This is wonderful news! A great precedent to make other companies think twice before making the same huge mistake.

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So let's see Adidas get taken down big time ASAP. Their current swim suit promo is a clown world dance beneath the rainbow swastika. They must go the same way as Budweiser and Gillette et al.

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its queerbeer made for queerabominations

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I’ve been boycotting every single company who adopts this transgender crap that is endangering children and women. It started with Target when they opened their dressing rooms and bathrooms to men claiming to be women all so they could rape/molest innocent girls and women. I haven’t been to a Target store since. If everyone stood up for these assaults on women and children, they would all go out of business!

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It is time for the silent mass majority to start thinking in unison about how to punish woke capitalism by denying the corporations their source of income! Disney is another good example!

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It appears we have a voice with our money!

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No offence Dr Alexander but men are only boycotting a product they enjoy. Women are being replaced by "Trans". Nike, Adidas, Dove, Sports Illustrated, etc., are all replacing women. Where are the men to support us? Now Ford is pushing the agenda. Time men step up in support of real women.

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Next weekend is Memorial Day - it’s an opportunity to stick to other brands and send a strong message.

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May 20, 2023·edited May 20, 2023

Excellent. What was that 1960's/1970's phrase quite common back then?..."Power To The People"...maybe it still works.

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I appreciate this but it may be a misdirect. AB's workers work for a company where conservative contributions to candidates is allowed. Perhaps this is all a misdirect. Other companies are truly run by woke cultists. Maybe this was the plant -- punish the workers for contributing to Republican candidates.

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Hi, I hope Dr. Paul Elias, you have time to read the following. Thank you.

CALIF. PROP 37 and Bud Light Backlash

Voting with your dollars!

California Proposition 37, Nov 6 2012, was about labeling GMOs.

The Bud Light Backlash, has nothing to do with health. Just puff and stuff where people can exercise puff outrage.

Prop 37 on the other hand would have allowed people to vote with their $$$. Had it passed there would have been a way to assess peoples preferences and health out comes with regards to GMO foods.

Sadly it did not pass. Big Food and Big Agriculture spend big bucks to defeat it. Prop 37 was a grass roots movement. It was a movement on a shoe string as far as $'s go. Still the outcome was very close.

Against Prop 37 51.41%

For Prop 37 48.59%

Bud Light backlash is great. I support it. But it really doesn't change the landscape.

Had Prop 37 passed then the citizens of California could have voted with their $'s too. Why because Prop 37 was so much more profound than the woke distraction and nonsense of today. It informed the purchaser of food products about the GMO content, and people could vote with their $$$'s.

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Does everyone understand they don't care about money. They care about their ESG score and their position with Blackrock and The Davos crowd in the new "Stakeholder Capitalism" (read Neofascist Technocracy and consolidation of power). These people are NOT Capitalists in the classic sense and profit is secondary. Neofascist Technocratic Mercantilism is the new world system. See China

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We don’t discriminate 🤣🤣

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Dr. Alexander this utter insanity can only be stopped by God. These people are an ABOMINATION to God. We might never see earthly justice, however, Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.

God bless always 🙏 ❤️.

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Haha! The tranny push and displacement of REAL females....people AREN'T Buying It!

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