always transparent about that then; “To see that transparency metastasised into something criminal...I absolutely deny, makes me question: is there another agenda at play?”
Truth telling is one thing, reaching the masses is quite another. You see "they" don't care if the truth gets out, they only care if it reaches and teaches the masses.
Their actions and reactions to individual's is the tell in poker parlance.
Now you know who to pay attention to.
But one must be careful of the double double cross, because they know this to and could go after people they want you to listen to because they're full of shit.
Agree but understatement. What "they" (5th gen warfare mandates that it's not known who is attacking) are doing is usual and typical information warfare (EXACTLY like Assange was smeared- same charge with anonymous witnesses- cannot confront accusers etc) in order to get headlines then allow newspapers to torture victim.
Exactly as Kavanaugh (Supreme Court Justice) was treated.
Pacifist anti-pharma, anti-Orwellian government Russel has over 6 million YouTube subscribers. Time to hire some broads to claim his weenie traumatized them to end his reach.
Christine Ford couldn’t get a single person in her corner to corroborate her Kavanaugh story. Not even her father would back her up. Later, she admitted her entire motive was to stop him because she feared with him would come the end of Roe v Wade. The only thing suspicious about that clown show was her.
There were several women who wanted to testify against Kavanaugh but the GOP wouldn't allow it and rushed through the confirmation. Justice Roberts had many complaints against Kavanaugh but he didn't release them until after the confirmation. The FBI had many complaints and witnesses against Kavanaugh but they trashed them.
She had an entire dog and pony show inquisition on TV sponsored by your scumbag Democratic Party who were aching to derail Kavenaugh. The Republicans were on the ropes all she had to do was find someone, anyone to corroborate her lame duck story. But after wasting taxpayers time and money guess what? There was nothing there. Crickets. Christine looked like a damn fool. The Republicans didn’t do squat. She did it to herself. You have no evidence of foul play. All the evidence anyone needs is to see is that she was handed an undeserved publicly televised platform on a silver platter and lost. She lived alone on fantasy island. Only someone deranged as her could say at this late date that she was right. She couldn’t prove anything. That’s all the evidence any thinking person needs.
I watched the entire hearing and have a perfect recollection of what happened. Facts along the way are saved. Too late to include them now.
Diane Weinstein was in charge of the hearing which was criminal in itself. The ding bat Senator allowed 3 conservative justices on the court with ridiculous governance of the cases. The balance of the court changed for a decade thanks to a senile Senator.
Yes it sounds like a way to try to shut him up. There's never a shortage of women willing to lie. Look how many have falsely accused Trump on the basis of no credible evidence at all. There are a multitude of reasons why women lie:
1) Darwinian natural selection. Most women are not as physically strong as men and men, considered as a group, are violent, dangerous and unpredictable creatures. Telling the truth to a physically stronger, violent, dangeous and unpredictable creature when you have been up to no good can win you a Darwin Award. Your chances of living may be greater if you lie. This is an evolved strategy;
2) For money or other personal gain;
3) For advantage in child custody and other family law matters;
4) For revenge;
5) Because of rejection;
6) Out of jealousy;
7) They are habitual liars and just lie because they enjoy it; &
8) We live in a gynocentric, misandristic society which subscribes to #BelieveAllWomen and rewards women for lying.
This is a pointless discussion. Kinda getting ridiculous. We all know that everyone has lied at one point or more in their lifetime, both men and women.
I don't disagee that all people lie for various reasons, and it can be a complex behavior influenced by individual motivations and circumstances. I never implied that is not true. My point 1) simply addressed one of the reasons why women on average lie more. Darwin had two main theories: evolution by natural selection ane evolution by sexual selection. I don't disagree that women's lying might have in part been shaped by evolution by sexual selection but evolution by natural selection appears to explain it much better.em
Psychology, as construced and practiced, is the textbook clinical example of a Mass Formation Psychosis Narcissistic Pathology Paradigm at minimum by own rules out of the box.
You won't begin to understand the Observations of Psychology, until you understand the psychology of Psychology. Use the Objective Hypocrisy Test, own words and actions against Own Rules.
People who practice Psychology are disordered cluster thinkers.
