BOOM! DeSantis: "They lied about the COVID gene injection mRNA vaccine, they lied! They said if you take it, will not get COVID, that is false & people with multiple boosters are deathly at risk"
BOOM! DeSantis: "They lied about the COVID gene injection mRNA vaccine, they lied! They said if you take it, will not get COVID, that is false & people with multiple boosters are deathly at risk"
Did DeSantis fire a shot at Trump? If so it is a nuanced one and POTUS Trump best come up soon to denounce the lockdowns and these vaccine under his administration; left will hang it on him soon!
Your weren't there when President Trump had to put up with Fraudchi, Birx, and Redfield. Remember Traitor Mike Pence selected Fraudchi. There are reasons things aren't said.
You're not telling me anything I don't know. But I have a major problem with Trump's current blindspot on the jabs. Maybe it's the same blindspot that causes him to hire so many backstabbers?
If someone wrote a novel with all these twists and turns, they'd be laughed out of the publishing business. The layers of evil, and the depths of treachery are beyond comprehension. I remember the Cuban Crisis and Venezuela falling. Unless something turns things around, we're next.
I suspect Trump’s “blindspot” is one of his closest confidants who advises him in the most critical matters who he trusts completely and who he would never believe would ever betray him. eg. a family member with a serious grudge.
That sounds catchy, but not really true, is it? He has been the most effective president of our time with everything he was able to accomplish, despite everything the left and right tried to throw at him. Imagine what he could accomplished if other politicians were supporting him.
The only honest politicians are the ones that the others refuse to debate. Diane Sare was running against Mcconell in New York, and she had all the signatures, was on the ballot but he refused to debate her or even recognize the fact that she existed at all. She went to his rally and challenged him, and he ignored her. Look at the Larouche Organization for real Americans that have our interests and our countries protection at heart, stop looking for saviors among the sold out and bought off two parties duopoly as they will never lead us to anything but slavery.
They turned Martin Luther King into a theme park. He was critical of the American war machine for the last year of his life, and they conveniently leave this out and all you hear is I have a dream. Google his sermon at Riverside church the year before the state murdered him and listen to what he says. If this doesn't change your mind about what they did to his legacy and how he is presented, then I don't know what will. The revisionist historians along with the FBI have painted him as a womanizer but this is a smear job. He had the courage to say what was true and he knew he was going to die for it, but he was willing to sacrifice to tell the truth, now it is all forgotten as if it never happened. As one of my heroes, Joe Bagent said "America your peeps be so stupid" is damned right. Take the red pill
Oh, by the way Trump and Epstein were good buds for years. The company you keep. You should read Whitney Webbs two volumes The United States of Blackmail and see what the real deal is about the connections between all these players.
The why is to cover for his actual disbelief in Christianity. His Bible waving fooled so many people. I am sure he has never read the book at all, but it did play well with the evangelicals in the country. He had the power and the opportunity to stop the covid scam from happening, but he did nothing. He read Dr. Zelenko's letter about the two effective drugs and suggested making them available to all Americans. He could have given an executive order, but he instead started talking about vaccine at warp speed and never mentioned the logical and sensible approach to the virus and it turns out they would have changed the deadly outcomes of using the vaccine and then killing the hospitalized with Remdesivir. Just like AZT was the only drug allowed for AIDS which killed 100% of patients who took it. Arther Ash, the tennis pro had hearts surgery and received HIV tainted blood, his doctor prescribed the only approved treatment, AZT and he died, not from AIDS but from AZT. Fauci did this and Trump is responsible for covid because he did not have the stones to stand up to Fauci and his cabal of vipers. Watch the film, The real Anthony Fauci and see who he is and what he has done.
Trump thought Pence was straight shooter and loyal, he found out later that he was a pedophile and actually that he and Tim Ryan had planned to kill him and take Presidency and Ryan as VP, something not many people knew about! Both are traitors and will be gone soon.
I love Trump, but I will criticize him when necessary. He could have gotten rid of Fauci. Because he didn't, Fauci grew to become the face of all the leftists loved. Fauci is Trump's doing.
Agreed about Trump. Fakesey has been at it since 1984, 1985 AIDS. He's been a low class weasel his whole life, and finally now it's come out in the public. When people like him are puppets to the big demon crap mama, they do what they're told. He destroyed Judy Mikovits' career. She is a PhD in virology, was well ahead of him in AIDS research. He would not approve her paper, slandered her, then later took some of her research gave it to Robert Gallo and they basically claimed it.
Lynn, he was the President of the United States. He could have overridden them and insisted on doing what Dr. Zelensky told him in his letter. He could have issued an executive order for Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin as he himself stated but what did he do, he went along talking about vaccine and warp-speed. Not another word about the commonsense approach that turns out to be the right approach after three years and millions of dead. Sorry but he does not get a pass from this.
He also said take the shots if you want there was never any mandate those came from joe and were all illegal, NO ONE can MANDATE masks and experimental vaccines. IT IS A FEDERAL STATUTE. Trump was president and if he pushed Birx's, Collins and Fauci aside that would have started WW3. They were the EXPERTS, that we did not know knew NOTHING till later. So, you sit in judgement all you want, it was a bad situation all the way around. You could tell Trump hated the position that the 3 put him in! All 3 need to be arrested, tried and convicted of crimes against humanity.
So? Let's SAY THEM!!! People won't learn a thing if we don't say it out loud!!! First, I think Trump and DeSantis are working together to stop these Globalists. I sure hope they win. Otherwise, we'll be living in a second CHINA.
You remember? Back before the shots came out, when they were having all those TV updates on the PLANDEMIC.....24/7 we were all there watching. We saw when all of a sudden Trump started looking at Fauci as if he were the KING OF HELL. That was a very obvious change. That was right after FAUCI and the CDC VETOED Trump's Executive Order for HCQ for every single American. President Trump DID listen to DR. Zelenko who treated the President with HCQ when he got the "covid" flu. Dr. Zelenko told us about the President's plan before he died. He was so sad that President Trump had not listened to him.
Trump had written an EXECUTIVE ORDER for HCQ for every American! It was ready to go out. If he'd been strong, and ignored Fauci/Birx/Collins and the rest, and trusted Dr. Zelenko,.....500,000 people might have been saved. But Dr. Fauci is the highest paid doctor in the Country, over $400,000 a year, (and has NEVER SEEN EVEN ONE PATIENT in this whole career) And he was the "EXPERT". LOL! The "GOLD Standard". What a JOKE!
So our President, who is NOT a doctor, listened to him. He was angry, but he didn't know what else to do, Fauci was the so called 'EXPERT". I suppose, if he had stood his ground, they would have impeached him for that too and won! They needed people to die and for the FEAR PORN to be RAMPANT 24/7!
FAUCI and his MINIONS came out immediately and said "NO!!! There have been NO TRIALS!! We don't know if it will work or make things worse!!! STOP!" They put FAKE 'TRIALS' in the MEDICAL JOURNALS to prove that HCQ killed people!! They used Toxic doses of HCQ in very very sick people and lied about the results.
