Wonder if Malone ever really took the mRNA jab? So many elites have falsified documents.

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Malone has responded to Breggin's (and your) observations Paul.

In a nutshell saying he did mention it once or twice.

Given the gravity of the situation, I'm not convinced mentioning it quite suffices.

Malone refers to 'pseudo-mRNA vaccines' now. Note the hyphen precedes mRNA, not vaccines. This suggests it is the mRNA association with these 'vaccines' that is equivocal. An attempt to distance himself from these atrocious products perhaps? I can see why he'd want to.

The confusing matter is, why did he take the shots himself if he was conscious they were detrimental? Had he just not joined the dots, thereby lacking malice in failing to warn others? Did he take the shots at all?

This is confounded by his claim (is there any reason to doubt it?) he took two shots after having dealt with a significant bout of Covid19. Was he oblivious to naturally acquired immunity? He couldn't be.

The reason given was to assist in overcoming long-Covid. I don't see how introducing further doses of spike protein into your body could possibly lessen ongoing problems resulting from the spike protein (but, I'm no doctor ). This reasoning doesn't stack up.

He either has bouts of muddled thoughts, perhaps driven by fear, or, he's hiding something. I'm not sure which it is.

To add a touch of real world complexity to the analysis of Malone's actions (and perhaps some humility). Couldn't someone argue Scott Atlas and Dr Alexander did not do enough to stop the Trump Administration ploughing down this road? It doesn't hold up, but, they could create a lot of doubt regardless.

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we did and in case you did not know, we were forced out literally. and we did things behind the scenes while others pulled fuzz balls. we battled daily, I guess you do not read all the news. it is out there, my battles with CDC and NIH etc. and Fauci. see the select committee last report...

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moreover, this is about the Malone show. this is about the mRNA technology that he invented. not about us.

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

I said, "Couldn't someone argue Scott Atlas and Dr Alexander did not do enough to stop the Trump Administration ploughing down this road? It doesn't hold up, but, they could create a lot of doubt regardless."

You said, "We did..." No, you didn't do enough to stop... otherwise we wouldn't be having this discussion.

You state you "were forced out literally". So, you couldn't do enough. You gave it your best, and continue to do so. Full credit to you, along with my admiration.

My point was, arguments can be presented as to why anyone 'didn't do enough'. I know your position well - historically to present - and know the accusation is false, others wouldn't know this, and accusations would raise doubts.

Malone is not perfect - his lawsuit against Breggin is reprehensible, but, his contribution is significantly in the positive. There is cause for scepticism, as mentioned in my original post, but, we should be careful we don't end up fighting our 'own side'. Heaven knows, battling the enemy is challenging enough. Cheers.

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There is a distinct difference here. There is an expectation of clinicians/scientists that we will explain to people dangers that they otherwise would not be able to discern. Malone was in possession of the knowledge regarding ADE which he could have shared with the public. He had the capacity to write freely on TrialSite News. We could have learned so much from him: biodistribution, amplification through electrical pulsation, etc.

His retaining his decades of specific knowledge regarding the vaccine technology is not the same as the inability to advance sound policies within a given administration where you are not in control of a multitude of factors.

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DJT cannot be given a pass. The buck always stops with the man at the top. He was either too intellectually limited to be President or he was complicit. That logic is unassailable.

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Powell and Flynn are bad too. Do more research- don’t be fooled like I was. Many psyops going on. It’s so crazy.

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"BOOM" is irresponsible, sir.

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And childish.

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You’re just angry

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About what lol

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Apr 22 2023

Somehow I missed this stack by you until now Dr. Alexander. I had no idea. This information is shocking. Now I understand better. This is shocking!

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Dr. Robert Malone, had a long record in the bioweapons complex (5 billion dollars in grants) and was promoting haccinating the elderly before his conversion. He sued freedom fighters like the Breggins, Dr. Peter McCullough (America Out Loud) and Dr. Jane Ruby for 25 million dollars each. 1

Does Malone receive royalties from Pfizer and Moderna for any of his 57 mRNA patents2, some of which are essential for lipid nanoparticles (there are 1814 patents related to Malone and nanoparticles)? Couldn’t he block them from using his patents in making haccines? In that case, he’d be accomplice to genocide.

It’s strange that Malone says he got vaccinated after getting COVID: why wouldn’t an expert like him rely on natural immunity and repurposed drugs? Why would he take an EUA experiment, having worked for decades with mRNA for the Department of Defence and CIA, and knowing the failure in cancer patients?