Mom died in a tragic accident when I was a toddler. I found her. I was raised by a single dad part of the time and the rest of the time by my maternal grandparents. My grandmother was the nicest, kindest person I have ever met. My dad was an admirer of Stalin and Hitler, mainly Hitler although considered him a bit too soft and weak. Dad prohibited the use of words like "love," which he called "the L word." I never used it, or I would have had my mouth washed out with soap. Dad's gone now. I once asked him if he had any regrets. He siad "Well, there were a lot of bastards who needed shooting and I never shot them." He was in the habit of punching people out if he felt provoked enough. He was a lapsed Catholic atheist who converted back to Christianity when he got dementia. He hated people and loved Moses. I recall him getting excited, looking really happy and telling me "Moses put thousands of the bastards to the sword!" He never abused me. I loved him. I still do. I miss him. I love and honor both my parents. I had a fantastic childhood.
The links you provided above don't say much about the whole of the 8 billion population of earth and what genders lie the most. If you want to believe women lie more then that's your prerogative. At least right now we have free thought, do with it what you want.
these comments are so over the top ridiculous. everybody knows trump is a pervert. just because you agree with what someone says doesn't make them not a pervert. i gotta get out of this thread of people who don't believe that men do horrible things to underage people. look at the christian churches, not a day goes by without another billion paid out for pedophiles. do you people think all those children are lying? or only the girls. screw this.
Dems do horrible things to underage people. Dems. And RINOS. Check out Laura Loomer's investigation of DeSantis and his pedo connections. And there are female pedos too. Would you trust Hillary around your daughters?
really? look at women who lied about trump? He bragged about assaulting women. i don't ask i just grab em' by the ps@@y. when you're a star....etc. he cheated on all his wives with sex workers, he paid blackmail so they wouldn't know. there are hundreds of really creepy photographs of trump and his daughter. at the RNC in 2016 there is video of trump and his daughter meeting on stage where he grabs her hips and pulls her in close for a big fat juicy kiss. but your sexism is noted. you protect a predator. but it is expected. what's next? "what was she wearing?" i grew up in hollywood back in the day and many well known men "dated" very underage girls some as young as thirteen. trump was best friends with epstein for twenty years. trump bragged to howard stern about their exploits. "I like them young but jeffrey likes them really really young". he bragged about walking in on beauty pageants contestants and seeing them naked. absolutely disgusting how many people worship a known pervert and blame it on the women. horrible.
"When you're a star they let you ..." That is, the women he grabbed by the pussy consented. What part of YES don't you understand?. Trump never assaulted anybody. That was Biden. It's Biden who grabs 'em by the pussy his case they don't let him! Ask Tara Reade about ol' pussy grabber, i.e., Biden. Biden grabs 'em by the pussy and shoves his fingers in, without consent. He's a rapist. Ask.Tara Reade!!!! IBelieveHer!! Trump banned Epstein from Mar-A-Lago, for being a sex pest. He was hitting on the guests' underage daughters so Trump showed him the door. Trump has never been on the Lolits Express or to Pedo Island. That was Bill Clinton. Trump has been repeatedly investigated and each time has come up smelling of roses. Trump is as pure as the driven snow. Trump never showered with his daughter.That was Biden. Trump never fondled a prepubescent girl's nipple live on camera. That was Biden. Biden is a pervert. Trump has been the victim of false allegations. Because women lie. But not all women. The women who have accused Biden of rape and sexual harassment didn't lie. Geez, wake up to reality!
Until you got to your reasons I agree…..I have learned from Substack that people either use data or make things up because of imbalances in their psyche.
Ok…..sorry… are right… comment could mean just about anything now that I am reading it out of context….but in context I was just mostly disagreeing with you in the second half of your arguement and the rest of my comment was more about general comments on substack which are frustrating to me…..perhaps I am still a hippie but I would like it if we all just were able to love each other or at the very very very very least not harm one another…….take care……
Brand is a celebrity and when you are a celebrity you can just walk up to these groupies and grab them by the pussy and they let you do it. They consent. The allegations are about things that allegedly happened years ago. These women are probably getting knocked back by park drunks today. Nobody wants them. Plus, they want money. Look at E. Jean Carroll. Would you have hit that, even 20 years ago? Can you believe Trump raped her, as she claims? No way! He would not have been willing to touch her with Hiunter Biden's dick.
Their side is, clearly, so much better at playing this game than ours. A quick look through social media tells THAT story. So much posted , shared, spewed forth about how lefties are 'better than', 'smarter than', ' more virtuous than' conservatives, for example.
They "attack" much more aggressively, and much more frequently.
In keeping perhaps with " me thinks thou dost protest too much "....
