychotic, low-IQ climate zealots who regurgitate nonsense about "carbon bad", parroting the BS carbon narrative under the guise of BS climate change, maybe it's time to explain to the sheople what's REALLY going on, who's behind it, and why. In this demonically-captured, inside out, upside down, backwards versions of lies and delusion being sold as truth about "climate", let's go a little deeper into reality when discussing just how full of BS the "climate" propaganda really is, and hold those accountable for geoengineering and weather manipulation (and CO2 reduction) responsible for the gen0cide and destruction they're causing while blaming cow farts and humans as the "cause" for the problem they're creating to intentionally destroy humanity and life in general.
(PS - Every single pilot spraying chemtrails, cuz they're just following orders, needs to be tried for crimes against humanity and gen0cide, just like anyone involved in creating, administering, and promoting bi0weap0n injections. They're all part of the same nefarious dep0pulation agenda.)
Agree with you! A very serious problem world wide. Canada, US, Curacao, Italy & Switzerland ive seen it and photographed the evil being sprayed on the world.
The devils are actually killing themselves along with us, playing god destroying our health, water & crops.
This is a very serious problem and must be stopped.
They have their underground cities. The C02 they sequester, from our atmosphere, via their insane equipment, (and our C02 levels are nearing critically low levels to sustain life and optimal health) gets pumped into their underground cities where they feel they'll be "unburdened by what has been" of the dirty, subhuman, useless eaters their mission it is to destroy.
Regarding Climate Change, instead of using the term Hoax, say the following:
1. The Climate has ALWAYS and will ALWAYS be changing. Trump should ban use of the word and replace it with the original more accurate term "Global Warming" (which was Global Cooling before it was Global Warming.
2. There is no amount of $ (not $100 Trillion) that can significantly reduce global warming over the next 50 years. I believe the Paris Agreement, that Trump rejected and must reject again, only estimated to reduce world temperature by 0.5 C (0.9 F) over the next 40 yrs.
2a. However spending that money will devastate economies, with the USA deliberately being hurt the most, while sparing China and India who are the major contributors of the man-made component.
3. Few will report this, but massive volcanic activity under the ice of Western Antarctica (as well as some in Greenland, etc. has been found, but Antarctica, in particular is a national security zone (secret projects not to mention true Alien activity) and outsiders are not allowed in to verify and quantitate the extent.
3a. While ice is melting at a fast rate in Western Antarctica, ice is forming in Eastern Antarctica !!!! Case Proven.
4. My good friend, who I shared an Apt. Suite with in Grad School at U of VA, was the grad student computer genius for Prof. Pat Michaels from Dept of Environmental Sciences during the 1980s.
Pat had been one of the leading world scientists who opposed the Global Warming alarmists.
He was responsible for the Republican Party withdraw from Climate alarmism.
I just checked and didn't know that Michaels passed away in 2022 at age 72.
“Virginia Canter, the chief ethics counsel for Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said it seemed unlikely that Burgum would have to recuse himself from the pipeline decision based on the investors’ political donations or oil money the governor is receiving from Continental. But she said it could raise questions about whether Burgum is “so entangled with these individuals and their companies – from a political and financial perspective – that he really can’t serve the public interest.”
Burgum should not be Energy Secretary he is too entangled in the CO2 pipeline which is a hoax, money and land grab.
Great! Calling out the FAKE FAKE FAKE Climate Change for the ILLUSIONISM it is -- that is step one.
Now I need to hear him take step two. I need to hear him attack the real causes of people's suffering from violent weather. I choose to hear him call out GEOENGINEERING and weather modification weapons and those who are using them to create disasters.
I think Trump can do this. He is man enough to do it. Unlike so many others.
The WHITE ROSE has just released a book called THE GREEN CHEAT----- Yes THE GREEN CHEAT, where and when does one start with this 'hot potato' as there are so many liars involved and people with vested interests and hidden agendas, no doubt. When did it start? Maybe with the odd smart loony caveman telling the others no we cannot have a fire every day as we shall burn all the trees!? That never happened so the caveman was a conman and that was way back!! So nothing new regarding cons and scams!?
Now in my short time I have seen and heard what I take to be SATANIC LIES being told etc for the BENEFIT OF THE GREEN CHEATS! Get a diesel car as is better for the planet----the sea is going to flood parts of London and New York and islands shall be under water! I have asked in the past where is the water going to come from for the sea level to rise so high? The area covered with ice is minuscule compared to the area of oceans and seas so in my own brain I thought that would only make the sea rise a couple of inches at most, if every bit of ice melted. YES/NO?-----There shall be no ice left and no polar bears etc, well the polar bears never took the fur coats off to do a bit of sun bathing and are still freezing! The ice and polar bears are still there!
No doubt earth quakes and earth movement shall have caused changes at some places. Erosion on coast lines also shall have changed areas in small ways!?
Dr. Paul, you need to hear this. Trump isn't going to do any of that. He's actually surrounding himself with snakes, who SUPPORT that crap, starting with Susie Wiles, Elon Musk, etc.