In early 2022 he was still supporting vaccinating the high risk and working for a Bio-defence contract.3

24 Jun 2021 he twitted supporting traitor Andrew Hill calling for more evidence on ivermectin (there were thousands of proven cases along a year and there was no harm trying!): “PLEASE pay attention to Dr. Andrew Hill. He is a very solid and mature data scientist. We speak often, and I have complete confidence in him and his team. Evidence-based medicine, not hype.” Malone was replied: “Sorry Dr. Malone, you must have missed Tess Lawrie statement around her private conversation with Dr. Hill where he admitted pressure from sponsors was the cause of his bogus conclusions.“ He didn’t answer. 4

9 Jan 2023. Twitter is still censoring and shadow banning COVID posts and refuses to reinstate many accounts from truthers, yet Twitter reinstated Malone’s account (with many others like Kirsch and McCullough). According to Dr. Ruby’s screenshots 5, Twitter blocked her for posting “What is The Malone Doctrine?”: why would Twitter support Malone by banning Dr. Ruby?

Level 2, suing for the common good or pushing legislation:

RFK Robert F. Kennedy Jr: ChildrensHealthDefense,org 1

Del Bigtree. TheHighWire.com, Informed Consent Action Network: ICANdecide.org 2

Steve Kirsch SteveKirsch.substack.com. VacSafety.org

New Civil Liberties Alliance: NCLAlegal.org 3

Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms: JCCF.ca

Martin Kulldorff MD; Aaron Kheriaty MD: Great Barrington Declaration

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis 4 and Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo 5

James O'Keefe. ex ProjectVeritas.com

Pierre Kory MD, Paul Marik MD: FLCCC 6

Tess Lawrie MD: worldcouncilforhealth.org


Ryan Cole MD

Lawyers: Tricia Lindsay (Tricia Lindsay Law), Robert Barnes (Barnes Law, LLP), Warner Mendenhall (Mendenhall Law Group), Jeff Childers (Childers Law), and Bobbie Ann Flower Cox (Cox Lawyers, PLLC.)

• Employer Mandates: State/federal, ADA, worker’s compensation, individual & class action plaintiffs

• Education Mandates: Public & private K-12 schools, public & private universities, Title 10, coercion, informed consent, fraud, conflicts of interest. 

• Medical License: Medical board certification, tortious interference, First Amendment, fraud, libel, violation of Administrative Procedures (APA or equivalent)

• Fraud: False Claims Act, pharma fraud, VAERS fraud, SBA and PPP fraud, whistleblower protection

• Civil Rights: Public access/accommodation, ADA, informed consent (state agencies), due process, religious liberty, First Amendment

• Censorship: First Amendment, collusion, racketeering (federal agencies)

• Vaccine Injury: Includes liability, informed consent, mandates by institutions, VICP, CICP

• Hospital Negligence: Includes Remdesivir, denial of early treatment protocols, vaccine coercion

• Mass Torts: Includes Covid vaccine injury and hospital misuse of Remdesivir

With few victories, that isn’t enough to change the system. They explain everything in terms of massive corruption for the sake of profits, but deny the possibility of a global conspiracy.


Level 3, anti-IDmoney:

Dr. Joseph Mercola: mercola.com

Corey Lynn Coreydigs.com

Stew Peters stewpeters.com


Others recognized there is a cabal and provide valuable data but sometimes mixed with false information, especially when pointing to “reptilian aliens”, thus defeating the purpose of truthing (scientifically proven: no aliens in the universe), ruining the reputation of freedom fighters.

Alex Jones (InfoWars)7

David Icke8

Alexandra Bruce: forbiddenknowledgetv.net

Bill Cooper (RIP)9

Level 4, anti-freemasonry and satanism

Ronald Bernard (ex illuminati): 1 of 5 (don't miss the 5th) http://youtu.be/JAhnCdXqPww

Prof Michel Chossudovsky: globalresearch.ca 10

John-Henry Westen: lifesitenews.com

James Corbett: corbettreport.com11

David Sörensen Global directory: stopworldcontrol.com/map/

Dean Henderson (deleted in 2015, yet here12)


Level 5, anti-system political and monetary rebuilt from ground up


The freedom movement does half the wake-up job: leaving everyone half asleep, lethargic. It’s like warning the sheep something’s wrong, while still walking towards the slaughterhouse, but not telling them that the road leads to the meat-packer, and worse, no one seems to be telling them, that apart from prayer, there’s an escape route: asset backed anon currency and pro-rata spending townhall democracy without forced representation.

We fail to lead effective freedom action, i.e. the fundamental changes needed to stop the rigged system of slavery and death. We are heading straight to the next PLANdemics (1000 P3 labs and 67 P4 labs are working full time... thousands of scientists creating new gain-of-function Frankensteins).

