Kinzinger and the Cheneys and their ilk would like us to believe the kill teams are Iranian but it's obvious that the hit squads are working for Trump's domestic political enemies.

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kaboom, I tend to believe this too...this is so very dangerous if this developing story is true

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YES....certainly obvious

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Hi Lynn. The attempted assassination was a hoax.


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Most likely the case,Awake

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Absolutely right!

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Cartels are cia operatives

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hhhhmmm, there is some truth to that. I always hope on the good side.

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We hope. & I hope he has a missile defense system on his plane.

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Trump has a system as good ,or better than Air Force One.

No hand held SAMis gonna bring it down.

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we pray this is deciphered fast and taken out if as true...this is very troubling

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Sadly their only a tiny part of the intel blob

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Hi Dr Alexander,

It seems this was a hoax

Thanks for sounding the alarm.

Maybe you'll get a chance to warn us before they take us off to fema camps.

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ha ha ha...where is the link?

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issue is I am willing to bet they will move to take out Trump a 3rd time and if not as soon as he is elected...they wont stop until he is dead

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What makes this more true than not is the fact that the CIA. whose job it is to go to where these cartels are, so close to home and get rid of them, never does anything but aid and abet.

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Part of their black ops budget is funded completely with drugs and trafficking traitors border wide open is not a mistake its an op

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Yes !100% !

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Lock the border down and deport ALL illegals. We have done it before and we can do, it again. We should also microchip everyone one of them so when they come back, we can identify them and imprison for life with hard labor each that comes back

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In Pittsburgh, PA last weekend an illegal killed a guy on a motorcycle. No driver's license.

Turns out the illegal was deported in 2019 and snuck back in.

Allegheny County is a sanctuary county and does not cooperate with ICE.

Now ICE has put a detainer on the illegal...and wants to deport him again.

No trial for killing someone by vehicular homicide.

The story was up on the WPXI website this morning then quickly disappeared faster than ice on a hot day.

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Story after story with similar endings, I Thanks for this one. I hadn't heard of it. Hope you're well!😁

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Here's an interview from a couple of days ago with the victim's family.

Young guy...only 23.


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Thank you! Heartbreaking! He/ they walked away and turned himself in the following day???!!!

Absolutely disgusting!

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Things are starting to speed up ,Elusive.

These oafs were just playing with their new toys.

Almost everyone knows you can't take out Trump's armored jet with a SAM

This is style of violence is going to spread, and uptic for a long time ..

Stay safe, and pack some hand grenades!

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Hi Kathleen, I'm glad you are safe!!! Be careful up there

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That accident happened about a 1.5 miles from my house.

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Thanks for your thorough report. :-)

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Hi Lynn, 😃

It's getting a bit crazy, isn't it?

Be careful out there ⚠️

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YES it is! Thanks Darkstar. Very kind of YOU. You and your Family stay safe also. +


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I live in THE border state and have for almost 4 decades, We know the problems illegals cause and their cost to the AMERICAN taxpayers and the Texas taxpayers in particular.

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Very sad! This time around, tho, they're sprinkling them all around the country, so we're learning about your pain. Stay safe!

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More like pouring them around the country.

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"Where there's a will, there's a way." Used to be a saying back in the day.

With these bastards "running things" (into the ground), the only will is to separate us from our money!

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At least you have a plan! DC is complicit

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Because Mayorkas is involved it’s a huge money laundering scheme that’s taking place involving the border being wide open

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cant say it more clearly

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Human trafficking those kids earning all kinds of $$$.

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THIS IS SO DISGUSTING, SO OFFENSIVE ! We've got hell on earth right now. smh

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Nah,Elusive. The chaos is just beginning

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Hi Darkstar! I know!!

I was commenting about those dear souls being trafficked.

I appreciate you reminding me, tho!🙃🙂🙃

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Go look into the border with Ben Bergquam you’ll understand

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marlene- & other topics

marlene-’s Substack

just now

Check this out. I suspect it's another coup coming: "U.S. Marshals Arrest Over 3,400 fugitives in Operation North Star" https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/us-marshals-arrest-over-3400-fugitives-operation-north-star

9/27/24 Press Release Number: 24-1219.

"prioritizing those who used firearms...or signaled high risk factors for violence" They listed only 4 cases of real risk. And 3,396 others? Not born yesterday, I suspect they want gun owners, mostly republicans. Another January 6 violation of our rights is what it smells like

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Check this out. I suspect it's another coup coming: "U.S. Marshals Arrest Over 3,400 fugitives in Operation North Star" https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/us-marshals-arrest-over-3400-fugitives-operation-north-star

9/27/24 Press Release Number: 24-1219.

"prioritizing those who used firearms...or signaled high risk factors for violence" They listed only 4 cases of real risk. And 3,396 others? Not born yesterday, I suspect they want gun owners, mostly republicans. Another January 6 violation of our rights is what it smells like

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If Trumps wins, He has to destroy the cartels in its entirely. Outside borders and inside. And anyone that gets involved

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for sure

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Of course he will. He's said so so many times he's on the "hook" for it.

