Single women have been programmed to turn to the government for protection and security, and that men are oppressors. Married folks know that isn't true, and men know they don't wake up looking to oppress. This is the result of free sex movement of the 60's as well as the attendant contraceptive mentality. Loss of self control where people put genital actions as their ultimate right ahead of life. And I put a lot of blame of fathers of daughters who want to be their daughter's "friend" instead of father. Tack on the no-fault divorce craze and you have the recipe for what we are seeing now. Wake up people. Get your lives and families in order. Stop abdicating your God-given role as parents to your kids, to a societal culture that could care less about them.

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Genuine question is the phrase "could care less" a common phrase in the USA?

I only ask because in the UK we say "couldn't care less" because if you could care less (your way) then you must care at least a tiny amount.

I am not sure if I am making sense here but does anybodyu see what I mean?

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I’m a US citizen and I’ve always said ‘couldn’t care less’ and most of the people I know say the same. I hear the alternative from time to time.... not sure, but I suspect that it may be class and age related. It’s easier to say it the improper way and many of our public schools are below par....

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You’re right, he usually gets what he wants....if he tries hard enough. He’s an expert at pouting too....

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Is that your dog in your profile photo?

What sort of dog is he?

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Yes he’s mine. I put the pic up last night. He’s a pit-lab mix (at least that’s what I was told). He’s incredibly smart.... I’ve seen him do things that no one would believe from a dog. He acts just like a little boy. Needless to say, I’ve fallen hard for him.... Nice of you to ask.

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He is a very handsome boy and if he is like most other dogs I have ever known he will use that to his advantage.

It sounds like he has you well and truly in your place as a member of his pack.

You know what you are never alone when you have got a dog and they are always happy to see you.

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Yes, it is common. It is one of my pet peeves. I used to correct people but then stopped. There’s a few write ups about it if you do an internet search as to why but I believe it’s just pure stupidity.

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Much of the time it is said so poorly that you can’t really tell the difference....

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Yes, you’re making sense. Yes, the colonials are stupid and say something illogical. And yes, the colonials whipped your asses in the late 1770s and into the 1780s. 

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I wan't alive in the 1780s so I missed out on the arse whipping, not sure if that is a good or bad thing.

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To be fair, Maggie did have to stick her thumb in Ronnie’s spine.

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You hit the nail on the head and also...and I pondered this for a long time, I think so many females are liberal to keep the right to abortion...as a convenience. 

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If single women are willing to prostitute themselves to the government, there’s only one place they belong: https://youtube.com/shorts/NvhKepTnZ-M

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Unmarried women want political power as a voting bloc. They reject what you believe which they regard as an inferior ideology to theirs and as "just an opinion," and they say about opinions that they are like a-------, "everybody's got one." Lecturing unmarried women or moralising about their perceived wrong doing will not change what unmarried women do or how they think. They will just learn to hate you even more than they already do. It's not in the nature of how punishment works that punishes learn to love the punisher. Look at Iran. The young women hate the regime and so do many of the men and the older women. In Romania, the late dictator Nicole Caesescu clamped down on abortion with an iron fist. The children who he stopped from being aborted then rose up 20 or so years later and executed him. If you want to control women, which clearly it seems you do, you will catch a lot more flies with honey than with vinegar.

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They're programmed by their genes. Research has shown that a substantial proportion of women are sexually attracted to men who exhibit the so-called "dark quad" characteristics i.e., narcissism, psychopathy, machiavellianism and sadism. Possessing these characteristics is partly genetically determined as is being attracted to men who have these characteristics. Men who lack these characteristics are regarded by a substantial proportion of women as boring and unattractive. Such men impregnate a substantial proportion of the Dem women who get abortions. Ted Bundy on death row was in undated with fan mail from adoring females. It's just common sense that when these Dem women do not get abortions they inject into the gene pool increased numbers of men who, like Bundy was, are narcissistic, psychopathic, Machiavellian and cruel.

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So many on the right love to stereotype entire groups of people. Every cycle after election day, they blame the voters for outcomes.

News flash: The US has not had fair elections in a very long time. Both major parties' establishments have been rigging primaries and generals. It continued this cycle even in the few red states which passed token laws to pacify their base.