Some fighters are even accused of being controlled opposition to numb us down and sink scarce resources. Most assume that they are doing the people’s job and therefore, so “we the people” can relax and do nothing: a classic false flag operation.

In order to have controlled opposition, the person must appear to provide the correct anti-narrative, at least in certain issues...

WARNING ! The next threats and the solution:


I'm about to post about something huge I found, which isn’t written anywhere in the internet.

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Divide and. Conquer! The truth seekers need to stay together or we are lost!

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Roger that!

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ART OF WAR…necessary to win, restoring Freedom and Constitutional principles!

Are you looking for Gideon’s Army of 300 men yet…who pray and strategically plan to execute actions that matter and already have wins?

If you are ready to do something that matters…Lex Greene contact at end of this piece!



A Fierce Mother/Grandmother Lion (of 6 and counting)

P.S. FACT…You cannot stop any Treason unless you stop all of it!

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What we are going through is much greater than this. We are not "citizens" - we are natives of earth, heirs of creation. No more will it be men, it must be men and women now. No more will it be guns and weapons - that is a barbaric idea. The only weapon is words now. They can liquefy you from Mars now. Weapons have always been a most knuckleheaded idea.

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Thank you! E. PLURABUS UNUM! WILL NOW BE MY BATTLE CRY! I NEED A BUMPER STICKER AND A FLAG! Crooks as SVB that Newsom supported belong in jail. Don't understand the Breggin aspect?

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He did and had a reaction to it. Which he said is why he came out against it when he did.

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So, Dr. Rob Malone co-authored a paper published on "ResearchGate" in Jan '20 with the conclusion the technology was too unsafe to even be TESTED in humans. Then subsequently takes the jab to help with long covid... What am I missing here? Your curiosity regarding curious things is... well, curious. To spell it out--don't you find this a curious matter?

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

indeed. What happened did he suddenly turn stupid?

When smart people do stupid things there's usually a hidden agenda.

Logic says he didn't get injected with it - so what gives? psyop bullshit "Oh look Henry, Dr. Malone got injected - I trust him now - send him a get well card. awwwww"

We are the wo-o-orld we are the peo-ple sing with us Dr. Malone . . . .

Sorry for my cynical sense of humor . . . pfft! "coup de pied au cul Malone" (French) translates to "Kick in the arse Malone"

Logic is the enemy and truth is a menace.

We C U

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I find it completely unbelievable.

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Thank you I've read it.

The man talks in circle.

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I know circles really well I read a civil chronological sequential logical fact-based well referenced and cited start to some pretty strong accusations that feel more like Gotcha than than helpful scientific debate

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The Breggin trolls will not read it.

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He originally took it in order to travel for business , as did his wife. Like many who have never bothered to look deeper , he " believed" in vaccination. He had life threatening high blood pressure post jab.

That was what he said in the beginning.

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So, let's see... took a vaccination so he could travel --that was using a technology too dangerous to even test in humans according to a scientific paper to be published in a journal that he had already previously co-authored... How does that add up? By my rough math, 1 + -1 = zero.

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Nope. He initially said he took the jab because he had long covid problems and thought the jab might help and it didn’t.

He had covid in February 2020. The vaxes were not available at the earliest was the end of 2020. They were given to the very old first. Vax mandates for airlines still didn’t come out till waaaay later!!!!!

Funny how he was still working even though he had bad long covid?

And all health care people know wtf get vaxxed if you have natural immunity. His rationale for getting vaxxed makes no sense.

If he changed his story because he wanted to travel? Hmmmmm. I wonder if it’s a fake saline vax if it’s supposedly so dangerous.

None of it makes sense. He’s talking in circles.

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The man worked on this dangerous technology - that in itself shows lack of integrity. You sound like you believe everything he says.

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I merely quoted his early statement in reply , and I've observed many who cling to their " beliefs" about ALL vaccines , mostly because they cannot bear the thought of what they have done . There are also those who desperately defend their "authority" in refusing to look into the abyss of having murdered millions , some more slowly than others.

I'm an early fan of Dr David Martin , and Dr Reiner Fulmilch also. I never even considered the jab BEFORE all this , as myself and family were injured in the 90s .

I'm personally relieved that more medical people are being harmed , so that everyone is finally talking about the entire con job that is " vaccines".

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And you believe this man after this comes out?

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It just seems like after lie after lie after lie... 🙄 And everyone has a different story. Whom are we supposed to trust? What are we supposed to believe?