Then they ordered Pharmacies and doctors NOT TO PRESCRIBE either HCQ or Ivermectin or they'd lose their licences, or be arrested, both those drugs work just fine against ANY FLU! (even the Seasonal flu by the way. No need for a seasonal flu shot either.) They withheld meds that would have saved 100,000's of people, mostly grandma's and grandpas.
"Fauci's Protocol" (the only thing allowed to be done to patients by FAUCI) Remdesivir and Vents murdered 1000's of people in Hospitals around the country. People died in mass, alone with out family to even say goodbye to! They were MURDERED. Hospitals were paid for each 'PCR TEST" covid POSITIVE DEATH. Sometimes as much as $100,000 per patient depending on where the hospital was located. Real Doctors were sent home and medical students were told to slap people on vents, many had never done it before, and were totally intimidated by their bosses. Whistle Blower nurses have spoken about the horrors they watched. It was Incentivized Murder on a grand scale.
It was necessary! Without the FEAR PORN no one would have taken the VAXs, and the DEPOPULATION AGENDA would have failed. Because of FAUCI, it didn't fail, and Millions world wide are dying or being permanently injured by these Death Shots.
FAUCI knew that if HCQ or Ivermectin worked, he even said so when he released the SARS plandemic. He KNEW he couldn't put out an Emergency Authorized Shot if there were any current meds that would work.
So, their DEPOPULATION PLAN is going well. The Globalists have gotten what they were trying to get,....a massive decrease in the global population. They have been losing control and the only way to bring in their total CONTROL of the Planet, they had to CULL the Population. They've done it many times! But usually, they create a world WAR or a 'Great Depression' to cover it all up. This time, they don't have Cover, so they are doing it all out in the open. No shame, no fear, because they control it all. The justice system is theirs! The government is theirs, they control every one in almost every country.
This fight against the Globalists/WEF/DAVOS Group/G7 and many other special/secret organizations is Global! It's not just here, it's everywhere. I sure hope the White Hats, who has been working on this since 2012,
That is the best synopsis I've seen. Thank you so much. dr fakesey is nothing but a 2 bit politician who is paraded around like a real doctor by the hidden hand of hitlery.
What people apparently don't realize is that Ivermectin won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2015. The first time in 60 years that it went to a treatment for infectious diseases. That fact has been carefully hidden. Of course the scum in the District of Corruption are fully aware of that fact.
A lot of folks see it that way. The cabal had Trump completely cornered with belts & braces. The 2020 election was phony as a $3 bill. And Pelosi had him distracted with multiple bogus impeachments and investigations. And then there was traitors Barr and Pence. I defy anyone to have been able to overcome that kind of crooked assault.
I didn’t trust Barr from Day 1. He looks like a lazy slob. Zero energy. I’d prefer someone who looked like he wouldn’t get knocked out or have a coronary 15 seconds into the first round.
Me too. He seems blind to all the damage from the jabs. I don’t understand how he cannot be aware of it. Alex Jones confronted him directly. If he ignores DeSantis’s statement, I’m gonna start leaning towards DeSantis for 2024.
You people still don't understand. The Elections have been taken over by the Communist Regime trying to run our Country. There will never be another Republican President. Oh, so you think the Leftists will not pounce on DeSantis.
You may well be right. I’m hoping election law gets to the Supreme Court soon where mail-in ballot, voting machines are declared illegal and other safeguards incorporated.
Then what's the end point, if you think that way? There are many things we don't know and
never will. Where is the Military? They haven't helped President Trump. They are supposed to protect us from Enemies Foreign and Domestic. They haven't helped either. We have been under a Coup since January 20, 2021. The Corrupt Biden Family is hiding in the White House.
JOE, Obama, and the rest of the Commies are trying to destroy Our Great Nation.
People have Free Will to make their own decisions on who to vote for in an Election. But, even before the Fraudulent Election of 2020, we never had fair Elections. Oh, so you didn't benefit at all from the GOOD President Trump did for, We The People?
DeSantis has skeletons in the closet that have not come out in the mainstream yet. Things like torturing prisoners.
Trump has nothing to fear from DeSantis. MSM is propping up DeSantis early for a reason. They can control DeSantis. They can't control Trump because no matter how hard they try, they have nothing on Trump that is real.
They have everything on Trump actually. He is one of the top covid jab salesmen in the universe. Currently...the service he is providing to globalism far outweighs any insubordination he displays...whether even that is geniune, or feigned for the sake of theatre.
Trump took the word of eugenics Bill Gates over Bobby Kennedy about the harm childhood vaccinations were doing to children. Trump could have exposed that. He refused to protect children and instead took money from big pharma for his inauguration. If those in power let him get re-elected, we are in for big trouble. God only knows what they will get Mr Ego to agree to.
There is a lot about Trump I respect. His outward disdain for globalists and msm being 2 examples. His shortcomings are their equals though..and will be his undoing, if not ours too. I still am not positive if he is genuine...or just plays a damn good game.
Because, those people aren't real. All those bots do all day long is talk trash about President Trump. Even if they are real, they are liars. What a Country we live in when
everyday these news channels spew lies. FOX is the same.
You people don't get it. After the Leftists showed us they could slap another stolen Election (the Midterms) in our face, there is NEVER going to be another Republican President. What a disgrace the Midterms were and mostly all Republican Candidates gave up the fight.
Like Mastriano in Pennsylvania. Since, he has his State Senate seat to run back to he pledged in a letter to help Jew Shapiro with his agenda. Well, that means that he's certainly changed his position on fracking. We just had 8 years of Jew Tom Wolf and now another 4 years of Shapiro. Pennsylvania will be decimated. There was an article stating that the wins in the US House doesn't add up. I just wonder how the Leftists figured out to make the US House win so close that Rhinos (really Democrats) can cross party lines and Bingo Dems with the win on legislation.
If more people in this country understood how this republic is actually supposed to work -- and looked at the evidence of how Presidents have helped destroy it -- and had actual regard for Governor DeSantis -- very few would think the idea of DeSantis getting "elected" to lead the world's largest and deadliest organized crime was a good idea. Including him.
Despite legislation and amendments that have weakened the States' power over the federal government, the States are supposed to run the swamp, not the other way around. The 14th Amendment helped to weaken the republic as did the 17th.
Regarding the 17th Amendment, the point of having State legislatures appoint Senators to the swamp was manifold. First, the people elect their State legislators. Those legislators appoint U.S. Senators who act -- in a republic -- as emissaries for their States. Should those Senators fail in their duties or are found to be corrupt, the State legislatures have the power to remove them and appoint new ones. This affords the people in the States greater power.
As for the Executive under the Constitution? Under Article II, the responsibilities of the Executive (the President) are enumerated and very limited -- more of a figurehead than an all-powerful king. The President makes treaties, appoints ambassadors and Supreme Court justices, commands the armed forces, etc. (The only Constitutional military force is the Navy.) As for utilizing military force, the President must make a case to the Congress that 𝒂 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒘𝒂𝒓 exists. Then Congress must decide, based on the case made by the President, whether to 𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒓𝒆 war. That is the only way the United States can lawfully engage in military action.