Sadly, the Republicans should come to the rescue, but won’t . They’re too damned stupid , out of touch, judgmental and sadly, half are corrupt to boot. The UniParty globalist duopoly is in it up to the eyeballs.
They’ve yet to “ investigate” the Ukraine Biolabs funded by the U.S. and the contract granted to Metabiota, a Hunter “ introduction”, the payoff laundered through Burissma, the Atlantic Council is the Burissma lobby, Chris Heinz( Kerry’s son) sat on the board, Cofer Black, Bus’s Terror Assesment Expert” who’s teammates were John Brennan and Mueller ( all failed to prevent 9/11). Cofer Black was also Romney’s “ National Security” campaign advisor still sits on the Burissma Board. But it gets better ( worse) still. Brennan and a high ranking DoD official accompanied Hunter to seal the deal. Ergo, might Hunter be a “ government asset” ? Is that why he didn’t register w/ FARA and this entire ball of bipartisan corruption is being hidden from the House investigative committee? Are the Committee members that stupid or corrupt as well?
Very suspect. Russsel was speaking about too many important issues, and has too many people listening. I find it very difficult to believe. Anonymous accusations.
Of course they would target Russel Brand. His influence has been growing and he is bright. He saw through them a long time ago. I’m surprised they didn’t do it sooner.
Purely and simply this is more of the smear tactics that the leftist libtards and radical marxists use to attack those who tell the truth. They are covering up THEIR crimes by wrongly accusing others who expose them.
Agree. But the best prediction of future behavior is a record of past behavior. Does Brand have "priors" or is this another example of "he said, she said" except with anonymous witnesses?
That's funny, I could have SWORN that Assange was treated the EXACT same way!
I'm very sorry to hear you say that you are a woman hater, Cheeky NonGMO. Woman hating is every bit as disgusting and reprehensible as man hating. I have seen some of these irrational woman haters. They want women exterminated and replaced with robot females and womb machines. It is abhorrent. Women are different to men but of equal value.They are not of superior worth to men but neither are they inferior. Seek help. It sounds like you may be a Dem. Work on overcoming the brainwashing from your feminist group involvements. Hating ultimately destroys the hater.
Actual pedos? Check out economists. Epstein got a lotof his pedo ring associates through economics connections. Economics and the finance and the banking sector are full of pedos. Epstein even recruited female ledos from among economists.
Never trust an economist around kids.
From Stockholm School of Economics: New details have emerged regarding the connections between Jeffrey Epstein and the Female Economist of the Year scholarship.
Maybe then "he" is a "she." Shitloads of pedos are females. They've been getting away with it but there's a growing awareness. A lot of females who point the finger at men are kiddie diddlers trying to throw people off the trail.
"We Do Exist”: The Experiences of Women Living with a Sexual Interest in Minors"
Good Doctor this is what happens in todays world of the MSM.. If you do not tell the narrative or LIES they tell and you tell the TRUTH about those LIES.. Then you get CENSORED to stop that TRUTH from getting out, and only the people who tell their LIES, get put in the so called news and limelight.. If that does not work, they accuse you of a manufactured crime or LIE and just pay off some people they control in one way or the other to accuse you of that crime, to shut up the TRUTH by discrediting you.. If that does not work they delete you.. This is what happens in this world of LIES now, due to the people who control everything have been LIARS since creation.. They all follow the original LIAR.. his whispers are the music they all dance to.. WE have to stand up to it all, because they are truly cowards. WE must stand up for TRUTH.. Its now or never.. We can no longer back up, we must go forward or its over..
Mr Brand left the tribe. The leftist cultists cannot abide by such treason of independent thought and truth telling. It exposes the demons like a dose of holy water.
I am not directly a fan of Russel though I don’t dislike him.
This sounds like a way to shut him up because Russell is not mainstream.
The UK has done this with other men whom they find threatening to the narrative. So has the US.
he's getting too close to the truth...
just like Assange
Truth telling is one thing, reaching the masses is quite another. You see "they" don't care if the truth gets out, they only care if it reaches and teaches the masses.
Their actions and reactions to individual's is the tell in poker parlance.
Now you know who to pay attention to.
But one must be careful of the double double cross, because they know this to and could go after people they want you to listen to because they're full of shit.
It's all very diabolical.
Agree but understatement. What "they" (5th gen warfare mandates that it's not known who is attacking) are doing is usual and typical information warfare (EXACTLY like Assange was smeared- same charge with anonymous witnesses- cannot confront accusers etc) in order to get headlines then allow newspapers to torture victim.
