He was jabbed. Had to be for the film he was making.

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If Jamie Foxx did suffer a stroke caused by his shot or booster, this is potentially narrative-changing news. Probably bigger than the Monday Night Football injury. This is one of the best-known movie stars in the world. Alas, it will never be "proven." As usual the person who suffered harm and his family is keeping this information/possibility hidden. Which is maddening and still inexplicable to me.

I also think Mr. Reddick, the actor from the "John Wick" movies and "The Wire" TV series is a likely vaccine fatality. That could be a huge story if "proven" as well.

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Paul, Epock linked this report on CDC employees, vaccinated, infected with corona from an in house meeting of about 1800 with about 180 testing positive. Here's the link.


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These freaks of nature began to re write the human genome in the mid 1970's, long before the grand finale of COVID and the subsequent jabs. They started at geo engineering and dropping life altering agents of all sorts on humanity. As a result of years of this abuse and far more, just look at both male and female fertility rates! It's truly amazing that we are still here at all. These shots laced with graphene are simply to turn those who survive into antennas. Who but Gates himself holds the patent for the technology of which I speak? Sick psychopaths!!

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Now he can play Ray Charles even more accurately...

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Funny but cruel.

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thank you for calling this out. wrong about it's being funny, though.

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OMG!!!! So terrible!!! But terribly funny too!!!!

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"FOXX must tell the American people the truth, his doctors must, the mRNA vaccine did this, it has done this to thousands, killed thousands; HONESTY NEEDED NOW!"

Won't happen.

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not as long as they are taking millions from Pfizer and drug companies...

they won't bite the hand that feeds them.

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Suzanne, your comment should have been blocked! Are you a real person or AI? It's hard to believe an actual person would say something that callous. If you are a real person - you know, carbon: flesh and blood then that ancestral neanderthal disposition is not a good behavior. It shows the heart's intent. Can't believe a human being said such cruel words about another human being... so, yeah you have to be AI. AI --- you're excused! Don't expect much from you anyway but to be a tool to incite riot, division and discontent.

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not in favour of blocking, but thank you for calling out the unseemly unkindness.

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Comedian's say this sort of thing ALL THE TIME. Because it is funny!!!!

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No censorship is not a permitted communication form. Grow up !

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They are all paid to shut up. Question Dr Alexander..... have you seen an up tick in low iron issues even when these individuals take supplements ?

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No...these mRNA injections are health serums. All vaccines are excellent health and life promoters. End of conversation.

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My uninjected haemorrhoids bleed again for yet another mega rich celebrity who got nailed by a "medical emergency" aka exploding heart/brain, on account of whatever cause.

However, as an actor, Mr Foxx, I did enjoy you as "Tubbs" in the Miami Vice feature film.

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Someone in the public that's injured has to get so hissed off they'll come clean. 🙏🙏🙏

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