Unless I'm mistaken, one of the violations of the gag order was commenting on the jury stacking which reportedly resulted in a jury comprised of about 95% Democrats. They're

his peers? No prizes for guessing what verdict theyhave predetermined. Telling the truth ain't popular in theUSSA where freedom of speech is reviled. Stalin with his scam show trials in kangaroo court star chambers before paid off corrupt judges was a rank amateur compared to the US.

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boom, we are now worse and in your face...I pray that if 45 is back on deck, that he turns to congress and imposes mass impeachment of the judges...I think congress can...we have to get the judges out...we have to punish those crooked DAs etc. I mean jail time, we need to see them in orange suits...all of them

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Getting all the corrupt judges off the bench is important, but how is Trump to know which judges are the corrupt ones? He only knows the ones he’s having to deal with. This country is full of paid off judges, DA’s, AG’s, governors, & mayors. Would Trump need to have a meeting with the Soros family to find out who all they’ve paid off? Will Trump arrest Soros father & son duo? Trump is 80 yrs. old himself, & I don’t know if he’s up to the task. Who will he be able to trust next time around? He had lots of paid actors keeping important information from him, lying to him, manipulating him at every turn. How is he to know who’s a friend and who’s a foe? I’m sure Obama & Bush are plotting the infiltration already. If we are to make any headway for positive change in this country, Trump will have to be swift in his apprehensions of all the corrupt criminals working in our highest offices. They’ll be scattering like cock roaches before he can be inaugurated in. All these criminals have put America in dire straights. And they’re all over the country, in every courtroom, & every government office. It’s overwhelming. They’ll also be looking to assassinate him. We better pray hard for him.

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A biased judge, not professional enough to recuse himself is illegally infringing on peoples rights, and he also has a daughter making millions who works for the democratic party….anybody who practices law knows this is an ultimate no no…:you’ve heard all the well-known lawyers come out and say it …matter fact, the Southern District of New York, would not take this case. The feds didn’t take the case but when they found out, Trump was running, all of a sudden it resurfaced, even though the statute of limitations had ran out….has anybody paid attention??? Oh that’s right haters gonna hate,and the haters love what’s happening… they get this orgasmic kick out of this… perhaps the haters need to look at themselves… this is their projection….why don’t you focus your displaced anger where it belongs… on Mr. Biden, who ruined your life for the last 3 1/2 years, who brought us into wars who made us pay for all these criminals coming across the border, and people who have died from mandates that were illegal. And yet you go after Trump who didn’t take a penny and salary for four years…logic has gone out the window. I will never ever in my life buy into Hate. What is happening to Trump is pure Animus.

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let us see if and when SCOTUS steps in

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at some point we hope sanity can prevail

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truth is the repubs are the democrats...if any different they could have stopped this...they control the purse.

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Has America ever witnessed anything and I mean anything like what’s happening to President Trump?

I certainly haven’t. When we connect the dots, a grime picture appears.

Covid was a test. A test to see how many people would comply.

Tyranny: a nation under cruel and oppressive government!

Is this not what’s happening? Are we not under a cruel and oppressive regime? Yes, we are!

This is how nations collapse. I believe what makes this more detrimental is how this started.

1. Covid lockdowns.

2. Border Invasion.

3. Initiated multiple wars.

4. Steal / Quantitative easing.

5. Cowards Retreat.

6. Bioweapon Injections.

Recently, the former Brazil’s President did a “X-Cast” with some 100K followers / listeners.

His final message, the only way to stop tyranny is for people around the world to fight back! I’m paraphrasing, but you get the point.

I don’t believe many people are fighting back, some yes, not many!

How quickly we forget about all the videos of thousands of people who “Died Suddenly”.

Is this how, the government’s within the Western World, collapse societies? Sounds like a really good plan now doesn’t it? Yes, I think so.

Are people who lined up, rolled up their sleeves for an UNKNOWN / UNTESTED / UNPROVEN injection will be eliminated or worse controlled?

Personally, I’d much rather “Die Suddenly” than “Be Controlled”, my question is, is this the final nail in the proverbial coffin? Is this how the “Globalist” deal with remaining people?

