Slaughter our babies apparently not enough, so injure our mothers. We need death stats by gender. Us guys carry the X on one side and appears that men are dying more than women. Also, death stats should be compared with occupation to link mRNA status. Further, above stats are no where near reality as most women, like my own, will never link their rotten health to the vaccines at this point; therefore raw score is way way higher.

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Is there any consideration given to the fact that the ACE2 gene is on the X chromosome?

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Dr Paul Alexander In simple non scientific terms did Dr Fauci illegally fund Wunhan instructing the scientists in that lab to get infected Horseshoe Bats inject them with spike protein which is required for the Horseshoe Bat to pass on infection. Otherwise an infected Horseshoe Bat would not be able to infect a human The Bat required the Spike protein which Fauci instructed the scientists to inject in those bats which made the infection transmissible to human beings ultimately getting to the US and that project was funded by our tax dollars. Is that the true story. Please tell me. Thank you

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Thanks for posting these kinds of studies. I am a bit puzzled in the conclusion that they concluded that the myocarditis was "mild and transient". Is that so that the paper could be published, perhaps because the data inside the study doesn't really support this assertion?

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