suddenly while playing sports; parents suing Spanish governments & ministers of health; we MUST investigate in proper courts & judges, if guilty of bribes, imprison & hang doctors & politicians
I'm glad this is getting recognition and that it is only the start of a tidal wave of angry parents against the state. So sad for these families. So many senseless deaths. 😞
The even sadder part is how some people respond. A friend's ex has had their daughter vaxxed to the limit. I gave him a copy of this horrible story. What does she say? Yes, but that's not here. I've printed off multiple articles. Waste of paper and ink.
This global pain and suffering is caused by our government and our military who produced the lethal shots so guess who is responsible Paul?
It is WE THE PEOPLE who have allowed this to horrifying mess stand and continue to allow it with refusal to UNITE with serious purpose…shameful!
This is my general message today Paul regarding UNITY of We the People in a serious Freedom Movement…
I vote the retired special forces Veterans to save us!
Why? Because they understand with great clarity strategic planning and the ART OF WAR!
Why have they not started what needs to be done to stop the insanity visible EVERYWHERE?
Because most Americans still appear as lazy, pampered asses according to people overseas…NOT United in a serious Freedom Movement to crush the head of this most lethal snake destroying America and the entire world!
What is very visible in America right now? ALL the distractors and profiteers who do not give a damn about UNITY of The People which is what your enemy fears most!
This is so incredibly shameful ALL because there is NO UNITY OF AMERICANS WITH SERIOUS PURPOSE as America is about to crash land!
WHAT IS THE GOOD NEWS? Here is the important answer I am posting a lot!
America is on the verge of pure insanity everywhere and…crash landing!
The good news is the solutions are simple…
The only clause in the US Constitution that protects the White House from foreign invasion and occupation is the Natural Born Citizen requirement for the offices President and Vice President. The Constitutional Republic CANNOT be protected without enforcing this critical clause.
There is NO simpler solution to STOP the rapid demise of the USA today, than this ONE critical Constitutional issue and simple solution.
The United States of America cannot be taken over so long as only a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN can be President or Vice President.
Keep up with writer, Lex Greene…click on his name for past critical pieces!
PRAY for Gideon’s Army of 300 (Judges) as I do believe they are alive and well!
Remember the big scandal in Spain 18 months ago when an investigation into terrorism by islamic extremists found that not only islamists were refusing jabs and getting fake vaccination certificates but so too were many prominent people including Spanish Big Pharma boss José María Fernández Sousa-Faro, President of Pharma Mar, an IBEX 35 company, and one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Spain.
I expect José María Fernández Sousa-Faro would be feeling quite vindicated today, seeing what these three bereaved Spanish parents are doing.
Why would a Big Pharma boss have unwilling to take the "safe and effective" shots?
Who has killed more Spanish children, the despicable islamic terrorists or the Spanish government that mandated the shots?
Once the dam wall breaks and the malfeasance, culpable negligence or corruption of officials and politicians is proven and they are hauled before courts or tribunals in one country, the dominoes will fall and it will happen in other countries too.
There will be only one penalty that the the newly enlightened bereaved and injured will think fits the officials' and politicians' crimes.
Many questions remain over the false Covid-19 vaccination certificates bought by stars, sports personalities and business leaders
Love them or hate them, the people who will bring down this racket will be personal injury and trial lawyers. The amount of possible payout and self-interest make a powerful combination.
I'm glad this is getting recognition and that it is only the start of a tidal wave of angry parents against the state. So sad for these families. So many senseless deaths. 😞
The even sadder part is how some people respond. A friend's ex has had their daughter vaxxed to the limit. I gave him a copy of this horrible story. What does she say? Yes, but that's not here. I've printed off multiple articles. Waste of paper and ink.
I think it's cognitive dissonance. They are unwilling or unable to face distressing evidence.
Yeah, really sad.
How many sudden deaths will it take for the broader public to understand??
As long as they haven't run out of excuses and/or family members and/ or friends, they'll keep doing what they're doing.
Hang them!
I think that’s Exactly.. what’s going to happen to The Doctors and Scientists.. that orchestrated this.
Yes they will hang at Gitmo for treason...
Absolutely but according to military law they can be hanged for treason which includes murder.
And Crimes Against Humanity
All so devastating for these families!
This global pain and suffering is caused by our government and our military who produced the lethal shots so guess who is responsible Paul?
It is WE THE PEOPLE who have allowed this to horrifying mess stand and continue to allow it with refusal to UNITE with serious purpose…shameful!
This is my general message today Paul regarding UNITY of We the People in a serious Freedom Movement…
I vote the retired special forces Veterans to save us!
Why? Because they understand with great clarity strategic planning and the ART OF WAR!
Why have they not started what needs to be done to stop the insanity visible EVERYWHERE?
Because most Americans still appear as lazy, pampered asses according to people overseas…NOT United in a serious Freedom Movement to crush the head of this most lethal snake destroying America and the entire world!
What is very visible in America right now? ALL the distractors and profiteers who do not give a damn about UNITY of The People which is what your enemy fears most!
This is so incredibly shameful ALL because there is NO UNITY OF AMERICANS WITH SERIOUS PURPOSE as America is about to crash land!
WHAT IS THE GOOD NEWS? Here is the important answer I am posting a lot!
America is on the verge of pure insanity everywhere and…crash landing!
The good news is the solutions are simple…
The only clause in the US Constitution that protects the White House from foreign invasion and occupation is the Natural Born Citizen requirement for the offices President and Vice President. The Constitutional Republic CANNOT be protected without enforcing this critical clause.
There is NO simpler solution to STOP the rapid demise of the USA today, than this ONE critical Constitutional issue and simple solution.
The United States of America cannot be taken over so long as only a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN can be President or Vice President.
Keep up with writer, Lex Greene…click on his name for past critical pieces!
PRAY for Gideon’s Army of 300 (Judges) as I do believe they are alive and well!
Remember the big scandal in Spain 18 months ago when an investigation into terrorism by islamic extremists found that not only islamists were refusing jabs and getting fake vaccination certificates but so too were many prominent people including Spanish Big Pharma boss José María Fernández Sousa-Faro, President of Pharma Mar, an IBEX 35 company, and one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Spain.
I expect José María Fernández Sousa-Faro would be feeling quite vindicated today, seeing what these three bereaved Spanish parents are doing.
Why would a Big Pharma boss have unwilling to take the "safe and effective" shots?
Who has killed more Spanish children, the despicable islamic terrorists or the Spanish government that mandated the shots?
Once the dam wall breaks and the malfeasance, culpable negligence or corruption of officials and politicians is proven and they are hauled before courts or tribunals in one country, the dominoes will fall and it will happen in other countries too.
There will be only one penalty that the the newly enlightened bereaved and injured will think fits the officials' and politicians' crimes.
Many questions remain over the false Covid-19 vaccination certificates bought by stars, sports personalities and business leaders
Love them or hate them, the people who will bring down this racket will be personal injury and trial lawyers. The amount of possible payout and self-interest make a powerful combination.
Truly many need very harsh sentences......
Water boarding at Gitmo is not harsh enough.
The guilty need punishment....the arrogant scum need to be dealt with! Yes in a court of law and then..........
Would have loved to share this in my The War On The Child series, but I won't due to counterproductive statements in the subtitle. Cheers.
You find hanging of mass murderers too lenient or too severe?
And they're not alone.