madness... politically motivated... desperate vindictive foolish evil

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W … T … F 🤯

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This is a desperate attempt to distract from the Pfizer dump.....actually it is a literal dump...

"All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force."

George Orwell

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In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.


War has been declared

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yes, and we fight on, peacefully and we punish them fully at the ballot box...we list them by names and ensure they are removed from office via the ballot box...we also remove all RINOs...they are the problem...as much as the insane US haters in govn

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Our Declaration of Independence shows us that our obligations are to rid ourselves of Oppressions.

Our Constitution is very clear; we are a Republic. Our state constitution is clear. Secession in times of war

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Nor have we been wanting in attention to our British brethren.

We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us

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its balls to the wall...

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We have Aaron Siri and the rest of you heroes. They have nothing but minions corrupted by the undeserved power they consistently abuse.

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Excellent! So nice to be among people who have actually been in political science and history classes.

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We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here.

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We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the tires if our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence.

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Just a coincidence that Jackson was installed on SCOTUS?

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Nah, don't be silly. That was because of all the child porn on that laptop.

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Remember, she's not a biologist.

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What a foolish step backward!

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They are desperate to clean all gov't agencies of non-sheeple. They know this will not hold up in the SCOTUS, but they want to get as many people crossed off the "long life" list, or at least out of the gov't, as possible before that happens.

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The problem is Covid is not a virus but it is oxidative stress caused by graphene toxicity. If the diagnose is wrong, the "cure" or "prevention" with those vaccines is WRONG. Just google "masks graphene" - images, you will see ALL masks contain graphene - but THIS IS HIGHLY TOXIC. Normally at work people are trying to protect themselves from this toxic substance not to inhale it. And if they do inhale it, it is called occupational exposure! Same with the PCR "test" not only it is not a diagnostic tool but in fact it contains toxic graphene and ethylene oxide that boils at 10,4 C ! Why on earth anybody should have it inserted? This is CRIMINAL not only unscientific! Graphene has been added to flu vaccines, other drugs and of course in C-19 vaccines. This is why people who are poisoned by its toxicity experience low saturation, or oxidative stress because or free radicals. If in this state they also get a seasonal flu, they have no immunity to fight it, plus they add another oxidative stress to already undergoing oxidative stress so they become severely ill and die if they're not given antioxidants, such as Zinc, and Zinc ionophores (Ivermectin, HQC) and Quercetin and Vitamin C (they are also together a Zinc ionophore but also They're very good antioxidants) and NAC (it is a precursor of glutathione, that gives energy to Mitochondria, to the cell). They ALL stop the process of apoptosis, death of the cell. Oxidative stress, acute one causes apoptosis or the death of the cell that is the beginning to ALL other adverse reactions such as heart attacks, organ failure, blood clots, strokes, etc. Same for the vaccine injuries: they are caused by oxidative stress/acute oxidative stress. So this all MANDATORY vaccination is a total nonsense and criminal - how can anyone mandate an experimental drug??? How can the lawyers ruling in this case do not get to know the troubling Pfizer documents already released? Why can't they look at the adverse reactions reporting? 42,507 DEAD 3,984,978 Injured Following COVID Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions as of March 26th and 26,396 dead reported to VAERS, with over 1,200,000 injured https://medalerts.org/vaersdb/findfield.php?TABLE=ON&GROUP1=AGE&EVENTS=ON&VAX=COVID19&VAXTYPES=COVID-19&DIED=Yes&WhichAge=range&LOWAGE=&HIGHAGE= 6 y.o. children dying? https://community.covidvaccineinjuries.com/helena-6-year-old-girl-dies-unexpectedly-after-2nd-pfizer-vaccine/ TREAT OXIDATIVE STRESS

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We have the most inept western "leaders" in world history. WTAF?

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This is potentially great news! Because now we have a lot of federal employees who might actually give a sh*t about the issue again...

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It's a war.

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Hunter BidenHo will go down as the least popular president in herstory

Sic. ScKamala next lame quack

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One way to decrease federal spending and bureaucracy.

The blind obedient will gladly roll up their sleeves, until they are no longer capable of such action.

Independent thinking Fed Employees will probably move to Florida and become part of the private sector.

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So the judges who voted the mandates back in are politicized. I can't believe they are that stupid that they cannot view the obvious in the data. Well I hope this decision haunts them.

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