So proud of all those who resisted this tyrannical psyop, especially those I know who pulled their children out of higher education, as most top universities demanded jab compliance, even if they only had virtual classrooms over Zoom!

OTOH, I still have colleagues in Northern Kalifornia, who brag and rejoice when they get their youngest children jabbed. Some of them dial in from meeting rooms at HQ, the only person in the room, fully masked! I actually watch them, and they frequently lower the mask, fiddle with it, put it back on, etc. I called one lady out when i was forced to be there for a 3 day team meeting. She told me, "I know I keep taking it off, but I am reducing my cumulative exposure!" Wheww.

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Wow! You can’t fix that level of stupid.

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Stay strong hold the line.

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No words except expletives, because Pig Harma, FDA, CDC, NIH, DOD all KNEW

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They planned it for decades.

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Wondering why Pfizer seems to be the only one in the news? Moderna is part owned by our government- throwing Pfizer under the bus is interesting.

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Thank you! But you see my point all the news is about Pfizer

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Yes. It could multiple reasons, including much more info was made available through FOIAs for Pfizer docs. Also you needed to be at least 18 for Moderna shots, so not as much will come up for high schoolers.

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Moderna is under the 'protection' of the alphabet agencies so that those fat checks keep rolling in.

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Plus Moderna probably wants to be the "last man standing" in the vaccine wars. It's apparently working on a number of different treatments for other ailments, with the medicine delivered by mRNA technology.

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Moderna was in the news this weekend after the CDC released information on stroke after 2nd vaccination. Google it.

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An acquaintance died within days of the jab. They were eligible early in 2021 because of diabetes. Another person had a stroke. Just heard of another friend who developed AFIB and had to have a surgery. Another acquaintance- healthy- recently had open heart surgery. The person relaying the story said their healthy 50-something spouse had to have heart surgery shortly after jab and they definitely blame the shot. Then overheard a conversation where another friend was in shock over a fit 67 year old they knew having a massive fatal heart attack...

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I have shared this before, my niece developed thrombocytopenia in the last trimester of her pregnancy and had an emergency C-section 1 year ago. & as you might imagine developed severe bleeding during the procedure. When she told me I was horrified! She’s an Attorney, as us her husband, they live just outside DC where there is major compliance w/ clot shot. Her OBGYN convinced her to get jabbed. She has close friends who are MD’s who also “misinformed” her. I was working with her on detox protocols and then she just clammed up. Being from a very liberal inner circle including my sister, her mom also, just ignore everything I try to pass along. This was a classic example of the liberal indoctrination of their views on the entire political scene in her area. They were all very sick for weeks this past October. ADE I believe, and offered some suggestions to again as a nurse, again to be shut down. I had offered my own success story and what had helped me recover from Covid mild illness, had it again this past August. I’m over 50, unVaxxed. I’m just done. I’ll I can do is pray for them. In the coming year I hope to see the tide turning on the vax scene with big congressional inquiries on the alphabet agencies and big pharma. All the mandates dropped. Sheople wake the hell up and pay attention.

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I wonder if Pfizer will offer a chance to win a full paid funeral with all the fixings as their next jab inducement?

After all, these parents who sacrifice their kids obviously are big picture thinkers who’ll surely be touched by the caring womb to tomb philosophy only pharmacide can provide.

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How Many Must Die??? Obviously Not Enough for the Normies to React. Sheeples still getting VaXXXed. So the Dying Will Continue until Sufficient to Stop the Insanity. War is Insane, but it's Still A Reality. Am I supposed to Cry a River??? Only for My Own Kith & Kin. People are Totally Responsible for the Condition they Are In. A Brutal Truth, but Liberating also, YOU Control Your Destiny.

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To answer your question of 'how many', ask bill gates from hell. What is his goal for this go around of deaths before he starts the next round.

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I understand your anger and frustration. Bill Gates of Hell certainly is Evil to our survival. BUT, to "ask" him is assigning him Cause. We are Cause and We must answer that question "How Many" individually as well as a Society.