Exactly as Kavanaugh (Supreme Court Justice) was treated.
All tediously predictable by now, isn't it... 🙄💩
Pacifist anti-pharma, anti-Orwellian government Russel has over 6 million YouTube subscribers. Time to hire some broads to claim his weenie traumatized them to end his reach.
What I love is how it's usually 2-3 decades after the fact... 🙄
Like the guy from that 70's show.
Agreed. 👍🙏🏼
Not like Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh is a proven liar. His background is suspicious.
Christine Ford couldn’t get a single person in her corner to corroborate her Kavanaugh story. Not even her father would back her up. Later, she admitted her entire motive was to stop him because she feared with him would come the end of Roe v Wade. The only thing suspicious about that clown show was her.
There were several women who wanted to testify against Kavanaugh but the GOP wouldn't allow it and rushed through the confirmation. Justice Roberts had many complaints against Kavanaugh but he didn't release them until after the confirmation. The FBI had many complaints and witnesses against Kavanaugh but they trashed them.
I collected information that says otherwise. Do you have proof that her father didn't believe her and Ford admitting she lied?
She had an entire dog and pony show inquisition on TV sponsored by your scumbag Democratic Party who were aching to derail Kavenaugh. The Republicans were on the ropes all she had to do was find someone, anyone to corroborate her lame duck story. But after wasting taxpayers time and money guess what? There was nothing there. Crickets. Christine looked like a damn fool. The Republicans didn’t do squat. She did it to herself. You have no evidence of foul play. All the evidence anyone needs is to see is that she was handed an undeserved publicly televised platform on a silver platter and lost. She lived alone on fantasy island. Only someone deranged as her could say at this late date that she was right. She couldn’t prove anything. That’s all the evidence any thinking person needs.
I watched the entire hearing and have a perfect recollection of what happened. Facts along the way are saved. Too late to include them now.
Diane Weinstein was in charge of the hearing which was criminal in itself. The ding bat Senator allowed 3 conservative justices on the court with ridiculous governance of the cases. The balance of the court changed for a decade thanks to a senile Senator.
He's a sellout.
Yes it sounds like a way to try to shut him up. There's never a shortage of women willing to lie. Look how many have falsely accused Trump on the basis of no credible evidence at all. There are a multitude of reasons why women lie:
1) Darwinian natural selection. Most women are not as physically strong as men and men, considered as a group, are violent, dangerous and unpredictable creatures. Telling the truth to a physically stronger, violent, dangeous and unpredictable creature when you have been up to no good can win you a Darwin Award. Your chances of living may be greater if you lie. This is an evolved strategy;
2) For money or other personal gain;
3) For advantage in child custody and other family law matters;
4) For revenge;
5) Because of rejection;
6) Out of jealousy;
7) They are habitual liars and just lie because they enjoy it; &
8) We live in a gynocentric, misandristic society which subscribes to #BelieveAllWomen and rewards women for lying.
The things you said really has nothing to do with Darwins
theory of evolution. All people lie for various reasons, and it can be a complex behavior influenced by individual motivations and circumstances.
Women lie because women don't have character or integrity.
Equality is of Responsibility and Standards, not of privilege and discrimination.
Gaslighted Equality puts men in an early grave.
And men……why do they lie and capture our governments and depopulate and murder?
With democracy, women capture governments, gaslight Equality of outcomes via privileges rather than standards, sending men to early graves.
See you at the Selective Service Office demanding Equality, oh wait, no I won't.
You avoid Equality of Responsibility and Standards for systemic privileges via government.
A woman's soul was created below
This is a pointless discussion. Kinda getting ridiculous. We all know that everyone has lied at one point or more in their lifetime, both men and women.
I don't disagee that all people lie for various reasons, and it can be a complex behavior influenced by individual motivations and circumstances. I never implied that is not true. My point 1) simply addressed one of the reasons why women on average lie more. Darwin had two main theories: evolution by natural selection ane evolution by sexual selection. I don't disagree that women's lying might have in part been shaped by evolution by sexual selection but evolution by natural selection appears to explain it much better.em
Tell us more about your relationship with your mother.
Both men and women lie all the fricken time. So much so it's what I now call "human nature".
Psychology, as construced and practiced, is the textbook clinical example of a Mass Formation Psychosis Narcissistic Pathology Paradigm at minimum by own rules out of the box.