I wouldn't be surprised if single women broke to the left. If so, it may have been over two issues: abortion and COVID.

The vast majority on both sides fighting over abortion for decades have never used and will never use that service. Rather than calmly and privately talk directly with the ones who do, rightists prefer having verbal slugfests with leftist activists. Most abortion users have children, and many are religious. Women have been disproportionately injured by the spread, shed, and injected versions of the agent. Rightists have spent over 2.5 years shunning and vilifying the injured, mask wearers, and those still afraid.

So many on the right and their influencers spew endless negativity, hatred, revenge, and fear. That's not a great strategy to convince others their side is a better choice. The shift should have been 75%+ to the right in each demo, but it wasn't due to rigged elections and the constant hostile rhetoric.

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deletedNov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022
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Nailed it! There is something to be said about victimhood in all of this. All of my life there have been different groups coming at me as a woman to make me fell that I’ve been a victim of something. But I was taught otherwise growing up. Stand up for the truth. Take personal responsibility for your success and failures. Question everything and be s critical thinker. When you let other people think for you, you are doomed.

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Extremely well said!

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Thank You! I think that you brought my blood pressure back into a somewhat normal range......

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Thank you. Like Mark said…my blood pressure also returned to semi normal.

Just wow. That was something.

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Very well stated!

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

Who conducted that poll, anyway? Was it an exit poll or something else? Who can believe polls???

Hey, I'm an unmarried woman and I sure as H-E-L-L DIDN'T break Demonrat!

But, then again, I'm from a much more sensible generation than all these "alphabet generations"!

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Did these one issue stupid women forget about birth control ( many methods are available), condoms, the morning after pill? Nothing else affects their tiny little minds? The country is going to hell, but oh boy, they better be able to get their abortion on demand! The Republicans let the democrats scare the hell out of these women without reminding them about all the lies they were being told.

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Every cycle after election day, rightists blame the voters for outcomes. Open your eyes!! Both major parties' bases have not taken effective action to stop their elites from rigging primaries and generals. The elites dampened your wave because they don't want one side annihilated or Trump running in 2024.

My county is very winnable by either party. The GOP though decided one year not to try anymore and handed us to the Dems like they've done in so many other places. Blacks here sat out the 2020 election. So, all the races should have flipped to the GOP. That didn't happen because a record number of ghost blacks filled the void to vote Dem. Maybe many in each listed demo are ghosts too.

This cycle over 200 drop boxes were installed in my county. The in-person ballots no longer allow secret voting. I almost didn't turn in mine after noticing the government now can record exactly how each person votes. This is what happens under dictatorships. Expect the same nationwide eventually while you all vilify the powerless or do something else irrelevant.

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Mail in voting, drop boxes are all Unconstitutional. The Constitution tells you that there is one day of voting, when it is & how to vote. We need to go back to Constitutional voting. Voter ID. Paper ballots, small precincts, absentee ballots that are asked for, signatures validated and for the Military only.

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Many people want to be able to make their own choices while at the same time tell us what choices to make.

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Yes. Toddlers.

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Young women want to believe the lies.

So let them.

Work on yourself and be the best you you can be. Leave women to dumb men, aka simps. Experience is a harsh teacher.

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In the meantime these women and men are still voting, though, and we are all worse for it.

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The problem will solve itself if they keep voting for people like Gretchen Whitmer. 

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Not elected, selected.

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One of these lies is that birth control is unaffordable.

For example, in Texas, "The Texas Healthy Women Program provides family planning exams, related health assessments, and birth control to women ages 18 to 44 whose family income is at or below the program’s income limits (185 percent of the federal income level) of poverty."

From https://www.communityhealthchoice.org/texas-star-medicaid-plan/

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Another thing they never say to these women, because they really don’t care about them, is that ‘sleeping around’ is unhealthy for you emotionally and physically. There are a lot of STD’S out there and emotionally after a while you lose a lot of self esteem. But this is brought to you by the same creatures that believe in childhood transgenderism & sex Ed in K-3rd grade including gay sex Ed.

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They are now being indoctrinated in school and via social media that anything goes when it comes to sex. One thing that needs to be taught to our kids is sex is like an addictive drug to many. And it’s a very hard addiction to break. There is a major push to get our kids hooked at a younger age than ever before. Girl’s especially have been pushed down this road. And for this reason you can see that they are also being made into victims of everything and anything. Nothing good will come out of this learned behavior. Sex is being used to turn our girls into victims without their awareness that they are losing control of their bodies, not gaining it. It’s apparent that this is is happening now at break neck speed and now you have a larger groups of women who are victimized and are playing right into the hands of politicians who do not have anyones best interest at heart except their own. Breaking apart the nuclear family and turning us away from God is the ultimate goal. Hope this makes sense.

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Yes. Not to trivialize STDs, but many of them can be cured with medicine. The emotional damage of extramarital sex (pre-marital or affairs) is much more difficult to fix.

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Some STD’S If left untreated can lead to cancer.

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“It’s my right to control my body.” Same woman…”I can’t control my body.” They are clowns. We’re living in clown town.

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They are the same people who say it’s my body, my choice until it comes to forcing people to get the jab.

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Yeah, married woman here who had the brains & guts to vote INDEPENDENT b/c the D’s & the R’s are both nothing but 2 heads of the same Global Uniparty and NEITHER are looking out for women. Or for genuine freedom.

My solution to the abortion issue is to reversible snip each male at the age of 16, NOT legally reversible until the age of 22 and with proof of no felony convictions for the past five years & no more than 2 misdemeanors for five years, two consecutive clean drug tests, gainful employment for at least 18 months prior to reversal and a MARRIAGE LICENSE!

And if all else fails, SHOTGUN WEDDINGS.

Time to either step up and keep your damn pants zipped, guys, or let the state enforce some responsibility on you. The snip takes away no ability to do what guys do, but lets you share responsibility while preventing accidents during what are usually the most turbulent, experimental and irresponsible years of a man’s life. Stop the potential for accidents, stop the need for abortions. Simple. And if you don’t like it, too bad. Welcome to learning what life is like for women living under your rule. What’s good for the goose.....

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That's a terrible solution, keep the state out of it. Men are not dogs and women also have agency.

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I agree with keeping the state out of things, and that would mean returning to the right to choose instead of a state-imposed ban on abortions. And/or contraceptive methods. It would also mean abandoning laws on mandatory child support. Either we have state involvement or we don’t; the self-righteous “peo-lifers” can’t have it both ways.

Re: women have agency, sure we do, and SO DO MEN. They have the agency to NOT entice women to service their desires, NOT rape, NOT pay women for sexual contact and NOT abandon women after they get them pregnant. Men want to lead the human race? Well, then, they can take charge and lead by NOT UNZIPPiNG THEIR PANTS. TAKE the moral high ground they’re always bleating about being given, and do the right thing instead. Tell the women NO. Voluntarily refuse to engage in sexual relations without the commitment of marriage. Voluntarily abstain from prostitution & having affairs. Refuse to allow their children to be fatherless or supported by the state. THOSE are the things that moral leaders would do, and nothing prevents men from exercising the agency to do them.

But do you see men as a group ever embracing moral high action in this area on a widespread basis? 😂😂😂

It’s easy for them to talk the high game, hon, as long as the majority of women play co-dependent, cover for them and excuse them when they behave like dogs.

BTW, if actually followed, whose plan would actually radically reduce the abortion count in real life? Yours? Or mine? And isn’t reducing abortion and protecting lives the actual goal here, not virtue signaling our morality? Do you want to get the job done or do you not?

And I’m pro-choice, BTW. Being pro-choice doesn’t equate with being pro-abortion. I would like to see an end to all abortions but in ways that promote freedom, autonomy and responsibility as much as possible. But if men won’t, as a group, do their part voluntarily because it’s easier to talk about the right thing to do instead of actually DOING it, then there’s little recourse but for authority to step in and enforce good behavior in the least restrictive & punitive way possible. That’s just good ‘ol free market capitalism. Conservatives should understand and embrace that. If not, then thwre’s some other motives operating behind their concern.

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First paragraph is irrelevant. It's not all or nothing. That's a false dichotomy.

Lol men have the agency to not entice women?

Wow. You treat women like children. You're the true misogynist.

Women need to be just as responsible and accountable as men.

The problem is that most women see accountability as misogyny...because anything they don't like is misogyny.

