Proof it “initially”

Saved lives?!! Stopped reading after you wrote that BS!

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So did I, and was just about to make the same comment!!!

Medical "experts" who still parrot such falsity instantly discredit themselves to those of us who know the "pandemic" was full-blown, globally coordinated propaganda.

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It's a bioweapon intended to maim, and kill. Anyone saying it did anything possitive is evil, corrupt or ridiculously ignorant. And just about all "medicine" is a farce. You can go to a "gi specialist and the topic of diet, fermented foods, or pro/prebiotics never come up. And thats just one example. I havent seen a dr in 5 years and don't plan on it.

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Come to think of it, it's been at least 5 years since I saw one, too! Someone somewhere said that the medical system is great for traumatic injuries (emergencies) but next to useless for everything else. Probably right.

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Biggest ‘blunder'? BS. It was premeditated and anyone who still thinks that mistakes were made is a fool. By the time the PTB get their global passport system in place Covid will be a thing of the past and yet they are insisting that everyone get jabbed for the Rona virus even though the jabs don’t offer immunity or do squat.

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They are very close.wait for your digital id to be rolled out...before the next "election"

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Ah, but so much money to be made. Just think, there may be a newer version of the Titanic submarine. The uber rich are so bored with daily life, and nothing to strive for.

Life is so boring for the uber rich, gotta find something to do.

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MAYBE, to get more people (normies) to read further??? Like the scientists that publish papers showing it doesn't work, but say it does so it'll get published.


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Me too! Still supported the initial death jab!

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Well how about cutting him some slack? He knows the jab was very good at one thing...eliminating mild symptoms. Which tirned the jabbed into what the pertussis vaccine did...asymptonatic carriers..who are infected but dont have symptoms and walked around like typhoud Marys. He couldnt get publudhed without the weasel statement..but did you notice he made reference to asymptomatic carriers? Read between the lines..he is referring to the faulty pcr tests and what we are living with now...every jabbed person.

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Me too! See my challenge above. I have asked that he provide the DATA which proves that statement to be true.

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Masking , social distancing, and lockdowns... really??

Then he says the jabs saved lives?

It doesn't matter *enough* that he is correct about vaccinating into am epidemic, when he believes this other BS.

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Agree. I am shocked that he believes this.

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Pure BS. Thede goes his credibility.

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The jab didn't protect anyone. And certainly didn't initially save any lives.

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Jul 15, 2023
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Let's not get ahead of ourselves and start sounding unhinged. Until you find a smoking gun, I only know it was a criminal event. BIOWEAPON, we don't have the receipts for that yet. It's just a coronavirus (you know, common cold virus); it wasn't even that dangerous, so if it was a bio-weapon, it wasn't very good unless its sole purpose was to ensure the old and sick get hooked up to a ventilator to all but guarantee their death.

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It’s a virus that infects bacteria, it can infect faecal matter it can get inside bacteria and replicate in a way that is very similar like it does in a human cell.

It has human and bacterial infection capabilities, it doesn’t behave in a way of a typical viral infection like Flu.

SC2 has a duel mechanism it infects human cells but first infects bacterial cells in the microbiome.

Consequences = Release of Toxins ( venom like toxins) that go into the blood stream, disrupts the CNS and Gut Brain-Axis ( you poison yourself)

It can hide just about anywhere in the body undetected by the immune system, it can harbour in dental plaque, it hides in Biofilms, can hide in macrophages.

“You must remember the spike protein has toxin like peptide motifs on it”

Dr Philip Mc Millan, Dr Chetty, Dr Gustavo Aquirre- Chang, Dr Carlo Brogna.





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Bullshit, and there is no such thing as long COVID. IT’s coronavirus and they have been around forever. We just identified them ~60 some years ago.

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Bullshit go see read their studies they post, or remain ignorant doesn’t bother me.. 🤡

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The bio weapon was the JAB not Covid. Omg how many times do we have to talk about this?

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You don't still believe there was *only ONE* bioweapon?

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I think the GOF and Covid is a bio weapon sure. However I think their absolute insistence on the entire world being “vaccinated” with that poison is so clearly meant to hurt people that perhaps it was their one-two punch. The jab worked far better at permanently injuring people and killing people. I’d say the jab wins.

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"their one-two punch," yes.

not a contest; that the second punch was more murderous doesn't make the first one anything but criminal, as well. no winners here.

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Lol. Thx. Very nice.

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I think it's there. If you read rhe fda recent paper on j & j shot to not renew eua, and referred to ir as a biologic. AND its definately a weapon.

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It’s far worse than that. This was a premeditated, evil to the core, intentional attempt to exterminate the human race. No excuses. We know this. And we haven’t even seen the tip of the iceberg yet regarding deaths and disabilities.

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Profits from killing. Always about the Profits for the Kabal.

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Many(all ?) Of the Covid "Vaxxed" are beyond angry, at being duped into getting the injections , shortening their life spans, with possible life long impairments. The "Died Suddenlys" tally grows daily, Police, Firefighters, Athletes, Commercial Pilots, the Military, anyone who needed to keep a job..

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Interesting, in my social circle it‘s quite the opposite, noone wants to talk let alone think about it. Obviously, they cannot prevent their brain from acknowledging the obvious, so they are walking around with split personalities. I would prefer them to be angry than deluded.