You won't begin to understand the Observations of Psychology, until you understand the psychology of Psychology. Use the Objective Hypocrisy Test, own words and actions against Own Rules.
People who practice Psychology are disordered cluster thinkers.
By the way, I hate my parents too.
Mom died in a tragic accident when I was a toddler. I found her. I was raised by a single dad part of the time and the rest of the time by my maternal grandparents. My grandmother was the nicest, kindest person I have ever met. My dad was an admirer of Stalin and Hitler, mainly Hitler although considered him a bit too soft and weak. Dad prohibited the use of words like "love," which he called "the L word." I never used it, or I would have had my mouth washed out with soap. Dad's gone now. I once asked him if he had any regrets. He siad "Well, there were a lot of bastards who needed shooting and I never shot them." He was in the habit of punching people out if he felt provoked enough. He was a lapsed Catholic atheist who converted back to Christianity when he got dementia. He hated people and loved Moses. I recall him getting excited, looking really happy and telling me "Moses put thousands of the bastards to the sword!" He never abused me. I loved him. I still do. I miss him. I love and honor both my parents. I had a fantastic childhood.
Don't hate my parents
Hate ignorant hypocrisy
Psychology = Narcissism at minimum by own rules out of the box
Or your favorite children's charity gets $10,000 USD USA
The entire profession is missing the massive gaslight past 3 and 1/2 years
Because they don't have the Aptitude to do a real science, or the Integrity to follow own rules
What BS
There's actually no way to know who lies more, men or women. If you find proof let me know.
I'm not going to do a literature review or anythingbut there is plenty of evidence of sex differences in deception.
Does Gender Make a Difference in Deception? The Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Over Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex
The links you provided above don't say much about the whole of the 8 billion population of earth and what genders lie the most. If you want to believe women lie more then that's your prerogative. At least right now we have free thought, do with it what you want.
these comments are so over the top ridiculous. everybody knows trump is a pervert. just because you agree with what someone says doesn't make them not a pervert. i gotta get out of this thread of people who don't believe that men do horrible things to underage people. look at the christian churches, not a day goes by without another billion paid out for pedophiles. do you people think all those children are lying? or only the girls. screw this.
Dems do horrible things to underage people. Dems. And RINOS. Check out Laura Loomer's investigation of DeSantis and his pedo connections. And there are female pedos too. Would you trust Hillary around your daughters?
He also allows more kids to be stripped from their families than any other state. Wonder why?
All economists are pedos? Intellectual pygmies? Take it up the rear?
Sounds like low IQ projection
If the penalty for false sexual assault were the same as sexual assault, and enforced, this bullshit would stop.
Yes, absolutely true. The system incentivizes false accusations.
I believe that men are lying as well, but women are doing better. 🤣
really? look at women who lied about trump? He bragged about assaulting women. i don't ask i just grab em' by the ps@@y. when you're a star....etc. he cheated on all his wives with sex workers, he paid blackmail so they wouldn't know. there are hundreds of really creepy photographs of trump and his daughter. at the RNC in 2016 there is video of trump and his daughter meeting on stage where he grabs her hips and pulls her in close for a big fat juicy kiss. but your sexism is noted. you protect a predator. but it is expected. what's next? "what was she wearing?" i grew up in hollywood back in the day and many well known men "dated" very underage girls some as young as thirteen. trump was best friends with epstein for twenty years. trump bragged to howard stern about their exploits. "I like them young but jeffrey likes them really really young". he bragged about walking in on beauty pageants contestants and seeing them naked. absolutely disgusting how many people worship a known pervert and blame it on the women. horrible.
The same applies to Biden☠️
Except Biden pushes the envelope taking showers with his teenage daughter and having a fetish for sniffing/touching women.
Here’s the reality that all the holier than thou conveniently ignore. For decades upon decades pop culture glorified sex, drugs and rock n roll.
Movies, songs, TV shows, adult sex play between consenting adults was elevated to hero status. And women played right along with the men.
Now all these prudes act like bawdy behavior never existed. Total amnesia to how things were.
I’d be compelled to say attitudes are generally better now if it weren’t for the hypocrisy.
If you’re glad those days are over, fine. But for Pete’s sake stop acting like they never existed.
Virtually everyone who’s anyone that didn’t live under a rock acted, by today’s lofty standards, naughty to some degree.
Right or wrong men and women consented to it. Get over it let the past be the past and move on.
