Dec 5, 2023·edited Dec 5, 2023

They knew from the start of this BS it was a fraud. Im just a citizen, Im no one and I knew on day one of the "covid" scam, it was a scam, I knew the jabs were deadly because I investigated them, I searched and found doctors and scientists who were saying not to take them, I knew inside myself not to take them, so if I knew, its a sure bet the assholes who perpetrated this thing knew. I heard many doctors faked their vax cards too, so why the hell did they tell patients to take this poison, I'll tell you why, they got paid huge amounts to lie and if that didn't work, they were threatened. Im so mad right now I could scream, so many innocent people and babies dead because of these monsters.

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This was worldwide planned democide. We already know this. Why else would all governments be in “lockstep”? Lockdown is a prison term. This has been planned for over 100 years by the criminal overlords.

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Perhaps they should be forced to take an injection of the worst batches of the Pfizer deathvaxx. Then let them sit and think about it for a year while they suffer the same ill effects they forced on others.

Then hang them.

After a "fair trial", of course.

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The only way the people of NZ can restore any confidence in their government and "health" authorities is by the hanging of all of those exempted politicians and elites for crimes against humanity.

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It's probably the same on most countries than mandated the covid19 jab,

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The elites only want pilots for their planes that have NOT had the vaccine. Too many pilot injury incidences due to vaccines.

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This is so fucked up!

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Bet it’s a lot more than 11,000! Now why were the elites and politicians knowing more than we knew? Well, who benefits killing off the serfs?

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Supposedly, FB owner told his employees, to NOT get the Covid "Vaccines" maybe he knew it was a scam? Now Millions, or Billions of the Worlds populatios, will suffer and die?

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Why? If it was truly believed to be safe and effective, why the exemption? What’s behind all this? Here are my thoughts ...https://rumble.com/v3oap32-lets-talk-about-sustainability-and-thinning-the-herd.html

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Let's see this list for all countries. Let's start with the United States.

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It's not too late. Make a list. Shoot 'em up.

Would make a fun late show segment..

Like when Letterman would drop watermelons off tall buildings.

Then expand to Prime Time with any survivors.

"Survive or Die" ..

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Demons everyone of them. What brings one peace is to know that if the demons are not punished in this world, the Prince of Peace will see justice done. Gehenna awaits.

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Hang them all.

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Dec 5, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

Anyone who was anyone got saline.

Every western head of state who rolled up his/her shirt sleeves for the cameras got saline.

Those in big biz got saline.

Netanyahu the piece of Israeli cunt got saline.

Tedros, Gates, Musk, Larry Fink, Fuckerberg, Bancel and Bourla all got saline.

Hollywood celebrities all got saline.

Everyone got saline except for the little people.

This is nothing new.

During the subprime crisis, only the poor and working classes got screwed. The rich made cash hand over fist.

The Panama Papers revealed heads of state in Western Govts laundering hot untaxed money in tax havens.

Starbucks pays zero corporate tax.

The high-end/super-class says: "do what I say and not what I do."

My dad used to say this to me as a kid; however, when I was around 14, I answered him back.

Social Darwinism says those who deserve to die, die.

I'm not saying the injected deserved to die, but those who voluntarily took it, and who told others to take it when said others were under under no legal/employment obligation to take it, and who then took it, fall squarely into the Social Darwinism list I mentioned.

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Ol horse face lied??? Imagine that, her best political buddy is Justin da TURD

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