Hunka's SS division murdered Poles as well as Jews. Many of the SS found safe refuge in Canada. Russia faces Nazis on both its east and its west. The Poles are now outraged about what Canada has done. Canada's name on the world stage is now mud. Canadians historically have been so proud to not be Americans when travelling internationally. That will all change. Note the silence of Germany, big time backer of Ukraine, about what the CanadaNazis have done. Now that the role of Ukranians and Ukranian Canadians in the SS has come into focus, it's obvious why Germany is backing Ukraine. Germany is preparing to restore the Third Reich. This is the real issue. Trudeau must resign and call an election. It's Orwellian doublespeak to brand libertarians as neoNazis. FJT!

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NOBODY, looking objectively at the fallout, and subsequent takeover of the world by corrupt jews, would say the USA did good by helping Stalin, defeat and destroy Germany. There would be no Western debt. No Western trannies. No Western LGBTQ+. No Western decline and atrophy. No open borders. We would still be safe, productive, white nations. No CONVID, Hitler was violently opposed to mass vaccinations. No 9/11, as Israel would not be leading The West around, by their atrophied testicles.


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I certainly will never forget and never forgive the senseless school yard style name calling by Trudeau.This behavior of an enraged spoiled child that was not getting his way only served to make me totally disrespect him as a person and actually see him as an uninformed malevolent ignoramus.

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Wow. So now everyone who wants medical freedom is a NAZI.

Inversion much?

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The 98 year old Ukrainian Waffen SS soldier joined Hitler, to defeat and expel the USSR. In 1932 and 1933, those Russians starved 11 M Ukrainian Kulaks to death. they took all their food, and told them they would be killed if they ate their own wheat. Kogonovitch, a jew, led this program. The Kulaks were devout, Orthodox Christians. Starved to death by the same jews, who would later dream up a fake "Holocaust." Zelensky, has banned churches in Ukraine. He is a not a "neo-nazi." He is a Communist, rootless, jew.

If you want to hear the truth, from a brave Canadian soldier, a man you should admire, not Laura Loomer, then begin this about 1 minute in. Learn something...


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You use terms, defined by jews, the most expelled people in human history, and the creators and implementers of Communism. Which ideology opposed Communism? Which man fought their heroes, Stalin and Trostsky (Bronstein)? The NSDAP, and National Socialism, opposed the communist takeover of Germany, which was nearly complete by 1929. Wiemar Germany looked a lot like 2020 Canada and the USA. It was the jews then, it is the jews now. And you hurl insults, and conflate terms, because either your mind has been steeped in these lies since your birth, or because you would sell your soul for some shekels.

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Is an epidemiologist a doctor?

Not necessarily. While they study disease, epidemiologists aren’t responsible for treating it in an individual. Instead, they play a more high-level role by using their research to inform public health policy.

Why is epidemiology important to public health?

The information gathered by epidemiologists is crucial for influencing public health practice and interventions. For example, epidemiologists have played a vital role in understanding the transmission of Covid-19 and advising governments around the world on how to prevent its spread.

Hmm - how refreshing. An epidemiologist is NOT a doctor and he/she tells Trump or Biden, for example, how to stop Covid spread - I have been doing that with my free salt water cure since 2019, now verified by the University of Alberta and our leader Steve Kirsch as working and doing the job

I have a degree in being sarcastic and questioning everything and everybody when their advice does not ring true to me and I wonder what their concealed bottom line is

Women's studies - Yes, but not the way you think

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I forgot to mention, like asking people to join their substack and pay the free - my substack is free, it always has been, why should I pay a fee to someone else's, when they don't pay one to read or comment on mine?

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Did Trudeau steal the election?

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Well, we all know that Trudeau is the worlds' greatest hypocrite.

That being said, what choice do canucks have politically?

WEF led Liberal Party of Canada

WEF led New Democratic Party of Canada

WEF led Conservative Party of Canada...and the only other party, the PPC, can't get 2% of the vote or 2 seconds of air time on national TV.

