Dr. McCullough is a true hero.

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God is with you Dr McCullough. Stay strong and courageous Doctor. You are in our prayers.

Many doctors are gaining the world and losing their souls. God have mercy on them. Hopefully they repent from the heart and change their actions.

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Now you know why Fauci-et al continue asserting its efficacy. To do otherwise would be an admission of guilt

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That is very good news. He will be remembered for this heroism. We need to come out in huge numbers and call for an immediate halt to covid vaccines.

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Needs to be done and the American people should demand it!!

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Not just Americans, Lori. This has happened all over the world. And everyday, they still spew this nonsense of 'safe and effective'. Our idiot prime minister (I can barely call him that), insists that more need to be given. Barf

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Remember, Trudo's wealth has jumped from 15 million$ to 385 million$ in the last 2 years ... he allegedly owns 40% of Acuitus in Vancouver which produces the lipid nano-particle that makes these $hots work, that's why he keeps insisting every Cdn keeps getting more $hots.

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I know of his ties to Acuitus wasn't aware he made that much bank off of them lol. I mean with all the missing and unaccounted for billions for pandemic expenditures and the "infrastructure" etc that money at this point and with all the years he's been in power is probably just play money for him now. Lawyers, such as Heenan Blaikie are expensive also right ;) ?

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I have to wonder if some of his new wealth is from money laundering, like all those half billion$ donations to other countries, while Cdn veterans were going without.

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For sure. And the notaries, law firms, financial institutions as well as private banking, "auditors" such as EY, Deloitte, KPMG etc all collaborate to facilitate the placement, layering and integration of these illicit funds.

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Oh to watch that smug psychopath grin of Gates et Al to wiped off , the planet.

I know vengeance is Gods, forgive me.

I wouldn’t have any qualms having all of these demons sent back to hell immediately .

Why are our Troops also protecting the Treasonous at Davos, they should be arresting them.

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Jjule, you took the bait. Davos has their own security. No US troops as yet. Who knows what the future holds if Biden, the human wrecking ball, continues to bankrupt us into extinction. The cunning technocrats have someone waiting behind the curtain that will ensure Davos will be the new world capitol, what with all the Biden classified litter showing up.

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Well dang, let me spit that baited hook back out 😀

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Exactly! Well said. 😑

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This illegal advertising could also bring down the MSM, which has pushed the "safe and effective" narrative from the start, along with their suppressing and mocking information about early treatment, which has resulted in mass numbers of unnecessary deaths. This entire catastrophe led to the death of the most important person in my life, along with millions of other innocent people who didn't deserve to die! I feel like I'm literally living in a nightmare and I don't even really want to live anymore. Maybe that was THEIR goal.

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Don’t give up Swan. You are here for a reason. It does feel like a nightmare sometimes, but we all have a role to play in this fight for truth and justice. God be with you.

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Ditto! 💌

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Beautifully said Truth Seeker, and condolences for your loss Swan. Keep your head up. Always remember you're not alone in your fight either and we're all doing our best to survive in this crazy world but as you've also seen there's a lot of good, virtuous, wholesome and caring people still out there also -whether it be your Substack people and the good Lord above and everything in between. I just want to add one element with respect to your reminding us how we were mocked-I don't hear any media or people calling us "COVIDIOTS" anymore eh? As a Quebec resident-this one guy from the Journal de Montreal (newspaper/website) Richard Martineault was the biggest agitator and public manipulator in my region-he's the first guy who needs to face accountability with respect to my local media.

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Swan my heart aches reading this. 💌

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Take care, beautiful Swan. We are in a war with our feelings, for sure, and even our understanding. I am so sorry for your loss, an indescribable one, except you write "the most important person" in your life, so the crater size of it is noticeable. Like you, I wait for the MSM to go down down down, for theirs is a peculiarly creepy role in this crime. Thank you for contributing! Please keep hanging in. You will see the victory.

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My deepest sympathy Swan on the tragic death of your beloved special person. I wish that I could give you and everyone who has suffered the pain and sorrow of losing a loved one this way a hug from my heart to yours so you will feel our compassionate Love for you. Please know that your family, your friends, and all of us here want you to reach out to others in your life who love and care for you and can offer emotional support through this difficult time of grief. Your beloved special person would want you to find peace and happiness. I realize that your heart is hurting, please allow yourself time to restore faith and hope in our strength as a community of patriots who are fighting for truth and liberty. We are making a difference as more of our fellow Americans are waking-up to the truth and I believe that our side will prevail over the next few months.

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Never surrender.

Stay strong. Stay the course.

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Goal indeed. Take your pain and anger and the evil and use it for truth, purpose, and good, it will help heal you... and it will piss evil off which is sometimes fun IMHO. But better than that, you and your life will shine and burn brighter and stronger than ever. Learn discernment. Romans 12:2 is my life verse, and every ounce of deceit, mocking, death, stealing of innocence the enemy took from me when I was young makes him very sorry now. Best? Walking through this nasty dirty earth with Jesus, who is the Prince of Peace and Mighty Counselor, until Perfection, until Glory, until our day of Heaven arrives, or He does. You can do it. I know it.

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Yeah I think I've hears that as well

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I'm so sorry for your loss, and the loss of so many millions of others as well.

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Peter I agree with your opinion and call to action. Perhaps another method of payback exists. Those who conspired and were MDs or DOs or had other professional healthcare licenses interfered with the process of informed consent of all who were given the vaccinations. Most sane persons given truly informed consent would not consent for themselves or their children to receive the mRNA injections. Can't we have have their licenses to practice taken away? Their professional society memberships revoked? For breech of medical ethics that resulted in harm to millions of humans. They would need to have medical liability insurance in force.