Sure seems like we're in for round 2 of a "surrounded by swamp ceeatures" administration. Wiles is a pHARMa lobbyist,, pushing the same ol' pHARMa agenda. (If we were delusional hopium addicts, we could pretend that Wiles, a pHARMa insider, was going to help Trump and RFK dismantle that criminal cartel with her insider knowledge; but that's a far-fetched stretch of wishful thinking.) Guess we'll have to see if other DS players (like Pompeo, etc) will be invited back into the fold.
Paul is at least aware of the dastardly stuff Trump is capable of. He's come to realize that Trump must be watched very carefully. Musk and Wiles are suspect individuals. Trump is adored by too many people, he's no savior. He's Zionist through and through and though we are "fortunate" he came out on top, let's see if he's going to be our salvation before we anoint him. Paul needs to be placed high up in the Trump administration, we know he is true-blue. I just don't want another Shlomo administration.
The issue though is our magnetic core is weakening and thats creating climate change issues. It may be man made from wireless and satellites but it isnt man made from me eating beef or driving my car
An ambitious effort to understand the Earth’s climate over the past 485 million years has revealed a history of wild shifts and far hotter temperatures than scientists previously realized — offering a reminder of how much change the planet has already endured and a warning about the unprecedented rate of warming caused by humans.
The timeline, published Thursday in the journal Science, is the most rigorous reconstruction of Earth’s past temperatures ever produced, the authors say. Created by combining more than 150,000 pieces of fossil evidence with state-of-the-art climate models, it shows the intimate link between carbon dioxide and global temperatures and reveals that the world was in a much warmer state for most of the history of complex animal life.
At its hottest, the study suggests, the Earth’s average temperature reached 96.8 degrees Fahrenheit (36 degrees Celsius) — far higher than the historic 58.96 F (14.98 C) the planet hit last year.
The revelations about Earth’s scorching past are further reason for concern about modern climate change, said Emily Judd, a researcher at University of Arizona and the Smithsonian specializing in ancient climates and the lead author of the study. The timeline illustrates how swift and dramatic temperature shifts were associated with many of the world’s worst moments — including a mass extinction that wiped out roughly 90 percent of all species and the asteroid strike that killed the dinosaurs.
The largest mass extinction happened 250 million years ago, when gases from volcanic eruptions – including CO₂ – raised Earth’s temperature by more than 18ºF (10ºC) in the span of about 50,000 years. [But now they say volcanic dusts cause 1-2 years of cooling—duh?-Nass]
“We know that these catastrophic events … shift the landscape of what life looks like,” Judd said. “When the environment warms that fast, animals and plants can’t keep pace with it.”
At no point in the nearly half-billion years that Judd and her colleagues analyzed did the Earth change as fast as it is changing now, she added:
“In the same way as a massive asteroid hitting the Earth, what we’re doing now is unprecedented.” [Correct—getting rid of sensors that provide undesired data, collecting data near pavement and roads that collect heat, etc. is an unprecedented method of collecting scientific data—Nass]
485 million years of temperature turmoil
The timeline encompasses almost all of the Phanerozoic — the geologic eon that began with the emergence of multicellular, non-microscopic organisms and continues today.
It portrays a global climate that was more dynamic and extreme than researchers had imagined, said Jess Tierney, a climate scientist at the University of Arizona and co-author of the study. Compared with graphs based solely on climate models, which tend to depict smaller and slower swings in temperatures, the new timeline is full of sudden spikes and abrupt shifts.
But, in keeping with decades of past research on climate, the chart hews closely to estimates of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, with temperatures rising in proportion to concentrations of the heat-trapping gas.
“Carbon dioxide is really that master dial,” Tierney said. “That’s an important message … in terms of understanding why emissions from fossil fuels are a problem today.”
At the timeline’s start, some 485 million years ago, Earth was in what is known as a hothouse climate, with no polar ice caps and average temperatures above 86 F (30 C). The oceans teemed with mollusks and arthropods, and the very first plants were just beginning to get a toehold on the land.
Temperatures began to slowly decline over the next 30 million years, as atmospheric carbon dioxide was pulled from the air, before plummeting into what scientists call a coldhouse state around 444 million years ago. Ice sheets spread across the poles and global temperatures dropped more than 18 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius). This rapid cooling is thought to have triggered the first of Earth’s “big five” mass extinctions — some 85 percent of marine species disappeared as sea levels fell and the chemistry of the oceans changed.
An even more dramatic shift occurred at the end of the Permian period, about 251 million years ago. Massive volcanic eruptions unleashed billions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, causing the planet’s temperature to shoot up by about 18 F (10 C) in roughly 50,000 years. Acid rain fell across the continents; marine ecosystems collapsed as the oceans became boiling hot and depleted of oxygen. [Hate to tell the science reporter that salty oceans do not boil till they are well over 100 degrees C, yet her graph says it never got above 86 degrees C 250 million years ago.—Nass]
“We know it to be the worst extinction in the Phanerozoic,” Tierney said. “By analogy, we should be worried about human warming because it’s so fast. We’re changing Earth’s temperature at a rate that exceeds anything we know about.” [By what measure? Oh yes, the measure of whether Tierney will get another NSF grant—Nass]
The study also makes clear that the conditions humans are accustomed to are quite different from those that have dominated our planet’s history. For most of the Phanerozoic, the research suggests, average temperatures have exceeded 71.6 F (22 C), with little or no ice at the poles. Coldhouse climates — including our current one — prevailed just 13 percent of the time.
