So damned sick of the cover up! MSM is to blame for these blatant lies. As soon as a knife is involved, we know it is I$lam!st terror!$t$!!!!!

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of course

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Aug 24 (Reuters) - The Islamic State group claimed responsibility on Saturday for a knife attack in the western German city of Solingen that killed three people on Friday.

The militant group said in a statement on its Telegram account that the attack was carried out by one of its members "in revenge for Muslims in Palestine and everywhere".

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we could have told the world

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and Harris and Biden and Obama has us all now set up...this is going to happen in USA

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Welp, season is open here in Florida.

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The MSM are actually partly correct when they attribute these atrocities to mental illness. Mohammed never existed and therefore the jihadis are delusional. Unfortunately the US, with its f*ked up foreign policy and history of supporting Islamic terrorism in Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya, Lybia, Iraq, Syria and elsewhere feeds these delusions. The jihadis then come to believe that the greatest thing they could achieve would be to kill, or be killed by, Americans and then become a martyr and get 72 virgins. The technology exists to deprogram them so why is this not being done? Newly reprogrammed ones should be regularly appearing on TV and on the internet attesting to what a crock of shit their belief system is.

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hhhmmmm very interesting....can you share and expand re technology, this is fascinating

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Another DEI event that’s to DIE for!

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Ahhh. A world without borders. Isn't it wonderful?

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ka boom, this is what Obama did and Bush

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Let's face it. The Ashkenazi Jews are, overall, far smarter then both non-Ashkenazi Americans and far smarter than the non-Ashkenazi Germans (and were probably in "Germany" before the nonAshkenazi Germans. The nonAshkenazi Germans, riddled with insecurity and envy at the higher IQs and greater economic success of the Ashkenazi Jews both within Germany and worldwide appropriated, in the 1930s, the envious antiSemitic "racial hygiene" policies of the equally inferior USA that were intended to promote "affirmative action" for nonAshkenazi Americans. They applied these American policies in Germany and elsewhere in Europe, leading, thanks to the US, to the "holocaust." Although Germans today still rank far higher than Americans in general (Ashkenazi Americans in New York excepted) inmean IQ, they are a lot dumber than they could have been. The Ashkenazi Jews of London and New York have the highest IQs on the planet. Now, the dumb Germans again copy the policies of the USA with regard to immigration. As a result they are extremely vulnerable to Islamic terrorism and within probably only 50s they will have IQs as low as Americans.

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That's an average. There are far more high IQ white gentiles than Jews in the US. What you label "envy" is simply the noticing of gentiles that Jews take over every insititution and use underhanded tactics to get ahead. It's also the noticing that Jews have made it their mission to open borders in the West resulting in atrocities like the ones described here, and the noticing that Jews run Hollywood and use it to push degeneracy and to demonise white people resulting in real world violence.

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"What you label "envy" is simply the noticing of gentiles that Jews take over every insititution and use underhanded tactics to get ahead."

Why do the high-IQ white gentiles allow it?

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Incorrect, Awake. The Germanantic tribes were mostly nomadic and existed long before Gaul.

As for the jews, I belive their god is the enemy of every other race. Have you ever read the Talmud?

Please give it a try.

You won't think so highly of the jews after that.

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I suppose I should try to read it. I think itwould be hard to find any American leader who is not of Ashkenazi Jewish descent. That includes Harris, Obama, the Bushs and others.

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There are people and cultures in this world that are animals. And now they're coming to Western Culture.

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correct, we should have left them in the desert for 10,000 years

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Mohammed was a depraved faggot. Popularized slavery. That was his proudest achievement.

His followers are just playing Follow-the-Leader.


Western Journo-Jack-Off's conspicuous silence sez it all.

Seymour Hersh can't shut up about William Calley, was bragging again after Calley died recently.

But on NVA/Viet Cong bestiality, he was mute. What an ass. Not part of his game plan.


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There was no Mohammed, Ruben. Your Prophet is an historical fiction.

"The earliest biographical material about Muhammad dates from 150 years after the traditional date of his death. Neither the Arab conquerors of the seventh century nor the people they conquered made any mention of Muhammad, the Quran, or Islam for fully six decades. Recent scholarship indicates that the Quran was constructed from existing materials including a pre-Islamic Christian text. Numerous archaeological indications exist that Islam as a religion was fashioned for political reasons." - "Did Muhammad Exist?: an Inquiry into Islam's Obscure Origins" - Robert Spencer

Stop pushing this Jihadist bullshit.

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Most history is fiction. Historical accuracy of Jesus Christ, Buddha, Gilgamesh, Hindu/Greek/Persian pantheon all kinda fishy.

CCP is presently re-writing The History of Coolie Land.

Tell Salman Rushdie or Steven Crowder that Mohammed is a myth. That'll surely make 'em all better. No mo fatua. Quick as a knife.

Or any of the used-to-be-alive severed head folks.

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Unfortunately the dangerous, deluded followers of the fiction are no fiction.

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Turdope is trying to censor anything not wokist wankerist and thinks he is the next Justie Hitler. In the link is proof how the little peckerhead and his trash stalinists are censoring any view but his own BS spoken out of the left side of his leftist mouth and looking out of the left corner of his left eye. He is a complete failure, a green booger hanging off a cold brass doorknob screaming for help lest it falls.

You cannot get them more fat pie faced and ample assed than that sop.

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Thankfully we can kill them here. And will. Let them start. We will finish.

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Methinks the historic endorsement by a Kennedy - Dem stalwart RFK Jr for generations - is a geological earthquake, politically.

The issue of President Trump confronting the treachery of his staff in the attempted sabotage of his administration and his reluctance to admit having been duped by this Fifth Column within the gates will be addressed by a significant role Bobby Jr can play in the next Trump Administration.