These are just a couple of examples. The devolution away from true republicanism and toward an all-powerful central government "managed" by a capo di capo that we call "President" has enabled the growth of the crime syndicate to such a degree that most in this country have no idea what it means to live in a true republic, including not looking to a "king."
Idk about this we stuff. I’m a pure blood and intend on staying so.
The only stance of his that offends me is his utter lack of accountability for shilling these death shots. To have the gall to parrot some of the worst Covid propaganda and lies, never apologizing, and then attacking the very industry he whored himself out for a year earlier? All while pretending like he’s been on “our side” the entire time? Man that’s some chutzpah.
Apparently there is no end to the abuse we as Liberty loving Americans are willing to take. Our leaders can lie to us, gaslight us, terrorize us, tell us to inject poison to be able to live your life, and if you want a measly apology well I guess you’re just a hater.
What is wrong with never apologizing for misleading millions people? What is wrong indeed.
He did lockdown the state for a while, didn't he? I am happy he has come around and has seen the light, but that he acts as if he has known all this time (as we purebloods have known) is exasperating, at the least.
This disturbs me... He says he's Catholic. Why is he praying with non Catholics? Catholics aren't allowed to pray with non Catholics. Catholics don't pray at wailing wall.
Catholics do pray with other faiths. I was against them having a group where Muslims come to learn the Catholic Faith and Catholics their religion which says they kill non-believers Doesn't make sense.
Absolutely reasonable to expect apology from someone who "toed the line" and adhered to the "company narrative" before said policies could be deemed, SCIENTIFICALLY, safe and effective. Many of us here NEVER took a jab, that was a prudent decision - particularly with the benefit of hindsight.
An apology is a reasonable expectation, certainly. But apologies don't lead to grants of amnesty, either.
If you are asking for an apology from me, John?
Also reasonable. I see ppl. constantly bashing the Gov, and I happen to think that those residing in Florida should be happy to have him. Does he have an agenda?
Perhaps. Likely, in fact. But as to covid and "pandemic" response? While he has come around, many refuse to. We need all the help we can get - desperately.
Sorry if I was a bit 'over the top' on my response, Scipio.
This is pure speculation on my part, but I think DeSantis has come to trust his instincts more...but he's learning the hard way. Back in Mar 2020, DeSantis stated that ordering a shutdown of his state would make him a "dictator." He was right. He went ahead, sadly, and did that being among the last to do so. Three weeks later, he said that that would never happen again in Florida while he was governor.
He then began teaching himself about this severe (for some) respiratory infection, which brought him to those who crafted the Great Barrington Declaration. These connections may have brought Dr. Ladapo -- a champion for treatment and a champion for freedom -- to DeSantis's attention.
That said, DeSantis like all governors save one broke their Constitutional oaths. Apologizing would entail admitting to that, even if indirectly. Any person, but especially a politician, having witnessed the wholesale obedience by "the people" to the blatantly unlawful and utterly stupid would have to ask himself, "Why should I apologize? Look what the people did."
Further, witnessing the 𝙘𝙤𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙞𝙘𝙚 of "the people" that resulted in a failure to defend basic human rights, but that also demanded that we 𝒂𝒍𝒍 toss them overboard over a respiratory infection provides further support for any politician, including DeSantis, to tell anyone demanding an apology to go pound sand.
Wow! An article from an obscure news rag from only God knows where puts out a hit piece by an anonymous writer, and you try to pass it off as factual?? 😂😂
The link goes to a brief article with an embedded video produced by “Eyes Left” which gives a clue to its obvious political orientation. Then the BS begins claiming we know little of DeSantis’s military experience. Much of it was as a lawyer with JAG for the Navy Seals. This is readily available. You might want to start reading more reliable sources.
The people of this country believed an absurdity (the government's official Sep 11 story). This evidently enabled them to ignore the gross human rights violation that was/is Guantanamo. I'm sure DeSantis believed the official story and maybe still does. Meanwhile, inhabitants of the "land of the free" willingly allowed 4th Amendment rights' violations at airports all across the fruited plain if it helped ensure their "safety." Instead of looking at DeSantis, I'd say what's in order is a mirror...
As for knowing what DeSantis did at Guantanamo or elsewhere during his military career? I'm married to a former SEAL -- going on 40 years -- and even I ain't never gonna know about what he did...
DeSantis was an Ivy League educated attorney for the SEALS. Seems there’s a few bogus stories being floated about him now typical of Democrat propaganda.
Previously I have heard extremely upsetting eye wittness accounts
of our soldiers regularly engaging in totally illegal behavior in Iraq where people were taken into custody then "interrogated" and tortured to death. Much as we have been propagandized into believing that America is "the good guys", it just isn't true. Every war we have been involved in since WWII has Globalist profiteering written all over it!
Nobody says a word about what Fraudster Joe and his Commies are doing with the JABS. Why hasn't he stopped them? Because, he's bought by Big Pharma. He just extended the EUA until the end of 2023.
He can't end the EUA or the shots lose their EUA authorization, and until they get final approvals to add to the Childhood Vaccine Schedule for school attendance, the manufacturers would lose their immunity from lawsuits. I think, if I'm understanding this correctly, that so far it is just a recommendation that the shots be given to all school children. Once accepted by states or school districts to be mandated for school, the shots get full liability protection when given to adults, too.
Now, if only DeSantis will change the HOSPITAL PROTOCALS, because people are finding out it’s like being in a “ROACH MOTEL”. AND YOU CAN GO IN, BUT YOU CANNOT COME OUT! (Without a rescue many times now IN MANY PLACES INCLUDING FLORIDA!! He did some law agreement or order…Please brief him on this too, Dr. Alexander, because people
When he says what his plans are to prosecute Gates, Fauci, et al, who caused millions to die, millions more to be permanently disabled, millions to lose their livelihood....., then I'll be impressed. Yes, it's good to say it but with no specific prosecution plans it's akin to Republicans in congress blathering on about more hearings and more 'investigations' that go NOWHERE. And watch for the "if the evidence leads to prosecutions, then yes I'll certainly support that." No, what will YOU do to prosecute these criminals??
Currently Canada has maybe two politicians who get this. Imagine that. A country of 38 million, and only 2 politicians understand there is an elephant in the room regarding the jabs.
Unfortunately...those politicians are a pretty close estimate as a % of the number of Canadians who see the big picture. My guess...less than 5% of Canadians have any idea what is happening right now.
The 95% could name the top 5 shows on netflix...rattle off stats about the NHL...tell you everything they learned about climate change from the CBC...tell you approximately how many genders there are as of 6:45 pm on November 26th, and show you screen shots of their covid-jab band-aids... but have not got a frik of a clue who Larry Fink is, or what nefarious Board of Directors he sits on.
I hear you. I'm an old f👀ker, old enough to remember Turdhole's father dirty Pierre started our slide into eternal debt & brainwashed bovine stupidity. Our MSM is bought with govt subsidies & has proven a profitable investment for the family. Canada is a retardedgiant...
