Hunter is not worried! It will be a bench trial and after found guilty, within a few days his father will pardon him! They have to speed it up so the focus stays on Trump!
Leaving the rest uncharged leaves both Biden and his family open for Trump's DOJ.
Let these piddly charges go however they do.
Personally, my belief is their idea that they can just keep blatantly manipulating the people and the truth will ultimately be exactly what tumbles their House of Cards.
By relying on distortions of truth, they have left a road map that is surprisingly easy to follow, because they are so overconfident.
And they maintain that false confidence to keep the Orwellian Fear Factor full blast.
" I better not say anything, the FBI might attack my home and family".
I really think 90 percent of their game is " Fake it til you make it".
I wish I could figure out how to paste links on a phone, if I could I would end with a link to Stephen Stills/Buffalo Springfield's
" For What it's Worth" from decades ago. It isn't meant to reflect today, but it surely does.
If you never heard it, liking the music is really irrelevant. It doesn't matter if you prefer classical symphonies, it's the lyric that is accidently prescient.
Unfortunately, in their old age, the musicians involved are full on elitist twits.
The whole Laurel Canyon Crowd are now a bunch of disgusting creeps, particularly Crosby (while he was alive) Stills, Nash, Young and Joni Mitchell.
Strange but True.
Ahh, but they were so much older then, they are absolute spoiled children now...
Musk long ago said, "The only reason Trump is running 2024 is to give himself & family a pardon"
Trump knows that if he doesn't give himself a pardon, little Baron Trump and his Baron-Foundation funds will get clawed back, not unlike the chelsea-fund, or ivanka-fund;
Clinton's & Trumps need to protect their children's 'trust fund'
Biden's have the same issue, how does FJB protect his tens of Billions of USD? HRC alone is now said to have $25 Billion Euros in Qatar&Dubai banks, the safest refuge on earth for criminals; I cannot imagine how much loot Biden's have, and even Hunter must have at least ten billion; Hell Baron-Trump has a few Billion USD;
Billionaires like Musk, & Soros rule the earth; But people never think about these elite criminal political spawn will inherit the earth, and people who protect them do so to protect their income and future wealth;
Whether speaking of Trump or anything else, Musk is the single most full of shit elitist on the planet, beyond even Biden because Biden no longer has the ability to discern fact from fiction.
I call him the "OWNER", he's legacy rhodes/debeers UK south-african 'anglo amercian corp', now called CIA, was OSS, and before that "East India Company"
IMHO the 'owners' are obsoleting this 'voting' bullshit and just putting the Oligarchy in your face, but in such a way, almost like the beloved 'Kings' of past;
I always call poor Musk, "Born a Trillionaire, Self made Billionaire".
Musk is a good circus act for the USA goyim, takes their minds off of the UK monarchy commonwealth Pedophilia scams and related problems;
Musk is like a pied piper, on the one hand he warns about AI, on the other hand he funded and created open-ai, now called chatGPT, recently sold to Microsoft;
Then he buys twitter to get the data, to feed to his AI ( chatGPT ), him and facefuck zuckerberg meld facebook data&twitter data to train super chatGPT;
All so that the goyim can have faux-conversations forever, just like probably on this forum.
Then on buy twitter, MUSK appoints the queen of WEF, who is in charge of trans-humanism, Musk already has a brain-chip that is hard-wired into the human brain, voluntary today, mandatory tomorrow;
It appears the 'monarch' will be out in the future "A pedo problem" and that the owners will rule the UK commonwealth, ergo USA prison colony.
Same Tribe that runs the DoJ, ran Psyop-19. Not only will no one be charged, they will all be richly rewarded for their lies, and for making 3 billion idiots, even more compliant. How do we fix it? We stop typing, and start rioting.
Even the Holy One RFK-JR has stated that there will be "NO RETRIBUTION"
So the COVID killers not only got $12 Trillion USD ( war on COvid Trump/Biden fiat print ) robbery scot-free, but there is not a single candidate on earth that is publicly calling for them to be hung, castrated, or boiled alive;
You would think that with all this 'social net' energy that one candidate on earth would step forward and push the 'retribution party', but nada cuz we all know the MSM would ignore them, or plant child-porn on their computer, and black-bag them.
