As i'm probably repeating myself, a friend of mine who had been working in a big obsg clinic in Montreal and her team could barely put down the phone during the roll out period: stories of stillborns (it was a super rare occurence before), miscarriages galore, women giving birth with complications, like hémorragea, and then the menauposal women crying out for help for bleeding, even happening to a couple of ladies in their 80s. Yep. a doctor in disbelief said to my friend, sounding desperate: "I've never had that many (feminine) cancers sprouting up like this in my entire career!" . Also My aunt has cervical cancer at 84. Babies taking forever to thrive also. A doctor at the clinic fired my friend for refusal of the jab (she has dangerous allergies to medication) after 19 years of good work. This same doctor died of a rare and rapidly evolving blood cancer not even a year later.

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Thanks for sharing such a valuable report from your friend who was a first-hand witness to this ongoing crime. It seems to have been much worse than many of us are aware.

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I have no idea how these sad events went under the radar. No one sounded the alarm. from fear of reprisal? deafening silence. My friend now works from home for a blood test laboratory. She's hearing every day from patients: "those G.. damn shots... I was fine before getting them...". Many need to say it out loud...

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What spooks me is that we are not yet three years into this shit-storm. What awaits? The death/injury rates just INCREASE with each passing day.

My God! What have we done?

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What have THEY done? To us.

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You are right.

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I have autoimmune issues and not jabbed. I had bleeding in menopause 2 days after my elderly family took them and had a fall from wild blood pressure swings.

( I am shocked at the idiots on twitter/x, I mentioned it on Naomi Wolf post. People were telling me I was lying or crazy, etc. they have a mind virus, unable to think critically! )

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Neurodegenerative symptoms from jab. See Dr. Makis substack

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& I had an injury from booster shots for work in 2001. I ironically was working in an autistic classroom. On disability since 2003, in the prime of my life. Thankfully I see an integrative medicine doctor the last few years. I felt like it was a biblical Job test & thankful to still be alive.

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He’s wonderful, thanks.

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Is covid electronic warfare creating sickness in vivo? Is it?!


(ARRC) Seminar Series - Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz (DARPA) - "Covid mRNA Vaccines Are Nothing More Than Bio-Nano Machines" - Graphene-based Plasmonic Nano-Antenna for Terahertz Band Communication in Nanonetworks



Origional Webinar: https://youtu.be/YAtQFkEg5-w

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Thanks for sharing

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At least they called them “Women” and not “People” 🤣 I do personally know 2 people this happened to but from shedding. They’re both unjabbed but were in close proximity to recently vaccinated people.

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That happened to me. I was in menopause, more than a year no period. Healthy. I didn’t take the jab. I spent several hours in my car with female family member who had jab within days of our day trip. I bled for 2-3 days afterwards!!! My holistic doctor was concerned and has had me checked 2times via an intra vaginal ultrasound in a year and wants me checked again to be sure no cancer. So far that was my only symptoms & no concern for cancer. Thank God!!

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You personally know 2 people this happened to...or 2 women? :-)

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So to be clear, I also had several days of medium to light bleeding which I was positive from day one came from shedding of a newly jabbed person to me by being in a car for a day trip.

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My friend age 54 who was postmenopausal began bleeding after her second shot. This thing is real.

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I am post menopausal...many years. My husband got vaxxed, I am not and i had bleeding for 3 months. Like a period every 2 or 3 weeks with cramps

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Good for you. Dr. McCullough has treatments for the jab injured

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It is written,

They will go down in infamy.

Collecting names. It is also written:


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This was boys and one girl . Young healthy people .

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I know four mid 20s bleeding out of their rectums .This wasn’t a small amount of blood described as cups of blood .

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