Cheer up: they aren't ALL like that. Remember the Trucker Convoy? SOME Canadians have figured it out.
The question is, "Can the others be reached before it is too late and they are mostly dead or the Globalist Surveillance State has hopelessly gotten control?" (And turned shot-survivors into "The Borg"?)
Pretty much what I said. Not all like that...just the majority. Too many to tip the scales this time around.
Do you live in Canada? If so, which part?
If may only be getting a part of the story.
There are a couple pockets in Canada of resistance...pretty much relegated to Alberta. The best example might be LaCrete, a Mennonite farming community, not too far from the NWTerritories.
Trudeau has come unhinged in his quest for power and no legacy media has taken any interest in challenging him...nor have his party members...and apparently. his voters are on board. Between the four leftist parties in Canada, they control about 65% of the vote. Even many of the conservatives are seriously compromised, as are their voters. The conservative provinces were some of the worst offenders for deploying fascist, authoritarian dictats and mandates...marching in lockstep with big pharma and the WHO.
While I would love to share your optimism, hopium will not be the high that gets us through this global war. Appreciate your comment just the same.
Good recap of our current situation. The corruption in this country runs deep and has been going on (with small breaks) at least since the Mulroney era. Teflon Trudeau seems to be able to do whatever he likes and get away with it. How much did he personally make from the WE scandal? How much has he profited from Acuitas? If it had been Harper who covered up SNC the MSM would have never rested until he resigned.
Alberta - the only province who threw Christian pastors in jail and barricaded the churches.
BC - take a look at their new legislation for the medical profession.
Ontario - the corrupt cheesecake chef who enacted emergency legislation before the feds did and now has Dr Lenin pushing masks.
The cover-up of deaths from the mandated injections (why did Alberta and Ontario stop publishing stats??)
Eastern provinces - who tried to stop the people who wouldnt be coerced from being able to shop for food?
The churches (other than a few) who failed to stand up to government tyranny.
And finally - where are the truckers now? Not a word about our gun rights being eroded or the fact that many of us still can't enter the US.
If the world needed a a leader with the delicate touch of a healer-a tender heart of a dreamer-a vision of liberty in the form of the red white and blue-with words of individual freedom over the dictates of a Communist tyrannical oligarchy has spoken words of TRUTH! Maybe .....
It would be better if the political nonsense was left by the wayside. Neither DeSantis nor Trump are medical professionals. But then when you think on it, many claiming to be medical professionals are nothing more than slaves to the whims of big pharma and the medical establishment. This should not be reduced to a Trump verses DeSantis debate. A lot will happen in the next 2 years before the 2024 elections...provided there even are any elections.
The only choice we have in every election is the lesser of two evils and this is the saddest thing. Ask yourself why this is true. If the entire game is rigged, then both parties are complicit right? What is the alternative? The Larouche Organization for the original American system but what has happened to other people who tried to get us back to this? Hamilton, murdered, Lincoln, murdered, Rosvelt new deal policies, reversed piece by piece, Kennedy, murdered, Kennedy, murdered, King, Murdered, Malcolm, murdered. Anyone who has a national platform that is critical of the real power structure has to go and of course they are all murdered by a lone nut gunman right. If you read Lyndon Larouche, you will see that he was the most accurate predicter of economics for the past fifty years and as an historian he is unmatched and of course they trumped up charges and put him in prison but that did not stop him. If you read and listen to what he said and wrote, you will see we have been on the wrong path from the beginning. The vanilla history we are brainwashed with is a lie. Take the red pill.
Whatever is the motivation for DeSantis to say this so forcefully, Trump is relevant to it.
Trump's character obviously hates admitting to any error at all. He has to be the smartest one in the room. But he doesn't look it until he admits this error in the face of the biggest genocide in history.
This must be what Revelation referred to about the sixth part of mankind dying.
Dr. Alexander, I have followed you from the beginning but to suggest this is any kind of liable against Trump is frankly false. What is known about Trumps about face on the covid policies is public knowledge. He first stated that every American should have hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin made available to them as per the letter he received from Dr. Zelenko that was read allowed on camera. He immediately started talking about the vaccine and warp speed and forgetting about what should have been done. His abdication of common sense makes him incompetent or complicit. This cannot be forgiven no matter what Desantis motives are. I am sure he is running for POTUS, and he will probably win. He at least had the stones to criticize the lockdowns and masks, kept the Florida economy running, what did Trum do? He did not make America great again; he made it crazy again.
Smooth move by DeSantis! If this doesn’t get Trump off his ass on the jabs, nothing will.
Your weren't there when President Trump had to put up with Fraudchi, Birx, and Redfield. Remember Traitor Mike Pence selected Fraudchi. There are reasons things aren't said.
You're not telling me anything I don't know. But I have a major problem with Trump's current blindspot on the jabs. Maybe it's the same blindspot that causes him to hire so many backstabbers?
Like our great leader in Canada. He will never admit wrong???
De Santis should be president not the Tramp .
I have never figured out why Trump selected pence, the holier than thou 2 bit 2 faced jerk
I heard that Mitch and the GOP pushed for Pence. That's the only way GOP would
nominate Trump. Then you see what happened immediately when Traitor Pence was
in office. That turmoil and lies started about Michael Flynn. You can tell by Pence's
advisors they were all against Trump. Remember, it was one of Pence's advisors who
was locked out of his office after the 2020 Fraud Election. Love your description of
Pence. Then he still thinks he's relevant. He used religion in vain. People like him
have NO shame. Then I read where Adam Kinzinger's wife worked for Pence.
If someone wrote a novel with all these twists and turns, they'd be laughed out of the publishing business. The layers of evil, and the depths of treachery are beyond comprehension. I remember the Cuban Crisis and Venezuela falling. Unless something turns things around, we're next.
I suspect Trump’s “blindspot” is one of his closest confidants who advises him in the most critical matters who he trusts completely and who he would never believe would ever betray him. eg. a family member with a serious grudge.
Trump has so many blind spots ,he should not even be driving .
That sounds catchy, but not really true, is it? He has been the most effective president of our time with everything he was able to accomplish, despite everything the left and right tried to throw at him. Imagine what he could accomplished if other politicians were supporting him.
Needed the chuckle. Really hard to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Jared, perhaps?
Good point.
The only honest politicians are the ones that the others refuse to debate. Diane Sare was running against Mcconell in New York, and she had all the signatures, was on the ballot but he refused to debate her or even recognize the fact that she existed at all. She went to his rally and challenged him, and he ignored her. Look at the Larouche Organization for real Americans that have our interests and our countries protection at heart, stop looking for saviors among the sold out and bought off two parties duopoly as they will never lead us to anything but slavery.
I voted for JFK and Trump. The rest of my votes were for the lesser of 2 evils. Two exceptions was Gore and Bush. I voted for Miss Piggy.
Remember a politician and a real statesman are not the same creature. We now have politicians with the exception of Diane Sare of New York.
