Well, thank you. I know they don't work and are harmful, but people are so confused by the biased and flat our fraudulent studies, that when I try to tell them that - the mask wearers - they don't believe me. I'll refer them to this.
it’s so frustrating, isn’t it? why can we see it so clearly and others-a of whom are really intelligent - are completely in the dark z? it’s a mystery, that’s for sure!
Influencers on your side of the shot issue have been cherry picking studies that support a certain narrative. Influencers on the other side have been cherry picking studies that support the opposite narrative. Neither has presented both or other viewpoints. So, this has split followers into two silos with each group believing they're the smart ones and the other group is in the dark.
I've known masks don't work since early 2020 by reading history. I also know mask wearers greatly fear the allegedly mutating bug. They don't know how to protect themselves. They may never listen to the side that has spent three years shunning and vilifying the injured from the spread and shed versions of the agent as well as claiming these are a flu/cold/hoax and other false info.
-- Scenario #1: Supposedly, this fully vaxxed woman died within hours of being infected.
Other cases I've been following have been similar in which something else occurs sometime after receiving the shot that triggers death. It's not happening in all jabbed just some. Both sides have been watching the sudden deaths with one blaming the COVID shots and the other blaming a bug. What's your side's solution for protection if you want to remove their security blanket (masks)? I don't need to know. The ones you're trying to convince do.
-- Scenario #2: There have been outbreaks of respiratory infections in vaxxed and nonvaxxed in different countries being diagnosed with different labels. Some people have said theirs have been back-to-back for a few months. UK health officials instructed their doctors not to test minors. Supposedly, Strep A has killed seven children under 13 in the past two months in the UK. That's more than happened for this demo in an entire year before the "pandemic" in the US whose population is almost 5x larger. UK children have been suffering near death experiences allegedly from scarlet fever. Their symptoms don't even look like that disease. Nonvaxxed Brazilian Pres. Bolsonaro allegedly has been afflicted with Erysipelas.
A lot on the other side think the outbreaks of serious viral and bacterial infections have been happening because infections from the allegedly mutating bug have been damaging immune systems. What's your side's solution for protection if you want to remove their security blanket (masks)? Again, I don't need to know. The ones you're trying to convince do.
Surest sign that it became an irrational belief system, no different from a religion or cult. The fact that you're trying to reason with them and they can't accept the information. Their masks function as amulets. And when MDs are deep in the cult, all you can do is run the other way. (We have an insane MD in Ottawa, Canada. Public lunatic with an MD, and she won a seat on the school board. Delusional. Another in Vancouver.)
Well, we have known that the don't work since the beginning and in fact so did the CDC. It was on their website that the masks were only 1.8-2% effective. That was in the beginning, boy have the stories changed. Well, I do not believe any of them anymore, and now a days I challenge the doctors when they tell me things. I had 1 doctor say because for the very first time in my life my A1C jumped to 7, the first words were medicine (a bad drug, that I knew about) or stomach sleeve surgery. I looked at her aghast and just said "NO!" What ever happened to common sense? What ever happened to diet and exercise?? Why jump to extremes?? Well, here I am A1C perfectly normal at 5, lost weight from diet and exercising and doing great! After everything that these asses put us through, I do not trust anyone in medical field. I am in medical field; I'll take care of me.
From my experience in working with physically active normal weight and sedentary overweight prediabetics and diabetics, they have overstressed and/or inflamed bodies. Correcting these two fixed their elevated blood sugar levels and purged excess weight.
Some infectees of the agent have developed type 1 and type 2 diabetes. This also has happened in some recipients of the COVID shots and other vaccines. I don't know why. Apparently, diabetics have blood clots. So, maybe their pancreas develops this issue in them.
I was a couch potato, after hysterectomy and stopping smoking, I gained 50 lbs. that I couldn't move, so I was a time bomb for diabetes, when the A1C jumped that was the wake up. It is done and done, not a couch potato, eating right, exercising, never had any shots and will never have any shots! I had a severe reaction to flu shot back in 1968, it almost killed me, I will not take flu shots or any type of vaccine because the stuff used to preserve the shots is the allergen for me. So yes, I know diabetes and I have taken care of diabetics and will take better care.