This is one of the more sobering revelations of the research, Judd said. Life on Earth has endured climates far hotter than the one people are now creating through planet-warming emissions. But humans evolved during the coldest epoch of the Phanerozoic, when global average temperatures were as low as 51.8 F (11 C).
Without rapid action to curb greenhouse gas emissions, scientists say, global temperatures could reach nearly 62.6 F (17 C) by the end of the century — a level not seen in the timeline since the Miocene epoch, more than 5 million years ago.
[Can you see how they are now tweaking the narrative to conform to these new observations? It is no longer the degree of warming that is a problem, since we experienced much warmer climates in most of the past; no, it is the speed of warming.—Nass]
The planet has been heating up for the past 20,000 years – but human-caused emissions in recent centuries have pushed the rate of warming into unprecedented territory.
“We built our civilization around those geologic landscapes of an icehouse,” Judd said. “So even though climate has been warmer, humans haven’t lived in a warmer climate, and there are a lot of consequences that humans face during this time.”
[So the “scientists” are saying most other animals got along fine in a warmer climate, but humans won’t. Except that is really stupid, because humans lived in the warmest areas of the planet till recently, when we became able to build warm homes there. We started out in Africa, near the equator—where it is a WHOLE lot warmer than 2 degrees C compared to where I live in Maine. Tonight it will drop to 4 degrees C where I live. In Miami FL it will drop to 22 degrees C tonight. That is an 18 degree increase. Are they suggesting if I got on a plane to Miami tomorrow and dealt with 18 degrees warmer weather, I couldn’t handle it? I would “face consequences”? Give me a break.—Nass]
A paleontological puzzle
The project began nearly a decade ago, when Smithsonian scientists were developing a new fossil hall for the National Museum of Natural History. In a departure from most other paleontology exhibits, which tend to spotlight the strangeness of dinosaurs and other ancient creatures, the new hall sought to draw parallels between Earth’s past and the climate shifts happening today.
But when curators decided to install a graph of Earth’s temperature during the Phanerozoic, they realized that no single timeline existed. Although the scientists could cobble together estimates drawn from disparate data sets and reconstructions of shorter time intervals, the approach left a lot of room for uncertainties and errors.
“That was not very satisfying scientifically,” said Scott Wing, the museum’s curator of fossil plants and one of the authors of the new study. He and his colleagues wanted to create an estimate of past climates in “a statistically rigorous way.”
The first task was to create a database of climate proxies — bits of fossil evidence that hint at how the world once was. For example, the variety of oxygen found in the teeth of extinct, eel-like creatures known as conodonts reflects the water temperature in the oceans where they lived. The chemical composition of fats from ancient algae indicates how they constructed their cell walls to deal with the heat.
Yet the database was restricted to evidence from the oceans, which cover only 70 percent of the planet’s surface. And each proxy could reveal the temperature only at a particular spot at a single point in time. Even with 150,000 data points, Judd said, it was like trying to assemble a jigsaw puzzle with only 1 percent of the pieces.
The researchers could get a better, bigger picture using a climate model — but those simulations might vary a lot based on what assumptions they made about the Earth’s behavior, and the scientists would have no way of knowing which result was the right one. So the team turned to a technique called data assimilation, which combines real-world evidence with climate models to yield more rigorous and accurate results.
“A study reveals that doubling atmospheric CO2 could raise Earth’s average temperature by up to 14 degrees, far exceeding current UN estimates. The research, based on a 45-year-old Pacific Ocean drill core, highlights a stronger relationship between CO2 levels and temperature than previously understood.”
God bless President Trump and may he pardon the J6 innocent inmates and prosecute the instigators who ran free
yes, we need him to take action as he states it
Yes. As regards heat waves, the good news is that more six-hour periods of wet bulb temperatures that are unsurvivable by healthy adults and cannot be adapted to are expected to occur firstly in muslim and other parts of the globe before they occur in the US and then are expected to occur in Arizona, Nevada and parts of California before they start occurring elsewhere in the US. This in important because California votes blue and Nevada and Arizona are swing states. Unfortunately, the elderly who primarily vote Republican are likely to be among the first affected in these states.
Lethal Heat Is Spreading across the Planet
Since 1970 more than 350 weather stations have experienced at least one six-hour period of a potentially deadly combination of heat and humidity. Scientists expect these episodes will increase as temperatures rise
A 35 C wet bulb assumes 100 percent humidity, but the same lethal combination could be met with higher air temperatures and lower humidity levels.
... Just a few hours of these conditions are unsurvivable even for the most well-adapted humans, the study found ...
Nothing legitimate comes from SA anymore. The planet experiences periods of high temperatures and high humidity all the time, especially in equatorial areas, and has for million of years. Manipulating data and making up new pseudoscience terms such as “wet bulb” is not proof of anything.