I predict he will win the 2028 election, with more total votes than people. The people will spend hours watching Hunter do disgusting things with his former sister-in-law and his niece. He will be endorsed by Joe Rogain, and Elon Musk, and that's all the normies need to hear to be happy living in their tiny houses/boxes, eating bugs, and getting weekly jabs to "slow the curve."
This is a nation of absolute morons. The best thing is to let it crash, watch the roaches scurry off to China, and rebuild it as a white nation, with morals, and high standards.
Was not always this way. But, given the Hart-Cellar Immigration Act of 1965, we have ONLY accepted people 20-40% less intelligent than the founding stock. Viola, a nation of lowered intelligence, more compliant and violent, and frankly a horrible place to live as a decent, white person.
And this is your position--let the same white people who created this mess have total control of this country? It seems you either can't or won't read and study that this is a pluralist society and this world is primarily not white. Time to stop pushing this white mentality that is totalitarian and opposed to democratic principles. Given the level of rape and murder by white people I have to question what standard of morality and ethics you really follow.
Black males are around 6.5% of the populace, and commit over 70% of violent crime. In every nation they inhabit, they lead in percentage violent crime. Sweden had essentially no rape or murder, until swarms of Africans arrived. You have no idea how statistics work, do you? Perhaps that is due to the insanely low (40% lower) IQ, and 400% less impulse control of blacks?
And, I am not racist, I will take all the East Asians that wish to move here, they are brilliant, well mannered, and add more to the GDP then they suck out.
You haven't a clue about your own racism. That stat you quote is a typical racist trope and does not reflect real incidents or even real study. The rest of your post is also nothing but old racist tropes that have no basis in reality but only in the minds of flagrant racists like yourself. As for statistics? Let me quote: "There are lies, more lies and Statistics!"
How many did you violent idiots shoot on your unpronounceable holiday the other day? How many fat assed Loquisha/Shaniquas twerked and lost "dey weave" while I dreamed up my "racist trope?"
Jack Kirby and Stan Lee (two jews who changed their names) INVENTED Wakanda and the Black Panther. All so you commies could vote DIMocrat. Your people haven't built shit. Even the peanut, is poorly assimilable, low quality protein full of aflotoxins, and it is not a NUT!
Hey, Shaniqua/Taniqua/Tanya, whassup Queen? If you go to page 53 of this 2011 Shitcongo Murder Report, you see the racial breakdown of murders within the city: 70% Expired Farm Equipment 24% Hispanic 3.5% White. Factor in 2011 Demographics, and you and the other children of Welfare Queens, commit murder about 100x more frequently than whites, and these numbers are worse today. So bad, you can't even find them! Piss off Black Commie.
What makes you think white people would run things any differently than they are run now? If you take a good look it was always white people who created the conditions of what we see now. White Europeans developed capitalism which is totally anti-democratic and has now morphed into corporatism with its hegemonic war making policies and fortunes. White people controlled this country and its development. They were your slave traders and slave owners and went to war to protect that human abuse for their own selfish profit. And they were a very small minority of this country. Most of the white people in the south were poor share croppers and lived no better than enslaved Africans but let themselves be used in a divide-and-conquer strategy to ensure the minority wealth land and slave owners would retain their central power and wealth. And that is what you support today buying into all the racist and xenophobic tropes which do the same divide and conquer that began this country's wealth. Your anti-semitism is also based on pure ignorance. If you were imprisoned with Jews and and Black people for a couple of years and be forced to learn to know who they are as human beings I bet that would challenge your bigotry and force you to confront your ignorance.
Yes, you hit the nail on the head--Access is the issue. People with power beget power to their off spring and keep it in the family and within their social class. It is why they send their kids to expensive private schools that train them to be leaders, self-thinkers, and ways of their ruling class elitism. Trying to break into that class is almost impossible. Bill Clinton was never of that class which made him vulnerable for attack--which they did impeaching him for sexual behavior with consenting adults. It worked to destroy the next presidential election for the Dems. They had nothing of consequence against him but created this self-righteous moral outrage that was so phony. Trump, despite his money access was never part of that elite society. He was never other than a street goon with money, crass and stupid, but having money. He tried to buy his way in and it is not working. But the difference with Trump is his criminal behavior is public and undeniable.