> there was no difference between the surgical masks and the N95 fitted masks in terms of stopping infection. “In the intention-to-treat analysis, RT-PCR–confirmed COVID-19 occurred in 52 of 497 (10.46%) participants in the medical mask group versus 47 of 507 (9.27%) in the N95 respirator group1
There is NO COVID PCR test which has been calibrated to REAL WORD reference materials.
(See: ibid 1,2 above)
Here is what they are using as a so-called "positive control" for purportedly calibrating COVID PCR tests against: A MOCK Specimen, a SYNTHETIC surrogate for a "real virus":
The face diaper debate is OVER. They never were and never will be useful for anything but avoiding the 1 billions cameras now in use throughout the world.
Not only are they ineffective, anyone with preexisting conditions like are more at risk. The policing around masking - police violently putting people under choke holds and throwing them to the ground even when f they had mask exemptions was horrific. ( Melbourne, Australia). All of these crazy demands/restrictions were about compliance and control and creating fear.
Paul, I'm not sure if I ever mentioned my state FOIA in MA. When my mask case against the governor was dismissed after he changed the order to get around my suit, I received the results of a state FOIA. >1200 pages. Internal messages from State DPH. They contracted with Prof Gregory Rutledge of MIT to test masks. The results are in the emails. On April 20, 2020, Rutledge sent the results and basically said that KN95's don't work. There's other information there also. Two weeks after learning that masks don't work, Governor Baker issued the mask order May 2. He knew they didn't work. You're welcome to the evidence if you want it. I don't really get involved in the mask issue anymore. It's all in this article. https://open.substack.com/pub/coquindechien/p/the-baker-knew?r=1d6m3v&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Yes, there are so many of us who knew from the very beginning that this was just a visual fear tactic used to cause fear in the uniformed and those who are brain washed to except everything told to them by the corrupt government, CDC, FDA and doctors who also believed the lies told by these immoral institutions. I used to tell everyone I know and some I did not know that the mask was like trying to stop a golf ball with a tennis net, should have seen some of the looks I got back. May they burn in hell if there is such a thing.
Good morning everybody in facebookland. I have a little public safety announcement for everybody. Let's talk about the air that we breathe.
[Holds up a yellow box approximately the size and shape of a cell phone, with a display screen, attached to a long clear tube]
This is a little gadget we use here. I'm a union electrician and sometimes we have to work in confined spaces. This gadget here will read here will read whether or not the air that you're breathing is safe. OK? It reads oxygen levels, carbon monoxide, methane. If the atmosphere you're working in, in an enclosure, a confined space, is not safe, the alarm goes off, and it will tell you, basically, get out before you die. Alright?
I'm going to hold this up in front of my face here a little bit [holds the clear tube about an inch from his mouth] and it's fine, nothing happens, the oxygen is fine, everything is fine. OK?
Now, let's do this here, let's put on a mask. [Puts on mask]
Now we're going to take the oxygen or the meter again, we're going to stick it just inside of the mask here. And let's see what happens. I'm just breathing normal-- [Loud alarm goes off]
Oh my goodness look at that, look at my oxygen levels. [Shows flashing display as loud alarm continues]
Now they want everybody to wear these masks all day long. [Loud alarm and flashing continues] Now if this was happening in my work site we would have to get out of the confined space immediately because the air that we're breathing is not safe.
So now you're going to tell me that wearing this mask all day long is safe? [Removes mask and turns off alarm] It is not safe for you, it is not safe for your children to wear that mask all day long.
So I'm going to tell you what. Stick that up your factchecker, people! They don't work! They might stop droplets from coming out of my mouth, but to wear these all day long, it is not safe for you.
People, come on, wake up! These things do more harm to your body than anything else. Alright?
That's all I got to say, people. Stay safe and live free.
Well, thank you. I know they don't work and are harmful, but people are so confused by the biased and flat our fraudulent studies, that when I try to tell them that - the mask wearers - they don't believe me. I'll refer them to this.
it’s so frustrating, isn’t it? why can we see it so clearly and others-a of whom are really intelligent - are completely in the dark z? it’s a mystery, that’s for sure!