They turned Martin Luther King into a theme park. He was critical of the American war machine for the last year of his life, and they conveniently leave this out and all you hear is I have a dream. Google his sermon at Riverside church the year before the state murdered him and listen to what he says. If this doesn't change your mind about what they did to his legacy and how he is presented, then I don't know what will. The revisionist historians along with the FBI have painted him as a womanizer but this is a smear job. He had the courage to say what was true and he knew he was going to die for it, but he was willing to sacrifice to tell the truth, now it is all forgotten as if it never happened. As one of my heroes, Joe Bagent said "America your peeps be so stupid" is damned right. Take the red pill
I went back, read up on MLK, and was shocked. How the hell did I miss that. It never stops, does it.
Oh, by the way Trump and Epstein were good buds for years. The company you keep. You should read Whitney Webbs two volumes The United States of Blackmail and see what the real deal is about the connections between all these players.
The why is to cover for his actual disbelief in Christianity. His Bible waving fooled so many people. I am sure he has never read the book at all, but it did play well with the evangelicals in the country. He had the power and the opportunity to stop the covid scam from happening, but he did nothing. He read Dr. Zelenko's letter about the two effective drugs and suggested making them available to all Americans. He could have given an executive order, but he instead started talking about vaccine at warp speed and never mentioned the logical and sensible approach to the virus and it turns out they would have changed the deadly outcomes of using the vaccine and then killing the hospitalized with Remdesivir. Just like AZT was the only drug allowed for AIDS which killed 100% of patients who took it. Arther Ash, the tennis pro had hearts surgery and received HIV tainted blood, his doctor prescribed the only approved treatment, AZT and he died, not from AIDS but from AZT. Fauci did this and Trump is responsible for covid because he did not have the stones to stand up to Fauci and his cabal of vipers. Watch the film, The real Anthony Fauci and see who he is and what he has done.
Trump thought Pence was straight shooter and loyal, he found out later that he was a pedophile and actually that he and Tim Ryan had planned to kill him and take Presidency and Ryan as VP, something not many people knew about! Both are traitors and will be gone soon.
Thank you. I did not know that. It just never stops, does it.
So true. Aren't you glad we're such a free nation with such good, respectable, honest politicians? Not!
I love Trump, but I will criticize him when necessary. He could have gotten rid of Fauci. Because he didn't, Fauci grew to become the face of all the leftists loved. Fauci is Trump's doing.
Agreed about Trump. Fakesey has been at it since 1984, 1985 AIDS. He's been a low class weasel his whole life, and finally now it's come out in the public. When people like him are puppets to the big demon crap mama, they do what they're told. He destroyed Judy Mikovits' career. She is a PhD in virology, was well ahead of him in AIDS research. He would not approve her paper, slandered her, then later took some of her research gave it to Robert Gallo and they basically claimed it.
WHO are you talking about?
Fakesey, the useless dr fauci. I have other names for him, but will leave them out.
NO....Fraudchi is Traitor Pence's doing. Word has it that Paul Ryan was behind what Pence did.
Lynn, he was the President of the United States. He could have overridden them and insisted on doing what Dr. Zelensky told him in his letter. He could have issued an executive order for Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin as he himself stated but what did he do, he went along talking about vaccine and warp-speed. Not another word about the commonsense approach that turns out to be the right approach after three years and millions of dead. Sorry but he does not get a pass from this.
He also said take the shots if you want there was never any mandate those came from joe and were all illegal, NO ONE can MANDATE masks and experimental vaccines. IT IS A FEDERAL STATUTE. Trump was president and if he pushed Birx's, Collins and Fauci aside that would have started WW3. They were the EXPERTS, that we did not know knew NOTHING till later. So, you sit in judgement all you want, it was a bad situation all the way around. You could tell Trump hated the position that the 3 put him in! All 3 need to be arrested, tried and convicted of crimes against humanity.
So? Let's SAY THEM!!! People won't learn a thing if we don't say it out loud!!! First, I think Trump and DeSantis are working together to stop these Globalists. I sure hope they win. Otherwise, we'll be living in a second CHINA.
You remember? Back before the shots came out, when they were having all those TV updates on the PLANDEMIC.....24/7 we were all there watching. We saw when all of a sudden Trump started looking at Fauci as if he were the KING OF HELL. That was a very obvious change. That was right after FAUCI and the CDC VETOED Trump's Executive Order for HCQ for every single American. President Trump DID listen to DR. Zelenko who treated the President with HCQ when he got the "covid" flu. Dr. Zelenko told us about the President's plan before he died. He was so sad that President Trump had not listened to him.
Trump had written an EXECUTIVE ORDER for HCQ for every American! It was ready to go out. If he'd been strong, and ignored Fauci/Birx/Collins and the rest, and trusted Dr. Zelenko,.....500,000 people might have been saved. But Dr. Fauci is the highest paid doctor in the Country, over $400,000 a year, (and has NEVER SEEN EVEN ONE PATIENT in this whole career) And he was the "EXPERT". LOL! The "GOLD Standard". What a JOKE!
So our President, who is NOT a doctor, listened to him. He was angry, but he didn't know what else to do, Fauci was the so called 'EXPERT". I suppose, if he had stood his ground, they would have impeached him for that too and won! They needed people to die and for the FEAR PORN to be RAMPANT 24/7!
FAUCI and his MINIONS came out immediately and said "NO!!! There have been NO TRIALS!! We don't know if it will work or make things worse!!! STOP!" They put FAKE 'TRIALS' in the MEDICAL JOURNALS to prove that HCQ killed people!! They used Toxic doses of HCQ in very very sick people and lied about the results.
Then they ordered Pharmacies and doctors NOT TO PRESCRIBE either HCQ or Ivermectin or they'd lose their licences, or be arrested, both those drugs work just fine against ANY FLU! (even the Seasonal flu by the way. No need for a seasonal flu shot either.) They withheld meds that would have saved 100,000's of people, mostly grandma's and grandpas.
"Fauci's Protocol" (the only thing allowed to be done to patients by FAUCI) Remdesivir and Vents murdered 1000's of people in Hospitals around the country. People died in mass, alone with out family to even say goodbye to! They were MURDERED. Hospitals were paid for each 'PCR TEST" covid POSITIVE DEATH. Sometimes as much as $100,000 per patient depending on where the hospital was located. Real Doctors were sent home and medical students were told to slap people on vents, many had never done it before, and were totally intimidated by their bosses. Whistle Blower nurses have spoken about the horrors they watched. It was Incentivized Murder on a grand scale.
It was necessary! Without the FEAR PORN no one would have taken the VAXs, and the DEPOPULATION AGENDA would have failed. Because of FAUCI, it didn't fail, and Millions world wide are dying or being permanently injured by these Death Shots.
FAUCI knew that if HCQ or Ivermectin worked, he even said so when he released the SARS plandemic. He KNEW he couldn't put out an Emergency Authorized Shot if there were any current meds that would work.
So, their DEPOPULATION PLAN is going well. The Globalists have gotten what they were trying to get,....a massive decrease in the global population. They have been losing control and the only way to bring in their total CONTROL of the Planet, they had to CULL the Population. They've done it many times! But usually, they create a world WAR or a 'Great Depression' to cover it all up. This time, they don't have Cover, so they are doing it all out in the open. No shame, no fear, because they control it all. The justice system is theirs! The government is theirs, they control every one in almost every country.
