Good news on the student loan issue. That the federal government is involved in any of these issues is ridiculous.

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hhhmmm a different angle, well stated...gives us something to think about more....you may be right.

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agreed as to over reach by government...our push is to get government OUT of our lives

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Piss on biDUMB. He made a big fool of himself but he was always so. Jackass Joe.

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I guess IVF is the way of the future for America. Most of Elon's kids were born through IVF and surrogacy was sometimes involved Even before the shots rolled out there would not have been many males in the US who were capable of, or interested in, fertilizing eggs in the old fashioned way. Implanting eggs into the rectum of a fellow homosexual would motivate many American men to attempt to fertilize them I used to think that it was not possible for men to get pregnant and give birth by rectal delivery. But then I found out where lawyers come from.

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ha ha ha...medically it cannot happen, but these devils will place a womb in a man and say it can but even then I dont think possible though a few years ago a report of this?

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Hahaha did you mean last part to be taken as a joke

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