I want to make sure that I understand a point you have made over and over. the virus in the jabs are non sterilized and non neutralized. Does that mean that the jabbed are acting as petri dishes and growing variants that they can tramsmit? If so the flu and cold season is going to be a shit show.

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correct, you should run a substack?

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not the virus, but the antibodies derived or induced by the vaccine, are non-neutralizing, worthless. They are based on Wuhan strain and omicron dominates.

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I have misunderstood. So the antibodies are useless against fighting the variants. That I knew. So can you explain why it is significant that the virus is non sterilized. I thought that it meant that the virus is alive and can attack the body at any moment. Can the jabbed pass this virus along to others or will it stay in their body?

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I have assumed that the terms non sterilized and non neutralized in relation to the jabs simply mean that they do not do anything to the virus. They do not kill it, they do not stop it replicating within the body, they do not stop it spreading from one person to another.

When it comes to the endless boosters then you are in the realms of OAS and ADE - the antibody response the jabs create in the body are incapable of killing the virus and stopping it replicate within the body. Thus they do not neutralise the virus and they do not neutralise it. Quite the opposite - they damage the body's way of fighting the virus (spike).

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this is helpful but what is OAS AND ADE? I probably should know this.

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OAS = Original Antigenic Sin

ADE = Antibody-dependent Enhancement

One small but important detail: As soon as the virus replicates, it will mutate and there will be variants. This happens both in the unvaxxinated and, because the vaxxines cannot stop the virus from replicating, also in the vaxxinated. This wouldn't be a problem if only a small percentage of the population was vaxxinated, but in highly vaxxinated populations, variants which are more resistant to the vaxxine have a competitive advantage and ultimately become dominant.

For a very informative overview on this topic, I recommend Episode 242 of The Highwire (the name of the episode is "The Vanden Bossche Interview"). It's available on thehighwire.com and also on bitchute.

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thank you

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An open mind is all that one needs to understand the truth about anything. Thank you Dr. Paul.

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This is not a state of the art actuarial study. Sorry but this study is lame. If you want to get to the bottom of whether or not excess deaths are covid or clot shot related, excess mortality must be analyzed in the vaxxed and unvaxxed cohorts separately. Furthermore, data has to be scrubbed to ensure that people who died within 14 days of vaccination are actually counted as vaxxed and not as unvaxxed. This new definition of unvaxxed was thrown in there intentionally to confuse the people.

Another study that can be done is to simply analyze some of the most prevalent adverse events in both the vaxxed and unvaxxed cohorts. I.e. look for the frequency of pulmonary embolisms and myocarditis. You will find that only the vaxxed cohorts shows a massive increase in those conditions. I really hate the fact that all the so called experts pretend that somehow it is unclear whether the vaxx or or the covid is the cause. It is clear and it is easy to prove.

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The argument whether covid or clot shots are responsible could be easily put to rest by doing the following (and as an actuary, I am disappointed that the recent SOA study of excess deaths did not go down that road). Simply analyze excess deaths in the vaxxed and the unvaxxed cohorts separately. This will undoubtably show that all excess deaths incurred in the vaxxed. Also, the deceased's family have an strong motive in classifying the death as covid related instead of vaxx related since most insurance companies wouldn't pay out claims if it was due to the experimental gene therapy.

The issue is really much easier to resolve than people pretend.

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Wow thanks for this statistical analysis I don’t know where else I would get such trusted details

I am a barber by trade and see so many ppl both jabbed and unjabbed just wondering what to expect as far as my exposure to all the new circulating viruses. I am taking plenty of supplements but I did get omicron in January (I am not jabbed) I was pretty sick for about 3 days I understand I have some natural immunity

I am not afraid but do want to know if I am walking into a firestorm every day

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In addition to the supplements, grab yourself some 3% hydrogen peroxide nasal spray - we bought a 1tr bottle hydrogen peroxide and empty 15mm~ nasal spray bottles. Also, a povidone iodine throat gargle- you can use hydrogen peroxide, but dilute to 1%.

Gargle and nasal spray at lunch, and after work. This will sterilise all viral particles before they can anchor and replicate in the nasal passage/mouth/throat - 100% effective.

With this, your supplements, and your acquired natural immunity, you should be more worried about being crushed by a purple elephant whilst trimming hair than Covid19...

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Haha yes I am not afraid and I will do what you have suggested I had forgotten about that

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In march 2020 Michele Chretien , brother of Jean, medical researcher, discovered that Quercetin could act as a prophalactic and treatment for Covid. so I would add that to Vit C & D (they found a lot of people with Covid had low levels of the two), Zinc, and I got Ivermetin salve from someone who deals with horses and I dowsed the amount I needed. You put it on your feet and behind your knees. No, I am not crazy. but I am a dowser. and I use alternative healers. My homeopath gave me a homeopathic rememdy to treat it as well. Homeopathics are great because they are energy based so they don't conflict with other remedies. Make sure though you use a homeopath who comes highly recommended. They vary in skill.

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Vitamin D. Magnesium. Zinc and Vits C and K2 are what I take. The D I take is 4,000 IU per day from Sept to end of April.

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what a load of complete garbage

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One more comment relating to the 2 standard deviation excess mortality. This is misleading and probably done intentionally by the authors of the study. They should have limited the analysis to 18 - 65 year olds. Once you add older people in the cohort, it lowers the number of std from the mean. This happens because the std in older cohorts is greater. I.e. the fluctuation in number of deaths from year to year is greater in older cohorts because certain events, such as a severe flu season for instance, will have a much greater impact on older people.

The other misleading factor is to include the non vaxxed in the study. My bet is that if you excluded the over 65 year olds and the unvaxxed, the number of standard deviations from the mean would likely be 4 stds or even higher. For perspective, 2 std signifies that the excess deaths could happen with a probability of 5% or 1 in 20 (actually only half of that because we are only interested in exceeding the upper bound). Whereas a 4 standard deviation event is something with a probability of 1 in 20,000. So this could happen by chance every 20,000 years. Once you get to 5 std, you are looking at an event of 1 in 2 million years.

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