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Absolutely ~ ragers preferable to zombies.

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And 75% of all drivers on the road every day.

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There was no pandemic. Let's be clear. No excess mortality in 2020. Plandemic perpetrated by a fraudulent pcr test. I am sick and tired of hearing the bs about vaccinating in the midst of pandemic. The "vaccination " was a planned operation on scared public. Vaccination in general is a faulty concept proved to be wrong throughout the years of deceit. All vaxx are unavoidably unsafe. I am a doctor who broke free from indoctrination. And Van Der Bosche was praising the vaxx for the vulnerable.

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These questions are redundant as ‘they’ all knew what they were doing. They want a never ending health crisis to continue the fear and impose tyranny. It is that simple. COVID 19 was the focus group they know exactly their intentions and plans to enslave humanity

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You are correct. All of these people knew this was intentional. They are talking about it now just to get out of being held accountable. They know it’s too late to save anyone who fell for the scam. That’s what they intend. To drag it out now that their mission has been accomplished.

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You wrote: "While the mass vaccination program initially did save lives [ ] "

WHERE is your evidence that this statement is TRUE?

No way something that causes this level of health destruction saved a SINGLE life, during ANY period.

If you have evidence to the contrary, please present it on your feed. I'd be very interested to see the data with which you back up such a statement.

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Claiming that it saved lives???? Mention the DEATH and maiming, please. Mention the unknown long term effects, please. Hard to admit your whole professional life is a lie.

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Exactly. He provides ZERO evidence that the jabs saved a SINGLE life. Pharma couldn't provide this evidence. The FDA never did. There is ZERO evidence the jabs saved anyone. In fact, there is tons of evidence that the jabs killed at least 10 people for ever one person they had HYPOTHETICALLY claimed the jabs "could possibly" save.

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A virus that exists only in silico is akin to an oil painting of a human being. Neither are corporeal. How can a pathogen metastasize amongst the population asymptomatically? How can it enter a body, replicate inside cells, leave the cells into the bloodstream and into bodily fluids, then jump out of that body and into another, without causing so much as a runny nose? There's no blood test to directly detect it in the bloodstream, because, they say, there's not enough to detect (yet it can destroy a set of lungs and kill a healthy individual). There's only a non-specific antibody test and a phony RT-PCR test that, per the CDC, can't tell the difference between influenza, the common cold, Covid, or a kumquat.

It's like finding muddy footprints on your kitchen floor and assuming they were left behind by an invisible man because you once saw it in a movie, then assuming details about the intruder based on his shoe size and gait, including his height, weight, bank account balance, skin color, hat size, age, genetics, etc.

It's all just a fantastic made up story that will keep growing and growing ever more detailed over time until mire reasonable, courageous people in positions of authority start calling it bullshit.

Just as it was a real man, not an invisible one that left footprints, instead of an invisible virus there are many chemical, pathogens and toxins that can cause spike proteins to be created in the body, including other vaccine ingredients, pesticides & herbicides, smart dust and toxic graphene that is now everywhere in the environment, from the air to the soil to the food supply and inside out lungs & bloodstream. None have been ruled out, but instead, all are denied out of hand because of the Wuhan origin 'story'. That's not how the scientific method works. It's how dogma works.

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No virus

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Those two Damming Words; "Safe & Effective" so many believed them, now the Death tally, grows higher, daily.

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Personally changes have been noticed the Covid " Vaxxed", easily angered, flying into rages of minor things. I suspect road rages are initiated by this Vax.

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You are assuming that “violating” anything is a factor for psychopaths. Please!!!!!!!!!! We now need to train the sheep to jump back from the next attack from our science and medical and political monsters.

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I have felt, and reasoned, that Geert was screaming the truth at us as loudly as he could, and not enough people listened.

Not the Public Health hacks, not the science & dissent community, and certainly not enough of the prospective experimental injectees.

Of course some of us listened very carefully and added his heartfelt and scientifically sound concerns to all the other 100 reasons to look askance at the "Government's Pandemic (Abusive and Incompetent,) Protocols."

His reasons were some of the most serious ones of all, and I know an immune "storm" is brewing. Just look at the numbers!

Add in a virus which has now been pushed to mutate in some rather nasty ways, and, well, here's to all of us becoming serious "health nuts," and fast.

Thank you Dr. Alexander for bringing Geert's work to our attention, once again. He is certainly one of the bravest, most caring and scientifically solid of all our Pandemic Heros in my book!

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The mAsKs DON'T WORK, it's a slave mAsK. US Army Nuclear Biological Chemical weapons school.

"Social Distancing" DOESN'T WORK - 6 feet apart satanic ritual.

Shutdowns DON'T WORK, the definition of not working.

Forced coerced experimental drugs including the covid19 vaccine are Direct Violations of the Nuremberg Codes.

Economics pays for food/housing/healthcare. Poor Economy = Deaths.

The PROPER Model is Shutdown Costs vs Shutdown Benefits, Opposite Sloping Regression Lines to meet in the Golden Mean Middle, Least Amount of Objective Negatives to the Population.

Single Variable Focus is Never Objective Course


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It was epic. Needs to be read on the nighly news msm for a month. I know it will never happen..but a girl can dream

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