The wonderful Tesa Lena (on substack today) suggested wokepox. Seems appropriate.


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I don't get it. Does the name Monkeypox stigmatizes the monkeys?

Chickenpox, Avian flu, Spanish flu...

I guess the real intentions are what you are saying. The stigma thing cannot be more stupid

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If the WHO insists upon changing the name, I would go for "Bidenaire's Disease."

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they are so inept my goodness, and to think that they are planning on running the world!!!!

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I subscribe to MedPage to see what new propaganda they are pushing. I also look to the comments section - which no longer lets 'non-medical' comment - to see if there is a shift in the medical sphere consciousness. Sometimes I am hopeful by the comments, but many times not. Today MedPage referenced how they are renaming renaming Monkey Pox to avoid racism. What in the world are they referring to? Are we back in the Darwin time where there was a thought that certain races were closer to monkeys? Like CRT and Eugenics, when you peel away the veneer, you see who the real racists are. https://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/covid19/99238?xid=nl_covidupdate_2022-06-15&eun=g1760251d0r&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=DailyUpdate_061522&utm_term=NL_Gen_Int_Daily_News_Update_active. As a side note, in the article on increase in abortions in 2020, someone commented that the falling black birth rate may be linked to abortions. Someone commented that the conclusion is racist. How is that racist? When black ministers decried the number of abortion clinics in their area, I thought they were crazy. I then learned about Eugenics in the early 20th century and realized they weren't crazy to make this assumption, I was just closed minded to think they were wrong.

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How about some honesty - just call it Moneypox.

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......... just a thought........... when a blue piller gives you all the "dire" news and more - expecting you to drop your red pill......... just gasp and say "When are they going to stop treating us like we're all bloody idiots? Pretty sure most people are a wake up to their games by now" Then ....just silence....... let that sink in......... maybe at least you'll make a purple pill

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Their cover is blown yet they still persist on the same path.their reputation is shot.they have lost all credibility. I quess their the last to know or accept it.

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Name change is standard practice to erase history & derail searches.. Blackwater - Xe - Academe comes to mind as an example of rebranding benefits, also a reminder we are ruled by criminals who produce nothing but death and destruction.

March 2007 Jeremy Scahill Goes Inside Blackwater, the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army

According to the Government Accountability Office, 48,000 employees of private mercenary firms are operating in Iraq alone. Those are the ones that are being tracked, and the tracking is very loose. I believe the number is much higher. Some people have estimated that as many as 70,000 private armed forces are operating in Iraq, not including the Iraqi militias. Blackwater has been paid $750 million by the State Department alone since the summer of 2004 to guard senior U.S. officials in Iraq, and, to a lesser extent, in Afghanistan. They are really the Praetorian Guard of the occupation in Iraq. This is an incredible revolution in the waging of U.S. wars.


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