"The wet-bulb temperature (WBT) is a temperature that can be measured by a thermometer covered in cloth which has been soaked in water at ambient temperature (a wet-bulb thermometer) and over which air is passed. At 100% relative humidity, the wet-bulb temperature is equal to the air temperature (dry-bulb temperature); at lower humidity the wet-bulb temperature is lower than dry-bulb temperature because of evaporative cooling.
A sling psychrometer. The sock is wet with distilled water and whirled around for a minute or more before taking the readings.
The wet-bulb temperature is defined as the temperature of a parcel of air cooled to saturation (100% relative humidity) by the evaporation of water into it, with the latent heat supplied by the parcel.[2] A wet-bulb thermometer indicates a temperature close to the true (thermodynamic) wet-bulb temperature. The wet-bulb temperature is the lowest temperature that can be reached under current ambient conditions by the evaporation of water only.
Even heat-adapted people cannot carry out normal outdoor activities past a wet-bulb temperature of 32 °C (90 °F), equivalent to a heat index of 55 °C (131 °F). A reading of 35 °C (95 °F) – equivalent to a heat index of 71 °C (160 °F) – is considered the theoretical human survivability limit for up to six hours of exposure."
Thanks for that Philip. A heap of muslims dropped dead this year during Mecca and it wasn't even particularly humid. One of the great tragedies of science is the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by the discovery of the odd ugly fact. Are there any combinations of temperature and humidity that humans cannot survive for longer than six hours? If so, what are they and, if "wet bulb" is not a useful way to measure temperature and humidity combinations, how should they be measured?
Well, if "climate change mitigation efforts" actually lead to increases in periods of unsurvivable "wet bulb" temperatures, rather than produce decreases or have no effect, the mRNA covid vax will be the least of anyone's concerns.
Anyone that knows the score knows full well that "climate change" is every bit the criminal fraud that the "covid pandemic" was - maybe even more so. A person that does not know this is ignorant, stupid, or agrees with the agenda, which would make him/her a criminal, and part of the problem.
Not much more needs to be said here - period!
boom...stay with us...the good, bad, ugly stack may come to fruition and I will work with you on it...I am hoping we have no 'bad' or 'ugly' with each Trump's actions.
Interested to hear your thoughts on this:
“A study reveals that doubling atmospheric CO2 could raise Earth’s average temperature by up to 14 degrees, far exceeding current UN estimates. The research, based on a 45-year-old Pacific Ocean drill core, highlights a stronger relationship between CO2 levels and temperature than previously understood.”
In a word: FAKE! See my lengthier post below.
Hogwash. Fake science.
Right ... F-A-K-E!!! Just as the evidence for covid was FAKE!
Deep state says humans are destroying the planet. Of course, chemtrails is just a wonderful idea on their part. The insane oligarchs made their money selling stuff that resulted in pollution of all kinds but that's perfectly OK. Vaccine hysteria is apparently their idea of mitigation of all things bad. Oh, they are sooooo concerned that people cannot have freedom 'cuz mankind is simply not up to their standards. Let's see if Trump exposes the Epstein files, the 911 lies, etc. Bet he doesn't.......he's one of them, he'll remove all of our doubts and show he's just another Zionist turncoat.
"Deep state says humans are destroying the planet."
Okay, I'll believe them when they start practicing what they preach, instead of demanding it from everyone *EXCEPT* themselves. In particular, when they start *offing* themselves "for the good of the planet", then they'll become credible. They're just a bunch of lying hypocrites who think they're better than anyone.
Lastly, the idea that Trump is one of 'them' is a theory that I first proposed in April 2017. I believe that that theory will 'soon' be proven right or wrong.
Good to know Liz. Guess the trend of increasing heat-related deaths in the US, which are reportedly up by 117% since 1999, will now abruptly stop.
Rising Heat-Related Mortality in the US: A Growing Public Health Concern
The issue is NOT "heat related mortality", the issue is the CAUSE of the heat.
The climate criminals want you and I to believe that *WE* are the cause. While it's true that human activities may *contribute*, we are not the 'cause'.
You know how you can tell that these people are full of crap? Simple.
While they're telling YOU and ME to change our lifestyle "for the good of the planet", they ride around in their Lear Jets, fleets of gas-guzzling cars, and yachts. They tell us to "eat bugs for the good of the Earth", while they eat prime steak any time they feel the desire. FAKE ... LIES !!!
It's *ALL* a fraud. Just like when they mandated masks, "social distancing", and stay-at-home lockdowns, while they often did not wear any masks, kept no distances (attending parties and functions), and traveled anywhere they wanted.
Again, it's *ALL* a fraud. Rules for us but not for them. It's about CONTROL.
There are countless videos that prove what I'm saying here.
I hope I've answered your questions.
That's a relief Jorge. The idea that Bill Gates is actually making things worse was a a bit concerning. I had been concerned that using aircraft to release chemicals to try to "stop global warming" could backfire. There are alarmists who are claiming that "urgent action to fight climate change" is actually increasing the sun's heating of the earth by reversing "global dimming" or the "aerosol cooling effect" and that global warming zealots could bring about human extinction.
