RFK jr and Trump may be the USA's last chance before they blow us all up. Fingers crossed they don't get shot before anything changes.

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That is on everyone's mind

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No matter who wins we the people lose. No politician can save this country. They are all compromised. He’s still pushing the bioweapon shot. There is no excuse for that. Everyone, especially Trump, knows about the planned democide now. Even the normies are catching on. I read over 50% of regular people have figured it out. We the people are the only ones who can save we the people.

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No politician is the be all and end all. But, who is in the White House matters, it matters a lot.

If 'we the people' don't at least get that right, then a broader resistance would seem incomprehensible.

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It doesn’t matter at all. Every one of them is bought and paid for to be the puppet controlled by the elite.

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If you are incapable of differentiating between a Trump Administration, which largely acted in defiance of the Deep State, and a Biden Administration, something is seriously wrong with your judgement.

Trump was clearly an enemy to the elites. At the very least, follow the maxim, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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Sure, if you believe in the deceptive theater they're feeding you.

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Kabuki Theatre it is!

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It would be far more logical to deduce the 'Trump is controlled opposition' narrative is part of the 'elites' theatre, than to conclude he is not.

Hence, it is far more likely you that is believing the deceptive theatre.

If you're wrong, you are batting for the elites. If you're right, there is no one to bat for. That is, you can lose, but you can't win.

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I understand how you can see it that way...but I think you're sadly wrong. You're betting on the wrong horse. There is no "leader" or "elite" that is going to save us here (besides Jesus Christ, that is). It's going to take all of us, you, me, etc...to all wake up and rise up. It's 99% against the 1%. If we had critical mass awakening and critical mass non-compliance, this 1% would be done!

It's like the story about the mass of slaves, all bowed down to the single master with the whip...the master is scary and in control, as everyone stays compliant and subservient...until one day the slaves rise up and the master is forced to bow down. It's also like the story about the baby elephant tied to a stake. The little elephant is too small to pull out the stake and learns to stay in place. Once a grown elephant, it never realizes it's strength and power and stays tethered to the stake. We too, don't realize our true power. We are only as helpless and powerless as we give our power away to these elites!

Sure, it's hopeless if only a few rise up...but it's not hopeless if a critical mass does. We simply must continue to do our jobs to awaken others -- each of us -- and eventually, we'll be there. We had better get going however...

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He's very friendly with the WEF, has never renounced the jab and he followed the central planners on the left during Covid. He gave Bill Gates 1.5 billion for Moderna to a man who supports world depopulation, He's also an actor and claims he's a mason after he was elected but denied it prior to the election. Thus far six people once known to me died after taking the jab. The mother of a 13-year-old girl wrote Trump expressing facts and his office never contacted her. He promoted Fauci, agreed to 15 days to slow the spread which turned into years. With respect consider these points and then ask yourself is Trump playing the part of a patriot or do the above points present cause for great concern.

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Thank you! Very informative. I hope people read and learn the truth.

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Yeah I saw this flyer on there and don't agree at all with this one, not sure about the agenda of the site and ran it by Mike King at the anti ny times, and he said part of the black pill crowd.

I agree with some of your assessments, and others but my experiences in life and research have led me to differenct beliefs.

For one thing the woman in both videos claiming the Jews are a major factor in the immigration issue. Why would anyone admit that?

All of those agencies are funded by the Phonecian banking cartel and their members like Soros.

You and others can continue to link all Jews into a big conspiracy, but I've not been convinced by anything shown me yet.

None have provided a solution yet either. What is it then?

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Sometimes, members of a group go apostate. Or, they make an error that haunts them. Who was allowed to control banking for nearly 2500 years?

While I would agree we have plenty of atheists, pagans, Christians and Muslims working with the jews, I would say simply the jews have a leading role, and a far outsized role given their purported overall, worldwide population.

What matters as the world braces for a solution (hint, voting, praying and typing have not only been impotent, they have all been passive and disastrous), is there are cartels, groups of powerful people, who have decided their only opposition is about 500M stubborn whites of European origin, that steadfastly just want to be fruitful and multiply. They have instead turned their powerful corporate (Blackrock, Vanguard), media, banking, academic and lately medical arms against us.