I do know I'll never bother voting again, I have lost faith in all authority including religious, and I will never darken a doctor's doors again, if I can by any means avoid it.

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In this entire long explaination there is no mention of the fact that on his about me page he states that he is the inventor of the mRNA vaccines.

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Just because he SAID he did huh?

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Yes, he's so Safe and Effective!

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I am only repeating what he himself said. Of course I don’t know if he did or not. Nor do I know if President Trump took it either despite him saying he did. Maybe Dr Malone said he took it to get himself out of hot water, I don’t know.

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You actually stated "He did and had a reaction to it." Would you care now to restate that in a more accurate fashion. It's a little more than a just a matter of nuance.

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Whew!! Tough crowd. I would be glad to. For anyone that read my comment and thought I was saying that I personally saw Dr Robert Malone injected with the experimental gene therapy, that is not what I meant to say. I meant to say - he said on a podcast that he received the experimental gene therapy injection and suffered a reaction from it which is why he spoke out against it when he did.

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Watching as a few(?) million of one's brethren are murdered and billions more maimed makes for a "tough crowd"--at least one would hope. This is fairly serious business and needs to be examined in a cold hard light. No free passes. No one needs to worry about poor little Robbie Malone; he's a competent adult who should be able to stand on his own two feet and answer some real questions w/o the defense of his multitude of Substack followers.

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Below is a very recent Stew Peters interview video where Peters says a reliable source with the U.S. government has told his producers that there are now 2,500,000 excess deaths a month in this country. But, of course, we aren't being apprised of this fact. The person he's interviewing, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, shortly thereafter, said that the last time she looked at the numbers back in October, "...20,000,000 people (world wide) had died from these shots and 2,100,000,000 people (world wide) had been injured, seriously injured from these shots..." That's a lot of deaths and serious injuries, out of the almost 8 billion people globally. And these numbers are now accelerating as more people keep taking the next booster.



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That was during the 12/30/21. 3 hour, Joe Rogan interview of Malone, correct?

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Yeah that’s an interesting question. Because (and I make no judgment) if one takes all facts and casts them in a light most favorable to Paul’s position, then it’s fair to ask why Malone took the jab if he knew it was that dangerous.

Which (to me) weakens Paul’s argument…but then you raise the interesting question. Malone claims he had a bad adverse event (life threatening hypertension) and that is what sent him on his ‘journey’.

No black and white here. Lots of gray.

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Indeed. And facts are hard to come by. What we have are ‘positions’ taken, circumstantial evidences, and a lot of unknowns.

My advice to all of these ‘grown ups’ is to just quit pissing in the wind and stow your egos. It’s not helping. Not that they asked. But it’s not.

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Well there's some legal history and damages ongoing it seems

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Yes, he took the jab and experienced life-threatening hypertension from it among other things. Sometimes we take risks thinking we can get away with it. He wanted the freedom to travel, but did not get away with the shot without severe side effects. I am sure that is part of what woke him up to warn others. Putting up a preprint paper should have gotten some attention without 9 hours of podcasts a day. Why didn't we, the scientific community, see it and broadcast it ourselves? Stop crucifying anyone speaking against the jabs NOW. The important thing is that they are speaking out NOW. There are so many psychopathic perpetrators to fight. Please stop.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

did malone take the jab to travel or to cure his "long covid?" which story do you believe? malone is suing everybody. now THAT'S petty.

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He was never suing Dr. Peter McCullough. He is not suing Stew Peters who was dropped from the list.

He is suing Dr. Breggin, America Out Loud, and Dr. Jane Ruby.

Why did he drop his suit against Stew Peters??

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So why isn't he suing the NYT for publishing a dismissive article or the Atlantic or his arch rival whats her name for the nobel prize or the nobel prize committee for passing him over not acknowledging his heroism in developing the clot shot technology? poor jill.

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Why isn't he now suing Stew Peters who was dropped from his lawsuit now?

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No way!

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Mar 5, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023

I love the Breggins and have their great "global predators" book.

This information that Malone "knew" years ago the mRNA shot was "too dangerous for humans" begs the question: why did he get jabbed himself, then? It makes no sense.

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I don’t think Malone’s that stupid.

But he sure thinks we are.

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

I agree. That Malone "knew" years ago the mRNA shot was "too dangerous for humans" begs the question: why did he get jabbed himself, then? It makes no sense.

OK Malone has a couple questions to answer but he seems like a reasonable guy. Seems honest and forthcoming.

I think Dr Malone can answer these concerns. Malone jumped ship on the vax establishment early on. Not for nothing. He said he had regrets.

