CA bill AB 2098 has been assigned to committee and could be voted on as soon as Monday, June 20th; I am asking physicians, doctors and medical experts in California and across the country...
CA bill AB 2098 has been assigned to committee and could be voted on as soon as Monday, June 20th; I am asking physicians, doctors and medical experts in California and across the country...
to write an opposition position letter to AB 2098 and submit it to the legislative portal by Monday, June 13 before 5pm PT. Below is an overview and some rebuttal points that can be used...
They’re communists trying to kill off the herd of people they have deemed “unworthy.” The left is completely devoid of viewing their own children as unique human beings. Each one just another red diaper baby, they’re willing to sacrifice to government.
Paul, I believe I shared this previously, but please feel free to use my "Letter to the California Legislature" ( opposing the slate of medical tyranny bills with a focus on AB2098 if it can be of any help in this epic battle against tyrannical censorship.
Also, my recent letter calling for the rejection of S.3737 provides an arsenal of evidence against the suppression of free speech in the name of “misinformation”:
You're a noble soul, Margaret Anna Rice! Thanks for lending such a great "helping hand!" Of course, most Californians don't have a CLUE that this evil bill is on the legislative agenda (I live in Californicated, and until I just read about it now on Dr. Alexander's website, I hadn't clue that this evil is almost upon us!! So, thanks to Dr. A. , you and others who are in this battle, thank you!!
On a personal note - and since I am now very much up-to-date on all things Covid and the jabs, I've been telling MY doctor what I believe and no longer listen to her or take her advice when it comes to Covid and the jabs!!
Actually, Margaret Anne, when last I saw her a few months ago, I wasn't NEARLY as well-versed about all this as I am now, but my gut instincts helped me navigate what might have been a difficult or touchy conversation. I am, however, even better prepared when I'm scheduled to see her in August, but I'll "mind my manners" and try to avoid any unpleasant or unnecessary arguments! Actually, I'll try to steer the conversation toward vitamins & supplements: That should be a relatively "neutral" area of discussion....
Why can’t other states simply follow the lead of Gov Ron DeSantis. This guy is smoking! His Surgeon General Dr. Joe Ladapo a brilliant mind. Every other state should copy what Dr Santis and Dr. Ladapo are doing for the state of Florida.
I'm sorry about your daughter not believing you yet. The worry is awful innit. My brother is sick to his stomach his young adult daughters listened to their mother instead of him, me and their other aunt (on mom's side no less) and got the jabs. I'm trying to come up with a non threatening way to convince them to not take any more shots and haven't come across anything yet. If I do I'll be sure to share.
I understand all too well. Three of my four daughters who were raised holistically, took the shots Despite my trying to warn them and sending them numerous articles, videos, and podcasts to listen to. Social media & MSM won out! They thought they were doing the right thing and that I was a conspiracy theorist.
I knew they were putting their lives at risk. They are also young adults. They listened to their father who hasn't a clue about health (M&A attorney) but not to me, the Functional Practitioner w/4 decades of studying who raised them pharma free. I have learned to surrender the outcome to a higher power, if not I would be sick.
Send them the Epoch Times article about the first three months of Pfizer’s roll out which shows 1200+ deaths and 158,000 adverse health issues. I’m sorry about your nieces!
I only have one adult daughter... she's a teacher and was living in Baltimore. Took 2 shots there, then moved to TN and got a booster. It is so hard to persuade her now. My mom was a doctor's office nurse and we revered her wonderful boss... I know I trusted doctors way too much (I was given Levsin (hadn't been tested on women) and too late I realized I was pregnant). Daughter had gastroschisis and has troubles to this day! And I, sadly, promoted shots to her (because I didn't know better/maybe was brainwashed sort of) and I regret it deeply.
You did the very best you could at the time, so don't beat up on yourself! You can't do EVERYTHING for your offspring - just give the best advice you know - and then PRAY!!
If this passes doctors will leave the state of CA. At least REAL doctors will leave. Patient heal thyself. Good health DOES NOT come from a pill or the tip of a needle. Most health conditions today are because of poor habits. Many health issues today could be relieved simply by losing weight. As obesity has risen in the US so has many health issues. Stay way from fast food restaurants and packaged processed foods. Get out in the sun and exercise.
I have one great "plus" in my defence: Namely, I'm now 81 and, as an unexpected "bonus" of old age, I don't have the appetite I used to have and don't eat nearly as much. Of course, I'm not nearly as active as I used to be, either! But back in the day, I was always sort of fighting the battle of bulge, but, thank God, no longer. But truth be told: losing weight isn't easy at all, so the best advice I could give is, "Don't eat too much!"
Can’t believe they are trying this round about at the State level. Did not work at Fed because it violated first amendment. Fed backed out. Will pass this forward. 🇺🇸👍
California legislators are pathetic cowards. Much like those in NY. Threaten, sanction, penalize, or burn me at the stake. A consensus of lies is still a lie. They can not alter the truth. They do not speak for me. They do not think for me. I will not lie for them.
