MALONE is & was a BULLY on Ruby & Breggin & whomever, he chilled scientific debate with his threats & suits; his lackies say he may sue me, I say, BRING IT ON, ROBERTO, I WILL RETURN it to you FRAUD
Jane Ruby deserves credit as she showed more stones than most, most men, most….ball-less eunuchs in the fight…
I am so angry and made it known, of what Maloney did to the freedom movement. Shut down discourse with threats and then donor money threats. I was told blunt.
A petty tyrant fraud and his lackies…tried to destroy McCullough but cannot, he is the lead of the anti-movement. He earned his role. You brought nothing but jealously and fraud to the table. Used the movement to hide behind. But people like me figured you out Maloney.
for Jane, she stood alone against that bully Maloney and we should support her, send money her way to pay her bills…help her…I ask you to. This hurt her and Maloney knew that, he is and was a fraud, a bully…he has hid behind the COVID movement, yes, he and others are hiding behind us, behind the movement we began and he brought NOTHING to the table but bullshit garbage talk…
imagine you gave time and stature to someone who told you he invented the very thing that is the basis for the harms from the mRNA vaccines. and you go silent…sssshhhhh….hhhmmm, money can do wonders.
and the only ones supporting him are ones with hands out for donor money, head up his ass….a shout out on substack or on media…hypocrites…empty tombs, bottomless pits, brooding vipers…Jesus said nothing is as bad as a hypocrite….
thank God for sensible judges, there is hope after all in the judicial system…
Malone is a FRAUD! I said it, have been saying it, and many have.
Get him to answer real questions.
its so putrid a mess, this COVID anti-movement, thats why I say what I WANT and tell them shove it up their money-whoring asses, I want none of your stolen money from donors to enrich yourselves.
I am no money-whore…my line of integrity is unmovable. No money can move it.
Maloney must apolagize to Breggins and Ruby and all he hurt with his petty short man syndrome. His threats. His lackies should all feel ashamed…they emboldened the little man too.
Like him, they are a fraud. Always was. Used the movement to hide behind his mRNA technology death and he knew it was lethal, untested, he remained silent on many key aspects, that he must have known, those of you who fell for it, keep on…the jokes on you.
I stand with Breggin and Ruby and Stew and all of them Maloney has harassed. He did to me but I am game for Maloney, anytime, any place Maloney, you write, I will write.
You fraud!
Going after TWC any chance you could, with your sorry ass lackies, low level doctors and scientists with no life, need COVID as their only reason for relevance…poor souls…you cannot do what Foster Coulson et al. has done with his company trying to better health and well-being, you cannot, with the likes of McCullough, Risch, Makis, Hodkinson, Ponesse, myself etc. you can’t so you try to destroy something, a good company with smears and slights and threats. You fraud…sue me Maloney…you and you moronic lawyer, sue me! Lets gety some real mRNA discovery going.
I do not think Bobby Jr. expert lawyer as he is, I deeply admire, suit will wade in on that suit for you…notice his silence, you fraud. He hurt himself washing himself with you, you endorsing his book was damage to it…you hurt Kennedy Jr. for people know you are a fraud. Kennedy Jr. is the real deal. You tried to shut down discourse even defrauding the people of the Freedom Movement media who stuck their heads up your ass for donor money…cough cough E***H cough cough and cough cough C** cough cough, you know who I mean….you know the, those ‘Projects’, you know the sorry ones. Good people I met I confess, but they lost their way. Heads up your fraud ass. Your fraud mRNA technology ass.
Sue me now, Roberto!
Sue me!
We still have lots of work but you Maloney brought nothing but bullshit…nothing….
Many abandones Jane, she should not forget.
Malone is a malignant narcissist and controlled opposition. This is fantastic news.
Phony Maloney... been outed!