And you're pro choice, yet you want to forcibly alter boy's genitalia - you're a female supremacist.

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No, not a false dichotomy, but an exposure of the double standard. “Laws for thee but not for me”. Keep gov’t out of my affairs, but let them enforce my morality on you. Forcyour own good, of course. Never because I want power & control (cough, cough).

Re: women need to be just as responsible as men? 😂😂 OK, then since the ideas of keeping your pants zipped and saying NO to relations outside of marriage or letting the state raise your kids is so out of the question for you, then it’s out of the question for women as well. Personally, I don’t see how lowering the morality of women to match that of men does more to reduce unwanted pregnancies than would simply making young, hormone-soaked, irresponsible (as a group), thrillseeking, poorly established (as a group) males temporarily incapable of having accidents. Maybe a lot of young men oulr but Ben agree with that. Has anybody asked?

A lot of men seem too want to claim the right to lead, and simultaneously be excused from accepting responsibility for your behavior and have women excuse and accept the double standard. Sorry, no. We’re no longer in Stockholm. Grab the brass ring and step up to the plate, guys, if you want to end abortion this is your opportunity.

Stop allowing women to have themselves raped. Stop allowing girls to victimize themselves by forcing incestuous relationships. Stop women from trapping you on the sidewalks and forcing you to have relations with them and stealing cash from your wallets. Stop allowing women to herd you into adult clubs and dance on your laps. Throw over the massage tables when women drag you into their parlors, strip you and demand the right to pleasure you for money. Say NO when a woman traps you in her car or her apartment and aggressively pushes her body (which is usually larger and stronger than yours) on you and tells you she needs to prove her love to you and you’re a whore and a bitch and deserve to be taught a lesson if you don’t comply.

Come on, guys, you can do this! It’s so easy, right? And let’s keep the goal in mind: REDUCING ABORTIONS!! It’s a small sacrifice to make to save the babies, isn’t it?

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State participation is a spectrum.

If you can't understand that, you're a lost cause.

You're entirely misrepresenting me.

I never said that women should lower their morality, but that they should have the same high standard that are imposed upon men.

The way you describe young men is extremely sexist and msiandrist.

You don't seem to have a caring bone in your body for the opposite sex.

Whoever hurt you, it's has nothing to do with other men.

How about we start shaming women that work at adult clubs?

You clearly want to shame and control men, how about shaming women to regulate them, too?

If you want equality - men should be able to abandon the child just like the woman. A woman can abort her child or put them up for adoption. A man can't, yet they both were two consenting adults.

You don't see the double standard?

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Although their needs to be a ban on circumcision so boys can actually own their own penises.

Girls genitals are protected, and women get body autonomy that includes a growing human being inside of them, even...lol

But, boys get their genitals mutilated - and most people don't care.

Men are already treated like dogs.

All the foreskin phobia in the USA, people here think that baby boys are born dirty and defective, it's disgusting.

The intact penis is no dirtier than the vagina.

Americans just don't know how to take care of a natural, unmutilated boy.

The foreskin is adhered to the head of the penis, and natural retracts around age 10.5 - this is the male equivalent of the hymen.

Many dumb healthcare workers forcibly retract the boy which is like peeling back someone's fingernail, this causes injury and the boy's natural anatomy is blamed.

This is the height of ignorance.

Don't get me started on marriage law, family law, social attitudes toward men.

The Myth of Male Power by Dr. Warren Farrell explains all of this.

Also, The Empathy Gap by William Collins.

Many men are asleep to this, and many women are perfectly happy with men being unaware of their slavery.

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Also, marriage laws already enslave men legally and financially.

Lol, of course you like that, though.

You want autonomy for women, you don't want genital mutilation to be practiced by Muslims in the USA, etc.

But, when it comes to boys you couldn't care.

You're a terrible hypocrite and highly immoral.

It's the woman's responsibility to close her legs, too!

I love how it's only the guy's fault. Typical gynocentric thinking from a self centered entitled woman.

The snip also is less likely to be reversed as more time goes on, and chronic pain is a common issue.

Also, it's immoral to alter someone's body if it's not a life saving procedure for them.

This is why circumcision is male genital mutilation and is disgusting.

Lol, "for women living under your rule"...