This fight against the Globalists/WEF/DAVOS Group/G7 and many other special/secret organizations is Global! It's not just here, it's everywhere. I sure hope the White Hats, who has been working on this since 2012,
That is the best synopsis I've seen. Thank you so much. dr fakesey is nothing but a 2 bit politician who is paraded around like a real doctor by the hidden hand of hitlery.
What people apparently don't realize is that Ivermectin won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2015. The first time in 60 years that it went to a treatment for infectious diseases. That fact has been carefully hidden. Of course the scum in the District of Corruption are fully aware of that fact.
Nothing will.
A lot of folks see it that way. The cabal had Trump completely cornered with belts & braces. The 2020 election was phony as a $3 bill. And Pelosi had him distracted with multiple bogus impeachments and investigations. And then there was traitors Barr and Pence. I defy anyone to have been able to overcome that kind of crooked assault.
Look into Barr's Dad and the ties to Epstein. I think Barr is being blackmailed.
I agree with YOU. Look into Barr's past. I said he was wrong from the start.
He helped Barry Seal run drugs from Mena, Arkansas. HW Bush's cell phone number was found in Seal's briefcase inside his trunk. I always wondered why
Slick Willie was such good friends with HW in his later years.
I didn’t trust Barr from Day 1. He looks like a lazy slob. Zero energy. I’d prefer someone who looked like he wouldn’t get knocked out or have a coronary 15 seconds into the first round.
Thanks. I’ll check it out.
I agree with that. Find someone else who would have been able to overcome all that he did in 2020. They were throwing everything they could at him.
Me too. He seems blind to all the damage from the jabs. I don’t understand how he cannot be aware of it. Alex Jones confronted him directly. If he ignores DeSantis’s statement, I’m gonna start leaning towards DeSantis for 2024.
You people still don't understand. The Elections have been taken over by the Communist Regime trying to run our Country. There will never be another Republican President. Oh, so you think the Leftists will not pounce on DeSantis.
You may well be right. I’m hoping election law gets to the Supreme Court soon where mail-in ballot, voting machines are declared illegal and other safeguards incorporated.
Everybody has to blame President Trump for something. Why don't people go after the real evildoers.
Then what's the end point, if you think that way? There are many things we don't know and
never will. Where is the Military? They haven't helped President Trump. They are supposed to protect us from Enemies Foreign and Domestic. They haven't helped either. We have been under a Coup since January 20, 2021. The Corrupt Biden Family is hiding in the White House.
JOE, Obama, and the rest of the Commies are trying to destroy Our Great Nation.
We The People, can't let that happen.
People have Free Will to make their own decisions on who to vote for in an Election. But, even before the Fraudulent Election of 2020, we never had fair Elections. Oh, so you didn't benefit at all from the GOOD President Trump did for, We The People?
Love our Governor DeSantis he’s the best!
Indeed. Future President. Not sure when, but 2028 latest.
DeSantis has skeletons in the closet that have not come out in the mainstream yet. Things like torturing prisoners.
Trump has nothing to fear from DeSantis. MSM is propping up DeSantis early for a reason. They can control DeSantis. They can't control Trump because no matter how hard they try, they have nothing on Trump that is real.
They have everything on Trump actually. He is one of the top covid jab salesmen in the universe. Currently...the service he is providing to globalism far outweighs any insubordination he displays...whether even that is geniune, or feigned for the sake of theatre.
Trump took the word of eugenics Bill Gates over Bobby Kennedy about the harm childhood vaccinations were doing to children. Trump could have exposed that. He refused to protect children and instead took money from big pharma for his inauguration. If those in power let him get re-elected, we are in for big trouble. God only knows what they will get Mr Ego to agree to.
There is a lot about Trump I respect. His outward disdain for globalists and msm being 2 examples. His shortcomings are their equals though..and will be his undoing, if not ours too. I still am not positive if he is genuine...or just plays a damn good game.
Looks like the bots have taken over substack, too.
Because, those people aren't real. All those bots do all day long is talk trash about President Trump. Even if they are real, they are liars. What a Country we live in when
everyday these news channels spew lies. FOX is the same.
We need to clean up the election process first, else we have no chance. Paper ballots, same day voting.
Agreed. Need to get it before the supreme court. But the RINOs are playing for the other team.
You people don't get it. After the Leftists showed us they could slap another stolen Election (the Midterms) in our face, there is NEVER going to be another Republican President. What a disgrace the Midterms were and mostly all Republican Candidates gave up the fight.
Like Mastriano in Pennsylvania. Since, he has his State Senate seat to run back to he pledged in a letter to help Jew Shapiro with his agenda. Well, that means that he's certainly changed his position on fracking. We just had 8 years of Jew Tom Wolf and now another 4 years of Shapiro. Pennsylvania will be decimated. There was an article stating that the wins in the US House doesn't add up. I just wonder how the Leftists figured out to make the US House win so close that Rhinos (really Democrats) can cross party lines and Bingo Dems with the win on legislation.
If more people in this country understood how this republic is actually supposed to work -- and looked at the evidence of how Presidents have helped destroy it -- and had actual regard for Governor DeSantis -- very few would think the idea of DeSantis getting "elected" to lead the world's largest and deadliest organized crime was a good idea. Including him.
Would you mind spelling it out for me? I’m a bit simple.
Despite legislation and amendments that have weakened the States' power over the federal government, the States are supposed to run the swamp, not the other way around. The 14th Amendment helped to weaken the republic as did the 17th.
Regarding the 17th Amendment, the point of having State legislatures appoint Senators to the swamp was manifold. First, the people elect their State legislators. Those legislators appoint U.S. Senators who act -- in a republic -- as emissaries for their States. Should those Senators fail in their duties or are found to be corrupt, the State legislatures have the power to remove them and appoint new ones. This affords the people in the States greater power.
As for the Executive under the Constitution? Under Article II, the responsibilities of the Executive (the President) are enumerated and very limited -- more of a figurehead than an all-powerful king. The President makes treaties, appoints ambassadors and Supreme Court justices, commands the armed forces, etc. (The only Constitutional military force is the Navy.) As for utilizing military force, the President must make a case to the Congress that 𝒂 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒘𝒂𝒓 exists. Then Congress must decide, based on the case made by the President, whether to 𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒓𝒆 war. That is the only way the United States can lawfully engage in military action.
These are just a couple of examples. The devolution away from true republicanism and toward an all-powerful central government "managed" by a capo di capo that we call "President" has enabled the growth of the crime syndicate to such a degree that most in this country have no idea what it means to live in a true republic, including not looking to a "king."
I completely 100% agree. 👍
He’s awesome! Makes me realize how much I despise the rest of them.
DE SANTIS he should be President, not the Tramp .
Notice how he always says they, they, they.
Never sorry for telling millions of my citizens to take a poisonous injection that demonstrably raises their mortality risk.