This shit is happening to rile up the country, they see zero accountability with the Biden crime family and people are pissed off and sick of the entire thing.
A false appeasement of the people demanding justice. I'm glad he is charged with something, anything. But real justice is being diverted.
But as some have speculated, perhaps Hunter is a CHS for the FBI, after having been flipped, and this is part of the deal. If so, it will lead to many more crimes being illuminated in the public eye.
Lol, he's that, but it is a possibility that he is also a Confidential Human Source, as used by the FBI. One must keep in mind that his laptops were left intentionally and not claimed, and perhaps was the way to get the info to the FBI in the first place.
I know many do not trust the FBI, and I'm with them for the most part. But we also know that Trump has worked with the FBI as a CHS in the past, on more than one takedown.
The first of many more well-deserved charges, I'd hope. But more likely an appeasement by the DOJ to pretend "equal justice" is being meted out to Republicans (Trump) and Dems (baby Biden). A small 'sacrifice' to fit the prevailing narrative.
Also a warning to other tax cheaters re: Biden's new enforcers -- his armed IRS agents.
Heck....Kind of like Lieber. Slap on the wrist with little to no information on the real story/deal. Do you suppose they are testing us to see how big a sh!t sandwich we will swallow? Then there is Friedman. Geesh.
Yes, most likely. Just like native americans, ruby ridge, 911, rt 91, etc. And the American people sit there shoving food down their throats, playing with their smart phones, supporting all of the people doing "it" to them.
You know when you think about all the stuff that people get the sphincter tight about, Hunter is really hardly a fly in a large pile of Senile Biden feces;
Another note that maybe Kissinger is really the winner
Now child-sex slavery and global-prostitution of white-women may not mean much to the western GOYIM, but forever in MENA, Africa, ASIAN casinos owned by Sheldon Adelson ( richest man in Israel, and funder of Trump-2016 ), they did get the left-overs from Saudi’s “PEDO DOLLAR” deal created by Kissinger in 1972, where ‘house of saud’ would get 1,000’s of white-children forever as sex-slaves, then if compliant when they grow they become whores, or else they become organ-donors in Israel;
I suspect that not even Biden can beat the “Pedo Dollar” system created by Kissinger;
Today its over, but only because the Saud's don't want USA children, who are now filled with fentanyl&meth, because of their harelip parents in USA; Preferred children today are Irish, & Ukraine; When they're gone, who knows what taste the sharks will develop?
A two tier justice system and this is a textbook example of it. This is just fluff they plan to charge Hunter with with no arrest or jail time anticipated. I cannot believe they think they can get away with feeding us this feces. Wake up America.
This will be a simple slap on the wrist. This tactic worked for them in the past, why not now?
It will work as long as Biden has his people at the DOJ, FBI, CIA, etc. They know most people are already too distracted, uninformed, and will believe what the MSM tells them. But we must keep pushing. The balance will tip when Congressional Dems fear that Biden will drag them down to defeat with him. Then the rats will flee the sinking ship.
Hunter is not worried! It will be a bench trial and after found guilty, within a few days his father will pardon him! They have to speed it up so the focus stays on Trump!
Leaving the rest uncharged leaves both Biden and his family open for Trump's DOJ.
Let these piddly charges go however they do.
Personally, my belief is their idea that they can just keep blatantly manipulating the people and the truth will ultimately be exactly what tumbles their House of Cards.
By relying on distortions of truth, they have left a road map that is surprisingly easy to follow, because they are so overconfident.
And they maintain that false confidence to keep the Orwellian Fear Factor full blast.
" I better not say anything, the FBI might attack my home and family".
I really think 90 percent of their game is " Fake it til you make it".
I wish I could figure out how to paste links on a phone, if I could I would end with a link to Stephen Stills/Buffalo Springfield's
" For What it's Worth" from decades ago. It isn't meant to reflect today, but it surely does.
If you never heard it, liking the music is really irrelevant. It doesn't matter if you prefer classical symphonies, it's the lyric that is accidently prescient.