We must prepare for the worst, and work for the best. Gates is just a person, not a god, though he acts that way. his own Hubris will impale him as more people will revile him..


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You're absolutely right. Thank you. I forget that people who don't know me, don't know how sarcastic I can be. Particularly after I had read that he/his charity are the 2nd largest donor to WHO and that he basically runs that show. If what they want gets in, we're in very, very big trouble.

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Sarcasm can be a skillfully used literary knife. Use it well, good luck!........ just keep a real one in your boot!!! :-)

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What I can’t understand is Dr’s who fully educated on the function of the immune system still have caved to the Covid fear porn. Tried talking to a few. Just mind boggling.

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Doctors are no longer taught to think. The big pharma grants to med schools leave out deductive reasoning. What's going on? Now it's the search for the pill that sounds like the major problem. Too, a good part of the time, they see the patient for a few minutes and rely on info from other staff. No search for the 'why'.

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The question is how long are these "science", "medical", "health", and academic fraudsters going to continue with the cover up and charade. Propaganda fake news continues to carry water for these criminals and are the biggest collection of ignoramuses genuflecting at the feet of Fauci, Wolenski, Birx,, Bourla et al with unfeigned obedience and worship to these despotic corrupt liars. Additionally, if sub-clinical Myocarditis is occurring in the majority of vaccinees, what will that mean for the 5.47 billion people who were duped by Western "health", "medicine" "science", academia and fake news to acquiesce to take the most dangerous and fatal medical treatment in human history. In 3-5 years we'll probably have a good idea the end result will be the end of the world as we know it. Kudos to all of us who resisted these tyrants but if the so called smartest people in world responsible for keeping modern civilization going die off in large enough numbers, there won't be anyone to replace a sudden disappearance of masses of jabbed deceased. I have co-morbidities and am certain that had I taken the lethal injection, I would be dead by now. It looks to me as if the world is coming to end and the doomsday clock predicted the end month ago. So how close are we?

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"Economics" will kill more than the VaXXXes, but then It is a "horse race" and in the end A Horse Will Win.

Not to worry, Earth has been through many civilizations, and people don't live that long in comparison anyway. Enjoy your life as much as possible, Some will Survive the Collapse. Do what you can to assist them. All the best.


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Well said. Data accumulated over time appears to indicate economic calamities/recessions/depressions contribute to far more deaths than any pathogens. However, with these MRNA jabs and as this grand experiment unfolds who knows what the end result will be when combined especially as our health care systems are already inadequate and our social support systems-regardless ultimately it will be catastrophic on both fronts regretfully,

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Clotshots are bad. Breaking news. (not)

Um, didn't we know this a year ago?

HANDS UP! Who wants to solve the problem by addressing the ROOT CAUSES!?

i.e., beginning with the the FAKE virus narrative?

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Cry, scream, swear, all of the above

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Shameful, just shameful. And the CDC is still preaching the "safe and effective" narrative and recommending this for kids. What in the HELL is their definition of safe? It must be getting worse all the time!

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My husband. :(

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I was not previously aware of this study, though to be fair it was only released a week ago, so thank you for sharing it Dr. A. These data serve to quantify what many of us pretty much already knew, or at the very least strongly suspected. Not blaming parents for having been misled into believing their children would be afforded some protection (from a virtual zero-risk pathogenic threat) by way of the jabs, but jeez Louise what is coming is off the charts in terms of potential deaths, disabilities, and greatly reduced life expectancies for millions of young people. Yet how many STILL can not see the obvious staring them in the face??? :o

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I DO blame the parents.

There was so much overwhelming evidence of harm to adults as a result of covid shots BEFORE they were imposed upon children under 18 that there was NO EXCUSE for parents to believe the false hype.

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Oh Goody - the vaccines are working better than expected - if the vaccine suppliers tweak them a bit more, we can get an ever better kill rate. Tell Biden to get his finger out and amp up the stakes

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Sounds like Antibody-dependent enhancement from the next jab, or next next jab, or next mext next jab, ...

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