That was in July of 2021 - when many, including several of those Substack authors we read daily, went ahead and rolled up a sleeve.
Many readers here, certainly, took the jab - and now, having learned better, have deep regrets.
Perhaps you simply do not like DeSantis?
He certainly does not ride the fence on issues - maybe you have been offended by his stance on some of those very issues?
He is a leader, willing to entertain possibilities - and seems to have made some very sound adjustments to his thinking. WHAT is wrong with that ?
Idk about this we stuff. I’m a pure blood and intend on staying so.
The only stance of his that offends me is his utter lack of accountability for shilling these death shots. To have the gall to parrot some of the worst Covid propaganda and lies, never apologizing, and then attacking the very industry he whored himself out for a year earlier? All while pretending like he’s been on “our side” the entire time? Man that’s some chutzpah.
Apparently there is no end to the abuse we as Liberty loving Americans are willing to take. Our leaders can lie to us, gaslight us, terrorize us, tell us to inject poison to be able to live your life, and if you want a measly apology well I guess you’re just a hater.
What is wrong with never apologizing for misleading millions people? What is wrong indeed.
He did lockdown the state for a while, didn't he? I am happy he has come around and has seen the light, but that he acts as if he has known all this time (as we purebloods have known) is exasperating, at the least.
Actually I like most of what he says.
This disturbs me... He says he's Catholic. Why is he praying with non Catholics? Catholics aren't allowed to pray with non Catholics. Catholics don't pray at wailing wall.
What else is he giving up here?
Not picking on DeSantis. But why join with others not of your faith in prayer?
What are you talking about? Catholics pray with other Catholics. If Jesus, a jew, prayed with those of other religions, why shouldn't we?
Those who recognize Francis as pope, which is vast majority, objectively not Catholic.
Catch 22 of heresy or schism when one recognizes A non Catholic as pope. Vatican II wad A bogus council... You're following it to your sorrow
Go to content, last paragraph has what I said.
Here's it, from Vatican
Catholics do pray with other faiths. I was against them having a group where Muslims come to learn the Catholic Faith and Catholics their religion which says they kill non-believers Doesn't make sense.
Vatican II started a new religion. They pray with false religions.
Catholics, tiny few left, absolutely dont.
Read pre 1958 Catholic books. We are in great apostasy.
How about an apology?
An apology from DeSantis?
Absolutely reasonable to expect apology from someone who "toed the line" and adhered to the "company narrative" before said policies could be deemed, SCIENTIFICALLY, safe and effective. Many of us here NEVER took a jab, that was a prudent decision - particularly with the benefit of hindsight.
An apology is a reasonable expectation, certainly. But apologies don't lead to grants of amnesty, either.
If you are asking for an apology from me, John?
Also reasonable. I see ppl. constantly bashing the Gov, and I happen to think that those residing in Florida should be happy to have him. Does he have an agenda?
Perhaps. Likely, in fact. But as to covid and "pandemic" response? While he has come around, many refuse to. We need all the help we can get - desperately.
Sorry if I was a bit 'over the top' on my response, Scipio.
And agree, N, hell no on amnesty!!!
And DeSantis is much better than others... Just been betrayed so much...
N, not asking for apology from you! From DeSantis.
Probably not gonna happen. I think he's a reasonable enough fellow -
BUT...Wondering if the apology may be seen as an admission of guilt or responsibility? Not many apologies likely to come our way.
This is pure speculation on my part, but I think DeSantis has come to trust his instincts more...but he's learning the hard way. Back in Mar 2020, DeSantis stated that ordering a shutdown of his state would make him a "dictator." He was right. He went ahead, sadly, and did that being among the last to do so. Three weeks later, he said that that would never happen again in Florida while he was governor.
He then began teaching himself about this severe (for some) respiratory infection, which brought him to those who crafted the Great Barrington Declaration. These connections may have brought Dr. Ladapo -- a champion for treatment and a champion for freedom -- to DeSantis's attention.
That said, DeSantis like all governors save one broke their Constitutional oaths. Apologizing would entail admitting to that, even if indirectly. Any person, but especially a politician, having witnessed the wholesale obedience by "the people" to the blatantly unlawful and utterly stupid would have to ask himself, "Why should I apologize? Look what the people did."
Further, witnessing the 𝙘𝙤𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙞𝙘𝙚 of "the people" that resulted in a failure to defend basic human rights, but that also demanded that we 𝒂𝒍𝒍 toss them overboard over a respiratory infection provides further support for any politician, including DeSantis, to tell anyone demanding an apology to go pound sand.
Gna be the jab and duck debate.
DeSantis Trump 2024.
This deserves a response
Also, check out his vaccine Bill. Between pages 45- 50.
This deserves a response
Wow! An article from an obscure news rag from only God knows where puts out a hit piece by an anonymous writer, and you try to pass it off as factual?? 😂😂
It's a video, not an article. Perhaps you jumped to a conclusion without watching it.
The link goes to a brief article with an embedded video produced by “Eyes Left” which gives a clue to its obvious political orientation. Then the BS begins claiming we know little of DeSantis’s military experience. Much of it was as a lawyer with JAG for the Navy Seals. This is readily available. You might want to start reading more reliable sources.
The people of this country believed an absurdity (the government's official Sep 11 story). This evidently enabled them to ignore the gross human rights violation that was/is Guantanamo. I'm sure DeSantis believed the official story and maybe still does. Meanwhile, inhabitants of the "land of the free" willingly allowed 4th Amendment rights' violations at airports all across the fruited plain if it helped ensure their "safety." Instead of looking at DeSantis, I'd say what's in order is a mirror...
As for knowing what DeSantis did at Guantanamo or elsewhere during his military career? I'm married to a former SEAL -- going on 40 years -- and even I ain't never gonna know about what he did...
DeSantis was an Ivy League educated attorney for the SEALS. Seems there’s a few bogus stories being floated about him now typical of Democrat propaganda.
Not good. Character is extremely important.
Previously I have heard extremely upsetting eye wittness accounts
of our soldiers regularly engaging in totally illegal behavior in Iraq where people were taken into custody then "interrogated" and tortured to death. Much as we have been propagandized into believing that America is "the good guys", it just isn't true. Every war we have been involved in since WWII has Globalist profiteering written all over it!
So true. I only shared the information so people know. I liked Ron.
You take care of yourself and your family.
My Uncle was Killed in Action (age 22) in World War 2 in Normandy, France. It's called War.
Do you know how our troops have been tortured and killed?
You are diverting the conversation, but "I'll bite":
So does that justfy ignoring the Geneva Convention and other international law?
Nobody says a word about what Fraudster Joe and his Commies are doing with the JABS. Why hasn't he stopped them? Because, he's bought by Big Pharma. He just extended the EUA until the end of 2023.
He can't end the EUA or the shots lose their EUA authorization, and until they get final approvals to add to the Childhood Vaccine Schedule for school attendance, the manufacturers would lose their immunity from lawsuits. I think, if I'm understanding this correctly, that so far it is just a recommendation that the shots be given to all school children. Once accepted by states or school districts to be mandated for school, the shots get full liability protection when given to adults, too.