Influencers on your side of the shot issue have been cherry picking studies that support a certain narrative. Influencers on the other side have been cherry picking studies that support the opposite narrative. Neither has presented both or other viewpoints. So, this has split followers into two silos with each group believing they're the smart ones and the other group is in the dark.
I've known masks don't work since early 2020 by reading history. I also know mask wearers greatly fear the allegedly mutating bug. They don't know how to protect themselves. They may never listen to the side that has spent three years shunning and vilifying the injured from the spread and shed versions of the agent as well as claiming these are a flu/cold/hoax and other false info.
-- Scenario #1: Supposedly, this fully vaxxed woman died within hours of being infected.
Other cases I've been following have been similar in which something else occurs sometime after receiving the shot that triggers death. It's not happening in all jabbed just some. Both sides have been watching the sudden deaths with one blaming the COVID shots and the other blaming a bug. What's your side's solution for protection if you want to remove their security blanket (masks)? I don't need to know. The ones you're trying to convince do.
-- Scenario #2: There have been outbreaks of respiratory infections in vaxxed and nonvaxxed in different countries being diagnosed with different labels. Some people have said theirs have been back-to-back for a few months. UK health officials instructed their doctors not to test minors. Supposedly, Strep A has killed seven children under 13 in the past two months in the UK. That's more than happened for this demo in an entire year before the "pandemic" in the US whose population is almost 5x larger. UK children have been suffering near death experiences allegedly from scarlet fever. Their symptoms don't even look like that disease. Nonvaxxed Brazilian Pres. Bolsonaro allegedly has been afflicted with Erysipelas.
A lot on the other side think the outbreaks of serious viral and bacterial infections have been happening because infections from the allegedly mutating bug have been damaging immune systems. What's your side's solution for protection if you want to remove their security blanket (masks)? Again, I don't need to know. The ones you're trying to convince do.
Surest sign that it became an irrational belief system, no different from a religion or cult. The fact that you're trying to reason with them and they can't accept the information. Their masks function as amulets. And when MDs are deep in the cult, all you can do is run the other way. (We have an insane MD in Ottawa, Canada. Public lunatic with an MD, and she won a seat on the school board. Delusional. Another in Vancouver.)
Dr. Fauci in his own words . One minute of truth .
Well, we have known that the don't work since the beginning and in fact so did the CDC. It was on their website that the masks were only 1.8-2% effective. That was in the beginning, boy have the stories changed. Well, I do not believe any of them anymore, and now a days I challenge the doctors when they tell me things. I had 1 doctor say because for the very first time in my life my A1C jumped to 7, the first words were medicine (a bad drug, that I knew about) or stomach sleeve surgery. I looked at her aghast and just said "NO!" What ever happened to common sense? What ever happened to diet and exercise?? Why jump to extremes?? Well, here I am A1C perfectly normal at 5, lost weight from diet and exercising and doing great! After everything that these asses put us through, I do not trust anyone in medical field. I am in medical field; I'll take care of me.
From my experience in working with physically active normal weight and sedentary overweight prediabetics and diabetics, they have overstressed and/or inflamed bodies. Correcting these two fixed their elevated blood sugar levels and purged excess weight.
Some infectees of the agent have developed type 1 and type 2 diabetes. This also has happened in some recipients of the COVID shots and other vaccines. I don't know why. Apparently, diabetics have blood clots. So, maybe their pancreas develops this issue in them.
I was a couch potato, after hysterectomy and stopping smoking, I gained 50 lbs. that I couldn't move, so I was a time bomb for diabetes, when the A1C jumped that was the wake up. It is done and done, not a couch potato, eating right, exercising, never had any shots and will never have any shots! I had a severe reaction to flu shot back in 1968, it almost killed me, I will not take flu shots or any type of vaccine because the stuff used to preserve the shots is the allergen for me. So yes, I know diabetes and I have taken care of diabetics and will take better care.
> Researchers found that both the surgical masks and the N95 fitted COVID masks do not stop infection as in both trial arms
Infection? with what? The non-existent virus which has never been purified from a patient sample?
