As I keep reading about these "supposed" sudden deaths, I wonder how many need to occur before those suffering normalcy bias will sit up, take notice, realize that the probability odds are FAR beyond mere coincidence and perhaps have the courage to connect the damn dots!

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If reducing our population was their goal, they could have and Should have attempted to be LESS Cruel and Vile. 🚫NO PLANDEMIC AMNESTY EVER🚫

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I'm suspicious about this death. Just as the Torah in Deuteronomy 13:6-10 commands the Jews to kill the unbeliever, so does the Quran command Muslims in Surah 2: 191 and Albania is a majority Sunni Moslem country

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On Wikipedia it says that he was diagnosed with a heart condition in 2017 and had a defibrillator implanted through surgery. So, while the COVID vaccine may have made his condition worse, I suspect that his death will be attributed to his pre-existing heart condition. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raphael_Dwamena

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Lets ask the new kid on the block, A/I, about this. Betcha we don't get anything close to an honest answer.

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"upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

Let's hope the hell of Gates does not prevail.

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Clearly it was global warming that did it, or Trump.

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While not every death is attributable to the death jabs, there have been an awful lot of them since the roll out. Not a neary life was saved, but the funeral industry is raking in some bucks, whilst the insurance industry is taking a dive. So far, worldwide, the estimate is that 17 million people have succumbed, and there will be just as many in the foreseeable future. I'm not so sure that the 17 million estimate is correct; it might be much higher, IMO.

‘No Lives Were Saved’ by COVID-19 Vaccines, Scientists Estimate https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/epochtv/no-lives-were-saved-by-covid-19-vaccines-canadian-scientists-estimate-5505337?utm_source=ref_share&utm_campaign=app-cc

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The cartoon with all the needles jabbed into the woman's back and calling it "Climate Change" was a brilliant piece of comedy/truth bomb regarding the poison vaccines for Covid 19. My question remains: "When do the indictments begin for murder for those responsible"? This is the biggest murder case in mankind's history and yet, the media and most of the world's governments say to move on, as there is nothing to see here! COLLUSION and ASSISTANCE to MURDER... Of course, like everything else the government's of the world touch these days, it will all be ignored. Government's of the past used SWIFT JUSTICE with a blade to the heads of murderers, in and out of government. Today, they work hand in hand with the murderers. We have come so far on this planet haven't we? "Democracy" is shown to be what it always has been, MOB RULE for murderers. America was never intended to be a Democracy. The Democrats have been declaring that America is a Democracy since FDR came to power in the 1930's and started the destruction of our Constitutional Republic with all of his Unconstitutional lawmaking for "DEMOCRACY". One last word. Democracy is not used in the American Constitution which is our founding document giving the government legitimacy if the documents are followed to the letter. America has been overthrown from within folks. How special. Have another drink, smoke some more pot, ignore all the horrors you have helped create in America with your apathy. No one cares. May we never have known you...

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Are WE back to referring to the covkill injection as a vaccine? Perhaps being consistent in calling it is what it is NOT would be best. The term vaccine has been redefined to fit cov injection.

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How many have to die before the world wakes up?

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