I'll start believing them when they actually practice what they preach, instead of demanding it from everyone *EXCEPT* themselves. In particular, when they kill themselves en masse "for the good of the planet", then they'll become credible. They're just a bunch of psychopath lying hypocrites who think they're better than anyone. Thus, in their minds they "deserve life and creature comforts" while the rest of humanity can "live in tiny houses and eat insects". These are EVIL monsters, undeserving of being called 'human'.
Hurricanes, floods, droughts, heat waves and more can be GEOENGINEERED -- that is, can be purposely enhanced, changed, blocked, etcetera, thereby altering natural weather systems and patterns. In my view, those heat wave related deaths could very well be GEOENGINEERED murders pursued by Technocrats and Eugenicists. We don't have time to waste trying to apply the hype the hoaxers are dishing out. We need to get the big picture, take into account all the available science -- not just the hoaxers' "consensus scientism".
Bill Gates is reportedly big on geoengineering. Additionally, the idea of using aircraft to release trails of chemicals to modify the climate is interesting.
This has been going on since *at least* the 1960's.
For just a bit of info on this, go here:
Watch the (free) documentary "The Dimming" by Dane Wigington.
There is no doubt - verifiably so - of what they've done/are doing. The data is right there for everyone to see. Arrive at your own conclusions.
Bill Gates richly deserves to become a jailbird. He's a murderer and damn proud of it.
Evil and negative for our health
Then look into the decades of work by Dane Wiggington at
There's more information there than you can shake a stick at. Many others are also involved in presenting REAL science regarding "climate change". The agendas behind this weather manipulation and geoengineering should be on everyone's radar by now and understood by all. This has been going on for decades and decades, escalating in scope and nefarious activities since the 1940's... just like quackcines, another VERY long history of assaults on humanity.
The historical global temperatures and atmospheric CO2 levels prove the opposite effect, temperatures rise prior to increasing COs levels. Current CO2 levels are near the lowest in geological history and pose an existential threat to life on the planet if reduced below photosynthesis sustainability levels of @200 ppm. Doubling current CO2 levels would lead to a more lush, verdant planet.
Right - a fact that they NEVER bring up. Plants *thrive* on CO2 and produce O2, without which humans die. They are pathological liars with self-serving agendas.
Trump is right on with this: Global warming was a political decision, and part of the narrative to create One World Gov't. They bought off enough of the Scientific Community to support the idea. It was designed to the bring about the destruction of America's economy, but the Truth is that Green Energy doesn't come close to meeting our Energy needs, and it can't. Thank you, Mr. President, for proclaiming the Truth !
boom...climate change as they sell it is a hoax, green energy is a hoax
I don't think their so-called green energy was ever meant to serve all the needs of all of us. I think they thought they'd have it for themselves when we were all depopulated as planned. Maybe then their "alternatives" might have served some purpose.
The same people pounding the climate change drum are the same involved in the geoengineering performed each day...
firstcreate crisis then offer solution... climate is no exception
its such a boring and predictable juvenile behavior..
just stop. its beyond intellectually embarrassing.
it is and must be stopped
Not sure how you do/did it day in and day out dealing with all the ass clowns selected to pretend to represent us, let alone all the unelected deep state psycopaths, especially the intel types. When you strip away all their tech and laudered drug/war money, theyre all just common criminals with badges and titles.. operating under the guise of a representative govt.
Trump better be the real deal. He better be ready day 1 to fix this shit. All of it. The deep state wont just simply surrender. He MUST bring in those to his next admin with the stomach to go to the bottom of the putrid swamp. It will be ugly. There will be casualties. Friends will become enemies and vice versa. Trump needs to deal with both accordingly. We the People will suffer more, guaranteed. Hopefully many more asleep will awaken in the aftermath.
Once you look behind the green curtain you can never unsee how deep the rabbit hole is truly.
Stay in the fight Paul. Keep us posted.
They will never stop the Climate Change hoax because people would find out that the real NATURAL cause of "Climate Change" is the coming Pole Shift. The Earth is moving 40' a year to the East and so are the latitudes. What was warm is becoming colder and what was arctic is warming.
Sure there's all the "Climate Change" bs to cover the geoengineering and Directed Energy Weapons, etc, but the carbon bs is to introduce all those regulations that are crushing our farmers. Do you remember Farm Aid? When Americans rallied and protested to stop the banks from calling in the loans on all those big generational farms. Know who owns all those huge farms now? Monsanto.
And guess who's going to be manufacturing all the new MAHA food? ;)
No kidding. It is the Black Pill.
And it is f'king depressing, until... you get to the White Pill!
Good luck putting an end to weather weaponization that has already occurred. I hope there is enough evidence with flight patterns and material orders to prove that Helene was completely engineered. I'm sure Dane Wiggington and other's were watching that closely. But this poisoning of our soil and water from the air needs to end now!