The tragic thing about this is that some doctors and Healthcare professionals in California will be too afraid to put their opposition to this bill in writing. The politicians will gladly surrender their lists to big pharma for a few bucks. We all know what happens after that. It will be necessary to leave CA to get honest and competent medical care if this passes.
just a thought - let all the covidiots go live in CA and all the sensible people move to Florida. As the Meerkats advert in the UK says ......Simples no 😊
Practising medicine by central control is upon us. Has nothing to do about practising good medicine for the benefit of the patient! A California company is working on a iphone app that will use only test result numbers to deterimne medical treatment. Cholesterol level 181=Statin drug etc.
Still find it fascinating that the "approved" cholesterol level keeps falling like the pouring rain. Soon, it will be statins for all babies straight from the womb.
Agreed. I read that in the 1980s the upper threshold was 325. I’m a bit over 200 and have been higher, but my ratios are fine, I follow an anti-inflammatory diet, CReactive protein is .45.I would never take statins! I also learned in my studies that low cholesterol creates dementia in the elderly! Statins are One of the most dangerous drugs on the market!
Hmmmm. There are many holistic ways to lower blood sugar, which is vital to good health and mental health. One simple way is to have fat, fiber, and protein at every meal, eliminating all processed and fake foods. And there are supplements and herbs that help with blood sugar balance. Big pharma needs to go away!! 😄
My A1c is 4. something. Never get a comment on how good that is, just I'm'a die tomorrow afternoon from high cholesterol. 🙄 If they had brains, they'd take 'em out and play with them. --- !!!! I'VE GOT IT! That's it! Their cholesterol is so low they can't think right! The brain is mostly cholesterol! --- I'm brilliant and am going to win the Nobel prize! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
In the early 1990s they had already lowered it to 200. I'm around the 1980s limit. 🙄 The doctors have fits. I don't care. My Mom did pretty well until they started her on the statins. She died of Alzheimer's.
How much niacin should we take? And what are you talking about lowering? (I have niacin at home, but haven’t been able to figure out how much to take.)
Can’t give medical advice. I’m not a doctor. Only Doctor Mom to my children and some friends. You can look up niacin for circulation, lowering cholesterol and triglycerides. It’s also an excellent detoxifier. Look up niacin detox. It gives you an uncomfortable flush but I’m OK with that. I’ve been taking it for years. I used to take it before getting into a sauna or exercising for 20 minutes and then take a binding agent like activated charcoal.
Thank-you. --- I follow a lot of, I guess, natural doctors (at least they're not mainstream) on Utoob and others websites and on-line seminars. ---I try to tell others what I learn, but they're like the Branch Covidians, they think I don't have a clue. >Heavy sigh<
Technocracy is fast approaching. Death by Algorithm. Transhumanism approaches. A Great Reset? No. The Great Re-make. I saw a program describing the excavation findings of a previous civilization that was very advanced technologically. Interesting and puzzling artifacts were discovered by the archaeological teams. There were numerous depictions of human faces with “no mouths”. The archeologists still don’t know what it means.
Reminded me of us wearing the Masks. As people were getting the jab, their mouths were covered as were the mouths of the giver of the jab.
Now Doctors will be rendered useless. After all, the shots were given without any Doctors’ consultation and done in public settings such as drug stores, shopping malls and stadiums. Auto-mart Medicine. The high almighty and all knowing Algorithm decides your treatment and your fate according to your social credit score and your usefulness. There will be no Complaint Department.
Don’t Complain; Just Comply.
We can’t stop pushing back.
We gave them an inch….What did the Doctors do then…what will they do now.
I heard discussion by drs and rabbis of aSsisted euthanasia is also being made acceptable for a range of excuses in New Jersey and medical bankruptcy in Canada. Do drs take the hippo oath any longer? Is this oath a conflict with euthanasia prescriptions? Universal healthcare led to a cultural societal discussion of cost benefit of “some” peoples who may not be able to contribute ( Weimar example).
Coop, because I'm a great admirer of the Brownstone Institute, I was curious about this article and wanted to see what they had to say. Well, I was overwhelmed!! It was SUCH a font of historical information and presented a terrific argument comparing mandatory mask wearing today with compulsive - and very harsh! - mask mandates in times past!! Often (usually?) a mask in olden times was a very strong metal thing that often was LOCKED on the slave or whoever else was being imprisoned. It truly was a very ugly and dreadful symbol of enslavement!! Anyway, I learned a lot from the article (but, truth be told, many instances and images of that cruel enslavement was almost too painful to read in its entirety!! But. still, thanks for posting that fascinating & truly riveting article!!
I feel like you and the other covid dissidents are preaching to the choir at this point. