Jenner was on Fox News today and said that he agreed with a new law in MN. “It was helpful to transgender who are 3, 4, 5, 6 yrs old.” Say what? My sisters grandson thinks he a dinosaur and pretends he’s a Raptor. Should we cut off his arms and sew back his little hands? It’s all bullshit and the children are the ones being harmed by those who’s job it is to protect them.

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This was posted 7 years ago, Bruce Jenner figures prominently.

"The Transgender: Normalizing Mental Illness" https://www.bitchute.com/video/hKQn8n0fZ4EL/

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I'm listening to this video now. Oh boy! (maybe i should say oh girl?). dunno anymore! LOL... No, really it's sad and sick to go to this extend to normalize and even indulge in this mental disorder. Very troubling also what is normalized: I saw a few clips from a Christian youube channel on the Gramys. Unbelievable pervert stuff, a public satanic mass. Any thoughts on that Capt Roy?

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Hi Sophie:

I wrote a long answer, and on re-reading, deleted it immediately. Voicing those thoughts I think, got me banned from Steve Kirsh's website; most people completely misunderstand. Let me think about what I wrote and I'll repost it here in a day or two after I've edited it quite a bit. The short answer is what you're seeing is the cumulative results of the planning of our Satanic Global Elite and the implementation of their perverted, despicable agenda. Some of us are getting wise, but not nearly enough.

Talk to you in a bit.

Capt. Roy Harkness

PS I will however leave you with this presentation by Asha Logos. If you're not weeping uncontrollably by the end of it, for what's at risk, for what we've already lost, you have no soul. "A Short Journey Through Time" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bpexd9GA7RA

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Actually, contact me at this email, I'll leave it up for an hour, and I'll send it to you directly. "roy@____________.ca"

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How do we help him and stand up for him

How do we fight this for him?

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we pray, we speak out, we show up to support, we don't back down. they are pushing this evil garbage worldwide and it won't stop until we stop it.

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Wish I could tell you something encouraging. This is what Josh is risking, what anyone in Canada is risking, for speaking out against this orchestrated insanity:


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IMO, it is a mistake to expect anything from Trudeau. Saying "Trudeau must end this" legitimizes his power over the people of Canada, when he is anything but legitimate. It implies that he cares what people who are not his overlords think. He doesn't. Trudeau is the quintessential Manchurian Candidate and an important pawn in the global coup. He needs to be removed from power, not appealed to or reasoned with. The latter two things are misguided false hope.

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So is it better say...

Trudeau must end??

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How about "Trudeau must go!" and the focus should be on putting him behind bars?

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You said that right.

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There will have to be a point in time where the people take back the governments by force. I don't see another outcome, unless the masses take the elections back and eliminate fraud. All the Bolshevik Marxist know elections are king. Josef Stalin once said it's not who casts the vote but who counts them.

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Mass noncompliance will work. Just gotta get the attention of the lazies. It might take govt violence to kick it off. Of course, Waco didn’t seem to bother too many, but Americans back then didn’t know they were being gaslighted (gaslit?)by the media.

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I remembered thinking at the time that Waco and Ruby Ridge were like test cases to see if the American people would say or do anything while watching innocent people get burned to death and shot in cold blood by our government's FBI STOOGES in real time. To see how far the government could go in murdering its citizens by means of some sort of lame pretext.

Some people were paying attention and understood what kind of government the Clinton couple and Janet Reno were currently heading up, but unfortunately the majority apparently were lulled back into the stupor which is and always has been THE AMERICAN DREAM. Pure Materialistic and technocratic idolatry. And this was back in 1992.


- George Carlin

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A lot of people were pissed off by Waco and Ruby Ridge.

Then that idiot blew up the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, which sucked the life out of the militia movement and opposition to federal government misdeeds in general.

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Something was definitely not right with Timothy McVeigh, he had a very flat affect. More went on than meets the eye?

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That’s interesting

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Something about BATFE and FBI bois posing for trophy photos in front of burned American bodies... even a child’s burned body, will set off some people .... geez, wonder why.

But I agree with you, doing more of the same ain’t the way.

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Like I said, they were taking the temperature of the national tolerance of blatant out and out horrific violence and the general public's ability to stomach and actually approve of the government narrative justifying the wholesale slaughter of publicly discredited and demonized citizens.....people at that time seemed to react by becoming increasingly more willing to accept the government message that these other murdered Americans were evil people that deserved to die. In other words, was the goal

also to coarsen and desensitize the public opinion?

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Well, if nothing else, they’ve studied what occurred…..

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Gaslit. 👍

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Thank you Paul for posting this . Let us pray for this young man .

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Where's the bishop? Is he a coward? I'm 100% with Josh!

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God Bless you young man for standing up and behaving like a Real Man!! Standing up and protecting girls and Women! Using adult common sense and NOT being blinded or perverted and turning your back on dishonesty and pedophilia!!

Praying for you, thanking you for showing ADULTS how to Act and Speak Truth !!

So many cowards!! They do not agree but stay comfortable in their silence and allow the mental sickness to make victims of all Humans!!

I pray that the supposed "Adults" are embarrassed and ashamed if their in-action and silence as the young and vulnerable are lead iff into the suck slaughter if evil!