How about we address geoengineering, HAARP, cloud seeding, frequencies for weather manipulation, smart dust, etc that the cartel babylon DS globalist psychos (who run many aspects of the g0vt, including the "military" to be used against the useless eaters for the dep0pulation agenda and other nefarious deeds) use to create intentional harm, if we want to "get things out in the open". And while we're at it, let's go to basic, junior high actual "science" on CO2... which means that "reducing CO2" means reducing photosynthesis, so reducing the food supply, for starters. Simply put, no carbon= no life. Reducing carbon does nothing the "save the planet" or anything else. It destroys it. The more carbon there is, the more greenery, the higher the nutritious density of food, the better the crop growth, the healthier the population, etc. And about that "carbon bad" narrative... how about we put the REAL definition of what that means out there. Given that humans (plants, animals, etc) are carbon based, getting rid of carbon means getting rid of humans and other life forms, not some imaginary "carbon pollutuon". So to all the psychotic, low-IQ climate zealots who regurgitate nonsense about "carbon bad", parroting the BS carbon narrative under the guise of BS climate change, maybe it's time to explain to the sheople what's REALLY going on, who's behind it, and why. In this demonically-captured, inside out, upside down, backwards versions of lies and delusion being sold as truth about "climate", let's go a little deeper into reality when discussing just how full of BS the "climate" propaganda really is, and hold those accountable for geoengineering and weather manipulation (and CO2 reduction) responsible for the gen0cide and destruction they're causing while blaming cow farts and humans as the "cause" for the problem they're creating to intentionally destroy humanity and life in general.
(PS - Every single pilot spraying chemtrails, cuz they're just following orders, needs to be tried for crimes against humanity and gen0cide, just like anyone involved in creating, administering, and promoting bi0weap0n injections. They're all part of the same nefarious dep0pulation agenda.)
Agree with you! A very serious problem world wide. Canada, US, Curacao, Italy & Switzerland ive seen it and photographed the evil being sprayed on the world.
The devils are actually killing themselves along with us, playing god destroying our health, water & crops.
This is a very serious problem and must be stopped.
They have their underground cities. The C02 they sequester, from our atmosphere, via their insane equipment, (and our C02 levels are nearing critically low levels to sustain life and optimal health) gets pumped into their underground cities where they feel they'll be "unburdened by what has been" of the dirty, subhuman, useless eaters their mission it is to destroy.
Regarding Climate Change, instead of using the term Hoax, say the following:
1. The Climate has ALWAYS and will ALWAYS be changing. Trump should ban use of the word and replace it with the original more accurate term "Global Warming" (which was Global Cooling before it was Global Warming.
2. There is no amount of $ (not $100 Trillion) that can significantly reduce global warming over the next 50 years. I believe the Paris Agreement, that Trump rejected and must reject again, only estimated to reduce world temperature by 0.5 C (0.9 F) over the next 40 yrs.
2a. However spending that money will devastate economies, with the USA deliberately being hurt the most, while sparing China and India who are the major contributors of the man-made component.
3. Few will report this, but massive volcanic activity under the ice of Western Antarctica (as well as some in Greenland, etc. has been found, but Antarctica, in particular is a national security zone (secret projects not to mention true Alien activity) and outsiders are not allowed in to verify and quantitate the extent.
3a. While ice is melting at a fast rate in Western Antarctica, ice is forming in Eastern Antarctica !!!! Case Proven.
4. My good friend, who I shared an Apt. Suite with in Grad School at U of VA, was the grad student computer genius for Prof. Pat Michaels from Dept of Environmental Sciences during the 1980s.
Pat had been one of the leading world scientists who opposed the Global Warming alarmists.
He was responsible for the Republican Party withdraw from Climate alarmism.
I just checked and didn't know that Michaels passed away in 2022 at age 72.
He published dozens of articles on Hurricane modeling. Hurricanes have nothing to do with Global Warming.
Bottom line is we can't do anything about it, so why waste trillions of $ that would only weaken the USA vs the rest of the world.
And at some point, perhaps before the end of the century, gross Global Cooling may take hold.
There are much bigger issues like Pole Shifting and mass ejections from the Sun.
very informative post, thank you
“Virginia Canter, the chief ethics counsel for Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said it seemed unlikely that Burgum would have to recuse himself from the pipeline decision based on the investors’ political donations or oil money the governor is receiving from Continental. But she said it could raise questions about whether Burgum is “so entangled with these individuals and their companies – from a political and financial perspective – that he really can’t serve the public interest.”
Burgum should not be Energy Secretary he is too entangled in the CO2 pipeline which is a hoax, money and land grab.
Great! Calling out the FAKE FAKE FAKE Climate Change for the ILLUSIONISM it is -- that is step one.
Now I need to hear him take step two. I need to hear him attack the real causes of people's suffering from violent weather. I choose to hear him call out GEOENGINEERING and weather modification weapons and those who are using them to create disasters.
I think Trump can do this. He is man enough to do it. Unlike so many others.
Yes, we many know this, but THEY keep going ahead … ( UN, EU, WEF )
The Climate Hoax is to cover up what is actually happening....pole shift.
The WHITE ROSE has just released a book called THE GREEN CHEAT----- Yes THE GREEN CHEAT, where and when does one start with this 'hot potato' as there are so many liars involved and people with vested interests and hidden agendas, no doubt. When did it start? Maybe with the odd smart loony caveman telling the others no we cannot have a fire every day as we shall burn all the trees!? That never happened so the caveman was a conman and that was way back!! So nothing new regarding cons and scams!?