The solution is really very simple. 5M white men of some prowess, pick a day. Let's say, the 5th of November, and on that day, each, individually is tasked with committing an act of severe mayhem. Whatever their conscious and ability can stomach.

It would be indefensible, with any current methods available to the police states that rule us. And, for those of us who would need some moral justification, it would save the white race, and humanity.

If I were in a makeshift skiff with a very close, long time friend, I would encourage him to focus on banks/petrodollar/Euro, and media locations.

Finally, I am not trying to convince anyone of anything. To look at those flyers, and ignore the clear over-representation in EVERYTHING that opposes what most truth seekers and paleo Conservatives cherish is pure folly.

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Something else I came across while looking for the video "who is behind it" but can't remember which channel on telegram I got it from. It's on my gettr account but wasn't easy to download. This is from Tucker on Alex Jones telegram

Corporation vs. Sovereign

The inner standing of the true meaning of being born as a "Spiritual Sovereign Soul" as opposed to being incorporated at birth into "The Evil Corporation System of Enslavement" is the first step to regaining your sovereignty.

To fund their New World Order, they incorporated using our birth certificates by which we became debt slaves in their system for a debt they incurred and will never be paid off.

Their plan was to impose the Covid-19 False Flag Event and then force vaccinate ("Mark Of The Beast") all of us with the goal of reducing the world population to 500 million from 7.4 billion.

Their goal of a New World Order is not new; it has been planned for hundreds of years and has been passed down from generation to generation through the 13 blood line families who answer to their overlords, never to be spoken of as they knew that if we found out, they would be hunted down and dealt with swiftly. Thus, "The Great Awakening." "The New World That God Has Always Intended for Us"

We only need to travel back in time 152 years when the Organic Act Of 1871 was enacted and then move forward to the current day. Their plan extends much further back than 1871; this was not the first time they have executed a reset of humanity here on this realm we call earth.

I encourage you to RESEARCH everything that I am providing. The "Act Of 1871" was the instrument they used after the US lost the Revolutionary War; it was at this time that the Rothchild's and the global bankers infiltrated countries throughout the world. The US Treasury was financially exhausted due to the war that the global bankers had orchestrated, as they always have. The global bankers have started every war, funding both sides to control humanity.

The global bankers then pulled us into their web of deceit and lies through a loan which allowed them to infiltrate not only the US through our governments but worldwide. The execution of this plan allowed them to infiltrate banking, courts, medical, educational systems, churches worldwide. They had gained control of everything. The Central banks, IMF, Federal Reserve, IRS, Corporations are not our friends folks.

The Act Of 1871 was a treasonous act against humanity; it was passed by The 41st Congress unlawfully against the original US Constitution. This treasonous act enabled the global bankers to take away our sovereignty and dissolved the Republic For America.

The global bankers turned our country into THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CORP and put a gold fringe around our great flag to represent their corporation. They infiltrated our legal system moving us from Common Law - God's Natural Law (Land, Air, Water) to Corporate Maritime Law using the English language (legal ease) against the people, with statues, ordinances, policies and mandates which are not the law of the land as created by God our Divine Creator.

Maritime Law is conducted by The BAR Association - British Accredited Register and NOT constitutional law. So, with all of these facts presented, this is "The Great Awakening"... The British Crown along with the Vatican has controlled all of humanity through the strong arm of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORP. in all capitalized letters and we no longer comply.

Join 👉 Tucker Carlson (https://t.me/CarlsonTuckerHere)

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Sorry I made you speculate on that idea, even as it's only a theoretical.

I was referring to the Trump flyer in particular. For one thing I liked Wilbur Ross, didn't care much for Tillerson, Chao, Mnuchin, Pompeo, Barr, Bolton, Wray, or Haspel, nor most all of the Generals. How many of those were Jewish?