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And he and Dr Paul have some unfinished legal business ongoing

The egos and they're not even surgeons

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Folks!! Stop the infighting! That will destroy all the progress made by the brave truthtellers, Malone, Breggin, Alexander, mccullough, marek, Kory, Dr Stella, Wolf, and others...stop! Each has an area of expertise. Each has something slightly different to offer. Each has been savagely censored and beat up. The blind vicious brainwashed opposition loves infighting

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Malone deciding that he needed to suck the air from the room by suing everyone who asked questions about his involvement has harmed himself more than anything. What was his involvement with the DoD? How was he involved as a CEO and also as a researcher? He needs to be deposed on what he knows about the research and development of the mRNA technology.

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

Yes!!!! There needs to be tons of discovery. His involvement with that CIA guy that initially contacted him, etc. I want info on him and how he travelled everywhere!!

And how he keeps ad libbing his reason for getting vaxxed. I want him challenged on him changing his stories.

Of all the people to sue.... why is he not suing the government? FOIA them ?!! Do something. But nope. He picked his battle to sue some couple asking questions. Like cmon.

And to not recommend ivermectin makes no sense. Even if it doesn’t work it does have strong anti inflammatory properties that can save lives or offer relief.

The whole thing is ridiculous.

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Do you think your concern should be directed at old moneybags Malone?

He’s the Plaintiff in a lawsuit against Breggin. That means he’s the aggressor, the anti free speech trouble-maker who’s out for blood money. He’s the one who took a philosophical disagreement into the legal realm. He’s the one seeking 25 million dollars.

Do you think that’s a sign Bob’s not the good guy you’d like him to be?

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Personally I have never been supportive of the lawsuit for the reason I just stated above, among others. But all along my understanding is that doctor Malone helped invent the original MRNA technology many years ago as a grad student. It was a new concept that possibly could be used for cancer treatment. He had nothing to do with the covid gene injectionDevelopment in any way . By late 2020, I had already read all the very early papers about the MRNA trials and the weasels always died. I had huge reservations about this experimental untested shot with no long term studies with the technology that had failed years ago. However I think, like many, maybe even including doctor Malone, we all hoped they had somehow overcome the hurdles of the failed experiments 10 and 20 years ago. Obviously we now know they had not. Malone started out in a very different place than some of the others. Each of us had to come to the horrifying realization that we were being lied to at every level in our own time. He had much further to come than many of us. His whole life had been surrounded by these people Of the 3 letter agencies and other big dogs, that he more or less trusted and thought were doing their jobs for the good of the people. It's a very bitter pill to swallow. Way after I understood it it was all a lie,i t was still very hard for me to accept the evil and the corruption and the purposeful lies. Again I wish the lawsuit had never happened. I've made a point of not finding out much about it because I do believe The freedom doctors and the freedom fighters are some of the bravest people in the world. I don't think there should be infighting

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Fair enough.

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It sure seems so.

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Doc, you are 100% over the target as are the Breggins!

Breggins Prioritize Free Speech Above Self-Interest in $25 Million Lawsuit by Robert Malone


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Malone recently put out a substack article addressing this issue, which is quite convincing in my opinion. I don't think it is worthwhile to keep busting his balls. He is doing good work exposing problems with the vaccines. I don't understand the motivation behind these recent attacks on Malone. https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/regarding-covid-19-pseudo-mrna-vax?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=583200&post_id=106629347&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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Too late to stop the death and maiming of hundreds of thousands. There are crimes of negligence and to not come out to stop the use of mRNA from the beginning is more than just a matter of omission, but potentially a crime of commission. It is not misfeasance, but most likely malfeasance.

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Considering that he himself took the vaccines, I think it is safe to say that he had been tricked by the propaganda at the time that they first came out. However, he has since come around, and has been a very vocal opponent of them.

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why do you believe he took the clot shots, oh true believer?

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Why would he take the injections knowing that they are dangerous, certainly not safe & effective?

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I suspect that he had likely fallen for the propaganda at the time that he took them. I believe that it was a few months after he took the injections that he started to become publicly critical of them. If my memory is correct, I believe he had said that he had some sort of adverse reaction to them. My dad, who is still somewhat under Fauci's spell, used to work with Dr. Malone at Inovio. It seems to me that it is difficult for people who work in this field to be critical of vaccines. While it may have taken Malone a few months longer than you and I think it should have to publicly criticize the vaccines, he is doing so now, and has been doing so for over a year. So, I don't think it is worthwhile or productive to keep giving him a hard time.

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he didn't fall for propaganda, he wrote the propaganda.

