Our civility has allowed evil to run amok. Our passivity has allowed evil to force/trick us in to subsidizing the breeding of garbage. It is time people who live by a code of honor, also live by a code of blood. Evil must fear us, and true justice can no longer be found in a corrupt court and injustice system. If we look away, this will be 1917 Russia. 1920s Germany, 1940s, China and 1960s Cuba, Vietnam and Cambodia. Evil is cancer, and it must be ablated.

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Not only the killer will be fine, he may well get a multi-million-dollar book contract.

This society is controlled by a fake “due process” in which the normal majority is easily trampled and threatened by evil maniacs like the Obamas and the Clintons and their murdering dogs.

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I like that he has been caught, but I dont like so much his ashkenazi eyes nor his Kohberger last name, nor that the crime has a 33 attached (happened on 11 13 ), nor that the town chosen was called Moscow , you follow ?

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Every single time! Depraved, degenerate, evil Tribe.

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The "ablation" of American evil needs to begin at the top where it is most glaring.

Evil was given a rock-solid foundation by Operation Paperclip and it is time to take out those roots.

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Those German scientists were handed off to Bolsheviks in the State Dept. The evil you reference is Communist, which is to say jewish. Uncle A locked up a Rothschild, fought Masonry, and International Communism via the Comintern. He was a hero, and he resurrected Germany from degeneracy and debt, in the 1920's, as brokered by Rothschild's, in the Treaty of Versailles.

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You must be talking about an imaginary alternative version of Operation Paperclip which stocked the CIA with Nazis, no Bolsheviks being involved. You should try ivermectin on your jewishitis.

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You should also read my prior message. I said German scientists (best in the world) were delivered to a Bolshevik US State Department. Diana West, in her well written "American Betrayal" lays out mountains of evidence and fantastic true journalism in uncovering the crimes under FDR and Truman.


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I can only assume that you are completely ignorant about Operation Paperclip.


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Vonu, I know much about Operation Paperclip, and have studied it ad nuaseum. German scientists were delivered by US Intelligence agencies, including the OSS, to avoid them falling in to Soviet hands. Except, the US, had just given Stalin nearly $700B in present dollar funds to allow him to outlast a valiant German assault (so that unlike Poland, Romania, and Hungary, Germany would not fall behind an Iron curtain). Those great scientists were handed to an administration, under FDR, his communist closest aide, Harry Hopkins, and the 33rd degree Mason, Harry Truman. So, just another Soviet puppet. Already, worse today.

A far more interesting OSS/CIA debacle was Operation Keelhaul. You should read about it. German POWs and Soviet defectors, 1.5M men, were given to Stalin so that he could fill his gulags with slave labor. And, let's not ignore the MILLIONS of German women, from age 2 to 90, raped by Soviet troops. it was so horrific, General Patton had to be murdered by Mossad, to shut him up, so disgusted as he was by the jewish Bolsheviks destroying by far the greatest European civilization, the Austrian/German/Hungarian/Prussian Empire. Stalin, FDR and the human Turd Churchill sat at Yalta, and essentially founded a plan to castrate The West, and turn 1/3rd of the world, in to Communist vassal states. All making money for Lord Rothschild.

Well, here we are. America, is a sea of degeneracy, with porn, pedophilia, open borders, woke culture, and anti-white rhetoric all led by a group the sheep think is their greatest ally. All bowing and genuflecting madly for a holocaust that actually was about 170,000 dead from typhus and starvation (as German supply chains broke down near the end of the war). Eisenhower, allowed nearly 1M German POWs to starve and freeze after capture, as the Brits rained down white phosphorous bombs on Dresden, which had no German military of any substance. Children melted to the pavement, and then the NY Times and Washington Post, told you, that YOU were the good guys, and Uncle A was evil. Just like they played the Orange Man Bad scam (I am no fan of his).

Lies, upon lies. So, no, when my my industrial media complex tells me a big bad virus is gonna kill me, I do not GMO myself. And when they tell me steel buildings fell, and the new Jewish owner of the WTC made $4B profit in a few months on the insurance, I do not believe. And when the same people change the number of dead of a purported holocaust, have no ashes, and the chambers have WOODEN doors, I do not believe.

