There are 50 million suspects, the customers of UnitedHealthcare.

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Patrick I think there may be underhanded things going on with practices of some of these agencies that we as customers will never see because we are not privy to that level of information. It's the hidden things that clever people do not want revealed. Don't assume that UHC customers are responsible for this man's death. These CEO'S make a LOT of money. Maybe he found something that he was going to go public with or that he knew too much about! Just saying!

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I think so, the imminence of the take down...he had to be silenced.

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I think it was staged, on purpose for all to see. This is a message to all the would be snitches, “Don’t even think of going public, or else!” Or he was blackmailing the cabal. No one blackmails the blackmailers, ever.

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I think you nailed it Daphne.

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Sure, could be. My point is that US healthcare is corrupt from top to bottom and a lot of Americans are very pissed off about it.

America spends twice as much per person as Switzerland, which is next in spending, and America gets much worse results. Where is all that money going?

So I can imagine one of the millions of people whose insurance claim was denied has decided that the government is never going to do its primary job and impose justice because the government is completely owned by the same oligopolies which are fleecing the public daily.

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Patrick, yes US healthcare is corrupt from top to bottom and I can appreciate your logic, but that's not the way it works. Disgruntled customers don't do what that hitter did. That was a scheduled hit job. He probably was going to say something that would have incriminated the "wrong" person(s). (Daphne Jones comment above sounds correct to me.)

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i doubt it was a hit. Those are usually done in secret where no one knows where the bullet came from. No, I stick to my idea it was an Eye for an Eye hit from a overwhelmed, suffering man from a loss of someone CLOSE.

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Perhaps Kent. Maybe we'll find out someday. Most of the time it's difficult to tell. More than likely they'll go with the story that it was it disgruntled consumer, in which case the actual shooter will be protected if it was a professional hit.

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Patrick I have to address your statement that ALL HEALTHCARE IS CORRUPT because I know plenty of people who are not corrupt, including myself. There are plenty of dedicated healthcare professionals who are not and who are dedicated down to the bone to help people heal. DONT THROW THE BABY OUT WITH THE BATH WATER.

You are forgiven!

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OK, almost all.

Everyone who recommended the death jab is part of the problem and can never be trusted again.

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I disagree. Where were you when it was TIME to protest the vaxs? I stood on corners in my city with others with signs that tried to discourage people from taking the shots. In our city we had hundreds of street corner protests. Where were you, still earning your $90K a year salary?

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Personally, I was on those corners with other freedom-loving people. My wife still has my "Freedom is Essential" sign up in our house.

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You got it, bro! They NEVER post the atrocities that these filthy criminals inflict on hard-working Americans. Many of them DESERVE to be 'eliminated', for the good of society.

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Yes. Getting a claim paid from them is almost impossible. I switched because of that. Maybe someone else said Eff It, no more claim forms for you United CEO!

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Agreed! They are the worst health care insurance company we have dealt with for my dad. We switched him real fast!

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I have been in the medical, insurance and banking professions for 30 years, first in nursing school and then into Risk Management; I can assure you that all three of these professions in all levels, work together to perpetrate fraud and death on their insureds. They were started by the crooks and continue to be run by crooks. I was literally cut off because I wouldn’t go along with their illicit practices for pushing their products on the consumers and believe me, they will do anything to shut you up and ruin your life. I Walked away 15 years ago but I pay close attention to what illegal activities they incorporated during the plandemic, and it sickened me to see how they brainwash people.

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I love this...'.I have been in the medical, insurance and banking professions for 30 years, first in nursing school and then into Risk Management; I can assure you that all three of these professions in all levels, work together to perpetrate fraud and death on their insureds. '

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does not mean any such is right to take life....but we as people live the fraud...you cant even get a doctor now...

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cant even afford the insurance...we want Obamacare done

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excellent line "They were started by the crooks and continue to be run by crooks. I was literally cut off because I wouldn’t go along with their illicit practices for pushing their products on the consumers and believe me, they will do anything to shut you up and ruin your life. "

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i have questioned many of the bad choices offered me which is why im still around--we must burn k street to the ground with the vermio in. it

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I'm not sure if vigilantes arent called for now since our judges are spineless or bribed decadent enforcers of the laws and will not mete out the punishments needed. Look what that fly speck Biden is trying to do with his pardons?