"When you're a star they let you ..." That is, the women he grabbed by the pussy consented. What part of YES don't you understand?. Trump never assaulted anybody. That was Biden. It's Biden who grabs 'em by the pussy his case they don't let him! Ask Tara Reade about ol' pussy grabber, i.e., Biden. Biden grabs 'em by the pussy and shoves his fingers in, without consent. He's a rapist. Ask.Tara Reade!!!! IBelieveHer!! Trump banned Epstein from Mar-A-Lago, for being a sex pest. He was hitting on the guests' underage daughters so Trump showed him the door. Trump has never been on the Lolits Express or to Pedo Island. That was Bill Clinton. Trump has been repeatedly investigated and each time has come up smelling of roses. Trump is as pure as the driven snow. Trump never showered with his daughter.That was Biden. Trump never fondled a prepubescent girl's nipple live on camera. That was Biden. Biden is a pervert. Trump has been the victim of false allegations. Because women lie. But not all women. The women who have accused Biden of rape and sexual harassment didn't lie. Geez, wake up to reality!
Until you got to your reasons I agree…..I have learned from Substack that people either use data or make things up because of imbalances in their psyche.
I have no idea what you are talking about. Enlighten us.
Ok…..sorry… are right… comment could mean just about anything now that I am reading it out of context….but in context I was just mostly disagreeing with you in the second half of your arguement and the rest of my comment was more about general comments on substack which are frustrating to me…..perhaps I am still a hippie but I would like it if we all just were able to love each other or at the very very very very least not harm one another…….take care……
What was the second half of my argument??
Brand had a change of tune recently. I think that explains the timing.
They are trying to silence him because his YouTube channel alone has over 6 million subscribers. He’s reaching too many people.
Thank you. 🙏🏼
So is this because he was getting too much truth out on his youtube channel and not going along with the establishment narrative?
Brand is a celebrity and when you are a celebrity you can just walk up to these groupies and grab them by the pussy and they let you do it. They consent. The allegations are about things that allegedly happened years ago. These women are probably getting knocked back by park drunks today. Nobody wants them. Plus, they want money. Look at E. Jean Carroll. Would you have hit that, even 20 years ago? Can you believe Trump raped her, as she claims? No way! He would not have been willing to touch her with Hiunter Biden's dick.
If they want to take Russell down, they will. Maybe not this time, with these accusations. But sooner or later... they'll take him down...
Certainly true.
Their side is, clearly, so much better at playing this game than ours. A quick look through social media tells THAT story. So much posted , shared, spewed forth about how lefties are 'better than', 'smarter than', ' more virtuous than' conservatives, for example.
They "attack" much more aggressively, and much more frequently.
In keeping perhaps with " me thinks thou dost protest too much "....
Sadly, the Republicans should come to the rescue, but won’t . They’re too damned stupid , out of touch, judgmental and sadly, half are corrupt to boot. The UniParty globalist duopoly is in it up to the eyeballs.
They’ve yet to “ investigate” the Ukraine Biolabs funded by the U.S. and the contract granted to Metabiota, a Hunter “ introduction”, the payoff laundered through Burissma, the Atlantic Council is the Burissma lobby, Chris Heinz( Kerry’s son) sat on the board, Cofer Black, Bus’s Terror Assesment Expert” who’s teammates were John Brennan and Mueller ( all failed to prevent 9/11). Cofer Black was also Romney’s “ National Security” campaign advisor still sits on the Burissma Board. But it gets better ( worse) still. Brennan and a high ranking DoD official accompanied Hunter to seal the deal. Ergo, might Hunter be a “ government asset” ? Is that why he didn’t register w/ FARA and this entire ball of bipartisan corruption is being hidden from the House investigative committee? Are the Committee members that stupid or corrupt as well?
Search Hunter Biden/Metabiota/Ukraine/ Burissma/DoD/CIA
Likely. Certainly would come as no surprise, right?
But one can't completely discount the possiblity that, during some of the difficult times Russell openly discusses - 'things' may have happened.
I am a fan, but wouldn't wager much on either side of this story.
Very suspect. Russsel was speaking about too many important issues, and has too many people listening. I find it very difficult to believe. Anonymous accusations.
been wondering when they would try to shut him up...
My thoughts exactly!
Surprised it took this long....
Ask Assange about weaponizing sexual rumors....
Of course they would target Russel Brand. His influence has been growing and he is bright. He saw through them a long time ago. I’m surprised they didn’t do it sooner.