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The Dr only l listened to the Gates funded CDC. Would not issue exemptions to the shoots.

The Drs didn’t know what was in them, sorry plausible deniability doesn’t work here.

They violated Do No Harm.

Even though the Pentagon set up a non prosecution system around all this, there must be a way to have justice.

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In a previous comment elsewhere I proposed that all of the swamp perpetuators of this scam be given never ending jabs and boosters so that we can learn more about the long term complications of the vaccinations, boosters, and non-treatment of long Covid. A Nuremberg style tribunal I suspect would not honor the fraudulent EUAs behind which these criminals hide. I best not expound on how the penalties for guilt should be doled out this bunch of demons.

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I agree.

They wanted us rounded up for having Questions.

I say, Karma , make it swift.

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Additionally the medical personnel such as the pathologists who allowed the utterly fraudulent testing protocols to be implemented should be prosecuted. Their total disregard for the proper testing protocols to be implemented lead to the mass hysteria and pandemic which allowed for the government to declare an emergency requiring EUA for the shot.

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No doubt. I often ask ppl. Have you ever heard of PCR before? Did we use it to test for flu, strep, or anything else in your whole life? "no" they always say. "EXACTLY" I always say, because it was not invented for clinical diagnostics, it was invented for research laboratory use only because it means NOTHING. Just like Kary Mullis explained on video, before he conveniently died in August 2019, just pre-covid.

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Except the ABMS who rules them all are woke nazis so they are not on our side. Began in 1908, controlling. They would likely work to take our licenses, just like they threatened McCullough; haven't heard the outcome for his case few weeks ago. Professional societies bought and bribed, like colleges and MSM. pHarma coerces nations.. Argentina and has controlled MSM for decades. https://www.abms.org/newsroom/abms-issues-statement-supporting-role-of-medical-professionals-in-preventing-covid-19-misinformation/

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True. What you say is true. It may be interesting to file claims with the ABMS and medical for exactly the opposite reasons. This movement could start in states dominated by conservatives such as Florida or where I live, Tennessee.

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Interesting for sure. Does anyone have the courage to do so?

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Someone like Robert Kennedy Jr. who has the smarts, the will, and the way. Someone with a passion for getting justice for all who have been physically injured, psychologically injured, or died from these crimes against humanity. Along the way, defunding them into bankruptcy should also slow them down.

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Yes!!! Hope so!

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Just finished listening to this. Pay attention for those of us who still live under Trudeau regime Powerful - pass it on today!

Gain of Function Felony Lawsuit with intent of Murder and Racketeering Trudeau and Fauci


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Thank you for posting the link Kimmer. I love David Martin and he really knows his stuff. I can't wait for this to hit the fan; maybe there will be hope for Canada yet.

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Re that clip of "Gain of Function Lawsuit with intent of Murder and Racketeering Trudeau & Fauci", Dr.Martin starts in on Canada's involvement at the 2 minute mark. This must be why Trudeau keeps insisting the shots are the ONLY remedy, & all Cdns must keep getting more shots, plus he's outlawed Ivermectin & Hydroxychloraquine which would have saved so many people.

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Democrat AGs won't do it.

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You all need to understand, this is going to get nasty. FL grand jury will be the test for this.

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Jan 18, 2023·edited Jan 18, 2023

They will when high-profile government and business leaders are arrested for murder, prosecuted and jailed in adjacent conservative states, and when the facts become widely known that the deadly jabs were forced upon people by a vast, completely corrupt and fraudulent conspiracy. Lives of loved ones have been wrongly destroyed by the millions. People will set politics aside.

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Take a look at the links I posted below. They will give you an idea of what likely needs to happen legally to turn this around.

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There will be lots of bureaucratic resistance too

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You mean IF that happens. It's not guaranteed.

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Would be nice! Ain't gonna. 😔

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You need a court system to depend on...we no longer have it.

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I love it! A powerful video clip by Dr. McCullough. Even though we have a passive-aggressive Federal AG and DOJ, the States can hold this administration accountable. Let them first determine a cost and withhold revenues from the Federal treasury. Next indict the many administration players involved and extradite them for trial. Biden. Fauci. HHS leadership. State and local public health authorities. The manufacturers (the veil has been punctured). We’ll need King Solomon to figure out how to divide them up among the States. Take turns? Or send them in pieces?

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If enough states file suits I’m betting the defendants will move to have it become a federal issue lifting it out of state court systems that may be antagonistic, to where the outcome will likely be in their favor. I don’t trust the fed at any level anymore. All branches have been corrupted. Remember “too big to fail”? The feds find ways to pardon wrong doers, and this may just be another instance that would “ do more harm to the institutions we rely upon” than good. Slaps on the wrist for all but no criminal wrong doing. My prayer is that justice prevails and the whole lot is wearing orange on death row.

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Dr. Alexander, I found out the recently revised FAA medical standard (https://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/avs/offices/aam/ame/guide/standards/) and ECG Normal Variants (https://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/avs/offices/aam/ame/guide/media/Normal_Variants.pdf).

Would like to get your thoughts whether some measurements thresholds are beyond normal or not. Highly appreciate for your advices as always!

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Included here in Steve Kirsch's Substack article on this subject is a video interview with Cardiologist Thomas Levy: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/the-faa-has-very-quietly-tacitly?publication_id=548354&post_id=97001835&isFreemail=true

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