So here's an article on that subject (bragging I'd say), and there's a few in there of questionable integrity, Kuchner for one, but I believe he served a purpose.


I especially like the article I found on Bannon in there.


Here's Biden's list, and of course we know both had more in lesser positions, and many are in the deep state unappointed positions.


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Trump already proved you wrong.

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Finally someone that gets it...you can apparently be super smart MD's and PhD's and still be falling for the good cop, bad cop theater (order out of chaos, problem reaction solution) tactics of the uniparty cabal that's running our country. Trump is part of it and still so many don't get it. People will begin to wake up sooner or later...at least some of them.

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We are running out of time. I hope people wake up fast.

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Me too Lucy...me too. Ultimately and more-importantly, people need to wake up to the need for Christ, while there is still time.

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Yes. It is the Holy Spirit that provides the necessary discernment and warnings to see the Truth. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. He provided the perfect example of how to live in this world.

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Amen Sister.

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What exactly is it you think needs to happen to save us then?

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War. Fat, weak, atrophied, white middle class and above Drumpftards need to find a spot of testosterone, on their jiggly jowls!

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I'ts what they're trying to excel before 2024. I will stick with Trump, though I know many see him in a different light. Time will tell who is right, but with the other options out there? I just don't see any.

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There are a few things that some bright guys can sort, Bannon's good at working tight situations.

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Bannon is clueless about covid jabs being a bioweapon.

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He has Naomi Wolf on WarRoom. She's and her team are researching COVID.

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Yes, I know. But I don't think he has actually crossed the Rubicon and realized the shots are bioweapons deliberately meant to injure and kill and depopulate.

...and I wish he would quit interrupting Naomi when she is speaking...let the woman talk.

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He supports Trump. That explains his attitude.

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What is that supposed to mean?

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Right on, Lucy.

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Sorry. Can't get excited about him dominating the field.

Trump had the worst year (2020) any president has ever had in American history: rolled by Fauci during covid, impotent when American cities were burning during the summer, AWOL in contesting the "fortified" election. Well, ackshually, he did marshal his forces on J6, led them into a trap, and then abandon them. Then he meekly submitted to Brandon. Trump is a sh*tposter extraordinaire. Leader? Not so much.

And he keeps bragging about being the father of the clot shot.

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You're totally wrong and a liar. You a Pedo supporter, love drag queens and homosexuals teaching your kids, want you kids to use crack, lie with every word, trips over his own feet, married his babysitter breaking her marriage, after crashing his old wife, Knight of Malta Vatican Citizen a foreign agent, unregistered, hired the largest Freak Show Circus on earth for a cabinet, Merrick, Wray the backstabber, and a huge list of CFR-Trilateral Imperial Traitors, that I'll list here but won't remember all:

Kamala Harris, Vice President (CFR through family; Harvard; DLA Piper; Uber through family)

Antony Blinken, Secretary of State (CFR/Trilateral member; Harvard and Columbia; WestExec)

Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury (CFR member; Yale and Harvard; Brookings)

Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense (CFR member; WestExec; Raytheon)

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, UN Ambassador (CFR member; Albright Stonebridge)

Cecilia Rouse, Council of Economic Advisors (CFR director; Princeton; Rowe Price)

Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security (CFR member; Wilmer Hale)

Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor (CFR author; Yale and Oxford; Carnegie)

Ron Klain, Chief of Staff (CFR through family; Harvard; O’Melveny and Meyers)

John Kerry, Special Envoy for Climate (CFR member; Yale)

Susan Rice, Chief of Domestic Council (CFR member; Harvard, Oxford, and Stanford)

William J. Burns, Director of Central Intelligence (CFR member; Oxford; Carnegie)

Kurt M. Campbell, Indo-Pacific Tsar (CFR member; Harvard and Oxford; Asia Group)

Thomas Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture (CFR member; Dairy Export Council)

Gina Raimondo, Secretary of Commerce (CFR member; Oxford; Point Judith Capital)

Eric S. Lander, Director of Office of Science and Technology (CFR member; Harvard)