Do you really believe, or are you paid to believe? Or to attack people like myself, willing to commit career suicide, to allow discussions on ANY topic?

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You should try understanding the real history of our nation and the current world, and WHY jews have been expelled so often. The Holodomor happened. jewish bolsheviks starved millions of Christian, Ukrainian Kulaks. Start by studying that. Then, you can return to your so called Holocaust, the retelling of which is full of embellishment, and lies.

Study who created Communism, Feminism, FIAT money, porn, degeneracy and debt. Who pushed the US in to both World Wars? Watch the Greatest Story Never Told, and Europa: The Final Battle. Then, we can chat.



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Anti Communist thank you so much for this information, I ran across some of this information about Hitler and the HC from another source from a newsletter I get, which after all the US MSM historical BS, was very startling and enlightening.. Also the infiltration of our government entities including.. Thanks so much I will bookmark these two sources.. We have been LIED to by History, and the government and our educational system from the beginning about EVERYTHING...

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My pleasure Bill. I just seek truth, Americans crave it, the agitprop and psyops are no longer working!!

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Kindly provide your evidence that Stalin was a jewish bolshevik.

I can't chat about things that have everything in common with hallucinations.

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You are accomplished at misdirection. Nearly 80% of the original Bolsheviks we're Jewish. On my phone, will send you links later. Or, do some research! Are you Hasbara or Talipot? How's the weather in Tel Aviv, also known as the gayest city on earth?

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Succinctly well said.

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Lol. This is why we have due process, rather than Dr.s running around with guillotines. Totally relate though.

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Well said, this is a little unhinged.

I live in a country where you are guilty until proved innocent (France). What an idiotic legal system we have here. How do you prove a negative?

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Fact is, in the US you are also guilty until proven innocent, we are just told it is otherwise. But reality suggests what I just stated.

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The French (and Italian) legal system is an inquisitorial one; as opposed to the USA, UK and commonwealth jurisdictions where the system is adversarial.

In an inquisitorial system the Judge is involved throughout the process and actually steers the collation and preparation of evidence. He is therefore able to decide what evidence is admitted by both parties, before questioning the witnesses himself and going on to make an informed decision on the outcome.

There is a perceived unfairness in the adversarial legal system in situations where the parties do not have 'equality of arms'; a better resourced party may be more able to gather evidence and present a stronger case to the Judge than their opposition. Furthermore, because the parties have near complete conduct of the case from start to judgment, they are able to choose what evidence they put before the Court.

In an adversarial legal system, previous decisions made by higher Courts form a precedent which will bind the lower Courts. In contrast, Judges in an inquisitorial legal system tend to be free to make decisions on a case-by-case basis.

So in conclusion, it's horses for courses.

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The J6 committee introduced Americans to its inquisitional future.

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Sorry mate, I don't follow the USA political farce; however, I doubt there's an inquisitorial system future in your country - rather it's your very own "good old Yankee frontier justice sheriff dawg is in town" system and he'll arrange his posse of judge, jury and executioner.

This is hardly the inquisitorial system.

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I didn't know we were married.

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Hahaha hilarious ;))

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The operation the American mainstream media is predominately based on proving negatives.

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Ha! Right on.

Good thing you stopped the list or you'd be here all day.

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There's that saying, "To err is human, to forgive, divine." I'm certainly not divine, and I'm 100% with you on this, Dr. Paul.

And I also ask God's forgiveness for any thoughts I have that may offend Him. But I'm pretty sure this evil bastard offends Him a whole lot more than you or I ever have.

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Hi Paul,

I don't live in the US, but you apparently do - so I'm giving you some free legal advice:

For your own welfare, safety and peace of mind, please don't say anything where the authorities could accuse you of incitement to violence (I'm sure there's such a crime in the USA)

We need your "fuck you" attitude but, if you're already on a list, then they'd pick you up for any hair-brained reason.

