If the American military can't keep its own criminal defendants in custody, how well will they defend the occupied South Korea?

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Maybe he had PTSD from some atrocity he was forced to participate in....who knows except to say the media is most likely leaving out a large portion of the truth. Thank-you for this post.

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Don’t discount hormones or taking steroids. The fact is that taking these drugs cause people to do things out of normal character.

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The only news the media gets out of occupied territory like South Korea is always that which supports the official narrative.

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It’s disconcerting that his military escort lost him.

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How safe does that make the American nuclear weapons on loan to South Korea?

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Just another CIA operative for distraction or to be involved with hurting the USA.

Probably will help Dems with bringing in great reset or help whack trump. Lol.

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And this guy thought North Korea would be a good place to escape justice?

Seems to have some sort of impulse control disorder.

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Parents once sent their young men into the military “to make a man” of them. Our military use to put the family number one. Martial affairs could get you in serious trouble. In Biden’s military, men with mental illness can now enlist. Gender illness will be used to take a man and make a woman of him. Only in his mind. Reality is you can’t change your sex. You will be a freak. Neither male or female. Absent of any ability for sexual pleasure. Cutting off penis and clitoris removes your God given ability to connect to another sexually. Try stimulating something that is no longer there????? Absent ability for the reason God made male and female, procreation. You place someone with mental illness into a situation of asexual and are not troubled by our healthy young male and females in uniform???

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Sounds like he went to the right place. They'll straighten his butt out for sure, even if it kills him.

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Embedded, dysfunctional chip seems a reasonable proposition.

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