Agency capture has been out of control decades and Congress has knowing ignored the risks and let the public's security blanket be loopholed to Swiss cheese by lobbyists who outnumber MoC 65:1 without tossing in think tank/ NGO/media influence.
FDA Science and Mission at Risk
Report of the Subcommittee on Science and Technology
P R E P A …
Agency capture has been out of control decades and Congress has knowing ignored the risks and let the public's security blanket be loopholed to Swiss cheese by lobbyists who outnumber MoC 65:1 without tossing in think tank/ NGO/media influence.
FDA Science and Mission at Risk
Report of the Subcommittee on Science and Technology
P R E P A R E D F O R FDA Science Board November 2007
The Subcommittee concluded that science at the FDA is in a precarious position: the Agency suffers from serious scientific deficiencies and is not positioned to meet current or emerging regulatory responsibilities.
The Subcommittee found that the deficiency has two sources: The demands on the FDA have soared due to the extraordinary advance of scientific discoveries, the complexity of the new products and claims submitted to FDA for pre-market review and approval, the emergence of challenging safety problems, and the globalization of the industries that FDA regulates. The resources have not increased in proportion to the demands.
The result is that the scientific demands on the Agency far exceed its capacity to respond. This imbalance is imposing a significant risk to the integrity of the food, drug, cosmetic and device regulatory system, and hence the safety of the public.
My view is a little different w Washington career that spanned Watergate to Poppy Bush both on Capitol Hill and as Beltway Bandit competing for contracts. This has some truth but is an extreme mis-characterization of relationships that have existed forever.
Chemicals and drugs as agents of warfare are as old as remedial applications. By some measures it excuses the FDA from accountability for its failures which have a long documented history which Congress has been fully informed about for decades.
FDA Science and Mission at Risk
Report of the Subcommittee on Science and Technology
P R E P A R E D F O R FDA Science Board November 2007
Thank you for your explanation. I have been aware of these relationships for decades as well...... but the Biologics now being handled outside a proper chain of (safety) custody I think is new? And that DOD has possession of them until injection........?
Civilian Agencies turn every Federal disaster response into a giant clusterf*ck of logistic fails.. DoD deploys National Guard & Reserves w all comm & transport networks in place.. imo traditional, sensible plan :~)
Agency capture has been out of control decades and Congress has knowing ignored the risks and let the public's security blanket be loopholed to Swiss cheese by lobbyists who outnumber MoC 65:1 without tossing in think tank/ NGO/media influence.
FDA Science and Mission at Risk
Report of the Subcommittee on Science and Technology
P R E P A R E D F O R FDA Science Board November 2007
The Subcommittee concluded that science at the FDA is in a precarious position: the Agency suffers from serious scientific deficiencies and is not positioned to meet current or emerging regulatory responsibilities.
The Subcommittee found that the deficiency has two sources: The demands on the FDA have soared due to the extraordinary advance of scientific discoveries, the complexity of the new products and claims submitted to FDA for pre-market review and approval, the emergence of challenging safety problems, and the globalization of the industries that FDA regulates. The resources have not increased in proportion to the demands.
The result is that the scientific demands on the Agency far exceed its capacity to respond. This imbalance is imposing a significant risk to the integrity of the food, drug, cosmetic and device regulatory system, and hence the safety of the public.
My understanding is that the FDA is no more. All pharma is now handled through DOD?
My view is a little different w Washington career that spanned Watergate to Poppy Bush both on Capitol Hill and as Beltway Bandit competing for contracts. This has some truth but is an extreme mis-characterization of relationships that have existed forever.
Chemicals and drugs as agents of warfare are as old as remedial applications. By some measures it excuses the FDA from accountability for its failures which have a long documented history which Congress has been fully informed about for decades.
FDA Science and Mission at Risk
Report of the Subcommittee on Science and Technology
P R E P A R E D F O R FDA Science Board November 2007
Thank you for your explanation. I have been aware of these relationships for decades as well...... but the Biologics now being handled outside a proper chain of (safety) custody I think is new? And that DOD has possession of them until injection........?
Civilian Agencies turn every Federal disaster response into a giant clusterf*ck of logistic fails.. DoD deploys National Guard & Reserves w all comm & transport networks in place.. imo traditional, sensible plan :~)