That will then cost you time and money on legal fees to deal with the situation.

Rather be safe and continue your fight with intellect and raw passion.

Happy NYE and I wish you and all my brothers and sister on this substack a happy new year and let 2023 be a year of health, happiness and unlimited success.

Barry from Cape Town South Africa where's it now 3:45pm.

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Well murdering Fauci, retires today, if ever anyone who has committed crimes against humanity, like he has for the past 40 years, ever wants "Hanging High" it's him, I would not feel sorry to see that Toxic Toad, Fauci hanging from a gallows!

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feed him to the PIGS

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Dec 31, 2022·edited Dec 31, 2022

If they got the right person, they caught an even bigger monster in the making.


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The similarities with Ted Bundy are obvious; similar interests and studied in the same area and attended university in Washington State. However, he also seems to have a lot in common with Colonel Russell Williams, convicted serial killer and former Commanding Officer of CFB Trenton, Canada's largest air force base. It is noted at the link below that he appears to have “a full-blown case of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.” That's reportedly common in the military and law enforcement, which many serial killers have backgrounds in, and academia. Quite a few people have described similar characteristics in Anthony Fauci.

Colonel Russell Williams is a sick pervert and murderer, but not a psychopath, author maintains


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Doesn't the totality of sick pervert and murderer = psychopath? Author needs to do a bit more elementary study on the subject.

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Dec 31, 2022·edited Dec 31, 2022

Psychopath = undercontrol. OCPD = overcontrol. But they can be comorbid. Psychopaths tend to be extraverted, with good social skills. Think of Lyndon B Johnson. OCPD, not so much. They may even be on the autism spectrum. OCPD are perfectionists, neat freaks, punctuality freaks, think they know everything, think they're always right. OCPD is the most common disorder of serial killers. It's probably also the most common disorder of public health bureaucrats.

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proper investigation and jury trial, paul. you've said so many times yourself. we don't want to subvert the rule of law and jump to conclusions.

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We don't know for sure that this character is the murderer. (Central Park Seven, et al.)

We do know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Fauci-Mengele, Birx, Collins, Wallensky, Jha, Eco-Alliance, Biden, et all. are murderers on an incomprehensively larger scale. We need to focus on executing them, and gaining power in OUR America, rather than worrying about small-fry like this. Every weekend in Chicago, we have (B)lacks who massacre other blacks, but we ignore these crimes.

Focus on the criminals who are responsible for millions of deaths and trillions of dollars of damage. That's what matters.

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I ask, what mercy did he show those young people? What dreams and aspirations did he kill along with these souls? I know precisely what these families are feeling because I am a parent who has lost a a child, not by the same means, but lost none-the-less and the hole in their hearts will never ever mend. It will be with them until they draw their last breath. To me he is a monster, yet our court system will try to treat him in a humane way. Sorry to say but he should receive the very same compassion that he showed these 4 young people. None.

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I hope you rest. Remove yourself from 'news' for a while. Then, return to your fight on covid nonsense, evidence and medical matters. Don't lose your way, or your medical credibility, or your following.

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As a Catholic I do not believe in abortion or capital punishment but as a mother of 5 children and a grandmother to 1 I could not be able to control myself if someone murdered one of them. There’s no way he’d make it out of a room alive. Idk, just the thought of what the parents of these young adults are going through makes me want to inflict as much pain as possible on him. Thank God it’s not my job to deal with this monster. He will pay for this when he leaves this earth.

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He needs to pay for it NOW. While ON this earth.

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Absolutely he does. I agree with you but he will pay for it when he leaves this earth.

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How can you know he is guilty?

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In the US of A, most of us still believe that people are " innocent until proven guilty"!! Just sayin'...

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We learn through trial and error. We, and especially the parents, need to see their faces before sentencing to have some closure.

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Obviously Kohberger is a homicidal maniac. If convicted the death penalty for sure

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Idaho has the death penalty. The death penalty is justified and humane for many reasons. For many reasons, life in prison is inhumane and unjust.

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