Are America’s borders being overrun with military age men to control the masses when the SHIT HITS THE FAN? Because don’t think it won’t!

Look, when students can shout “Death to America” inside America, all I can say is, “America WE HAVE A PROBLEM”!

Forget Houston! This is America I’m talking about!

Nobody can look me or anyone in the eye and say, “Oh they’ve made some mistakes”, give them a chance! BS!

This is by design and for one reason only, to destroy America, destroy capitalism and usher in the “One World Order” we’ve all heard about! That’s it, this is why!

How do we stop this? Or, is it too late? Is this why I ask again, thousands of military age men have entered our borders illegally and nobody knows where they are?

Naomi Wolfes husband I believe, is researching this issue and is planning on a documentary. My concern is, by the time he’s done with his research, it will be too late!

He already got Chace’s out of one location south of Boston Mass I’m aware of. His hearts in the right place, but again, is his research too late to stop the onslaught of “illegal military men”?

It’s quite apparent how very well planned and organized those who seek to destroy America and the Western World are! They’ve thought of everything now haven’t they? While “We The People” went to work to pay our taxes and our bills.

If history has taught us anything it’s this, “Don’t Rest On Your Laurel’s”! There isn’t any contingency plan, we haven’t any plan if you ask me, why would we? We all trusted our government now didn’t we?

And all the while, our government was planning our “future demise”!

I pray these “evil tyrants” awake a sleeping giant, I just haven’t seen anyone awake except for the “Evil Tyrants”!

Because “Tyrants” never sleep!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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AJR, you are exactly the person, person, we need leading USA...handling issues for you 'understand'...the illegals inside USA are a huge problem and its not enough to close border or deport, both must be done together...those inside will hollow out USA and the 'gotaways' we project are terror cell terrorists plotting USA's own BATACLAN killing...its that serious...thank you for sounding the clarion bell call...Brian O'Shea is Wolf's husband, a beautiful human being, good man, someone who loves his nation and can help too and doing his part...I think a special forces person, but we need many like him standing up...I know him personally and among the best. but he is right, we have a problem. everything you wrote is spot on...thank you and we have to keep sharing, keep agitating, keep informing, we got to get 45 on deck, even if he faulters we will get him straight...I am confident...we just need someone who will not be working against USA...we will school them in shop if we got to fly the fucking plane as we build wings, its how we do it...but this is a battle, its an emotional one, its a physical one, its an ideological one but a battle it is ...thank you for standing up

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You’re welcome Dr Alexander, I thank you more! If you were silent, then I wouldn’t have a platform to express, explain, and share with others. I can’t thank you enough Dr! Someday I hope too, in a much more profound way! I’m so grateful for you and your work!

I’m fighting for you Dr, our Brothers in Arms, for all “United Americans”! Those who stand for the United States Flag! Those who have died for the United States Flag!

And for all those still to be born!

All who love this country! And all who want their kids and grandchildren, to grow up in the greatest nation on earth! Free to speak, free to worship, free to be Americans!

No one wants to be forced into some ideology, some totalitarian regime. Eventually becoming a slave to their ultimate master! We all know, ultimately, this is their unsaid / unspoken goal for all of who remain and or are left behind to fend for themselves!

Thank you kindly Dr! Thank you!


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I despise the left’s way of dealing w honest competition.


Period. Full stop.

But they would rather prosecute, indict & jail him, to keep the walking dead man in office. Who we know is a puppet for the vast majority of evil doers on the extreme left.

Whoever they may truly be.

It’s incredible.

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they are actually exposing him to be shot...its a big concern we have...its beyond prison.

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Bias even before hearing the evidence material some have already declared he is guilty and we must take him down by any action. I thought the legal justice system was supposed to be fair truth be it quite contrary. Are they going to have everyone physically gagged even those with breathing issues? The corruption has crept into the smallest cracks in the ground even divides families friends employees employers. Even the Supreme court has been getting donations from contributors and have a case they preside over which way with the justice vote where the money comes from. Shame on the glutinous whore after that money that's all their motivated for just like the casino gambler with the lights and colors and machines giving that rush. That rush of adrenaline who can get to it the fastest. This is worse than daytime soap operas that have run for years. When you can be bought you are exposed to exploitation of some sum of money. This is worse than Kangaroo Court just run the motion and the drama to paint the alleged individual as a monster. A monster could be among us right now the serial murders or predators of young children or even the grandma looking type nah she looks innocent she couldn't do something like that. It could be an exploit of brute force these buyable people, it wouldn't shock me. Exposing all of the skeletons in the closet or basement literal and figurative. DISBAR them all!