Women have more influence and are treated better than men.

If men were ruling, truly, explain how male suicide rates are double digit percentages higher? Because it's easier? More fun? Because of male privilege? Lol.

The west is gynocentric and most women want more and more.

You want a dystopian, dehumanizing world were men are just masochistic beasts of burden.

Your attitude is why many men are going their own way.

Good - you're a liability.

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You're absolutely disgusting.

Circumcision is already evil.

Do vasectomies on boys?

You're a terrible person.

Women like you are nothing but self centered.

You only see men as slaves.

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I am a single woman who votes MAGA. This is complicated. Unmarried women are trying to support themselves. People aren't getting married, because men are having sex with unmarried women and unmarried women are letting them. Some/many get pregnant, scared, and have abortions.


Men, focus on finding a woman who will homeschool your children and who you are attracted to. Marry her. Have sex. Love your wife. Work for the family. Protect the family's innocence. Live pure. Love God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

Women, find a man who will be a good provider and protector and who you are attracted to. Say yes when he asks you to marry him. Marry him. Have sex. Support your husband. Nurture the family and protect their innocence. Live pure. Love God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

Men, women, do these things and the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds.

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Alternatively, take the exit ramp, focus on yourself and give up any childish notion of romance.

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Victoria's excellent suggestions do not require romance, if that's what you're saying.

Source: my wife and I are living them out.

Society needs healthy families, not just nonpathological individuals.

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It tells me the 19th amendment needs to be repealed

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The effect of the amendment is definitely bigger government, anyway.

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Obviously I disavow this meme, but that was the first thing that popped into my head as well.


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Yes. If you're not in the draft - you shouldn't be able to vote in a way that leads to war and then not have to risk your life and bear the results of your actions.

Polls show women grow less and less interested in international events as they get older, anyways.

If you want to vote, out yourself in the selective service system like men are forced to.

Or, just get rid of the whole damn amendment.

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It tells us there are too many angry purple haired wacko Karens. They all vote dumbo crat.

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Others have pointed out on this thread that the voters are blamed after an election. While it makes logical sense for this to be true , it’s not particularly in this election. The Republicans didn’t have a vision, platform or the courage to address the issues facing our country. They remained stubbornly silent in the face of issues (besides abortion) that mattered to their constituents making it that more obvious that they are merely controlled opposition. So the issues that might have won votes were ignored- the invasion of our borders, the use of our strategic reserves, totalitarian rules regarding Covid ,inflation which is only a good idea if you are having your lips done as well as funding our proxy war in the Ukraine. Crickets about our trans war against children, too. Since no one spoke out against these issues, what difference does it make for voters to break right? You can name on one hand the politicians who have said anything about the issues just mentioned. Couple their condoning of these things with those who continue to be misled about abortion and social security, and all you get is a red ripple. If it continues this way, I wouldn’t hope for it to be different in 2024. I voted for the Republican candidates from my state simply because their opponents were even worse than they were - the tired tune of lesser of two evils. They all won but they are all rinos; controlled opposition is my preferred handle for them - or as some have pointed out, the uniparty. The betrayal of the American people is despicable; if you are not crying out to God for mercy, what’s it going to take?

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I have heard that a lot of voter fraud is going on. Why blame the voters when it's the Dems (or the Republicans) that put their thumb on the scale?

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Valuable info. I wonder how that breaks down, age-wise, and also how it breaks down single women who have never been married, single mothers, divorced childless women and widowed women?

Likewise, with men, those breakdowns.

We are not going to turn this around over night, and you are correct that women need to be listened to regarding their sexuality,. A real dialogue needs to happen, and obviously this includes how society views women's roles and motherhood. It also includes the roles of men in those women's lives. Not only the fathers, but the men who want to date the women, the schoolmates, the friends, the coworkers, and strangers. The entire society that we are all a part of. It obviously also includes how society views and treats children.

Using this information to try to pin blame on a group of people (unmarried women) is not going to get us anywhere as a society. But society as a whole taking responsibility and really trying to turn this ship around in a thoughtful, respectful and compassionate way might help.

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Why would any man want to date in this toxic stew of a dating market?

The best thing that happens is the main gets married, has kids and his wife never divorces or cheats on him. Any other outcome is either sad or tragic.

