I pray it's over, but I keep watching.

I despise our lying pols, bureaucrats, and doctors. I learned 30 years ago that cholesterol is a hoax, and later that vx is unsafe. Not for my kids.

I don't listen to official media, official medicine, official anything. Liars and murderers.

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It's not over. 4 examples for you, starting with in Germany, October 1, mask mandates are to be reinstated -- for "The Unvaccinated." You'd think even the Germans would get wise to this totalitarian garbage by now..

And here's three reports from your neighbors in The Great White North from our government's propaganda arm, the CBC:

• A long article relentlessly plugging a "vaccine" that doesn't work, for a disease that doesn't exist, reporting vaccine reactions as "Covid": https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/covid-19-manitoba-moderna-bivalent-booster-vaccine-1.6593238

• What they're not telling you is that these are vaccine reactions: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/alberta-fall-covid-surge-1.6593112

• The reek of bullshit was so strong it came right through the internet and into my nostrils!: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/covid19-ottawa-cases-september-23-2022-1.6593516

I guarantee you, something awful will hit the lying whore media in October to terrify the sheeptards and they will comply with all edicts because they're stupid. This isn't going to end until humanity comes to its collective senses, rises up, puts paid to our quisling politicians and arrests the monsters behind all this.

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Thanks. The CBC is Castreau's whore, for sure.

You have a guarantee? Call me a skeptic! LOL.

I'm a bit encouraged that mandates in the US are under a lot of heat. I still have a job.

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Mandates and worse are coming back. Concentrate on paying off your credit card debts, get a food storage and general prep prep plan started if you haven't already, get into fitness and strength training and start buying silver, and ammo, as much as you can of both.

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True...it's amazing how much of the medical mafia is built upon voodoo science and complete fraud.

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I'm beginning to suspect that's "all of it."

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I would love doctors to follow up on the 6 months -4 year olds since their jabs. I wonder how they're doing health wise. I wish no parent had jabbed their kids because we know the truth and so many of them soon will too. The future of our world is in such peril, I don't think there will be a healthy generation to come, if one comes at all. Between the trans movement and these death shots, children will not reproduce when and if they grow up. I believe the pure bloods will be the ones to re-build because the others will be either deceased or too ill. I thank God everyday Im un-jabbed and healthy.

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That's if they will allow us to remain unjabbed. They are not done dealing with our dissenting yet. Advocating an experimental, no study results 'vaccine' for children tells us all we need to know.

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If they were to put a gun to my head and say "Take the vaccine or we pull the trigger" I'd tell them "Pull the trigger."

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I believe God will keep me safe, He has so far and I have faith He will continue to. It breaks my heart to know children are hurting and in pain because of the corruption and lies from government and doctors.

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Yes, I agree and I often say please God, help us all.

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"God has left the receiver off the hook, and we're running out of time."

-- Arthur Koestler

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I'm with You 10000%! What of those poor children whose parents(?) have brainwashed primordial ooze to follow orders with? Guaranteed NO administering healthcare(?) person is following the results... The fema death camps will have a positive use after all, and "Just following directions/orders." ain't gonna cut it...

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How are they doing healthwise? Have a look at this commercial, released by the New York Presbyterian Hospital. The bastards are attempting to normalize myocarditis in children, make it seem like it's no big deal. IT IS A BIG DEAL. Myocarditis in children was almost unheard of prior to the "Covid-19" crapcine release, and a few days in hospital with drugs WON'T make it all better: Mortality rates of myocarditis are something like 50% within 5 years. The liklihood is quite high this little girl won't live through adolescence. That's how injected children are doing healthwise.


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Exactly !

Dr. Peter McCullough, eminent Pulmonary Cardiologist says that Myocarditis causes irreparable damage ! Myocarditis is a lifelong threat....not an simple incident that can be taken lightly..... deceitful propagandists are spinning the truth.

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From Daily Expose"

"EU forced to begin Europe-wide Investigation into 700% to 1600% increase in Excess Deaths among Children since EMA approved COVID Vaccine for Kids

An exclusive investigation carried out by the team here at The Exposé has forced the European Union’s official statistics department to begin a Europe-wide investigation into why there has been a significant increase in excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 since the European Medicines Agency approved the Covid-19 injection for children.

On the 29th of August 2022, we exclusively revealed that official mortality figures for Europe showed a shocking 691% increase in excess deaths among children up to week 33 of 2022 since the European Medicines Agency extended the emergency use authorisation of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine for use in children aged 12 to 15 in May 2021."


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If Adults, at this point in time, want to commit suicide via VaXXX that's on them. Willful Ignorance is on Them as well. BUT VaXXXing Children for Covid is So Far Beyond REASON the parents and practioners are GUILTY of MURDER if and when the child dies due to "unknown" reasons.

Confront and Subdue the EVIL. There isn't an Alternative. Evil is inherent but it doesn't have to be ascendent in society, and when manifest must be condemned.

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Thank you , Dr Alexander, for calling it like it is! Kudos!

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Hotez is a needle Nazi who wants to vaccinate the world. Third World countries beware! Did you not learn enough lessons from Gates?


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Hotez never met a quackcene he didn’t love!

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Hotez would bear Fauci's child if he could. Anything to get more grants from Fauci. These 2 should hang for crimes against humanity.

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I can’t understand why anyone would give this poison to a child. Someone would have to be living under a rock not to know of the dangers by now.

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I have been observing for sometime, these politicians, health officials and pharmaceutical profiteers, trying to shift their Karmic debt elsewhere. Unto the adults who voluntarily sacrificed themselves and unto the parents who volunteered their children to be sacrificed by these Bioweapons. But good for the Parents and individuals who have not given in and stood strong. Congratulations👍👏🍾

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Love all your hard work , but why do you continue to support Trump as he still endorses the vaccines?

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Trump Lays Groundwork to Ban Mandatory Vaccinations Across

U. S.


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Thank you for continued strong vocalized opposition here. You never waiver on this. It's obvious these are killers but in a country of lies — strong, consistent, expert voices like yours are critical.

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Thank you so much Dr. Alexander for this, and for all you do to save humanity. I often share your articles, which are extremely well written.

I wanted to share with your readers this compilation https://truth613.substack.com/p/from-my-heart, which attempts to wake up everyone to the global agenda, even those people who think that the covid shots are beneficial. I hoped that by focusing on other aspects of the tyranny, they might come to realize that something is very wrong.

Tonight and Monday-Tuesday is the anniversary of the creation of mankind and a day of judgment for all humanity for the coming year, so it’s a very important time to pray to the One G-d, the Creator, to save us from the evil plans. https://truth613.substack.com/p/inspiration-for-the-new-year

May you and all of us be blessed with a good, sweet year! Shana tova!

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Thank goodness they are waking up.

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David Duke is still cheering on Mayor Bowser pushing the vaxx on black children in DC, Mayor Adams in NYC, et al. 😉

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thing is, in this chessgame of life vs death, TPTB will checkmate us every time,alas...can you say 'aerosolized' et 'waterborne'? that's why they turned down the volume&switched the jab channel...

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No human should ever accept these DNA altering poisons. No human needs any vaccines either.

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