According to John Kelly, Trump is shitting himself with fear. It certainly looked that way in the photos of him at the New York courthouse on his first indictment. Trump has had at least four jabs and is a walking spike protein factory. The Biden regime and DeSantis supporters know that three jabs triggers a class switch from IgG3 to IgG…
According to John Kelly, Trump is shitting himself with fear. It certainly looked that way in the photos of him at the New York courthouse on his first indictment. Trump has had at least four jabs and is a walking spike protein factory. The Biden regime and DeSantis supporters know that three jabs triggers a class switch from IgG3 to IgG4 that is associated with autoimmune myocarditis and cancer progression. The indictments are intended to trigger surges, including while he's asleep, of epinephrine and catecholamines in a quadruple vaxxed elderly man who is full of spike protein.
Trump Is ‘Scared Sh*tless,’ Ex-Chief Of Staff John Kelly Says
Sorry, I don’t buy this. I have watched PDJT & I don’t see any fear. Yes he’s angry at all the unjustified & unconstitutional searches & indictments, wouldn’t you be if you were him?
This Kelly guy just wants attention, he will disappear just like all the others who came out with outrageous allegations over the years. Also I don’t believe that he took the vaccine. I think that he knew very well what they were. See my link.
Check the article at the link. I'd like to believe it's crap. Even if it's not I still support President Trump.
"[A] large-scale advertising experiment that showed a video compilation of former President Donald Trump’s Fox News interview recommending the COVID-19 vaccine, led to a significant increase in vaccinations."
Using Trump’s vaccine endorsement to move the needle on COVID-19 vaccines
What link? Anger will have the same effect as fear. The RINO NeverTrump DeSantis supporters and Biden regime are hoping the epinephrine and catacholamine surges will kill him. Biden is desperate for him to not be the GOP nominee. The DeSantis supporters are his useeful idiots or controlled opposition. Trump is on record pushing the jabs multiple times and telling people he'd taken it.. It's interesting that you think he was lying that he'd taken it while he was pushing it on others. I think he has more integrity than that. I hope he lives and is the nominee. If he's not, I'm supporting RFK Jr. DeSantis is toxic with women. There is no way he could beat RFK Jr or Biden.
It has nothing to do with integrity. I support him also. And I agree that so far RFK would be a second choice. Actually I would like to see them together. Interestingly RFK dm’d me on Twitter in response to my like & retweet of one of his tweets. We had a very nice conversation. He’s the real deal in sincerity, I believe.
I think this is total BS what you wrote. Trump didn't take their spike factory vaxxes. His vaccine was hydroxychloroquine (which is classified as a vaccine), monoclonal antibodies, and either azithromycin, or Ivermectin.
I think he knew better than to take their death shots. You watch Trump...he will turn the tables on the devil's in the twinkling of an eye, because God is on his side.
That woudld be great. I watched one ofthe news clips in whivch he boasted about taking the jab and how good it is and thought hewas speaking complete BS. I thought thesame thing whenever he urged peoe to getthejab.
There is no evidence to support what you say, but if he did, but only boasted about the mAbs, then that would be criminal. He was doing the bidding of Big Pharma, because they deceived him into promoting the vaccines and expensive pharmaceuticals and promised it would help him get re-elected.
But Big Pharma never had any intention of him getting re-elected.
Trump deserved an F- in medical comprehension.
DeSantis will clean up the mess that the RINO Trump left behind.
I think when Trump got covid after his debate with biden (where a guy was seen putting something on the podium) and after he went to the military hospital, I think he did get monoclonal antibodies, as treatment but I'm not sure at this point and don't have time to research this right now.
There is proof on bing search engine to prove that Ron DeSantis IS indeed a secret society member of St. Elmo's Fire and that he is affiliated with the Bushes who are Fing nazis and took down the twin towers and George H.W. who in his speech talking about 1,000 points of light and the nwo. They can go F themselves. You tell me what happened to DeSantis's sister? Why did she die so young? Was she his sacrifice for power in the secret society nwo system? Your loyalties are misplaced but it doesn't matter to me. We've all been lied to all of our lives. I DO believe Trump is going to MAGA and that he is the only one right now who has the Intelligence to be able to WIN against the Deep State, because as you can see.... Ron DeSantis is WITH the Deep State.... another deceiver. Why did DeSantis leave a law on the FL books that says that in a medical emergency they can come to people's houses and force vaccinate people and can put them in isolation camps? And also why did DeSantis leave the hospitals to keep their death protocols in FL hospitals when he knew they were killing people with them? Beleive me it WAS brought to his attention. Just ask Dr. Jane Ruby. She'll tell you.
AwakenotWoke. You are right about the jab deliberately “triggering surges”. It’s what is happening to all the fit young sports players dying on the sports arenas all around the world!!!
However I do not think Trump is afraid - he did way less than Hilary, Obama, Biden and Hunter! Truth and justice should be on his side.
NOT TRUE ,,,the evils are Scared of PRESIDENT TRUMP AND WE THE PEOPLE EXPOSING ALL THESE Atheist evils which AwakeNotWoke your comments lately sound like atheist commie evil supporting killing of children etc or why would you post such crap
I'm on Trump's side but check out what Democrats are thinking:
Democrat and Ranking Member of the House Weaponization Subcommittee Slips Up, Says the Quiet Part Out Loud, “Trump Needs to Be ‘Shot’ …Stopped” (VIDEO)
The evils are definitely scared of him Chief which is why they are trying to kill him like they did Lincoln so they can get DeSantis in. I'm a bit wary after losing multiple bets at the last election that he had a plan that would stop Biden form becoming POTUS. If he's invincible and assured of victory that's great.