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i have a funny hunch someone did just that this morning in ny

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I imagine you know of Wendell Potter, a higher up in Cigna who walked away from a 7 figure position when he had a wake up call about the harm he was causing in the name of the company. Your story as his and all the others who quit jobs for ethical reasons needs much greater publicity to inform the public. We only get the rah, rah narratives designed to suck in the public creating co-dependency on these insurance plans. My personal take is do away with all such insurances and that will make people turn inward to take responsibility for themselves and how to build health instead of trusting in toxic drugs.

The insurance corporations are in cahoots with the pharma corporations to sell drugs and surgery for profit. This is a disease centered system that needs sickness for profit. Capitalism is the root cause that needs to be undone. We do have choices.

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THANK YOU MS GRAY, many of us out here in the fields have sensed that many of our fellow Americans are extraordinarily complicit in the vax crimes. I for one will take a long time to feel 'comfortable' around anyone in the med or pharmacy profession.

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There is only so many people you can screw over before someone snaps and screws him back for good

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I was thinking more along the lines that he got axed not because he was going to be a whistleblower if any kind but because he or a family member was denied some kind of care due to their illicit practices during the whole psyop koh-v i d 19-84 event.

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Tons of people who died alone, murdered in awful ways left to die in their own feces. Many unvaccinated people who weren’t treated or died from malpractice if they did get in. My own sister was killed because she was unvaccinated. They didn’t feed her for an entire month. She went in with Lyme’s and died from malnutrition. Even if she made it, she was on a list to get a second kidney after her first kidney failed after over 15 years when she needed a blood transfusion and then her body rejected the first kidney. Because she refused the jab, they took her off the transplant list. Her husband was in the same hospital, at the same time and was unvaccinated. He needed to possibly have a lung transplant and they refused to even start a conversation, a CONVERSATION, about transplantation to discuss if he was even eligible until he was jabbed. He then got the whole low platelet side effect and ended up dying after the jab. This was two years ago and I’m still so upset about losing my sister, my best friend.

There are millions of people with stories like mine. Millions of people who could have lost loved ones who feel life isn’t worth living without them and could have been screwed over by the same group he was CEO of. It’s not that far of a reach.

IF he was a good guy and had ideas about “fixing” the system, then shutting him up and making an example fits. But don’t discount anyone losing their sanity after what those murderers, who committed crimes against humanity, did to destroy families.

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Well it's one or the other. I'm thinking it had to be an inside job so maybe he was going to be a whistle-blower because someone knew his itinerary. How would someone on the outside know his schedule? Unless he knew someone who worked on the inside but he wasn't too professional.

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Paying only 10k for information leading to arrest/prosecution is peanuts for this high ranking individual. Put the reward up to 100k and you'll more likely get some action.

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He did something that pissed off someone important. This "calling card" was left for the others not following instructions. Not a disgruntled customer, though every insurance company has many.

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I appreciate that thinking. this is one of the largest such companies in USA

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what happened here cannot be overlooked

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this is a pro hit but the perp got away on a rented electric bike. those things are loaded with surveillance tech and nyc (central park and midtown notably) are crawling with spycams

if this guy escapes that would be a real achievement

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Could be that all 2500 spycams were non-functional just like Epstein's cellblock with all the cameras not working. Yeah, sure.

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New York SHITty...er I meant city or did I? I would not piss in their cleanest sewer in that SHITty. Hellhole. The anti Semites would call that place "Jew York" but I wonder if there are many Jewish people there?

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I agree, NYC is a shithole and its inhabitants are deserving of the place they've built. I look for more high-profile assassinations in the medical and banking industry where thievery runs wild.

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Obviously you don't know much about the ethnic backgrounds of people living in that area.

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I know enough to understand there are wingnuts in big SHITties in western nations anywhere and everywhere that only understand violence in return for their violence.

I was stopped by a deputy on a return trip to the USA a few years ago and as usual he asked me to sit in his cruiser. He asked questions I was happy to answer and after answering a question about inner SHITty areas I was in such as those in Memphis he looked at me as if I were crazy and then said Edward, you need a firearm to go to such places. I was surprised because the OPP pigs and bureaucraps/courts up here in Canuckistan make up lies and tales in attempts to slander/defame anyone who is not a CYSTem ball cupper kissing the asses of CYSTem dweebs. The cooperative efforts of a delusional head case bureauCRAP over two decades harassing me by way of the OPP pigs taught me to hate and disrespect pigs of the OPP. It did not help my attitude when I read about an OPP pig who raped a drunken woman and was paid four years salary amounting to about 400 thousand dollars.