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He invented the technology. Admits it himself. I hardly think he didn’t know what the consequences could be.

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He's addressed this a couple of times at least

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We got to know everything. They are probably making more shots for different things with the MRNA in it. It is an on-going thing. If Malone knows anything that could help stop this, he should come forward. It is the right thing to do.

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He has come forward, and has been brining attention to the problems with the mRNA vaccines for over a year now.

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I find it more than worrisome & odd that this sort of thing has transpired in the medical freedom movement all across the world. As if someone is trying to fracture it. We all have to be careful and try not to fan the flames. It's a big movement and was very strong. If they manage to fracture it into smaller pieces we lise strength.

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“As if someone is trying to fracture it.”

Hmmm, I’m not Columbo but there’s this little sliver of something over there in the corner. A scrap of paper with some hard to make out writing starting with the letter “L.” Laws…lawsu..lawsuits. That’s it! Malone’s the Plaintiff who’s suing the Breggins, among others fighting against the ClotShot Tyranny:


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he's only suing for jill's sake. jill is so upset, she can't stand it anymore, so he had to put off their yacht trips to spain and sue the guys who are hurting jill.

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I concur with Heather H, in that we should be working together, and not calling each other names. It looks like Malone is suing Peter Breggin for slandering him, and attacking his character. It seems that Breggin is somehow offended at the "mass formation psychosis" idea that Desmet came up with, and Malone talked about frequently. Breggin apparently believes that the idea was put forth as an excuse for those who were under the spell so to speak. I don't think that is the case. I think that the mass formation psychosis is an accurate portrayal of what happened to many people. But, no matter what one thinks about it, I don't think it is productive to the medical freedom movement to have one of the big voices attacking the character of another. While I think it is not necessary or for Malone to sue Breggin, I suspect that it was done becuase these attacks are upsetting Malone's wife, as Malone mentioned in his recent substack on the issue.


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Jill is behind this lawsuit then? Just goes to show, behind every vengeful man there's always a vengeful woman, or in this case the vengeful man is hiding behind the skirts of the vengeful woman.

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Yes they are going in all pediatricians annual list of injections to healthy children and infants starting in the fall

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That is horrifying.

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Thank you 🙏

I'm reposting but the frothing is feverish, hatred nasty

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So I am not a scientist nor medical doctor however, I do have a medical background & I have read this link & nowhere does Dr. Malone refute this charge. He goes on at length to argue about ADE v. Immune imprinting & refers back to papers & interviews early on in 2020. He does not address the claim that he was one of the inventors of the mRNA technology or that he knew that it was either unsafe or ineffective. He does play the victim card of being harassed & threatened. And begs people to stop. It’s a bunch of technical jargon sidestepping this very simple question.

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Was about to post that. Malone perhaps is not the villain Breggin asserts?

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Malone went about victimizing the victims of the mRNA vaccines by saying they took the vaccine because there was a mass formation of psychotic, fear driven people who wanted the jab. He was looking to absolve himself of any responsibility in the horrendous side affects that were piling up on VAERS.

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As an employee of the Salk institute, the technology was not " his" ie no royalties.

He is listed on the patent , but unlike Fauci does not profit on it.

He said he realized his mistake, after his BP soared and advised his kids who are in medicine , not to take it but acknowledged they also are indoctrinated by the culture.

He was pro informed consent and choice at that point. I think he has moved to the take it off the market stage.

As someone who has injury in my family and myself since the 90s , and reading since 1996 about the issue (much of which has been scrubbed by the vaccine investor Google), I suppose all the " new" members of the "Coincidence Club" are perhaps a bit froggy and lashing out in their newfound outrage. My Shadenfreud is somewhat hopeful now that more eyes are on the lies , perhaps we can stop it THIS time .

However , the " baddies" have professional level saboteurs working 24-7 to fracture dissent . We are talking destroyers of whole countries for the profit of the 1%.

Don't help them (the baddies) by attacking newbs who are seeking information , usually under duress. (Injury) , or you become part of our collective Problem. And most ARE newbies , having only woken up the last three years themselves.

Like myself , who only wishes to save even one more person from suffering as I have , and losing many family and friends for speaking out , try to judge by what many current "heros " have lost by coming forward and speaking against the narrative.

It's not for sissies.

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Smoke & Mirrors Malone.

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What to think about the clinical trials of Pfizer may 2021, on baby’s aged 5 months, where they gave jabs ranging from 3 ug up to 30, the regular dosage for adults! They administered these poor children under consent of their stupid parents the same dose as for an adult, in order to find “the sweet spot”, the lowest possible dosage resulting in the least (short term) side effects. What happened to these kids?

