Wow! Great speech! So inspiring! Thank you Dr. Paul Alexander for standing tall for all of us Around the world :-)

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What an inspiring speech by Brian Peckford. In a normal sane world the media would have not only showed his speech but would have interviewed him. But this is not a normal world. It's a covid world, a world where rights and freedoms are systematically being removed. Democracy is a fragile thing and if we don't reclaim our rights soon we face the possibility of losing them forever.

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He is such a great and compelling orator. Why? His sense of justice and decency shines through

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His point about us being all individuals and hence individual rights are so important. Imagine having a non-drinking dictator who imposes prohibitive taxes on alcohol!

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Hi Paul! I tried email you through the group we are both in, but did not hear back and I know from your posts in it you are in the ground in Canada. Briefly, I realized what is currently happening with the COVID mandates and protests is nearly identical to what happened 135 years ago with the smallpox vaccine campaigns. The vaccine was dangerous and ineffective, and elites failed the people for decades with horrendous mandates until the workers were the ones who joined together in mass protest and finally ended both the mandates and then smallpox. There are a lot of crucial lessons from this struggle I feel are essential to bring to the Truckers now. Could you take a look at this and bring it to their awareness? Please let me know if you got this. Apologies in advance for flooding your comments with this.

Kirsch has an abridged version: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/what-we-can-learn-from-the-smallpox

I wrote a longer version: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/the-smallpox-pandemic-response-was

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I am so inspired by these heroes ! Thanks for sharing dr alexander !!

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Dr Alexander, Please read new substack: A midwestern Dr. He would like to get information to the truckers et all about the horrific smallpox vaccine mandates in the 1800s and the protests that were eventually able to end them.

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A voice that cannot be ignored or cancelled.

I'm so glad he's here to defend our rights, freedom, and democracy.

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Boy it was cold 🥶 out there! Dr Hodgkinson looked quite robust under his PPC beanie, https://twitter.com/MaximeBernier/status/1492901995866431497?s=20

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I’ve had the incredible honour to hear him speak three times here in Victoria! He is a hero and I love him.

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