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You forgot another part of "the best thing" equation.

That the man never cheats on the woman he married. Even a little.

And I agree, a good marriage is best for both parties and definitely for the children!!

Though difficult to impossible without God.

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The main not cheating is a benefit to the wife not the husband.

My greater point is that, currently, the law does not favor men when it comes to relationships. Men are constantly forced to pay child support for children that aren’t even theirs because their wives had an affair.

So why bother with dating and marriage? No matter what her hourly rate, the whore is cheaper and provides better value for money. 

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I don't understand what you mean, "The main not cheating is a benefit to the wife not the husband".

Yes, I understand how corrupt the child support and divorce laws are. And don't get me started on the custody laws. Its all absolutely insane. I have lived a life on every possible side of marriage, divorce, custody, sex, birth, as well as a brief foray into unvirtuous woman's work.

I just thank God I never had an abortion.

I know men who have never paid child support and women who didn't have custody rights but paid crazy alimony to their ex husbands.

I know good men who've been wrung dry by child support payments to indifferent women.

And I know men and women who have sacrificed everything to raise children alone.

Dating always seemed daunting to me. And yes, marriage can be hell or it can be the best thing ever - just like life. It all requires courage, tons of work and is next to impossible without God's help.

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That should have been “ The man not cheating…“

fucking autocorrect 

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Got it.

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Perhaps many Republican men find the diminished intellect, immaturity, and incapacity for reason and rational thought apparent in so many Democrat women repulsive. I know it wears on me. You don’t want to be married to someone with whom you cannot have an intelligent conversation.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

Well maybe, but from what I saw, over 60% of the under 30 crowd voted for leftists, and they held over a 50% majority in every state. As they murder off the older generations, the younger crowds will control the vote. Why would they vote for republicans? They don't seem to have much to offer. The leftists are promising government provided everything for life. That's a bear trap that few non-self-thinking youngsters can resist. I am sure they learned nothing of failed socialism and communism in history class.

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Why blame the voters indeed since neither party has done anything to insure election integrity.😡

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When I was unmarried (before Roe vs. Wade) because I was born in 1942. I was terrified of getting pregnant and being shamed. I was torn between wanting to be a good girlfriend and being scared of being "abandoned" if I had sex and got pregnant. I would have voted Democratic to hold onto the ability to get an abortion. I don't know if this situation can explain the difference because there may be a class or occupational difference. Are married women apt to be more conservative? Many women these days are ok with getting pregnant and remaining unmarried. Last election Democrats were supposedly elected by "soccer moms." If true, this may suggest that single females are more apt to be professional workers who usually vote Democratic. We don't know. To know we would have to interview a sample of the voters and then test by comparing differences in age, social class, occupational class, etc.

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Soccer moms were allegedly who elected Clinton in 96. 

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Soccer Moms also allegedly helped elect Biden. The Democrat party has become a party of the elite professional class.

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And how many of those unmarried women are surrounded by cats?

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It depends. Are unmarried women also widows? Are unmarried women living with another partner so it is like a marriage? The category "unmarried women" brings up stereotypes which we then apply to all the women--but they may be a diverse group. Seems strange, though, that this group deviated so much from the others.

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Break the LBJ curse

Welfare on a sliding scale will tip the scale back in favor of those that offer hope over dependence.

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Or don’t allow unmarried women to vote. Haha

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Repealing the 19th amendment is a better solution to the problem. 

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Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 15, 2022

I’m actually ok with that.

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That was supposed to read “OK with what, exactly?“.

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Haha ok:) ok with repealing the 19th. I’m so sick of women voters right now.

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You’re on work what, exactly?

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What an ass backwards piece. What is not stated is the racial divide. Those men who support the GOP are white males who suffer from white male supremacy identifying with the white male oligarchy delusionally believing they can be like them. Thus they are blind to how they support a system that oppresses them: they work against their own interests! Married women are still too often subservient to their white male husbands overlord mentality. Single women tend to be a lot more independent, many of us choosing to keep our independence. While we many not like a lot of the Centrist Dems we also know the GOP is commitedly sexist and racist and upfront fascist.

This article is pure right wing propaganda as it is not based on understanding the choices of people and the impact of propaganda on white working and working middle class people.

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