"I don't blame Trump nor Biden a POTUS depends on their advisors, their experts."

What's the point of having a president, if they're not accountable?

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What ! Yes, I completely blame Biden, he forced the poison on our Military. Biden is the devil reincarnated.

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Blame Biden.

He forced the mandates.

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They lied about the source. They lied about therapeutics and early treatment. The lied about natural immunity. They lied about the need for massive testing. They lied about masks. They lied about "social distancing". They lied about the vaccine preventing infection. They lied about unvaccinated people causing the epidemic. They lied about the need for universal forced vaccination. Did I miss anything?

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Blame Trump somewhat, and blame Biden absolutely.

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And one of those MURDERS Feb ‘22 was my husband....trapped in an ER, “diagnosed” with c-pneumonia and a strep infection, no advocate allowed in, given Remdesivir against written wishes (on his arm) admitted and given anti-anxiety meds against our wishes; Xanax early, Ativan 3:30 pm-5:30pm mouth and tongue are deep purple and they scream at me HE’s DYING! (no vent written on his arm also) YOU JUST GONNA LET HIM DIE???? So ventilator is added 18 hours after he entered ER, the INCENTIVES KICK IN, and he’s dead in 14 days of multiple organ failure, ventricular tachycardia and “covid”- final incentive payment coming from the federal government for killing my husband. They still are doing it!!! Using RemD, the ONLY “CDC-approved” drug for treating it... ONE POINT SEVEN MILLION DEATHS SO FAR in the US alone, are on the bloody hands of these demons.......

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Their day will come in eternity and I don’t want to be anywhere near them when judgment rains down on them as they are cast into the Lake of Fire to receive their just rewards. One can only hope they wise up and repent in time and try to make amends in the here and now! 🙏🏻

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If you get the shots you will not get Covid!!!!!! Over and over. And muchore like that. He's accountable!


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M/I complex and the DOD run all administrations until Trump was elected!

Tucker nails it in his latest monologue on Twitter! All the king’s soldiers just follow orders and implement and support the preplanned Covid con! The latest Get Trump is explained by Tucker! We have a Uniparty as long as our leaders look to M/I for direction! Graham and Pompeo stand out!

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The buck stops at the President’s desk. Trump knew that the vast federal administration leaned heavily left and was corrupt. He should have known that this would be a problem for him. He should have conducted an assessment to rid his administration of the deep state. They sabotaged him while he was busy doing whatever he was doing. He should have known that Fauci predicted a pandemic during Trump’s time in office. He should have known about Event 201 and responded to get his people in place BEFORE the pandemic began. He should have known that SARS-CoV-2 was a bioweapon and covid vaccines were not likely to succeed but would likely do harm. He was too busy throwing around insults , and being the big man in charge. Trump made efforts to do good and achieved some of his goals via executive orders. Most of those executive orders have been undone by the Joe Biden administration. The good that Trump did does NOT offset the bad. Doesn’t he take the GREAT RESET seriously?

He should NOT be president again. Also, he should NOT be facing unrelenting persecution by the ultra corrupt left. Those responsible should face severe legal consequences.

-From a very concerned Black American 🇺🇸

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I hold Trump accountable, he is not demented. If I with only a high school education (1969) can ask a simple question of myself. Why is there nothing about the immune system? And since there the implementation of the Gov Cov-19 protocol (under Trump and continued by Biden) never mentions immunity, I knew it was a fraud.

I will not give Trump a pass. Biden either. If they are president they know better. If they don't know better they should have stepped down. I won't vote for either one of these phonies.

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I think it was President Harry Truman who said "the buck stops here". As the President/Commander-in-Chief, responsibility rests with the office. No excuse can be made for listening to bad advice or failing to ask relevant questions. Verify, then trust. Take nothing at its face value. Use common sense and fact based information. If one does not get opposing information, one cannot make responsible decisions. Failure to make intelligent, informed decisions is a disqualification for being President.

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Whether these Presidents were illiterate or Rhodes Scholars they are accountable for not "doing the right thing" for all of us. They and all those responsible should be behind bars for allowing this bio weapon of mass destruction loose on the public. Their actions are unconscionable as human beings let alone leaders.

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The stupider Satan gets the more he shows himself. Someday even the stupidest will see him.

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Dr Paul, you are so wrong, it is the classic management decision, if it has high risk you need to decide what if you do nothing? Is the testing been adequate? This was a new and very experimental vaccine. For sure they need to be fired and held accountable. For sure PENSE, Trump and Biden are not a candidate ever

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Trump may have been misled about the vaccine but he surely knew and knows about the WEF and their agenda along with the major corporations who are in lockstep. The COVID plandemic was a trojan horse for what is transpiring right now and climate change is also. I don't believe Trump didn't know. I think all these politicians are very chummy behind the scenes, another deception. I refuse to jump on anybody's bandwagon after what I've seen and heard. In this day politicians aren't elected they are selected.

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