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That makes me very upset. I also think how many times I took my own little ones to the doctor for their "well" child shots. Ugh!

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Drs. Thorp and McCullough and others address all of the data and CALL FOR AN IMMEDIATE HALT🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑Full Stop of all mRNA injections

Over 1200 deaths Pfizer knew in early clinical data. The max death rate is 50 before trials END forever

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This is also nothing new. Every University Hospital non profit uses poor people to test products that in turn finance care for the indigent - another evil capture by Pharma.

I have personally experienced coercion to participate multiple times .

To me this is unforgivable , as I doubt they get informed consent any better than what I got - which is absolutely none.

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Malone has been fighting to get the word out regarding the mRNA shots for 2 years or more! I don’t understand how anyone could credibly attack him for not doing more. He has been subjected to all kinds of unjustified criticism for two plus years! This only makes me suspect of Dr. Alexander……

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

When did he ever come and say in plain english not to take the clot shot? plain english, that people who don't speak biojargon can understand? i've looked for a quotes, videos, anything, can't find it. plain english. a warning. i saw his testimony in texas, there was nothing. can you link?

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Dr Alexander,

I am disappointed that you posted this. I wish that you would have reached out to him to get his side before doing so. The very last thing we need is in fighting.

I was fortunate to find Dr Malone very early on in things. I watched him for the first time at a meeting with a bunch of doctors who were trying to figure out a way to help. I didn't know it then but I was watching the development of the Great Barrington declaration. I liked him because he made it clear he would only back anything if it had data. I liked that because at the time the “experts” were ignoring or didn't even have the data. He was not red-pilled then. So keep that in mind. He had to learn a lot. He has come a long way fast in that respect all while trying to help the best he could. It's all anyone can do and no one is perfect.

I don not believe he had remained quite on either of these points. He never advocated for anyone to take them. He took them himself! He has responded to these accuitations. I hope all resist making judgement until they read it. The last thing needed is in fighting.


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Dr. Robert Malone, had a long record in the bioweapons complex (5 billion dollars in grants) and was promoting haccinating the elderly before his conversion. He sued freedom fighters like the Breggins, Dr. Peter McCullough (America Out Loud) and Dr. Jane Ruby for 25 million dollars each. 1

Does Malone receive royalties from Pfizer and Moderna for any of his 57 mRNA patents2, some of which are essential for lipid nanoparticles (there are 1814 patents related to Malone and nanoparticles)? Couldn’t he block them from using his patents in making haccines? In that case, he’d be accomplice to genocide.

It’s strange that Malone says he got vaccinated after getting COVID: why wouldn’t an expert like him rely on natural immunity and repurposed drugs? Why would he take an EUA experiment, having worked for decades with mRNA for the Department of Defence and CIA, and knowing the failure in cancer patients?

In early 2022 he was still supporting vaccinating the high risk and working for a Bio-defence contract.3

24 Jun 2021 he twitted supporting traitor Andrew Hill calling for more evidence on ivermectin (there were thousands of proven cases along a year and there was no harm trying!): “PLEASE pay attention to Dr. Andrew Hill. He is a very solid and mature data scientist. We speak often, and I have complete confidence in him and his team. Evidence-based medicine, not hype.” Malone was replied: “Sorry Dr. Malone, you must have missed Tess Lawrie statement around her private conversation with Dr. Hill where he admitted pressure from sponsors was the cause of his bogus conclusions.“ He didn’t answer. 4

9 Jan 2023. Twitter is still censoring and shadow banning COVID posts and refuses to reinstate many accounts from truthers, yet Twitter reinstated Malone’s account (with many others like Kirsch and McCullough). According to Dr. Ruby’s screenshots 5, Twitter blocked her for posting “What is The Malone Doctrine?”: why would Twitter support Malone by banning Dr. Ruby?

WARNING ! The next threats and the solution:


I'm about to post about something huge I found, which isn’t written anywhere in the internet.

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

He wrote a paper in 2020 against the jabs. He is a victim of the medical cult , and WAS a true believer , as many in the medical field still are. I have similar in my own family who are True Believers in the Cult . (Er nurse and a Nurse Administrator)

Like those who grew up in the Church , then became atheist , once they became educated as to all origin stories , and still try to point out the hypocrisy , inconsistency, and myth ,to their family and peers , they cannot escape their programming and respond in similar fashion as those in the Medical Cult of Death care for profit , it's difficult to accept what they have done.

To those who have escaped and now speak out , I give them that credit for standing up and speaking out.