Jeffery Zients, Counselor to the President (CFR member; Cranemere)

All I can recall at the moment; but let me continue, Mr. Twitter Bot; here's a list criminals:

there’s a long list of conspirators…

FBI - Guilty

DOJ - Guilty

IC - Guilty

Comey - Guilty

McCabe - Guilty

Strzok - Guilty

Lisa Page - Guilty

FISA Judges - Guilty

Rosenstein - Guilty

Chris Wray - Guilty

Gina Haspel - Guilty

Sally Yates - Guilty

Lisa Monaco - Guilty

John Carlin - Guilty

Michael Sussman - Guilty

Christopher Steele - Guilty

Stephan Halper - Guilty 

Fusion GPS - Guilty

Mark Elias - Guilty

Clinton - Guilty

Bruce Ohr - Guilty

Nellie Ohr - Guilty 

James Clapper- Guilty

John Brennen- Guilty 

Fake News- Guilty 

51 Traitors, most Intel, that pulled Hillary's Russia cubed card on the Crackhead ass' laptop.

I can go on and on, but you KNOW all the above.

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Wow. Too bad Trump wasn't president between 2017-2021. He could've done something about it. Instead...clot shot.

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Dominion machines will steal 2024 plus mail in ballots. Count on it

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Yes, they so brazenly "fortified" it 3 years ago, why wouldn't they do it again?

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Exactly. I agree with you on everything.

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I must agree, a Trump / Kennedy duo would be a major blow to the Deep State usurpers. Then they should be sure the two of them are never in the same place at once - such a scenario would be too tempting for the evil scum determined to destroy America.

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I still need to be convinced that Trump isn't part of the New World Order. after all Trump's Operation Warp Speed delivered the USA into the New World Order at Warp Speed.

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He is part of it. And very smart. And they used him to fool all the “Christians” into thinking he was on their side. How is that working out for his J6 supporters who are still rotting in jail? I hope to God people wake up before they suffer the same fate.

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Presidents are selected by your overlords. Usually at least 10 years in advance. Your vote means nothing. You get to vote for one of two criminals backed by the elite. I don’t know why people never learn. The whole system is corrupt. Voting for the lesser of two evils gets you EVIL. That is why we are in this situation. Nothing will ever change until the whole system is destroyed and a new system devoid of corruption is built.

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2016 proves you wrong in one case.

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You need to do some research. Here are a few points. Trump was a democrat all his life until 2015. Hillary is his cousin. The whole thing was staged. Trump played the hero. Hillary played the villain. I fell for it the first time. Never again. After he bombed Syria right after he took office I knew I made a mistake. I have done a lot of research since then and it is obvious to me what Trump is. But you have to learn it yourself. Then you will know.

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Yeh, and Churchill was in with the Nazis.

The idea that MAGA, anti-CCP, and anti-WHO Trump was all a ruse is lunacy.

It was the Trump Presidency that gives patriotic Americans any hope the USA can be salvaged. Had a Clinton Presidency occurred, any such hope would be forlorn.

One would have to cross wide logical chasms to believe it was all part of the plan to destroy America.

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Very astutely stated!

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Screw Trump. Sold America out when he ordered Operation Warp Speed in action. Continues to tout his efforts and that the clot shot was “safe and effective”. Blood on his hands.

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More blood on Pedo Joe's hands for forcing people to take the covid death shot or lose their jobs.

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His words......not mine. Can’t deny it. Keep making excuses for “the Don”!

I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good. Take the vaccines.” — Donald J Trump, August 21st, 2021

"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be getting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!" — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly." — Donald J Trump, March 16th 2021

"We have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that works." — Donald J Trump, March 17th 2021

"Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020

“I guess in a certain way, I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.” - Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021

"Everybody, go get your shot." — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world." — Donald J Trump, March 9th 2021

"It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all. These vaccines are also very safe." — Donald J Trump, December 11th 2020

"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews. Moving along really well. Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020

"Well, I got the Pfizer, and I would have been very happy with any of them. I thought a very bad statement was when they did a pause on Johnson & Johnson. I think that frightened people. That was a bad thing to do. At that time, when they did the pause, they had six people that may have had some difficulty out of millions that received it. But I think the pause was a very bad thing to do." — Donald J Trump, October 2nd 2021

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Wow! I didn’t realize he was bragging that much. Not good at all. Scary shit

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Semi-literate snake oil salesman! What does that make people who shill for him after the truth is so damning?