Unfortunately, in their old age, the musicians involved are full on elitist twits.
The whole Laurel Canyon Crowd are now a bunch of disgusting creeps, particularly Crosby (while he was alive) Stills, Nash, Young and Joni Mitchell.
Strange but True.
Ahh, but they were so much older then, they are absolute spoiled children now...
Just watched - great song for vietnam
We haven't had a Kent State massacre yet.
Now they just fill the city's with crack, fentanyl, and meth; No point in sending in the national-guard anywhere
Then there is the porn, and AI; Video games, META verse; No kid has time to protest anymore;
Then kids actually didn't want to die in the Vietnam war, but now they can just die on the streets of urban USA sleeping in their own shit;
Musk long ago said, "The only reason Trump is running 2024 is to give himself & family a pardon"
Trump knows that if he doesn't give himself a pardon, little Baron Trump and his Baron-Foundation funds will get clawed back, not unlike the chelsea-fund, or ivanka-fund;
Clinton's & Trumps need to protect their children's 'trust fund'
Biden's have the same issue, how does FJB protect his tens of Billions of USD? HRC alone is now said to have $25 Billion Euros in Qatar&Dubai banks, the safest refuge on earth for criminals; I cannot imagine how much loot Biden's have, and even Hunter must have at least ten billion; Hell Baron-Trump has a few Billion USD;
Billionaires like Musk, & Soros rule the earth; But people never think about these elite criminal political spawn will inherit the earth, and people who protect them do so to protect their income and future wealth;
Follow the Money;
Whether speaking of Trump or anything else, Musk is the single most full of shit elitist on the planet, beyond even Biden because Biden no longer has the ability to discern fact from fiction.
Musk lacks that excuse.
MUSK is an interesting critter;
I call him the "OWNER", he's legacy rhodes/debeers UK south-african 'anglo amercian corp', now called CIA, was OSS, and before that "East India Company"
IMHO the 'owners' are obsoleting this 'voting' bullshit and just putting the Oligarchy in your face, but in such a way, almost like the beloved 'Kings' of past;
I always call poor Musk, "Born a Trillionaire, Self made Billionaire".
Musk is a good circus act for the USA goyim, takes their minds off of the UK monarchy commonwealth Pedophilia scams and related problems;
Musk is like a pied piper, on the one hand he warns about AI, on the other hand he funded and created open-ai, now called chatGPT, recently sold to Microsoft;
Then he buys twitter to get the data, to feed to his AI ( chatGPT ), him and facefuck zuckerberg meld facebook data&twitter data to train super chatGPT;
All so that the goyim can have faux-conversations forever, just like probably on this forum.
Then on buy twitter, MUSK appoints the queen of WEF, who is in charge of trans-humanism, Musk already has a brain-chip that is hard-wired into the human brain, voluntary today, mandatory tomorrow;
It appears the 'monarch' will be out in the future "A pedo problem" and that the owners will rule the UK commonwealth, ergo USA prison colony.
.....and.....nothing will happen.
No people charged for the Covid vaccine murders?
Same Tribe that runs the DoJ, ran Psyop-19. Not only will no one be charged, they will all be richly rewarded for their lies, and for making 3 billion idiots, even more compliant. How do we fix it? We stop typing, and start rioting.
Even the Holy One RFK-JR has stated that there will be "NO RETRIBUTION"
So the COVID killers not only got $12 Trillion USD ( war on COvid Trump/Biden fiat print ) robbery scot-free, but there is not a single candidate on earth that is publicly calling for them to be hung, castrated, or boiled alive;
You would think that with all this 'social net' energy that one candidate on earth would step forward and push the 'retribution party', but nada cuz we all know the MSM would ignore them, or plant child-porn on their computer, and black-bag them.
I predict he will win the 2028 election, with more total votes than people. The people will spend hours watching Hunter do disgusting things with his former sister-in-law and his niece. He will be endorsed by Joe Rogain, and Elon Musk, and that's all the normies need to hear to be happy living in their tiny houses/boxes, eating bugs, and getting weekly jabs to "slow the curve."
This is a nation of absolute morons. The best thing is to let it crash, watch the roaches scurry off to China, and rebuild it as a white nation, with morals, and high standards.
