I personally think that we should completely defund and decommission the ENTIRE CDC and start over

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Don't stop there ~ think BIG! We need to look at getting rid of/revamping each federal department. There is corruption and regulatory capture throughout:


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There is no such thing as a gov't agency that does more good than harm! They all need to go. Pare the federal gov't down to the bones--national security, immigration, foreign trade. Cities and states can do the rest.

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Agreed. Both FDA, EPA. Oh and can’t forget NIH. I’m sure there’s more.

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All the 3 letter agencies are corrupt

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Get rid of all of them. They’re corrupt and evil.

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A large swath of the general

public are simply order takers. They believe anything and blindly comply. Those of us who can still think for ourselves and want a better future need to operate with this in mind.

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Those of us who can still think are part of a minuscule minority. If it were otherwise none of what we are experiencing could have occurred.

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Can you imagine if we didn't replace the NIH, and funds would flow to research that did NOT support pharma? We might already have a cure for cancer, heart disease, etc.

DECENTRALIZATION is the way of the future....like our country, the states were designed to have the power, so that different states could try out different things...and the most sucessful could be adopted by other states.

We are now a Centralized fiefdom, and we need to get back to very little Federal govt and throw everything now to the states. Including Health, Education, Welfare, Social security, transportation, and every other damn thing the Federal govt has usurped whether by regulation or by bribing the states with their own tax dollars.

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I agree and while we’re at it I think all alphabet agencies deserve same treatment. Some need never to come back.

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Because all institutions have been compromised they all need to flushed of the corrupt and renewed so to speak.

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I just watched The Real Anthony Fauci part two documentary and holy cow, he is beyond evil. I'm so proud of Megyn for coming out gang busters on the CDC and jabs for kids.

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Fauci makes Hitler look like an amateur.

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Hitler was VERY anti vax. He knew which evil Tribe controlled it, then and now. He also loved his people, and was a war hero. Iron Cross in WW I. Stalin and his Bolshevik Jews were the real murderers, killing 10 M Ukrainian farmers in the Holodomor, then convincing you the man who bravely fought them was the monster.

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And the NY Times were even liars back then.

Walter Duranty, a correspondent for the NYT, wrote that the Holodomor never happened.

And he received a Pulitzer Prize for his massive lies.

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A filthy group of people. I want them gone.

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She should have been on it a LONG time ago. I’m not letting these media “journalists” slide.

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I haven't seen that yet.. I will

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My sister inlaw died last year of lung cancer....now my sister and her daughter are both dying of lung cancer..sister is 81 always healthy and the same for my niece at 52!

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My dad has stage 4 lung cancer, diagnosed a few month after his second Moderna jab. My heart goes out to you and your family.

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I’m truly sorry. My step mom died of lung cancer. God be with you.

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May he be with you also...what is happening is not normal not in any sense ! i truly believe there is evil malfaisance on the part of the WEF, UN, the WHO and others to destroy life as we have known it ! I am fearful for the future of humanity! These scum of the earth need to be dealt with..crimes against humanity are being committed !

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My mother died of lung cancer as well. Thought smoking 🚬 was cool, as promoted by Jewish, Madison Ave. Ad firms in the 50s and 60s.

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I am so sorry about all of this. I met a cousin last week that I had not met before. In the conversation she told me about her husband dying last year of a heart attack and one of her sisters was just diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer.

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I know of a man aged 34 who died a few months ago of a heart attack he was building a new house for his family. His wife found him dead on the kitchen floor of their almost completed home! Makes one wonder.....a coincidence some would say???

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It’s way PAST time people in the media speak out loud and very clear against all of this. I cried when I heard about her sister this morning- but is it a simple slightly selfish mentality - “that it won’t happen to me”.

The PCR TEST was shown not to work 2.5 years ago. Why are people still getting - because of media! The maker, Kerry Mullins, of it said it should never be used for these purposes. The media never talks about this stuff. The need to be held responsible.

The female doctor on national public radio station who makes the listeners feel all warm and fuzzy about taking the jab isn’t from the corner medical office. This person is a highly paid influencer working under and with BMGF. And we wonder why the young want the shots. Their cult leader talks them into it.

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The media will never speak out. Big Pharma controls them. Just watch all the drug commercials.

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Grocery stores now have Pfizer commercials for the COVID vaxx playing nonstop over the loud speaker system.

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Yes, they do and last week I saw one person getting jabbed with two people waiting their turn. I wanted to yell you are murdering people and I am sorry that I didn't.

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Go back and yell.

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Thanks - I know. They had stupid competitions between them - who would get first and had to be filmed between Fox and One of the others - I don’t remember. How ridiculous.

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Hard to take these highly paid media kings and queens speaking out after all the deaths and destruction. Many of us have been firm critics from nearly three years ago or more. No one is paying us to think.

Maybe a result of this will be that ordinary people learn to respect each other and form alliances. Depending on those who depend on large pay checks and fame to tell the truth is faulty.

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That’s two turns today. Her and Ben Shapiro.

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I did not see that about Ben. FINALLY!!!!!!!!

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I can't forgive Shapiro....I SAW THE DATA FROM PFIZER TRIALS.

Why couldn't he have looked? He is much smarter than most people...NOPE he

took the lazy person's way out and listened to the "Experts"....he said the DATA showed...I am sorry the DATA NEVER SHOWED REDUCED TRANSMISSION or HOSPITAL STAYS.


Now if stupid me can figure this out, why couldn't he?

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His Tribe occupies the CEO or Chief Scientist spot in every one of the top 5 jab pushers. THEY are a corrosive force in every nation they have ever parasitized, and have been expelled from almost all of them. They are long overdue for another./

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What happened with Shapiro?