1: https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download
2: https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.3.2000045
3: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/
> there was no difference between the surgical masks and the N95 fitted masks in terms of stopping infection. “In the intention-to-treat analysis, RT-PCR–confirmed COVID-19 occurred in 52 of 497 (10.46%) participants in the medical mask group versus 47 of 507 (9.27%) in the N95 respirator group1
There is NO COVID PCR test which has been calibrated to REAL WORD reference materials.
(See: ibid 1,2 above)
Here is what they are using as a so-called "positive control" for purportedly calibrating COVID PCR tests against: A MOCK Specimen, a SYNTHETIC surrogate for a "real virus":
Same with the CDC PCR. Same with the Corman/Drosten PCR.
It's a freaking JOKE!
The face diaper debate is OVER. They never were and never will be useful for anything but avoiding the 1 billions cameras now in use throughout the world.
Not only are they ineffective, anyone with preexisting conditions like are more at risk. The policing around masking - police violently putting people under choke holds and throwing them to the ground even when f they had mask exemptions was horrific. ( Melbourne, Australia). All of these crazy demands/restrictions were about compliance and control and creating fear.
Thank you Dr. Alexander for keeping this report updated with the latest info, and for keeping it front and center.
Dr Haditsch in Austria said they found nodules made up of micro plastics in the lungs of people who wore the surgical/FFP2 masks often.
Paul, I'm not sure if I ever mentioned my state FOIA in MA. When my mask case against the governor was dismissed after he changed the order to get around my suit, I received the results of a state FOIA. >1200 pages. Internal messages from State DPH. They contracted with Prof Gregory Rutledge of MIT to test masks. The results are in the emails. On April 20, 2020, Rutledge sent the results and basically said that KN95's don't work. There's other information there also. Two weeks after learning that masks don't work, Governor Baker issued the mask order May 2. He knew they didn't work. You're welcome to the evidence if you want it. I don't really get involved in the mask issue anymore. It's all in this article. https://open.substack.com/pub/coquindechien/p/the-baker-knew?r=1d6m3v&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
The Library of Alexander
Yes, there are so many of us who knew from the very beginning that this was just a visual fear tactic used to cause fear in the uniformed and those who are brain washed to except everything told to them by the corrupt government, CDC, FDA and doctors who also believed the lies told by these immoral institutions. I used to tell everyone I know and some I did not know that the mask was like trying to stop a golf ball with a tennis net, should have seen some of the looks I got back. May they burn in hell if there is such a thing.
Public Safety Announcement on Mask Wearing
From a Union Electrician
Good morning everybody in facebookland. I have a little public safety announcement for everybody. Let's talk about the air that we breathe.
[Holds up a yellow box approximately the size and shape of a cell phone, with a display screen, attached to a long clear tube]
This is a little gadget we use here. I'm a union electrician and sometimes we have to work in confined spaces. This gadget here will read here will read whether or not the air that you're breathing is safe. OK? It reads oxygen levels, carbon monoxide, methane. If the atmosphere you're working in, in an enclosure, a confined space, is not safe, the alarm goes off, and it will tell you, basically, get out before you die. Alright?
I'm going to hold this up in front of my face here a little bit [holds the clear tube about an inch from his mouth] and it's fine, nothing happens, the oxygen is fine, everything is fine. OK?
Now, let's do this here, let's put on a mask. [Puts on mask]
Now we're going to take the oxygen or the meter again, we're going to stick it just inside of the mask here. And let's see what happens. I'm just breathing normal-- [Loud alarm goes off]
Oh my goodness look at that, look at my oxygen levels. [Shows flashing display as loud alarm continues]
Now they want everybody to wear these masks all day long. [Loud alarm and flashing continues] Now if this was happening in my work site we would have to get out of the confined space immediately because the air that we're breathing is not safe.
So now you're going to tell me that wearing this mask all day long is safe? [Removes mask and turns off alarm] It is not safe for you, it is not safe for your children to wear that mask all day long.
So I'm going to tell you what. Stick that up your factchecker, people! They don't work! They might stop droplets from coming out of my mouth, but to wear these all day long, it is not safe for you.
People, come on, wake up! These things do more harm to your body than anything else. Alright?
That's all I got to say, people. Stay safe and live free.