Now in my short time I have seen and heard what I take to be SATANIC LIES being told etc for the BENEFIT OF THE GREEN CHEATS! Get a diesel car as is better for the planet----the sea is going to flood parts of London and New York and islands shall be under water! I have asked in the past where is the water going to come from for the sea level to rise so high? The area covered with ice is minuscule compared to the area of oceans and seas so in my own brain I thought that would only make the sea rise a couple of inches at most, if every bit of ice melted. YES/NO?-----There shall be no ice left and no polar bears etc, well the polar bears never took the fur coats off to do a bit of sun bathing and are still freezing! The ice and polar bears are still there!
No doubt earth quakes and earth movement shall have caused changes at some places. Erosion on coast lines also shall have changed areas in small ways!?
Dr. Paul, you need to hear this. Trump isn't going to do any of that. He's actually surrounding himself with snakes, who SUPPORT that crap, starting with Susie Wiles, Elon Musk, etc.
Sure seems like we're in for round 2 of a "surrounded by swamp ceeatures" administration. Wiles is a pHARMa lobbyist,, pushing the same ol' pHARMa agenda. (If we were delusional hopium addicts, we could pretend that Wiles, a pHARMa insider, was going to help Trump and RFK dismantle that criminal cartel with her insider knowledge; but that's a far-fetched stretch of wishful thinking.) Guess we'll have to see if other DS players (like Pompeo, etc) will be invited back into the fold.
Trump is a bad, bad judge of character because he has none.
Paul is at least aware of the dastardly stuff Trump is capable of. He's come to realize that Trump must be watched very carefully. Musk and Wiles are suspect individuals. Trump is adored by too many people, he's no savior. He's Zionist through and through and though we are "fortunate" he came out on top, let's see if he's going to be our salvation before we anoint him. Paul needs to be placed high up in the Trump administration, we know he is true-blue. I just don't want another Shlomo administration.
The more analysis and critical thinking, the better. Thanks for this link.
The issue though is our magnetic core is weakening and thats creating climate change issues. It may be man made from wireless and satellites but it isnt man made from me eating beef or driving my car
Scientists have captured Earth's climate ocer the last 485 million years. Here's the surprising place we stand now.
By Sarah Kaplan
Simon Ducroquet
September 19, 2024 at 2:01 p.m. EDT
An ambitious effort to understand the Earth’s climate over the past 485 million years has revealed a history of wild shifts and far hotter temperatures than scientists previously realized — offering a reminder of how much change the planet has already endured and a warning about the unprecedented rate of warming caused by humans.
The timeline, published Thursday in the journal Science, is the most rigorous reconstruction of Earth’s past temperatures ever produced, the authors say. Created by combining more than 150,000 pieces of fossil evidence with state-of-the-art climate models, it shows the intimate link between carbon dioxide and global temperatures and reveals that the world was in a much warmer state for most of the history of complex animal life.
At its hottest, the study suggests, the Earth’s average temperature reached 96.8 degrees Fahrenheit (36 degrees Celsius) — far higher than the historic 58.96 F (14.98 C) the planet hit last year.
The revelations about Earth’s scorching past are further reason for concern about modern climate change, said Emily Judd, a researcher at University of Arizona and the Smithsonian specializing in ancient climates and the lead author of the study. The timeline illustrates how swift and dramatic temperature shifts were associated with many of the world’s worst moments — including a mass extinction that wiped out roughly 90 percent of all species and the asteroid strike that killed the dinosaurs.
The largest mass extinction happened 250 million years ago, when gases from volcanic eruptions – including CO₂ – raised Earth’s temperature by more than 18ºF (10ºC) in the span of about 50,000 years. [But now they say volcanic dusts cause 1-2 years of cooling—duh?-Nass]
“We know that these catastrophic events … shift the landscape of what life looks like,” Judd said. “When the environment warms that fast, animals and plants can’t keep pace with it.”
At no point in the nearly half-billion years that Judd and her colleagues analyzed did the Earth change as fast as it is changing now, she added:
“In the same way as a massive asteroid hitting the Earth, what we’re doing now is unprecedented.” [Correct—getting rid of sensors that provide undesired data, collecting data near pavement and roads that collect heat, etc. is an unprecedented method of collecting scientific data—Nass]
485 million years of temperature turmoil
The timeline encompasses almost all of the Phanerozoic — the geologic eon that began with the emergence of multicellular, non-microscopic organisms and continues today.
It portrays a global climate that was more dynamic and extreme than researchers had imagined, said Jess Tierney, a climate scientist at the University of Arizona and co-author of the study. Compared with graphs based solely on climate models, which tend to depict smaller and slower swings in temperatures, the new timeline is full of sudden spikes and abrupt shifts.
But, in keeping with decades of past research on climate, the chart hews closely to estimates of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, with temperatures rising in proportion to concentrations of the heat-trapping gas.
“Carbon dioxide is really that master dial,” Tierney said. “That’s an important message … in terms of understanding why emissions from fossil fuels are a problem today.”
At the timeline’s start, some 485 million years ago, Earth was in what is known as a hothouse climate, with no polar ice caps and average temperatures above 86 F (30 C). The oceans teemed with mollusks and arthropods, and the very first plants were just beginning to get a toehold on the land.