Sounds like a witchhunt by the left
Purely and simply this is more of the smear tactics that the leftist libtards and radical marxists use to attack those who tell the truth. They are covering up THEIR crimes by wrongly accusing others who expose them.
Agree. But the best prediction of future behavior is a record of past behavior. Does Brand have "priors" or is this another example of "he said, she said" except with anonymous witnesses?
That's funny, I could have SWORN that Assange was treated the EXACT same way!
Must be coincidence?/s
More #metoo bullshit. Women lie about shit like this. They lie a lot
If they are unstable and paid a lot to lie, as is likely in this situation.
Women lie all the time, it's what they do
I'm afraid you may be associating with the wrong women, Steve.
Yes you’re right! Men don’t lie. Just women. Says the woman hater. 🙄
I'm very sorry to hear you say that you are a woman hater, Cheeky NonGMO. Woman hating is every bit as disgusting and reprehensible as man hating. I have seen some of these irrational woman haters. They want women exterminated and replaced with robot females and womb machines. It is abhorrent. Women are different to men but of equal value.They are not of superior worth to men but neither are they inferior. Seek help. It sounds like you may be a Dem. Work on overcoming the brainwashing from your feminist group involvements. Hating ultimately destroys the hater.
Don't hate men
Don't hate women
Institutional Systemic Racist Sexist Misandry in education and employment is not Affirmative
There's a "gender gap" at the Selective Service Office, sod floor of Arlington, lifespan, and suicide rate of 4x.
You = Racist Sexist Misandrist Hypocrite
The women don't matter at all. Metoo was manipulation that turned into whocares. The women are being used in this scenario too, to silence the first.
Why now? When did that happen? Why so many years afterwards. We getting too close to the actual pedos it seems.
Elsewhere, we must be doing something right, and are exactly over target.
Don't worry Brand, we know it's political!
Actual pedos? Check out economists. Epstein got a lotof his pedo ring associates through economics connections. Economics and the finance and the banking sector are full of pedos. Epstein even recruited female ledos from among economists.
Never trust an economist around kids.
From Stockholm School of Economics: New details have emerged regarding the connections between Jeffrey Epstein and the Female Economist of the Year scholarship.
He IS a P-do. Guilty as hell.
In America the higher standard WAS and should be : Innocent until proven guilty.
You are wrong. He is not a Pedo. He is speaking the truth.
Maybe then "he" is a "she." Shitloads of pedos are females. They've been getting away with it but there's a growing awareness. A lot of females who point the finger at men are kiddie diddlers trying to throw people off the trail.
"We Do Exist”: The Experiences of Women Living with a Sexual Interest in Minors"
That is Biden
"Is there another agenda at play?" Does a bear poop in the woods?
Meanwhile, the President of the United States sniffs the hair and necks of children...
Good Doctor this is what happens in todays world of the MSM.. If you do not tell the narrative or LIES they tell and you tell the TRUTH about those LIES.. Then you get CENSORED to stop that TRUTH from getting out, and only the people who tell their LIES, get put in the so called news and limelight.. If that does not work, they accuse you of a manufactured crime or LIE and just pay off some people they control in one way or the other to accuse you of that crime, to shut up the TRUTH by discrediting you.. If that does not work they delete you.. This is what happens in this world of LIES now, due to the people who control everything have been LIARS since creation.. They all follow the original LIAR.. his whispers are the music they all dance to.. WE have to stand up to it all, because they are truly cowards. WE must stand up for TRUTH.. Its now or never.. We can no longer back up, we must go forward or its over..
looks like the criminal elite are trying to pull a Julian Assange to demonize Brand
they did the same to Trump, didn't they? anything to distract from the truth
fake news media propaganda trying to control the masses
truthers are the new media!
how do you know he's over the target?
"they" target him!
Brand admits to his shady young past, but not this
while Clinton denies ever "having sex with 'that woman' " ))
what a shitshow America and EU has become, mystery Babylon
That's what happens when you go against the machine. No one's buying this.
That's what you think.....sucker.
Oh honey, go take your meds and feed the cats....
Apparatchiks do.
They're statists, long and dishonorable history.
I expected this. Getting too close to the truth.
Men are capable of this behavior but I don’t buy the four anonymous.
Mr Brand left the tribe. The leftist cultists cannot abide by such treason of independent thought and truth telling. It exposes the demons like a dose of holy water.