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What a fool. And his wife is a doctor I believe.

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Everyone on the truthful substacks knew these shots were horseshit more than a year to a year and a half ago. At the beginning i wanted to believe a vax would work Unfortunately, I started reading about immunology. Then all the data rigging, rampant propaganda, coercion etc..began. I thought I'd lost me marbles for a while because it was so obviously fishy...

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Yup...and she should hang her head in shame for buying all the propoganda.

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Shapiro has finally realized that the entire jab scenario was a big lie. The really hard thing to do is to connect the dots and wake up to the fact that virology, which is at the heart of all the deceptions is a pseudoscience. The last people to wake up will be docs who where brainwashed in med school.

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Oct 26, 2022Edited
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I can’t take his voice for more than seconds.

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She announced the other day that her sister 58 died suddenly, she said she would talk about it later this week. Makes me wonder.

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She should come right out and say it....

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Good for her. She’s pretty slow...better late than never I guess.

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If her sister was jabbed, she should say so...

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Twice, She did say so.

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Like my loving husband

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And now the twit in chief is launching a Vax-up America Tour. It'd be hilarious if it weren't so tragic.

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YES! Many of us are correct in saying: It will take getting affected PERSONALLY before some people wake the hell up!

Many of us were awake years ago...welcome to the “vindication party”. 😡

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Let them eat cake.

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I have never been able to wrap my mind around the public disconnect whereby those that are responsible for creating the virus are the same ones who are dictating the response, in particular, using the power of government to coerce the public into partaking in an experimental injection. Why aren’t more of us asking “what’s wrong with this picture?”

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I will suggest some not so lite reading by all. The books are Murder by injection, by E.C. Mullins and the most important one that gets to the root of these Malthusian eugenics loving monsters is The Modern Anglo-Dutch Empire: Its origins, evolution, and anti-human outlook by Robert Ingraham. We have been lied to coerced smoothly by school's media, medical authorities, universities into believing all the lies they told us for generations. Do the reading and wake up to reality. None of these agencies are going to change as they are all tools of the elite, bought lock stock and barrel. Face it we have been brainwashed into thinking we can vote the bastards out of office by the bastards in office. The system will not be changed from within, it will change as soon as people wake up from their ingrained mind control. Not Democrat nor Republican as this just changes one crook for another. Take a red pill Jill, swallow a red Fred, and don't take the blue, get yourself free. I know I used Paul Simons lyrics.

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I do not think the CDC is listening or cares one iota about murdering children. They are marching to big pharma's demands and that alone. Marketing an ever increasing number of poison drugs/vaccines and mRNA injections mean more than anything to these scumbags. Never mind there have been no studies to see if mRNA gene altering injections mesh well with the numerous other childhood vaccines. Eventually, you can expect ALL childhood vaccines on the schedule to be reformulated into some ghostly shadow of the current mRNA technology...it is very cheap to manufacture.

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No. The CDC, NIH, HHS have been marching since March 2020 to the DOD/DARPA/ARPA etc. tune...they are the ones who granted immunity to themselves and took over the entire COVID operation to test out their ability to react to BIODWEAPONS by using the MNRA platform.

Our country, my friends, is the biggest BIOWEAPON threat to the entire world. WE Have been the terrorists. WE HAVE NOT HAD A TRUE DEMOCRACY since the Patriot Act....our country is now taken over by the MIIC the military industrial complex...and that is why none of your reps will stand up and say anything, as they passed their power legally over to the DOD.

Please go see Katherine at Bailiwick...all spelled out. NExt comes CBDC..programmable, so they an control you like a feudal serf...you don't go along..you don't eat. They just shut your digital money off. It will be here sooner than you all think.

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A day late and a dollar short. Megan, Tucker and the rest of the red-pilled major media figures need to account for thier tardiness. This was data known for at least a year or even a year and a half. They need to explain why they didn’t report this earlier when solid data was available. Even now, are they handcuffed by their bosses who still think experimental gene therapy injections are safe and effective? Is it that they took a lot of Big Pharma dollars for advertising? Is it that their corporations sold their journalistic soul to the Truth Initiative garbage, and still follow that disaster out pathway?

Solution is to go nuclear on COVID experimental gene therapy injections information that comes from the people, like Dr. A, who have been warning us all. Lead every news segment with a focused story on the risks vs. benefits. Focus like a laser in ANY government, business or group that pushed vaccine mandates. Chase them down and make them pay dearly. LEAD STORY, EVERY NIGHT!!!

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LEAD STORY EVERY NIGHT. BUT THE CBDC is a bigger threat...this is water under the bridge...people are waking up MUCH TOO LATE. ALL OF THIS WAS TO COVER UP THAT THE CENTRAL BANKS ARE BROKE.

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The fact that they are continuing with these shots in the face of an earthquake of scientifically- based data that tells us they are killing millions worldwide should tell us all that the COVID vaccines are indeed their intended instrument of depopulation.

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Karen Kingston just recently did a series of interviews using US patent office docs that expose the so called covid virus and subsequent inoculations as both being man made bioweaponry using bio/AI nanotech that is cognitive in that it can receive messaging/instructions and transmit data while performing a mind boggling array of tasks within the human body such as rewiring the hippocampus. The massive cattle kill blamed on a heat wave may have been/was likely a test using this tech. The nano particles can receive stimuli either through 5G, optic cable end use or LED photons. One interview that covered a lot of ground can be found on Brighteon.

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Yes, yes, yes!!

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