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OK...you made your point.

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I don't believe that ticket will emerge.

I will take my chances with Trump, liked his turning point speech, however the turning point crowd like the CPAC crowd are not the average person, but plenty of other polls have Trump way ahead. Tucker Carlson's townhall on Blaze was a good preview of the rest of the pack, but I felt he went light on the last 3 personally. Like how he helped Pence destroy himself.

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Haha! Was sooo good !

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That's my pick, too!!

Trump/Kennedy 2024


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Sorry Dominion says who wins

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YES!!!!!🇺🇸Lovin’ that number

Dr. Alexander!!! You were right. Poor Ronnie played his cards wrong... too soon...and affiliation with the Bush money did NOT help... and look at talking smack Christie’s number... Did you know that the FBI’s Christopher Wrey was Christie’s attorney during GW Bridgegate when Christie was the Gov. of New Jersey?

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Association with any Bush is the kiss of death.

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DeSantis needs to bow out...and continue being the governor of Florida.

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Seems like some people’s comments are not reflecting facts. I chose to blame the people who performed the crime against humanity & the NIAID & all of the players involved in the planned pandemic... so that would take us back to Mr O... & to Mr. Bush as well-2005( patent I believe) So easy to blame T for everything. Group think isn’t my jam, that’s why so many got the faux shot, “well everyone’s getting it”. Do you not remember the press conference early on where T said HCQ and was ripped apart by the media and Faux Fauci. “Haters gonna hate”... yes I just quoted Taylor Swift.

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Yes but won't they steal it again?

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Of course they will. They always have. Even when Trump “won”. They count the votes. They choose the winner. Trump was chosen as a Trojan Horse to fool all the “Christians”. And he’s doing a damned good job.

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I gotta disagree with you there. I will cast a vote for Trump again with very little reservation.

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Absolutely. The system is so corrupted that the country has already been overthrown. Revolution is the only option.

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Coup of 2020 in progress

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Of course they still have dominion deciding everything. 2024 is already decided

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Any adult who bases his voting choice on the preferences of a bunch of college-aged kids (even if they are Republican/conservative) is a fool, and has not learned to think intellectually and intelligently. Besides, the whole event was Trump oriented. As for the DJT/RFK,Jr. ticket, it is a ticket to defeat. True Republicans will not vote for a ticket with a liberal demorat, no matter who he is. That's why the McCain/Lieberman ticket didn't happen. And, the demorats will not vote for Trump.

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Why vote? Dominion and paper ballots rule

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A TRUMP/ KENNEDY ticket will insure ONE outcome...a war will be started to impose MARSHALL LAW so No election during that can take place...

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That will be the outcome no matter who is running. It has been planned for over 100 years to take us down and install a communist/fascist dictatorship. If the people don’t stand up, and stop thinking some politician will save them, we are finished. May God help us all.

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That's 'MARTIAL' LAW, and you're probably correct.

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I'm sure he will ensure Chabad jews in Israel get much richer if he wins, and the "migrants" keep flooding across the border. Meanwhile, white people will shrink further, until we are persecuted as we were in Haiti and South Africa.


Trump's kids married jews.

Biden's kids married jews.

Kamala is married to a jew.

Drumpf pardoned black rappers and jews, like Kushner's crooked dad.

Drump built a corrupt group of neocon cabinet posts, all of whom did nothing and later turned on him.

His Presidency was a shit show. Leading to a fast tracked poison he has yet to denounce.

How the hell stupid do people need to be to think he is their "savior?" is our nation this fucking brown, jewed and stupid?