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But it will be expensive, marline.

If this really was the Sinalola Cartel, this means they aren't going to stop and leave if Trump wins. They will tare this country apart soon after the election

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I think 🤔 all the Trump stuff and P Diddy stuff is all DISTRACTIONS because their agenda about to roll out is the next scamdemic and nifty bio weapon shots to go with it - BE ALERT

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I recently thought that djt should consider staying in "the basement" (so long as they don't know which basement he's in)!

Thank you Dr. Paul!

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yes, but seems there may be a leak re SS and inside his orbit.

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I heard Dan Bongino say that because he's past prez/running for POTUS that he MUST have .SS. (I think I got that correct.) ???

HE NEEDS TO SEPARATE fm them. HE needs reliable trustworthy private security!!!!!!!

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Same. It's absolutely imperative. HIS safety is OUR safety, our future. I truly believe that to be true.

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Hi Elusive 👋 the attack on Trumps jet must have been a hoax.

It is always fun to talk to you.

So,until our next disaster,

Have a great weekend 😀 😊 😎


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Paul you are a warrior. Do not believe for a second that this psy op bull shit story about Iranian kill squads is any different then the scamdemic bull shit story of a deadly virus that we just were put through by the death cult.

There are no foreign hit teams, if there are any kill teams they are composed of our deep evil state scum, like the CIA, FBI, DOD, etc.. This country has already defended into a dictatorship.

We are living with extreme evil calling the shots, everything that takes place is scripted and plotted for maximum suffering and confusion.

Nothing that is said or done by this government of criminals has any truth, its purpose is to spread evil.

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It's ironic because most people in the "know" realize Trump is both a Chabad Zionist as well as being a slave to the Deep State and he could easily be controlled. Who else is after Trump and are we getting the straight poop about these so-called Iranian assassins? Then we hear that the Mexican cartel has shipped ground to air missiles into the country to down Trump's business jet........of course, some 3 letter agency is behind this mess

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Nonsense. Except the part about the three letter agency behind this.

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Jan 20th can't come soon enough!

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for sure

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I read this yesterday but wasn't able to get online.

Anyone with a brain knows it's the current regime of Democrats and Rino's behind this. Also, read a few days sho that Perry Reed said, "wait until President Trump finds out what they've got planned for October". I hate cryptic posts. Some speculation that October will be lock down, being tumbled in Canada, and a bird flu plague. Another person felt we're in for an October surprise on October 7th the anniversary of last year's horrific gaza event, followed by lock down and no election. The person said the chaos would be a blood bath and the imported illegals would rape and murder as many American as possible on behalf of gratitude for being brought here. Of I was betting I'd bet on the latter but pray not.

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Fourtenetly this was a hoax.

It's a good reminder not to grab our go bags and head to the hill without verification.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts Judy!

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FIRST I WOULD CHECK ON THE CIA WAREHOUSES if any missiles are missing or the DOD warehouses would be next. This is an inside job the cabal against Trump and a free society.

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BINGO! I wrote a comment above that laid blame for these cartels coming in on the CIA's deliberate dereliction of duty

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THIS IS TO ME A VERY SUSPICIOUS ACTION BY US MARSHALLS: U.S. Marshals Arrest Over 3,400 fugitives in Operation North Star


9/27/24 Press Release Number: 24-1219.

"prioritizing those who used firearms...or signaled high risk factors for violence" They listed only 4 cases of real risk. And 3,396 others? Not born yesterday, I suspect they want gun owners, mostly republicans. Another January 6 violation of our rights.

Seems Biden's government may have planned another coup BEFORE the election this time, now that support for Trump is through the roof. These killers said they were coming to get Trump and were not only called here by Biden but allowed in, with no US defense action against them planned. Trump might have to do his rallying on screen, as well as accept the nomination on screen. Once the electoral college certifies him, he can fight back. And so should we - now!

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Thanks for that link, marline !

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We need to DEMAND the release of the photo of several members of Congress who are pictured with this terrorist Cartel, as referenced on Gary Franchie’s Channel, The Next News Network.

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And like immediately!

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Agreed, Trump needs to be even more cautious than he is now. Meanwhile, they took Biden out because he could not win. THe current ticket cant win either, so what to do.? Take out the loser, blame it on domestic MAGA someone, declare Martial Law while putting Hilary in as the candidate. She will also not win, so Trump will get elected and then the fireworks start.

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And/or create a situation that they think necessitates instituting martial law, then the obiden faction/monstrosity continues to wreak havoc. End of America as we know it

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The point we all fail to make is that Trump needs US. We're his base, in his time of need, and we can't even get a protest going. If we fail Trump, the Biden criminals win.

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