Fraudster? Hmmm . . . I think "Pedo-Traitor" is more succinct.
No, I'm NOT. People just Love talking negative Trump. So, who cares.
That's why we can agree to disagree.
Now, if only DeSantis will change the HOSPITAL PROTOCALS, because people are finding out it’s like being in a “ROACH MOTEL”. AND YOU CAN GO IN, BUT YOU CANNOT COME OUT! (Without a rescue many times now IN MANY PLACES INCLUDING FLORIDA!! He did some law agreement or order…Please brief him on this too, Dr. Alexander, because people
Can't wait for DeSantis to force Trump into defending Warped Speed and 15 days to flatten.
Trump would lose that debate.
You don't know the full story. Trump had to deal with the rot of everybody that was against him. He still is :-(
The buck stops at the top
Easier said than done. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way.
We hired him to fix the rot.
You can't say he did.
The rot won.
When he says what his plans are to prosecute Gates, Fauci, et al, who caused millions to die, millions more to be permanently disabled, millions to lose their livelihood....., then I'll be impressed. Yes, it's good to say it but with no specific prosecution plans it's akin to Republicans in congress blathering on about more hearings and more 'investigations' that go NOWHERE. And watch for the "if the evidence leads to prosecutions, then yes I'll certainly support that." No, what will YOU do to prosecute these criminals??
Currently Canada has maybe two politicians who get this. Imagine that. A country of 38 million, and only 2 politicians understand there is an elephant in the room regarding the jabs.
Unfortunately...those politicians are a pretty close estimate as a % of the number of Canadians who see the big picture. My guess...less than 5% of Canadians have any idea what is happening right now.
The 95% could name the top 5 shows on netflix...rattle off stats about the NHL...tell you everything they learned about climate change from the CBC...tell you approximately how many genders there are as of 6:45 pm on November 26th, and show you screen shots of their covid-jab band-aids... but have not got a frik of a clue who Larry Fink is, or what nefarious Board of Directors he sits on.
Phuque....I hate this country.
I hear you. I'm an old f👀ker, old enough to remember Turdhole's father dirty Pierre started our slide into eternal debt & brainwashed bovine stupidity. Our MSM is bought with govt subsidies & has proven a profitable investment for the family. Canada is a retardedgiant...
Cheer up: they aren't ALL like that. Remember the Trucker Convoy? SOME Canadians have figured it out.
The question is, "Can the others be reached before it is too late and they are mostly dead or the Globalist Surveillance State has hopelessly gotten control?" (And turned shot-survivors into "The Borg"?)
Pretty much what I said. Not all like that...just the majority. Too many to tip the scales this time around.
Do you live in Canada? If so, which part?
If may only be getting a part of the story.
There are a couple pockets in Canada of resistance...pretty much relegated to Alberta. The best example might be LaCrete, a Mennonite farming community, not too far from the NWTerritories.
Trudeau has come unhinged in his quest for power and no legacy media has taken any interest in challenging him...nor have his party members...and apparently. his voters are on board. Between the four leftist parties in Canada, they control about 65% of the vote. Even many of the conservatives are seriously compromised, as are their voters. The conservative provinces were some of the worst offenders for deploying fascist, authoritarian dictats and mandates...marching in lockstep with big pharma and the WHO.
While I would love to share your optimism, hopium will not be the high that gets us through this global war. Appreciate your comment just the same.
Good recap of our current situation. The corruption in this country runs deep and has been going on (with small breaks) at least since the Mulroney era. Teflon Trudeau seems to be able to do whatever he likes and get away with it. How much did he personally make from the WE scandal? How much has he profited from Acuitas? If it had been Harper who covered up SNC the MSM would have never rested until he resigned.
Alberta - the only province who threw Christian pastors in jail and barricaded the churches.
BC - take a look at their new legislation for the medical profession.
Ontario - the corrupt cheesecake chef who enacted emergency legislation before the feds did and now has Dr Lenin pushing masks.
The cover-up of deaths from the mandated injections (why did Alberta and Ontario stop publishing stats??)
Eastern provinces - who tried to stop the people who wouldnt be coerced from being able to shop for food?
The churches (other than a few) who failed to stand up to government tyranny.
And finally - where are the truckers now? Not a word about our gun rights being eroded or the fact that many of us still can't enter the US.
For those interested
If the world needed a a leader with the delicate touch of a healer-a tender heart of a dreamer-a vision of liberty in the form of the red white and blue-with words of individual freedom over the dictates of a Communist tyrannical oligarchy has spoken words of TRUTH! Maybe .....
Dr. Jane Ruby has talked about DeSantis and the Hospital Protocols, knows about the situation better than I can describe.
I love how smart she is but she is not a doctor or a physician, and she purposely misleads people by calling herself Dr.
I am grateful to the unlikely series of events that brought me to Florida.
It would be better if the political nonsense was left by the wayside. Neither DeSantis nor Trump are medical professionals. But then when you think on it, many claiming to be medical professionals are nothing more than slaves to the whims of big pharma and the medical establishment. This should not be reduced to a Trump verses DeSantis debate. A lot will happen in the next 2 years before the 2024 elections...provided there even are any elections.
The only choice we have in every election is the lesser of two evils and this is the saddest thing. Ask yourself why this is true. If the entire game is rigged, then both parties are complicit right? What is the alternative? The Larouche Organization for the original American system but what has happened to other people who tried to get us back to this? Hamilton, murdered, Lincoln, murdered, Rosvelt new deal policies, reversed piece by piece, Kennedy, murdered, Kennedy, murdered, King, Murdered, Malcolm, murdered. Anyone who has a national platform that is critical of the real power structure has to go and of course they are all murdered by a lone nut gunman right. If you read Lyndon Larouche, you will see that he was the most accurate predicter of economics for the past fifty years and as an historian he is unmatched and of course they trumped up charges and put him in prison but that did not stop him. If you read and listen to what he said and wrote, you will see we have been on the wrong path from the beginning. The vanilla history we are brainwashed with is a lie. Take the red pill.
Whatever is the motivation for DeSantis to say this so forcefully, Trump is relevant to it.
Trump's character obviously hates admitting to any error at all. He has to be the smartest one in the room. But he doesn't look it until he admits this error in the face of the biggest genocide in history.
This must be what Revelation referred to about the sixth part of mankind dying.
Dr. Alexander, I have followed you from the beginning but to suggest this is any kind of liable against Trump is frankly false. What is known about Trumps about face on the covid policies is public knowledge. He first stated that every American should have hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin made available to them as per the letter he received from Dr. Zelenko that was read allowed on camera. He immediately started talking about the vaccine and warp speed and forgetting about what should have been done. His abdication of common sense makes him incompetent or complicit. This cannot be forgiven no matter what Desantis motives are. I am sure he is running for POTUS, and he will probably win. He at least had the stones to criticize the lockdowns and masks, kept the Florida economy running, what did Trum do? He did not make America great again; he made it crazy again.
Governor Should Ban the Jab