1. Sounds like another FBI operation to get Americans to give up their 2nd Amendment rights.

2. The best defense is to be well armed yourself.

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He's reportedly an Army Reservist. That means he was assessed and vetted for suitability and given a security clearance. What does that tell you. I am certain of one thing. Those who assessed him as suitable and gave him his security clearance will now be promoted.

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Sounds like he was dubbed a perfect person to carry out this type of crime.

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He could have been


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You took the words out of my mouth!!! Implanted & Controlled by Sickiatrists from the Feral DC Coup Cabal. MK was decades ago, their new Ultra's are much more effective, the shooter will remember nothing, and probably will "suicide" himself as commanded.

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Sadly, You're probably right.

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Right. Whoever they are want us to end up with no guns to protect ourselves with what's being planned by the terrorists already in our Country. Compliments of the failed Leftist

Government we have with JOEBAMA at the helm. GOD HELP US ALL....+

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The FBI did a big role playing scenario 3 weeks ago in Skowhegan Maine

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Very interesting!

Got a link about that?

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The post is taken down off their page .. interesting

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Go to Skowhegan Police Dept Sept 27th on Facebook .. it announces the “ Training” for active shooter

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It’s a friends relative that participated

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Firearms instructor. National Guard. Was recently under observation for mental illness - including hearing voices telling him to shoot up the National Guard Base. And released of course…. Robert Card - 40 yr old. No criminal background.

And Kamala called for an assault weapons ban yesterday. Quite the coincidence

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Miss VP and the rest of the Government Evildoers do nothing on purpose. Everyone playing their parts again in the well rehearsed world of the DC Kabuki Theatre.

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I love your sarcasm. Well done.

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The Latest Mass Shooter: I wonder how many psychoactive medications the Veterans Administration had him on when they released him?

Anyone want to take a bet that we never learn anything about him that matters?

Anyone believe it’s a coincidence Ms. Harris called for an “assault weapons” ban yesterday, and today a firearms instructor kills innocent people, trapped, pinned down, in a bowling alley?

What does the left think middle American Deplorables do for fun? I mean, besides burn crosses? They think we all belong to bowling leagues. Do you know any precious lefties that frequent bowling alleys?

What is the most often made retort when the lunatics start their gun grab garbage? We say, “education is the key to responsible gun ownership”, am I right?

So they call for an assault weapon ban. Almost I’m this poor sick man, a National Guard firearms instructor, who needs help but gets the opposite of that from the folks at the VA, is activated to commit this tragic event. Now they’ll kill him or he will blow his brains out, but either way they get to push their crimes off the news cycle front pages.

It’s all so very, very tragic and so very, very predictable.

Prayers for all. Jesus is everything. I hope you know Him.

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And very, very planned. GOD BLESS those who lost their lives. +

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Do keep in mind also 1st Thessalonians, Chapter 2, verses 14 through 15, which states (paraphrased) 'They (the Jews) have made themselves the enemies of all humanity.' Until BOTH Zionism and Judaism are FULLY EXPOSED for what they are, DEATH CULTS, and BOTH FULLY ELIMINATED, there shall be no possibility for peace on earth.

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Was this a planned op? Why would someone do that? It's just in time for the fake news media to use it as a distraction form the Biden crimes and the new Speaker of the House.

AND - so no one was carrying a self-defense weapon that could have taken this guy down? Was he a felon? How did HE get a gun? Lesson - gun laws do not work!

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No gun permits needed in Maine.

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There was no one carrying? Law abiding citizens could've saved lives.

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023

They, in general, do not have guns for self-protection. Maine, is quite a different state from the others. When I taught in Quebec, my students from Maine and the Quebecois had a very close relationship with the natural and the rugged aspects of Maine.

1) Many Quebecois would revel at the beaches in the summer. It was beach country. 2) The Quebecois and the people of Maine are hunters and enjoy the rugged life and the vast forests. The people of Maine enjoyed that sort of existence. They established a respect and appreciation of nature and did not fear their fellow human. I understand that there is not necessarily a gun registration. This incident, a mass shooting has certainly taken them by surprise. A place of low population has now been traumatized just like highly populated areas.

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Thanks for explaining. This tells me that Maine might have been targeted for this shooting.

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I think so, too. Sad. Thanks for what you have written.

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Thank U for explaining. It is sad. Take Care +

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Maybe it was a team of people- recent emigre’s?