Temperatures began to slowly decline over the next 30 million years, as atmospheric carbon dioxide was pulled from the air, before plummeting into what scientists call a coldhouse state around 444 million years ago. Ice sheets spread across the poles and global temperatures dropped more than 18 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius). This rapid cooling is thought to have triggered the first of Earth’s “big five” mass extinctions — some 85 percent of marine species disappeared as sea levels fell and the chemistry of the oceans changed.
An even more dramatic shift occurred at the end of the Permian period, about 251 million years ago. Massive volcanic eruptions unleashed billions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, causing the planet’s temperature to shoot up by about 18 F (10 C) in roughly 50,000 years. Acid rain fell across the continents; marine ecosystems collapsed as the oceans became boiling hot and depleted of oxygen. [Hate to tell the science reporter that salty oceans do not boil till they are well over 100 degrees C, yet her graph says it never got above 86 degrees C 250 million years ago.—Nass]
“We know it to be the worst extinction in the Phanerozoic,” Tierney said. “By analogy, we should be worried about human warming because it’s so fast. We’re changing Earth’s temperature at a rate that exceeds anything we know about.” [By what measure? Oh yes, the measure of whether Tierney will get another NSF grant—Nass]
The study also makes clear that the conditions humans are accustomed to are quite different from those that have dominated our planet’s history. For most of the Phanerozoic, the research suggests, average temperatures have exceeded 71.6 F (22 C), with little or no ice at the poles. Coldhouse climates — including our current one — prevailed just 13 percent of the time.
This is one of the more sobering revelations of the research, Judd said. Life on Earth has endured climates far hotter than the one people are now creating through planet-warming emissions. But humans evolved during the coldest epoch of the Phanerozoic, when global average temperatures were as low as 51.8 F (11 C).
Without rapid action to curb greenhouse gas emissions, scientists say, global temperatures could reach nearly 62.6 F (17 C) by the end of the century — a level not seen in the timeline since the Miocene epoch, more than 5 million years ago.
[Can you see how they are now tweaking the narrative to conform to these new observations? It is no longer the degree of warming that is a problem, since we experienced much warmer climates in most of the past; no, it is the speed of warming.—Nass]
The planet has been heating up for the past 20,000 years – but human-caused emissions in recent centuries have pushed the rate of warming into unprecedented territory.
“We built our civilization around those geologic landscapes of an icehouse,” Judd said. “So even though climate has been warmer, humans haven’t lived in a warmer climate, and there are a lot of consequences that humans face during this time.”
[So the “scientists” are saying most other animals got along fine in a warmer climate, but humans won’t. Except that is really stupid, because humans lived in the warmest areas of the planet till recently, when we became able to build warm homes there. We started out in Africa, near the equator—where it is a WHOLE lot warmer than 2 degrees C compared to where I live in Maine. Tonight it will drop to 4 degrees C where I live. In Miami FL it will drop to 22 degrees C tonight. That is an 18 degree increase. Are they suggesting if I got on a plane to Miami tomorrow and dealt with 18 degrees warmer weather, I couldn’t handle it? I would “face consequences”? Give me a break.—Nass]
A paleontological puzzle
The project began nearly a decade ago, when Smithsonian scientists were developing a new fossil hall for the National Museum of Natural History. In a departure from most other paleontology exhibits, which tend to spotlight the strangeness of dinosaurs and other ancient creatures, the new hall sought to draw parallels between Earth’s past and the climate shifts happening today.
But when curators decided to install a graph of Earth’s temperature during the Phanerozoic, they realized that no single timeline existed. Although the scientists could cobble together estimates drawn from disparate data sets and reconstructions of shorter time intervals, the approach left a lot of room for uncertainties and errors.
“That was not very satisfying scientifically,” said Scott Wing, the museum’s curator of fossil plants and one of the authors of the new study. He and his colleagues wanted to create an estimate of past climates in “a statistically rigorous way.”
The first task was to create a database of climate proxies — bits of fossil evidence that hint at how the world once was. For example, the variety of oxygen found in the teeth of extinct, eel-like creatures known as conodonts reflects the water temperature in the oceans where they lived. The chemical composition of fats from ancient algae indicates how they constructed their cell walls to deal with the heat.
Yet the database was restricted to evidence from the oceans, which cover only 70 percent of the planet’s surface. And each proxy could reveal the temperature only at a particular spot at a single point in time. Even with 150,000 data points, Judd said, it was like trying to assemble a jigsaw puzzle with only 1 percent of the pieces.
The researchers could get a better, bigger picture using a climate model — but those simulations might vary a lot based on what assumptions they made about the Earth’s behavior, and the scientists would have no way of knowing which result was the right one. So the team turned to a technique called data assimilation, which combines real-world evidence with climate models to yield more rigorous and accurate results.
read the rest on the WaPo
High taxes will reduce temperatures.
This is interesting:
“A study reveals that doubling atmospheric CO2 could raise Earth’s average temperature by up to 14 degrees, far exceeding current UN estimates. The research, based on a 45-year-old Pacific Ocean drill core, highlights a stronger relationship between CO2 levels and temperature than previously understood.”