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They were ALL victims of malicious prosecution by a tyrannical government. Now they deserve to be made whole again.

Reparations for ALL of them, in the MILLIONS. If the F ing government can send BILLIONS to support the nazis in Ukraine, they can afford another BILLION to pay the victims of J6.


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yes, made 'whole' again...fully agree and I repost your words "ALL victims of malicious prosecution by a tyrannical government. Now they deserve to be made whole again."

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yes, Trump must find the federal money to pay them!

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yes if the fucking federal gov can take tax money to give the faggot cross dressing pump wearing Ukraine freak Zelenskyy...then pay them!

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You described Zelinsky perfectly. He’s one of (((them)))

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Tell us what you really think, Paul.

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Too bad they can’t draw funds from Biden & smith and Garland.

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It's good that the Vindmans and Jack Smith did not receive pardons. However, the SCOTUS in Burdick v United States (1915) stated that a pardon carries "an imputation of guilt and acceptance of a confession of it." Dumb as a rock warmonger Cheney, along with Kinzinger, Schiff, Raskin, Biden crime family members and Fauci is free to reject a pardon. A pardon is also a private matter. If they want to, they can introduce evidence of the pardon and ask for clemency after they are convicted. The pardons may not be valid if Biden was not of sound mind when he issued them or if he was not the legitimate president because the 2020 election was rigged and stolen.

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By the way, I reposted your comment on Jeff Childers Stack just now, credited you. It's in a reply I made to another comment about the pardons.

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Thank you!

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Great comment Awake!

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Thank you Dave. It would be good if some of the lunatics on the SCOTUS such as Commie-Barrett and Roberts could be persuaded to resign and be replaced by unbiased judges. These pardons may need to be tested..

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This is so true about the $$$.

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Breaking -

POTUS appoints Liz Cheney new Head of Federal Bureau of Prisons

more to come on Newz @ Nine!

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Yes not well known but Ukranian New Years holiday honors a nazi

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Great News. And more great news - he removed us from the W.H.O.!!!!

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yes, WHO is a failed inept group of morons, crooked corrupted, I worked for WHO Europe and Geneva 2008 to 2009 then Geneva, PAHO 2019 to 2020...once as a WHO UN employee the other as a seconded consultant...the 2nd time I was actually with Trump admin...3 weeks overlap...with ethics commissioner permission with the aim by Trump et al. to 'collaborate' (via me, in COVID) but WHO was trying to damage Trump via me...so I resigned on advisement from Trump advisors at HHS and ethics comm.

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ALL! God bless the souls of those who gave up hope and committed suicide. 🩸

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this is very sad indeed and let us see how 47 will make their families WHOLE again but they should have never died and the hope is they got to heaven...reports that some did bad things but I always argued they were 'caught up'...in the moment and had to be factored into this...Biden et al. were demons here and Trump should go after them...I support that

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Mainstream media continues to besmirch all J6 political prisoners as "rioters" despite characterizing the BLM summer of violence, looting, arson, and literal riots as "peaceful protest."

And we still haven't gotten to the bottom of how much the J6 events are attributable to undercover Dem government instigation and goading.

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I've noticed that every word out of MSM mouth they say "insurrection" Even the corrupt FBI has stated there was no insurrection. All of Jan 6 was a set up to be a distraction of the stolen election.

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Yes. Good points , Duane.

Yesterday someone on substack observed that President Trump's inauguration was a resurrection of the American spirit. I feel that, too.

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Msm will all be fired and not re-hired

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The only ones doing bad things were the g0vt agency brownshirts and the bought-and-paid-for instigators, along with Pelosi and others who set this all up.

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I don't know the tragic circumstances of the other two but I watched the heartbroken aunt of Matt Perna share the tragic story of his decent into hopelessness, with Lara Logan. I saw the video of Matt's presence at the capitol on that day. He didn't participate in any violence and simply walked through as I'd on a guided tour. The tyrannical DOJ tortured him emotionally with a last minute bogus felony charge and threats of a long prison term unless he took an even more heinous plea bargain. He was losing his successful small business due to the financial burden of attorney . His family should be recompensed, although nothing will fill the void in their hearts All of these tyrannical prosecutors and judges should face real justice and be disbarred.

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This devastating example makes President Trump's pardon all the more necessary and justified.

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You all seem to be forgetting that it was TRUMP who lured them all to the Capitol. And then he let them fester in prison for FOUR WHOLE YEARS!!!

Wake up, man!!!!