Americans are do stupid!
Was not always this way. But, given the Hart-Cellar Immigration Act of 1965, we have ONLY accepted people 20-40% less intelligent than the founding stock. Viola, a nation of lowered intelligence, more compliant and violent, and frankly a horrible place to live as a decent, white person.
Remember tel-a vision?
Walter Cronkite, where are you now that we need you?
Even Walter eventually saw the truth and flipped.
But Walter was a real journalist.
And this is your position--let the same white people who created this mess have total control of this country? It seems you either can't or won't read and study that this is a pluralist society and this world is primarily not white. Time to stop pushing this white mentality that is totalitarian and opposed to democratic principles. Given the level of rape and murder by white people I have to question what standard of morality and ethics you really follow.
Black males are around 6.5% of the populace, and commit over 70% of violent crime. In every nation they inhabit, they lead in percentage violent crime. Sweden had essentially no rape or murder, until swarms of Africans arrived. You have no idea how statistics work, do you? Perhaps that is due to the insanely low (40% lower) IQ, and 400% less impulse control of blacks?
And, I am not racist, I will take all the East Asians that wish to move here, they are brilliant, well mannered, and add more to the GDP then they suck out.
You haven't a clue about your own racism. That stat you quote is a typical racist trope and does not reflect real incidents or even real study. The rest of your post is also nothing but old racist tropes that have no basis in reality but only in the minds of flagrant racists like yourself. As for statistics? Let me quote: "There are lies, more lies and Statistics!"
And you are a troll. Back to your parent's basement.
Reg, it’s without a doubt a Dem troll.
A troll that has more excuses than the phony illegitimate votes that the senile scumbag got
How many did you violent idiots shoot on your unpronounceable holiday the other day? How many fat assed Loquisha/Shaniquas twerked and lost "dey weave" while I dreamed up my "racist trope?"
I have a better idea, go back to Liberia. Why would you want to stay in a nation filled with us violent whites? A 200 year old, all black nation, with the US Constitution, and you can't even pick up your own garbage without white people?
Jack Kirby and Stan Lee (two jews who changed their names) INVENTED Wakanda and the Black Panther. All so you commies could vote DIMocrat. Your people haven't built shit. Even the peanut, is poorly assimilable, low quality protein full of aflotoxins, and it is not a NUT!
GTFO of the USA.
Hey, Shaniqua/Taniqua/Tanya, whassup Queen? If you go to page 53 of this 2011 Shitcongo Murder Report, you see the racial breakdown of murders within the city: 70% Expired Farm Equipment 24% Hispanic 3.5% White. Factor in 2011 Demographics, and you and the other children of Welfare Queens, commit murder about 100x more frequently than whites, and these numbers are worse today. So bad, you can't even find them! Piss off Black Commie.
China, is populated by 97% ethnically Chinese. jews ruined this nation, and they are not white. Why can't whites have their own nations?
What makes you think white people would run things any differently than they are run now? If you take a good look it was always white people who created the conditions of what we see now. White Europeans developed capitalism which is totally anti-democratic and has now morphed into corporatism with its hegemonic war making policies and fortunes. White people controlled this country and its development. They were your slave traders and slave owners and went to war to protect that human abuse for their own selfish profit. And they were a very small minority of this country. Most of the white people in the south were poor share croppers and lived no better than enslaved Africans but let themselves be used in a divide-and-conquer strategy to ensure the minority wealth land and slave owners would retain their central power and wealth. And that is what you support today buying into all the racist and xenophobic tropes which do the same divide and conquer that began this country's wealth. Your anti-semitism is also based on pure ignorance. If you were imprisoned with Jews and and Black people for a couple of years and be forced to learn to know who they are as human beings I bet that would challenge your bigotry and force you to confront your ignorance. Your Marxian/Free and shitty "public education" talking points are funny. You are Hasbara.
It’s a hearty “Fck You” to every single American citizen.
What else would Hunter be charged with?
Being an incompetent who SOMEHOW landed a well-paying job for which he had no qualifications ?
You'd be charging half of Washington DC, if that was the case.
Changed with taking money because his parent is/was a powerful politician?