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Just as the powers-that-shouldn’t-be want to disarm the masses [outlaw and seize guns], knives are also being targeted as outlawed or seized. Knife attacks worldwide have increased dramatically and it’s the same Hegelian Dialect [Problem. Reaction. Solution.] being used to seize guns. Orchestrated events and Manchurian Candidates are real. Read William Cooper’s “Behold A Pale Horse”. All is not as Mockingbird media says it is.

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This atack was just a warning attack to test out our reaction. Our instincts are to get angry and condemn and do nothing.

Don't obay your instincts.

Prepare for the caohs to grow.

Prepare for the f ight to come to you,and the ones you love.

Eventually it will come to your towns.

And then to your front door.

The Visi Goths and the Vandals are already here,they are waiting for the Mongoals to come.

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I’ve realized what’s important to me may not be important to others. One thing should be important to everyone which is respecting each other’s space, religion, ethics and boundaries.

We all have our limits. This doesn’t give anyone the right to kill! The difference today is, those who have no boundaries, no limits and feel they can impose their own will or limits or religious beliefs and even ethics onto anyone they so choose, is their choice. It’s not!

Unfortunately, mankind has reached a tipping point. A breaking point whereas, those who feel or believe they’re superior than, better than, can and will impose their beliefs onto anyone they choose so choose. Anyone, as long as someone else tells them to do so. Seldom does a “lone wolf” act out, though it does happen.

A weak person will act out, even murder someone else, someone they don’t know, simply because they needed a reason or someone else said something they feel they need to act upon.

What has happened to Humanity? Yes man is the only animal who kills for the fun of killing. Unlike wild animals who kill to survive. Mankind kills for any reason, for no good reason, simply because they feel they’re empowered!

Sick minds do sick things! Look no further than the recent DNC in Chicago. Murder is not predicated on color or race or religion, but rather these same people use color race and religion or now gender as a weapon against humanity. A weapon to “tweak the minds” of very sick individuals.

Ultimately, people die because “sick minded” people, encouraged “sick minded”individuals to act out, in belief of something greater than and for the sake of others.

A “demented mind is easily influenced”!

Where are those people calling for a stop to this madness? They’re the same people calling for this to begin with, which is why it won’t stop.

Like “birds of a feather”, they’re silent! Silent because, they’re part of this madness, this human destruction of other human beings occurs because they believe they’re doing justice!

The only “JUSTIFIABLE” are the “CERTIFIABLE” individuals responsible in the first place, who are calling for such unthinkable behaviors!

Maybe, just maybe, this spiritual awakening, cleansing is necessary to rid the world of these evil spirits? Or maybe, just perhaps, these evil spirits will be awaken to the sickness of their own existence?

At some point the world will respond with their own justifications and stop the madness. We have reached a tipping point. Everyday “good & decent” people are fed up!

Either way, mankind has reached a breaking point. It’s dependent upon all “good & decent” people to help change the mindset of what’s acceptable and what’s not. We’ve become numb to our own existence, as have those who suffer the consequences because of a few.

I ask were we ever civilized? Or have we never been? Or, are we reverting back to our primitive self? Killing because we can?

Something has gone terribly wrong within the human mind!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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This carnage is a consequence from widespread ignorance of the Principles of Reasoning.by the builders of models of physical system. They are "Entropy Minimax" as described by the late engineer, lawyer and theoretical physicist in the seven volume treatise entitled the "Entropy Minimax Sourcebook." People who are ignorant of the Princiiples of Reasoning do crazy things.

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very very interesting, I am going to read up on this

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Dear Paul:

The Principles of Reasoning for the Deductive logic are Aristotle's three Laws of Thought.

The Principles of Reasonigng for the Inductive logic are "entropy ,minimax, as described by the theoretical physicist Ronald Christensen in his seven volume "Entroppy Minimax Source book.

Entropy Minimax reduces to Aristotlr's three Laws of thought in the limit as the missing information in an inference to the conditional outcomes of an events of the future for the physical system being modelled reduces to nil.

After beomg discovered by Cjristensen,, circa 1995 and published by him in the a number of peer-reviewed journal articles plus the the Entropy Minimax Sourcebook, entropy minimax failed to catch on amongs all but a few buildiers of models of physical systems or which I was one. This phenomenon has led mankind to the brink of disaster'

At the age of 87, I work pro bono 12 hours per day, seven days per week for the purpose preventing this disaster from happening. Your collaboration with me in ithis endeavor would be most welcome.


Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher

Los Altos Hills, California



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Aug 24
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ka boom, I agree fully, its bullshit fraud

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Also Elusive , this is just a small attack. When the bad guys give the signal you'll see sleeper cells start attacking all at once.

Just like every shock force in history, these guys will attack soft targets only. Women, children, burning homes, and so forth.

The mercinaries will try to hit nuclear power plants.

But don't worry the good guys get to play as well.

The Mercinaries have cool weapons that we can't buy at gun stores.

The shock troops wear Nikes and expensive gold chains.

With one 9mm bullet you can get a lot of gold to trade. If the Nikes don't fit,keep trying, sooner or later you'll find a "Whack A Mole" your size.

😃 😀 😄 😁 🤣 😂 😃 😀 😄 😁

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you always contribute stark and real info thank you...we are in a death battle

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news now saying that it is ISIS islamic terror that killed them...the stabber is an islamist

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It is actually spelled like this...DIEverSHITty and taught in the public schools by FITH leftist loon teachers.

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Islam sucks. It’s bullshit, always was. Think about it. It’s a religion where men win, and women, children, and goats don’t. Some religion.

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