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So this ex military reserve, military trained firearms instructor, targets a bar and a bowling alley? makes sense if you’re looking for “soft targets” and you want to inflict the greatest amount of casualties with the least amount of interference! Additionally, he was recently having mental health problems, hearing voices and spent 2 weeks this past summer in a mental health facility? With this kind of behavior and information, seems normal to let this guy go home! It makes me wonder how much of this is, “sensational reporting” as someone else said, to distract from?


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The satanists are on a desperate forward flight as every other plan in their agenda is falling, vaccines, Ukraine, the Voice in AUS,emigration, climate change,it’s typical of the left to burn the bridges as they lose

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They want people unarmed and defenseless against all of the Hamas and ISIS border crossing types now ensconced in America waiting to begin the onslaught.

A sticking point delaying that eventuality is all the US citizens armed to the teeth who are probably going to resist being sitting ducks for the invaders

Is this shooter by any chance a jihadi or a fellow traveler with them?

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MK Ultra victim, good bye second amendmant?

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Mass shooting stories in the US and the consequent "outrage"; the lockstep ensuing discussions about the "right to bear arms"; and all the horseshit repetition in the media, are about as original as buildings being demolished from above in Gaza by IDF bombs supplied by Uncle Sam.

Nothing new here.

Move along people.

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You know how the FBI comes up with plots, like to kidnap Governor Whitmer, and will recruit poor uneducated hillbillies and rednecks to take part, just to later bust them? Then, there will be news stories about a rise in right wing extremism and right-wing terrorism. Do you think the FBI would ever recruit poor uneducated Muslim immigrants to take part in these types of terroristic actions, with the intent of creating news stories about a rise in Islamic jihadism, and thus the need for more taxpayer money to fight against those dang Islamic terrorist., and perhaps $100 billion to bomb Iran? You know what, let's just go ahead and make that 1 trillion with inflation and whatnot, Plus those dang Pakistani's and their nuclear weapons are a real thorn in the bum, so probably going to need 2 trillion of taxpayer dollars to help combat the Pakistani poop that is being thrown in our direction now that the US has given Israel the green light to kill 6 thousand+ innocent Palestinian civilians in response to the Oct 7th terrorist attack by Hamas that killed less than 2 thousand Israelis. Congratulations Joe Biden and Anthony Blinken. Now the entire Muslim world is wishing death upon the USA. Great Job with diplomacy.

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All by design.

For US destruction.

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Maybe this is all about pitting Israel and the Muslim world against one another. Conveniently giving cause to outlaw world religions - enter the NWO.

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Oct 26, 2023·edited Oct 26, 2023

Tragic. The murderers do not know why they kill, and the murdered do not know why they are killed. Tragic, just tragic.

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Fake, wake up. Characters, paid actors.

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I do not think it's fake. He could be used though who knows.

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Oct 26, 2023·edited Oct 26, 2023

It is contrived with character actors.

Like the body double of FJB is a character actor.

The Truman Show with Jim Carey.

We are watching a pre scripted theatre. By now it is easy to predict what happens moving forward.


All Wars Fought can be Traced to Bankers


" My family created Israel "


Everything is by design of the Bankers and now in conjunction with the Club of 350 Billionaire Corporate oliagarchs in conjunction with US Deep State gov.


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Is this yet another pathetic and sad event to implement a disarmament of law abiding American citizens while perhaps importing a UN military to take over our country by force? I don’t know anymore who would entrust our country to those who hate it and who obviously are determined to destroy it and her legal citizens at all costs? What will it take to enforce our constitution... it seems like it is being violated every day at every turn perhaps by those in control... our installed govt ? Who knows anymore... I don’t know why ...😢😡

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Paul is into spreading fearporn now. Hmmm... things are changing.

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This is the Final Straw !!! No more M4 (AR 15 style) Weapons for the USSA Military !!! These weapons, Gasp !!! kill people !!! and certainly Do Not Belong in Government Hands !!! Of course He Was "prepared" by the Ferals to discredit Vets, AR's, and mere "citizens" from possessing such weapons in the Face of the Ongoing Huge Invasion of military age males over the former Southern Border (who will be armed to make this shooting mere child's play in comparison.

CYA, conduct yourselves accordingly, Comrades. I Spit at genearly.substack.com from time to time.

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More MKUltru shyte.

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