Maybe the strongest American MALE swimmer should put on a girl's swimsuit and challenge "Lia" Thomas in his/"her" next race. Someone has to beat "Lia" at his/"her" own scam.

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Feb 10, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023

what's beyond frustrating is that women could put a stop to this in about 10 seconds by refusing to compete. it helps no one when they swim (or bike, run, whatever) against a man in a dress and then smile (forced) in photos with him, displaying their 2nd and 3rd place consolation prizes.

sit out the match, ladies. say to your coach "i thought this was women's sports and HE is not a woman." stop tolerating them in your locker rooms, showers and toilets. what would you do if an actual man dressed as an actual man walked into your shower? you'd start screaming, call the police and film him on your cell phone. why should you react any differently simply because he claims his name is Lia and wears his hair long? act like you would if a potential rapist or pervert invaded your space.

would you agree to compete in a swimming match with an actual rapist? no? then why compete with a potential one. and stop calling him Lia or Mary or whatever he says his name is on any given day. call him William. are you worried about hurting his feelings? he doesn't give a flying fuck about hurting yours. man up and give his a taste of his own medicine.

what's the worst the could happen? you'll be branded a TERF and a transphobe. maybe you'll lose your scholarship. he will certainly win but since he's swimming in an empty pool against himself, his victory will be hollow. he'll stand on the winner's platform alone.

at a certain point in the near future, such protests like "misgendering" and "dead naming" may be crimes punishable by jail time. take the hit now and help prevent this from ever happening.

STOP COMPETING. we're always told that NO MEANS NO so why say yes to this insanity? why go along with it? say NO, drop out, refuse to participate.

then it's over real quick.

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She is not wrong. Its funny that Congress passes bills to so-call protect women. The only women they want to protect is Feminists, Baby Killers and Trans "Women". How else do you plan for a total destruction of the family unit. How else do you take the side of a MAN, professing to identify as a woman. There are many ways to de-populate and I'm quite sure they have a long list. The Bio-weapon is responsible for the high rise in miscarriages and still births. It is decreasing testosterone in men. Feminists would rather scream "Toxic Masculinity" and yet whore themselves with hundreds of men in the same breath, do unspeakable things on sites like "Only Fans" and only want marriage if they can sit on their asses and have a man pay for everything. It is only women that fit their narrative that will be protected.

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These “feminists” claim to champion women’s rights against toxic masculinity & male privilege. I've posited this question on several platforms now, and I'll ask it again. How is it not the height of male privilege to put on a wig & a dress & declare himself the Queen of protected female space? What baffles the mind is the lack of recognition of the cognitive dissonance displayed by these so-called feminists.

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it's a huge issue and it goes well beyond sports. why do so many people suddenly think they should be the other sex??? are there any studies of this new phenomenon??? we have gone from everyone may have known one person who was a transvestite years ago to nearly every person knows someone under 40 who now thinks they were born in the wrong body.... Seriously WTF is going on? Anyone know? Just last week I unfortunately learned that my youngest male cousin, age 24, married with a toddler son, now thinks he is a woman... I come from salt of the Earth, hard-working, blue collar/farmer roots. This young man was an only child of older parents as he was born when my uncle was 40 years old. He struggled at times with school mostly due to chronic low motivation and underachievement...perhaps babied by older parents, etc. I am 21 years older than him but definitely watched him grow up, lost touch after he graduated HS etc. He went full Bernie Bro at one point, married a hippie chick etc. Suddenly after becoming a new father he is a lady... To say this is unheard of in my type of family is an understatement of epic proportions. I have another 30ish female cousin on that side of the family who suddenly realized she was a lesbian after having three children. She was raised in a broken family so her deal is a little more obvious. Does anyone truly know why the massive uptick in this sort of thing?

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Take the wide view and look at all that biotech and geoengineering are doing on multiple fronts to push synthetic "biology" and TRANSHUMANISM on an acquiescent world population in the name of "HEALTH" and "THERAPY."

In order to proceed with this they must first erase natural male and female biology. This is exactly what they are doing on a variety of fronts through LGBTQPIA2S+ What we can SEE is just the very tip of the iceberg.

The worldwide Medical/pharmaceutical Cartel is at the helm and forefront of this

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The perverted side of homosexuality is coming through with these men who are just homosexuals claiming they are woman. In other words a better woman than a woman. Look at Grammys with Sam smith dressed like a drag queen simulating intercouse with men on stage in your face all the perversion they have kept hidden now applauded by the so called woke.

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Why do they hate children and unborn babies too? They are pure evil for what they are trying to push on society in America. (And now apparently murdering innocent babies after birth in Minnesota. ) These Babylonial era sins have to be a form of mental illness.

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Taint right.

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It's an attempt at the eradication of women absolutely, but it's also a way for mediocre athletes to finally win at something, that's what I see. They're just not good enough to compete amongst the other men so they're finding a loophole - giving themselves a chance to finally be a "champion" at something 😂

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Feb 10, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023

It's dreadful that female athletes who are real biological XX women who train hard are unfairly discriminated against by XY so called females. It's like how XY men get the blame for what XX so called men do. The most notorious example is Hitler. Hitler was actually a woman. That's not my opinion. It's a scientific research fact! When her bone fragments were genetically analysed by US scientists in 2009 they came back XX, which I had always suspected based on her behavior. Notice how femiNazis who are forever saying how much better women are than men and how the world would be a better place if women were dominating never take the "credit" for Hitler who was actually one of their own, a gay biological woman in a same sex marriage with Eva Braun. Yes, a woman was responsible for WW2, the Holocaust and the 61 million dead of WW2 but men always get the blame. However, when real XX women also do good things like excel at athletics and sports, they should not have their prizes taken away by someone who is not XX.

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Sorry to tell the hard truth, but women are participating in their own destruction. Female athletes continue to participate in this "gender-theater," and women continue to vote for the communists who are destroying their world. I'd like to feel bad for them, but I can't. If they won't fight for themselves, then I have no sympathy for them. And where are their men? We have plenty of weak, fragile, sexless men who also vote for communists. These issues we focus on, and the stupid, and/or evil politicians who create them, are not the problem; they are symptoms of a very sick society. This rot we see all around us could not take root in a healthy society. When over half of the voting population becomes this ignorant, uneducated, and downright stupid, I don't know if there is a way to fix it.

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This insanity is all coming from the couple who’s really running the Whitehouse, the radical pervert extraordinaire Barack Obama and his tranny “wife” Michelle(Michael Robinson.) The Globalist scumbags want to sow chaos to take down freedom in America, and with stolen elections the Obama freak show furthers that cause.

We must resist and fight like our lives depend on it...because they do.

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To me this is the feminists fault. And most are cheering it on. Interesting to watch their agenda eat itself. Sadly at the cost of women. When you don’t live in reality... you can’t push back on these things.

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This is what they want to eradicate. Genesis 1:27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Plus if you can make people believe absurdities you can make them commit atrocities (Voltaire). Plus depopulation.

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Totally agree!!!

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