Of course they are lying. It's all a huge coverup, and the coverup proves there is a crime.

I stopped watching ALL NFL several years ago when they bowed their knees to the domestic terrorist organization Black Lives Matter. Never again. NFL can fold and go under and disintegrate. They are only there to distract the citizens from what the deep state is doing to the people and to our country.

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The Buffalo Bills, the NFL, and ABC-TV knew they had to put Damar Hamlin on the inactive list for last night's televised football game. They aren't worried about his health. They were worried about revenue loss from another live-on-camera death from covid shots and a potentially suspended televised game -- in prime time, no less. And how that would impact the entire football season.

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I've long said that they could technically find someone who looks like Damar Hamlin if that is what it took. Finding someone who plays like Damar Hamlin gets tougher...the sports world could well buckle if this keeps happening

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Hard to believe this old wool is still being pulled over the public. It’s moth-eaten and we can see right through it.

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He'll retire and never play again. They'll say his heart never recovered from what happened in that fateful January game and he will march gracefully into retirement. The narrative will be he is Ok, but out of an "abundance of caution" he is making a decision to take his life in new directions.

Him being cleared to play football now absolves them from the public perception that he was damaged in any way prior to his on-field event.

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He is dead. His body double can’t play the game.

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I wish the athletes well; however, I wish nothing but ill to the NFL, NBA... and other pro athletic associations until they stop being woke.

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The NFL like the churches unions Government walk hand in hand to the same drummer

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You don't believe for a minute that was really Damar Hamlin this time do you? He's lying on the field getting CPR for 10 minutes before the ambulance takes him away, and next day he's purportedly conscious on the cardio ward and doing just fine? Yeah, right. Then you see all these videos, just like Osama Bin Laden that sort-of.. but not quite... look like Damar Hamlin before he collapsed? And now he's playing again but gets rotated out before something awful happens...?

Listen Dr. Paul: I've got this suspension bridge in Brooklyn for sale, only one previous owner.. 😘

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I wonder what odds the bookmakers were offering on him dropping dead mid-match. There must be a lot of disappointed punters out there.

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Is he even really alive?

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Is it the original damar?

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That elephant is getting hard to hide.

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Now it’s being turned into a documentary!

Hamlin's inspiring return from cardiac arrest being turned into a doc


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I am unclear about why they would carry on with this charade of having him return. Could they not have just announced " permanent heart damage". A year later, everyone would have forgotten about him. At this point, I think they need to worry about other vaxed collapsing.

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I need the 20 mice post thank you

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