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Yes, all good, as expected. Everyone MUST hold firm for our Trump. We all know how much the Bureaucrat Deep State Trash hates American, and the same insane tools double hate an American name Trump.

RFK MUST carry the torch for Dems against the Crack House Pedo Punk. If RFK wins the dem primary, the entire USA, including the entire planet, will sense the Pedo Rigged Nightmare weakening.

Trump must win, RFK has other work to do. CIA director sound good. Kash, V, Larry, Tim, Carlson, Paul, Peter and many many more solid Americans will all serve a Trump Admin. We can hope to see the light.

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I am sorry to keep seeing Dr. Paul, so blindly on the Trump train. For the record, I too used to be a huge Trump supporter. I spent the last 3 years...often 10+ hours a day, 7 days a week...studying to understand ALL of what we're facing in this world. Thousands of hours. I woke up to so much, and it has completely changed my life. A smaller yet still very significant part of all that was coming to the realization that I had been completely deceived when it came to Trump. Once again, I am kindly and respectfully sounding the trumpet (pun intended) with you all, and implore you to just CONSIDER that perhaps, things are not what they seem with Trump.

I now see more of the "Trump problem" we're dealing with as a nation....

That is, we seem to have the two polar-opposite, divided camps (as designed by the way), that are either:

- the "TDS" sufferers, which is a completely emotionally unstable leftist construct, suffered by those who don't like Trumps character and/or believe everything they've been told to believe about him from leftard news,

- what I now call the "TSS" suffers (Trump Savior Syndrome), which is a blinded far right construct, suffered by those with a whole lot more sense (as they largely seem to believe in God, Country, Liberty, Freedom, the Constitution, 2 Genders, etc), but are also erroneously believing everything they're told about Trump through the far right news. They largely believe everything they've seen on the surface...all the theater that has played out between "left and right", and "populist/nationalist President vs the "deep state globalists", over the last 6+ years.

Then there are some some on the right, that have woken up -- and are starting to see right through the theater and understand that Trump is actually OWNED BY THE VERY SAME FOLKS that are pushing this Luciferian NWO agenda. These people are realizing that Trump is just playing the good cop, bad cop role to a T...and is leading everyone toward the same NWO end goal, without the TSS sufferers even realizing it.

I'm sorry to see that even super educated people simply aren't yet aware of how long, how well planned, how deeply diabolical and architected all of this is. Yes, even Donald Trumps supposed fight for our country and effort to "take down the Globalists"! It's all fake and theater!

If one is able to detach and let go of all perceived notions/beliefs, and study the history, agenda, tactics and twisted goals of the people behind the "NWO" (what the "NWO" truly/ultimately is)...it leads you right to who is behind it all. From there, you can easily connect the dots to see how Trump is supported-by and is a supporter-of, those very same people.

Trump is not your savior folks. He's leading you to destruction. No, he's not the "antichrist" but he must clearly be working for him.

The truth is, the Trump team was there to placate the masses and play one side of the architected theater...and is being used to setup the final nail in the coffin now. I firmly believe he will be put back in office in 2024 to facilitate the final destruction of our country and many will all vote for this "savior".

If this architected bioweapon truly works, people will start dying en masse and they will really lock us down. They will continue to destroy the economy and push more civil unrest (imagine more BLM/antifa and fake "alt-right extremists" false flags) which will cause never seen before levels of chaos in our cities and streets.

This Trump "savior" will be there to placate the distraught and deceived masses, when they release their next bioweapon and the jabbed will really start dying from lowered immunity. Trump will be the one continuing to PRETEND to be fighting the "globalists", while actually facilitating our demise.

Ordo Ab Chao -- Order Out Of Chaos. The doctrine that rules the world. If you don’t understand the concept of “order out of chaos,” then you’ll never understand a thing.



Ultimately, I believe our globalist-sold out tyrannical government (not matter who the "President" is), will begin to hunt down all the dissidents and rebels and put them in camps. Be careful folks, as the first ones on the list will be all of the "Trump supporters".




For this Trump piece, just listen to the following minutes -- 2:49 - 3:01:56



- Voltaire

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