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How did you expect for him to get them out? Trump told the patriots, go to the Capitol peacefully and patriotically. There are demonstrations at the Capitol all year long. But this time there were Capitol Police who took down the fences and urged the demonstrators to go inside. It was a set up. Also, the Capitol doors were locked and someone opened them, capitol police or someone with the key

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Can you imagine? So, heartbreaking ~ beyond heartbreaking

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So thankful this is happening.

The people who still believe mainstream media will never understand why the Jan 6 committee was preemptively Pardoned by Biden. That’s an admission of guilt for the committee, & should hold media accountable for lying about it. my elderly mother still believes the media & doesn’t know who Ashley Babbitt was.

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I have a stack on Ashli in cue...

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Those pardons will not stand. They will be deemed null and void.

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C'mon down to earth son....

to the dirty dirty low down.

Boz Scaggs was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of this time.

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Love Boz Scaggs!

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How so?

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Amen. So grateful these sweet souls can go back to their lives ~ families. Shame on you Bidumb Obanana Kaballa Hellery to many to mention. How in the hell do you sleep at night? Not enough ink

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These are the volunteers standing by with planes to get the J6-ers home; as well as arranging housing and taking care of their needs for those who have nothing left to go back to. Please support their efforts.


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This is wonderful news and it had to be done. Can they now be uninjected? Although it is wonderful news, it cannot, along with other noble actions, be used as a reason to not stop the shots or as a distraction away from the shots not being stopped.

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boom boom boom boom...and they cant defect, we wont let them...we are going at them about the mRNA 24/7 inside and outside. today the shots should have been stopped...I will remind them

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There's a glimmer of hope in the Executive Order reinstating with full back pay all military who refused the covid jabs. I felt a sense of relief on hearing Trump announce that.

I think it's a clear signal that mandated injections are not an option for military or civilians. And that retaliation for refusal should not be tolerated.

(I know it's pathetic to grasp at this straw but the prospect of having to hide to escape a mandated mRNA jab horrifies me.)

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My hope is that Trump is only waiting for the confirmation of Kennedy, once that is done, Trump can and will speak up freely about Covid.

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And now time to prosecute any FBI agents there that instigated that. Let them rot in jail.

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This is great but there needs to also be a FULL & IMPARTIAL INVESTIGATION into J6 orchestration by Pelosi & CIA plants, and an immediate PARDON for ASSANGE and SNOWDEN whom he completely failed in his first term.

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Withdraws US from World Health Org, Paris Climate and removes security clearance from supporters of Hunters laptop.

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and get the UN building shut down and withdraw from UN

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In other newz...

the entity known as "Sasha" now claims that Trumpfty is on the hook - "1000 year old cults are eye-for-an-eye type of arrangements, and wives, after they delivered required heirs, are a disposable item - useful for these types of traps. It may be that they claim he owes them Melania or one of his children for this... "

the fantasies are pourin in faster than the newz feeder can deal with em!

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Finally! No more Political POW's in the D.C. gulags! Thank God!

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yes yes yes!

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Good move. He will probably pardon some of the convictions after review, but commuting everyone to let them go home and rebuild their lives has been long overdue.

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Justice. I hope they can get some compensation down the line.

If it was Democrats and they'd actually burned the place down, the Democrat Party would have described it as a "mostly peaceful protest", "vital to our democracy".

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Well, it was the democrats (FBI) that broke in. The Republicans just walked around sight seeing with slurpies in hand.

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God Bless America!!!🙏✝️🇺🇸

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great move by 47

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Yes sir!

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5D chess indeed!

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cant you find something nice in there? I think something nice in there...you know you love your Trump....

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Now you KNOW I luvs me a parade.

But Paul... this whole deal is a 'charade'

like tritorch said... you'll want 'real action'... but you'll have to settle for 'reel action.'

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Doc, none of this will be worth squat if it's not legislated into law. Congress probably won't move on most of it. This is just a charade to distract us from what Trump is NOT saying, as in, owning up to his responsibility for the whole COVID mess. He'll never do that.

Keep watching. We'll see what comes out of that meeting with Gates. Gates was pretty excited. Trump is just pouring all this stuff out right now to put his base asleep, then he'll get to work with his REAL plans. I'm not fooled for one second.

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I am glad all released but also let us be fair, if there were some bad dudes attacking police and beating them, and caused injuries, we should look at what they did...most were innocent.

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Promise made, promise kept

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A $1million to each live person. $2million to the families of if each person no longer with us.

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