Again - half of Washington.
Drain the damn swamp, SOMEONE!
Yes, you hit the nail on the head--Access is the issue. People with power beget power to their off spring and keep it in the family and within their social class. It is why they send their kids to expensive private schools that train them to be leaders, self-thinkers, and ways of their ruling class elitism. Trying to break into that class is almost impossible. Bill Clinton was never of that class which made him vulnerable for attack--which they did impeaching him for sexual behavior with consenting adults. It worked to destroy the next presidential election for the Dems. They had nothing of consequence against him but created this self-righteous moral outrage that was so phony. Trump, despite his money access was never part of that elite society. He was never other than a street goon with money, crass and stupid, but having money. He tried to buy his way in and it is not working. But the difference with Trump is his criminal behavior is public and undeniable.
You deflect from Hunter's arrest!
This shit is happening to rile up the country, they see zero accountability with the Biden crime family and people are pissed off and sick of the entire thing.
On a scale of 1 to 10, the weapons charge and the tax charge combine to be a 1, whereas each bribery charge would be a 10.
A false appeasement of the people demanding justice. I'm glad he is charged with something, anything. But real justice is being diverted.
But as some have speculated, perhaps Hunter is a CHS for the FBI, after having been flipped, and this is part of the deal. If so, it will lead to many more crimes being illuminated in the public eye.
Let's see what happens.
Does CHS = Crackhead?
Lol, he's that, but it is a possibility that he is also a Confidential Human Source, as used by the FBI. One must keep in mind that his laptops were left intentionally and not claimed, and perhaps was the way to get the info to the FBI in the first place.
I know many do not trust the FBI, and I'm with them for the most part. But we also know that Trump has worked with the FBI as a CHS in the past, on more than one takedown.
Thanks, Dave. Interesting thoughts.
The first of many more well-deserved charges, I'd hope. But more likely an appeasement by the DOJ to pretend "equal justice" is being meted out to Republicans (Trump) and Dems (baby Biden). A small 'sacrifice' to fit the prevailing narrative.
Also a warning to other tax cheaters re: Biden's new enforcers -- his armed IRS agents.
Heck....Kind of like Lieber. Slap on the wrist with little to no information on the real story/deal. Do you suppose they are testing us to see how big a sh!t sandwich we will swallow? Then there is Friedman. Geesh.
Yes, most likely. Just like native americans, ruby ridge, 911, rt 91, etc. And the American people sit there shoving food down their throats, playing with their smart phones, supporting all of the people doing "it" to them.
What about the "PEDO-DOLLAR" ???
You know when you think about all the stuff that people get the sphincter tight about, Hunter is really hardly a fly in a large pile of Senile Biden feces;
Another note that maybe Kissinger is really the winner
Now child-sex slavery and global-prostitution of white-women may not mean much to the western GOYIM, but forever in MENA, Africa, ASIAN casinos owned by Sheldon Adelson ( richest man in Israel, and funder of Trump-2016 ), they did get the left-overs from Saudi’s “PEDO DOLLAR” deal created by Kissinger in 1972, where ‘house of saud’ would get 1,000’s of white-children forever as sex-slaves, then if compliant when they grow they become whores, or else they become organ-donors in Israel;
I suspect that not even Biden can beat the “Pedo Dollar” system created by Kissinger;
Today its over, but only because the Saud's don't want USA children, who are now filled with fentanyl&meth, because of their harelip parents in USA; Preferred children today are Irish, & Ukraine; When they're gone, who knows what taste the sharks will develop?
A two tier justice system and this is a textbook example of it. This is just fluff they plan to charge Hunter with with no arrest or jail time anticipated. I cannot believe they think they can get away with feeding us this feces. Wake up America.
This will be a simple slap on the wrist. This tactic worked for them in the past, why not now?
It will work as long as Biden has his people at the DOJ, FBI, CIA, etc. They know most people are already too distracted, uninformed, and will believe what the MSM tells them. But we must keep pushing. The balance will tip when Congressional Dems fear that Biden will drag them down to defeat with him. Then the rats will flee the sinking ship.
Why should Hunter be worried, daddy owes 400,000 in taxes also!!