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he is not guilty, this is a fraud, a scam...but victory will come when we re-deliver same...key is not Nov 5th, he will be elected, key is keeping him alive to Jan 20th on the bible, the left and RINOs and deepstate will try to kill him...they know he is coming for bear

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he's never been guilty in my view and that won't ever change. the fraud of a mock court that whores after the money and mr can't remember sh*t. was just trying to show they will try to paint anyone want as a bad guy he ran the country as a business if remember correctly got out of WHO best move ever

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The CommieCrats have 3 objectives with their Clown Trial. 1) Throw Trump in Jail. 2) Provoke Trump Supporters into another J6 style event. 3) Scare Trump Supporters from voting. They may meet their first 2 Objectives but, Trump’s popularity at the polls will skyrocket.

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45 will be re-elected but this time, not one minute of Apprentice...we want serious business, we want orange jumpsuits and execution squads post proper courts.

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Interesting thing about the enemy is they use the same playbook on Trump they used everywhere else around the world. It looks like it will not work this time though. But it is interesting they are so robotic. Maybe they just hope to intimidate others from following Trump's footsteps.

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what you should know is Trump is allowing somethings for it will be done to them...he is showing the nation that rules, law must be followed...all the way...you obey and then grieve...but I am warning them, you will taste same under him or once we regain power...there must be pay back and some.

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Oh, I am so looking forward to that!!

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"Please explain why [the person controlling access to 45] is listed as working with Mercury LLC – a company that represents Pfizer Gilead GAVI and the UN Foundation and is owned by WEF partner Omnicom..."

This is very disconcerting...to say the least.


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What about the J6s in solitary?

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we need them released by 45

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And Julian Assange! He should’ve pardoned him before leaving office. That was majorly cruel. Come on Trump. I hope he does the right thing this time. So many things to pray for!

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If my hypothesis is correct then Trump may be put in jail but it would only be for a very short time.

They have to create the illusion, and then keep it going, so that the narrative is supported.

My hypothesis falls apart if Trump is imprisoned for a lengthy period of time. Let's now observe.

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nice...Obama remains one of the most dangerous people to USA and Paul Ryan

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I think a lot of people have not seen the lies and treachery of the CYSTem, but especially the education CYSTem.

In the nineteen sixties up here in Canuckistan as well as in USA through to the present, the education CYSTem was one of those "separation of church and state" movements BUT they always taught THEIR RELIGION KNOWN AS DAILECTIC SECULAR HUMANISM. Yes it is a religion and stated as such so they were liars and hypocrites sneaking their apostate religion in on our children

So dialectic secular humanism morphed from communism and they DSH morphed to political correctness which is now woke wankerism. Entropical decline/devolution is a given and so these hypocrites while being intolerant bigots towards other religions are despicable hypocrites.

So that is where we are at and the current fake leaders and their forbearers were and are intolerant bigoted leftist loons. That is how the education CYSTem became the brain washing CYSTem of children.

The real bigots are not those who are Christians, or opposers of homosexuality or pro life people. The real bigots are the left and their history is plagued by mass murders like Mao, Adolph, Josef, etc. So it has been, so it will always be.

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They did it to ALEX JONES first. Sham trial, guilty until proven innocent, a gag order, a jury NOT of his peers, fined half a billion dollars...

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Put Brennan and Clapper in solitary until they roll on Obozo is a great way to start

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I really need to see Trump get real on the covid injection disaster. Still seems to be in tremendous denial. Is he stupid? Ill advised? Sold out to pharma? We need a champion to stop the medical corruption and tyranny.

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The CommieCrats know that’s coming. That’s why they are desperate and very dangerous. They will blow up America before they get prosecuted and jailed.

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