I explained to him law enforcement in Canuckistan are criminals and liars, and wholesale pos in contrast to the Sheriffs departments and State Troopers in the USA. He declined to ticket me and I warned him about the flashing green light on my side tape recorder clipped on the sun visor. I told him he better erase that. He said no, the boys at the HQ are going to be pleased to listen to all I had said.

I have pulled into inner SHITty areas after midnight and clambered into my camper fully aware of the creeps and criminals in such areas and the ethnic backgrounds I well know. Save your judgmental arrogant ignorance for others because I am not interested in your BS and have had enough experience to well know the character of different races and people. I am still alive and well after at least three dozen trips to the USA coast to coast north/south/east and west for a month every year. Tell me if you can where and who the most dangerous people are and why.

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For it to be so brazen, it was done so to send a message. The message is if you think you are going to bring down the house of cards, the house of cards is crashing on you first. I wonder how many in positions of power are NOT surprised by this.

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same thought I had

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B & H C💯don’t ya think?

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can you flesh out?

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ok, I think I deciphered it

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I am not too smart at times

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I disagree DR Paul, you are too smart. I follow many in Substack and you are relentless with information on a daily basis that is important. I thank you for your service

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💯sure he wasn’t on Santa’s list-

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He and other executives were caught with insider trading, sold 117 million of their stock during the federal probe (and investors were not notified). And he gets shot at an investor conference. UHC stock jumped up after he was murdered. Nancy Pelosi bought Palo Alto stock right before UHC announced their recent security breach. Palo Alto is a cybersecurity company that partnered with UHC to secure their systems after a cyberattack. UHC is currently in the middle of a federal investigation with the US DOJ. The plot thickens.....

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Good catch Ms Counts, I think you scored a hit

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That guy standing there looks really short. Couldn't be more than about 5'6" tall imo. I don't know what to think about this... maybe they killed his mom or something...just guessing.

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It’s cold in NY at 6am, so the black ski mask wouldn’t raise an eyebrow (plus not many people on the street at that hour to see him, and it was still dark out). Thompson must have made himself quite a few enemies given the information in this article - could have been a disgruntled insured, disgruntled investor or disgruntled employee (I tend to think one of the latter two as the shooter obviously had inside information to know he was going to be at that location at that time) - https://l.smartnews.com/p-14mXXOb/ssth4x

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The evil ones are sending a message to potential whistle blowers to keep their mouths shut………

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This is what can happen when you put profit over human life. The suspect may not have liked the vague answers to the person's policy. It could have been that he was sleeping with someone else's wife. It could of been a swinger relationship that turned sour. It could be a disgruntled employee instead of a pension and benefits fired, so you don't have to pay a pension. A neighbor could be upset that something is on another property line. It could have been a Scrabble game, and he cheated. It could be that he didn't like the way he looked. The girlfriend wanted him dead because he didn't leave his wife and wanted all the assets. He didn't pay his bill on time to a loan shark. Perhaps the bonus payment from CMS wasn't enough for him, or the government kickback wasn't enough to kill him, not to pay him. A mother was denied access to a high-risk pregnancy, and the mother and unborn child both died. A beneficiary of a will didn't wish to share, so he was bumped off to get the whole thing. He knew too much about the scamdemic and was killed to keep him from talking at the conference. Silence him so as not to speak at the conference, whatever it was. It could have been money and or drug laundering, and things went wrong. It could be medicare/medicare fraud knew too much. Chase Bank people are added in as authorized users to get people's bank accounts; perhaps he was tied into the scam.

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Thanks for making the situation even more murky but you've made some good points that now I'm forced to consider.

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Saw this a couple hours ago. Prayers for his family and friends. Sadly, we all have a Bulls Eye on our backs one way or another. Pure Evil. The power of Prayer ~ Amen

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Every American who is sick. will continue to be sick for a long time, was in the middle of an insurance paid therapy and medication regimen, and everyone else needing medical care but did not have the money to pay for it was dropped from health insurance. Poor people, seniors who social security was never enough to pay for healthcare, and others found themselves in pain, in fear, and in confusion, leaving them without any alternatives go medical care. And worse, doctors and dentists raised their fees to 4 or more times higher than they were. The anger is palpable. The fear is debilitating. So someone took action and many wish they had. The Biden administration is the worst thing that ever happened to this country. At a time when globalists were getting stronger and more brazen in their attacks, Biden did nothing. And now, most people are left with nothing. It's a terrible thing to happen to a first-world country. The only light shining, though not a panacea for everything in a short time, is President-elect Trump. I trust that his plans inclued first and foremost, fixing the damn economy! Right off the top we'll at least save $150 billion when illegals are sent home.

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