Well folks...WEXIT will work.

The west doesn't need the east...it's the other way around and they know it.

Keep the corruption local. WEXIT WEXIT WEXIT WEXIT WEXIT

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I Think That It Is Great

That The Vaccinated Care So Much.

They Care So Much About Other People.

- Not For Those That Are Dying From The Shots.


They Care So Much

As To Be Willing To Die

To Prove The UnVaccinated Were Right.


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According to a female Canadian Parliament member, truckers honking their horns twice meant "Heil Hitler"!..

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If Hitler had won, the jews flooding America and Canada with the 3rd world dregs of the Earth, would not be. The jews turning our women in to whores, and our kids in to trannies, would not be. The jews raping us financially, and sending our young men off to wars for Israel, would not be.

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"Behold! I will make of them of the synagogue of Satan, which SAY THEY ARE JEWS, AND ARE NOT, BUT DO LIE, Behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

Revelation 3:9

So, drop the pro-Hitler/3rd /4th Reich bullshit friendo.

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Drop your jew apologist bullshit, and Talmudic/Kabbalistic lust. \o

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I don't like you at all friendo. Are you currently in the KKK?

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Your inability to see patterns matters not to me. I don't hate you; however, words like loathing, disgust and revile come to mind.

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The Asov brigade in Ukraine are Nazis MSM and politicians are claiming Putin is a liar. This is the group that NATO and the US have been arming and training and helping build a new Nazi army. Since Obama helped overthrow the legitimately elected govt in 2014. And and responsible for the hero was a Nazi in WW 11. And responsible for the Babi Yah mass murder.

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The Azov Battalion was funded by a billionaire, jewish oligarch, named Kolmoisky. The Ukrainian people were brutally murdered, starved and repressed by jewish Bolsheviks from Russia after being occupied in the 1920's. Unfortunately, Azov is not anti-jewish, as their corrupt jewish leader, Zelensky, bans Christian churches, and conscripts children and old men to go off and die, as he counts the billions he steals from us.

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Agree. If you want to know your enemy, just find out whom you can not criticize.

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Thank you andia. It is surreal how weak, pathetic and corrupt many so called "conservatives" are. We know Leftists are trash, but I find my resolve slipping when i see how many on the supposedly right side of truth, are mere enablers, and even protectors of evil. I feel war is imminent, and nothing would please me more.

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I am a Albertan I am so pissed off at this government who is to stupid to know well he knew and all liberals especially Trudeau should be kicked out he calls us names and look what this waste of skins says and does I never voted for this disgusting human being he is not my priminister he cant ven show his face in parliment I hate him

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Thanks for posting the comments of Dr. Byram Bridle...I wish I would have read them before I sent the nasty letter to Trudeau five minutes ago... it would have been even nastier. Trudeau is an unmitigated loser, Scwabbs water boy. We did not elect Schwabb...why is he governing our country? Trudeau and Freeland should be up on treason charges, should they not?

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Yes, the nazis are those self proclaiming "honorables" who applauded an old war criminal of SS 1 Division Galicien in Canadian Parliament, including so called conservatives from CCP with Poilivre at the helm. If Maxime Bernier was the MP he would show them middle finger and act as true conservative and patriot.

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Dr. Kevin McKernan, the brilliant discoverer of DNA plasmid contamination in mRNA jabs, and the man who sequenced the genome of the psylocybin-containing.magic mushroom known as "Penis Envy" reports on a bew viral pandemic causing great consternation.

The cannabis field is experiencing its own pandemic related to a plant viroid that jumped from Hop (Humulus lupulus) to its close cousin Cannabis sativa. When and how this occurred is unknown but since the viroid sequence in Hop and Cannabis are identical it’s assumed it was a fairly recent introduction." 

Hop Latent⁷ Viroid detection in leafhoppers (Nephotettix cincticeps) feeding on Cannabis sativa sap. Kevin McKernan and Collin Palmer


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We are all living in surreality.

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