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Well done to this youngster. Well done to his parents. To know his truth and stand politely strong in the face of adversity is admirable at such a tender age. 💛

“ Parents also need to realise the campaign to impose this radical gender ideology now infects primary and secondary schools from preparatory to year 12. “. https://www.spectator.com.au/2022/07/five-is-too-young-for-radical-gender-theory/

Here in Australia our country is rapidly being radicalised by our Albanese led woke GOVT. The louder a minority squawks the faster his insipid head spins. Albanese was a marginalised unhappy youth living in poverty with his single mother. He’s hell bent on creating an ‘inclusive’ Australia whether we want it or not. The PM’s recent ‘meetings’ with Pill Gates were another indicator of his obsequiousness.

He will implement the Pandemic Treaty faster than the WHO can parachute in compliance soldiers.

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Surely there has to be more sense shown by our law enforcement people.

This is utter bullshit.

I’m so pleased my mum was a pure woman through and through.

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It is no longer a "Catholic" school if it is denying an enrolled Catholic student an EDUCATION because he expects the institution to conduct itself in adherence with Catholic doctrine and teaching, Catholic values, and Natural Law.

The parents of the so-called "transgender" students should be advised by this "Catholic" school administration to enroll their children elsewhere and in the process hand them a check in full reimbursement for the current semester's tuition.

The "trans" children and their parents are a disruption to the education of all the other children who are there to learn rather than make political statements on behalf of their mentally ill parents.

It's disgraceful and hypocritical that this "Catholic" school had this boy arrested. I'm thoroughly disgusted.

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I'm in Montreal. This year some (most) public schools students must wear a "uniform" (more money sucked from already financially challenged parents). The outfits are gender neutral for all. It started with all kids dressing according to their liking, until a young boy came at school with feminine tight legging showing his jewels. The boy and parents threatened the school board to stir up trouble. That's why, with more of those transgender issues flaring left and right they had to find a solution. All ados dress the same, in gray. Classrooms and yards look like dull communist camps.

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Why have a tiny minority caused so much distraction that the dress code is changed for everyone. **humph** Perhaps they should have never tinkered with it in the first place. I wouldn’t foist my children’s predilections on other children and neither would I expect it in return. None of these kids seem to just subtly and quietly go about their day. There is monumental flag waving and consternation or they aren’t satisfied. School never seems about the 3R’s anymore.

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Unbelievable! It's the rights back them up. To my suprise my daughter who has 3 teens complied to this quite easily (it's the cost of the uniforms that mostly bothered her...). She's not approving this agenda, she finds it excessive but just wants her kids to attend school, period (she has more challenges to fight for right now like most parents do). Learning trans clowns were reading stories in kids libraries did not bother her that much, she just said the revealing outrageous sexual attire did. In the province a group of Muslem parents tried to complain to the school board about this tranny thing -and have it banned-, but their request was vehemently turned down

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SO well said!

We are being forced daily like gavage fed geese to accommodate people who wish to be what they are not. My new frustration-period underwear for men. https://eu.modibodi.com/pages/all-gender

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God bless this young man!

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...just a side note...apparently trannies are being sent to WOMEN's prison. 45% of them are there for sexual offenses !!!


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These transgender "women" are mentally ill.

What has to happen is that ALL of the REAL women have to act in this way: Refuse to even compete with a transgender athlete so that the TG person will be swimming or doing whatever the sport is completely isolated and alone, and therefore not competing with anyone. With no one to compete with, there is no "winning". Second, women should refuse to use a bathroom that a TG woman insists on using. If this kind of person enters, the women must immediately leave. Women have to NOT accept any of this as normal and must continually remove themselves from places and situations where this is being forced on them. Women don't have to say anything at all, just refuse to be there in those situations and leave. Don't allow the TG intruder into women's spaces by refusing to be there, and thus isolating them. This game will eventually stop being fun for these sick people.

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Modern Voyeurs and flashers

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You’ve made some good sound points. 👍

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Thank God for this Godly young man your name is written in The Lambs book of life.You stood up for your convictions while grown men are cowering they should be deeply ashamed. Cowards get thrown into the fire along with the antichrist and the false prophet.

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The Catholic Church isnt as much on the side of Truth, Justice and Decency as it would have you believe. It pretends to claim the High Moral Ground while working overtime to overthrow the same. It loves and supports LGBTQPIA2S+ PROVE ME WRONG!

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The church heirarchy was infected with jesuit luciferism “ years ago, with the last real

Pope b4 1958. The recent one who died and abdicated b4 death was real and tried to return the right people etc to the heirarchy but got pushed aside. Evil is now from top down to local schools with only some bishops holding truth. Sad.

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It’s a political organization nowadays... and “good politicians” is an oxymoron.

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I appreciate your uncensored anger (at least, I think it is. Perhaps the words you entertained during your composition were even stronger. But I digress…). The problem is something infinitely larger than all the sexual identity, defund the police, lockdowns and mandates. These are merely means to an end: ours. The elite’s slight of hand keeps us distracted and divided as they set us up for even more catastrophic events. Already Newsweek is magically coming around and saying the scientific community needs to admit it was wrong about Covid. All I hear is: what’s next? What is the next thing they’re going to dump on us? Supply chain destruction? Energy grid blackouts? An EMP event? There is already more than enough damning evidence to justify actions against them, but the aggrieved energies are being depleted in disparate enterprise. Until we have a unified front and the means for effective communication, we’re screwed.

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yes, I tamed it a bit, i know it is dinner time. huge hugs. your writing is sage.

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