According to John Kelly, Trump is shitting himself with fear. It certainly looked that way in the photos of him at the New York courthouse on his first indictment. Trump has had at least four jabs and is a walking spike protein factory. The Biden regime and DeSantis supporters know that three jabs triggers a class switch from IgG3 to IgG4 that is associated with autoimmune myocarditis and cancer progression. The indictments are intended to trigger surges, including while he's asleep, of epinephrine and catecholamines in a quadruple vaxxed elderly man who is full of spike protein.
Trump Is ‘Scared Sh*tless,’ Ex-Chief Of Staff John Kelly Says
Sorry, I don’t buy this. I have watched PDJT & I don’t see any fear. Yes he’s angry at all the unjustified & unconstitutional searches & indictments, wouldn’t you be if you were him?
This Kelly guy just wants attention, he will disappear just like all the others who came out with outrageous allegations over the years. Also I don’t believe that he took the vaccine. I think that he knew very well what they were. See my link.
Check the article at the link. I'd like to believe it's crap. Even if it's not I still support President Trump.
"[A] large-scale advertising experiment that showed a video compilation of former President Donald Trump’s Fox News interview recommending the COVID-19 vaccine, led to a significant increase in vaccinations."
Using Trump’s vaccine endorsement to move the needle on COVID-19 vaccines
What link? Anger will have the same effect as fear. The RINO NeverTrump DeSantis supporters and Biden regime are hoping the epinephrine and catacholamine surges will kill him. Biden is desperate for him to not be the GOP nominee. The DeSantis supporters are his useeful idiots or controlled opposition. Trump is on record pushing the jabs multiple times and telling people he'd taken it.. It's interesting that you think he was lying that he'd taken it while he was pushing it on others. I think he has more integrity than that. I hope he lives and is the nominee. If he's not, I'm supporting RFK Jr. DeSantis is toxic with women. There is no way he could beat RFK Jr or Biden.
I have got to go to sleep, it’s 3 am here. It’s been really nice chatting with you again. See you soon, I hope.
It has nothing to do with integrity. I support him also. And I agree that so far RFK would be a second choice. Actually I would like to see them together. Interestingly RFK dm’d me on Twitter in response to my like & retweet of one of his tweets. We had a very nice conversation. He’s the real deal in sincerity, I believe.
British bookmakers have Trump winning hands down if he runs with either RFK Jr or Tulsi. Good night.
Link right below your comment.
I think this is total BS what you wrote. Trump didn't take their spike factory vaxxes. His vaccine was hydroxychloroquine (which is classified as a vaccine), monoclonal antibodies, and either azithromycin, or Ivermectin.
I think he knew better than to take their death shots. You watch Trump...he will turn the tables on the devil's in the twinkling of an eye, because God is on his side.
That woudld be great. I watched one ofthe news clips in whivch he boasted about taking the jab and how good it is and thought hewas speaking complete BS. I thought thesame thing whenever he urged peoe to getthejab.
There is no evidence to support what you say, but if he did, but only boasted about the mAbs, then that would be criminal. He was doing the bidding of Big Pharma, because they deceived him into promoting the vaccines and expensive pharmaceuticals and promised it would help him get re-elected.
But Big Pharma never had any intention of him getting re-elected.
Trump deserved an F- in medical comprehension.
DeSantis will clean up the mess that the RINO Trump left behind.
No one, but No one controls DeSantis.
I think when Trump got covid after his debate with biden (where a guy was seen putting something on the podium) and after he went to the military hospital, I think he did get monoclonal antibodies, as treatment but I'm not sure at this point and don't have time to research this right now.
There is proof on bing search engine to prove that Ron DeSantis IS indeed a secret society member of St. Elmo's Fire and that he is affiliated with the Bushes who are Fing nazis and took down the twin towers and George H.W. who in his speech talking about 1,000 points of light and the nwo. They can go F themselves. You tell me what happened to DeSantis's sister? Why did she die so young? Was she his sacrifice for power in the secret society nwo system? Your loyalties are misplaced but it doesn't matter to me. We've all been lied to all of our lives. I DO believe Trump is going to MAGA and that he is the only one right now who has the Intelligence to be able to WIN against the Deep State, because as you can see.... Ron DeSantis is WITH the Deep State.... another deceiver. Why did DeSantis leave a law on the FL books that says that in a medical emergency they can come to people's houses and force vaccinate people and can put them in isolation camps? And also why did DeSantis leave the hospitals to keep their death protocols in FL hospitals when he knew they were killing people with them? Beleive me it WAS brought to his attention. Just ask Dr. Jane Ruby. She'll tell you.
AwakenotWoke. You are right about the jab deliberately “triggering surges”. It’s what is happening to all the fit young sports players dying on the sports arenas all around the world!!!
However I do not think Trump is afraid - he did way less than Hilary, Obama, Biden and Hunter! Truth and justice should be on his side.
Yes, he is courageous. They are trying to overwhelm him with stressors. It's very nasty.
NOT TRUE ,,,the evils are Scared of PRESIDENT TRUMP AND WE THE PEOPLE EXPOSING ALL THESE Atheist evils which AwakeNotWoke your comments lately sound like atheist commie evil supporting killing of children etc or why would you post such crap
I'm on Trump's side but check out what Democrats are thinking:
Democrat and Ranking Member of the House Weaponization Subcommittee Slips Up, Says the Quiet Part Out Loud, “Trump Needs to Be ‘Shot’ …Stopped” (VIDEO)
The evils are definitely scared of him Chief which is why they are trying to kill him like they did Lincoln so they can get DeSantis in. I'm a bit wary after losing multiple bets at the last election that he had a plan that would stop Biden form becoming POTUS. If he's invincible and assured of victory that's great.
Source says it all