I do not expect perfection , especially from newcomers to the whole horror story to pass purity tests.

Malone does not receive royalties , the Salk Institute owns them.

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You claim he wrote a paper in 2020 against the jabs. Can you link to this paper?

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I can’t wrap my head around the brain washed authoritarians who come here to address articles like this one, and say let’s not fight, while having no understanding of any conflicts from this side and only want us to put up with their guru and STFU .. - it reminds me of all the people who just followed Fauci &Co. and the govt’s promoting this GENOCIDAL JAB. He’s got control over you minions, or are you bots, that act as a ‘defence team’ that goes around defending the idea of him. What is he really doing over on his stack - 😵‍💫

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… controlling the opposition.

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First learned about the Breggin’s via Dr Pam Popper. She had a book out early on this whole Fauci DR Evil thing. She is awesome. She organized a thing called Make Americans Free Again. She is a medical doctor who train’s medical personnel in alternative careers to actually help and educate people! You should speak with her Dr Alexander

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I deeply respect Dr Malone. Dr Alexander, please do not air your dirty laundry; find another private way to work this out with Dr Malone.

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On the contrary, let it all come to the surface - then we can know for sure on which side he stands

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I’ve always been baffled by the fact that he took these jabs knowing what he must about the tech.

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you believe that?

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Right. And Ohio’s Governor drank East Palestine’s water, too.


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he sure did. !. he took the jabs so he could travel. 2. he took the jabs to alleviate his "long covid." take yer pick.

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Attacking and suing the Breggins was just way over the Top. They are very nice people who wouldn't harm anyone.

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What kind of person does that?

Clue: 30 pieces of silver.

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@William H Warrick III MD: How do you know that? Do “very nice people” malign others in such a derogatory manner based on information from Robert Malone’s own website? This is reportedly where Peter Breggin says he first obtained the information that he criticized. And would he utilize the Stew Peters’ show to do it? Is that what “very nice people” do?Something is very wrong with this situation. Robert Malone was NOT a public figure in 2020. He was reportedly a contractor for the Federal government and others. He was brought into the public arena by another high profile person who wanted to bring Malone’s expertise to the table. Perhaps he should have said no thank you to avoid this relentless uproar, which appears to weigh heavily on him. Perhaps he shouldn’t have tried to help, but I for one am glad that he did. Robert Malone is NOT responsible for what has happened with the covid response. The responsibility was NOT his. He was NOT obligated to EVER speak up about problems with the gene therapies masquerading as vaccines. Most clear thinking people who have followed this saga closely since 2020 would likely come to this conclusion.

For that reason, I believe the REAL issue is something other than what is being complained about in this article and others.......... something more personal. If so, I hope it gets resolved in private.

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Seems there's some legal hard feelings here. They need therapy

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Hi Dr. Alexander!

I have been following you and all the other. Freedom doctors for the past 3 years!

60hrs per week for the past three years of researching and sharing!

I just find it so upsetting and hard to believe that Dr. Malone is being questioned.

I do not know all the facts like you do about this.

I did find this explanation of Dr. Malone’s defence.

I hope all this. Can be ironed out and the two of you can work out your differences because with the implementation of this Digital ID. and the globalists agenda we need all hands on deck working together!


Thank you,

Jas Sidhu

Here is something I found in Dr. Malone’s defence:


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Your Superman caused many deaths by not coming forward when he knew it was the technology pharma would use for the vaccine. It wasn’t like he couldn’t get an audience to listen to him. Get over yourself and admit he has feet of clay and is a greedy bastard trying to look innocent after he raided the cookie jar. He needs to ride off into the sunset and take his lies with him.

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You're out in left field, again, Doc. Attacking the wrong people. You seem to imply that Malone created the mRNA bioweapon vaccines. Not his doing. Do you think you should be held accountable because you didn't convince Trump the vaxx are bad?

At this point, I doubt Malone would consent to a discussion with you. I don't blame him. You are ranting and raving like a madman. Stick to helping people instead of trying to destroy them.

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Dr. Malone himself has said he was one of the inventors of mRNA TECHNOLOGY.

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Inventor of the mRNA technology, not the vaccines. He invented the wheel, not the assault vehicle. Just as the person who discovered the atom did not invent the bomb.

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read his "about" page. "Robert W Malone MD, MS

Inventor of mRNA & DNA vaccines, RNA as a drug." "pretend Believer in our fundamental freedom of free speech"

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on his "about" page he doesn't say he was ONE of them, he modestly implies he IS THE "Inventor of mRNA & DNA vaccines,"

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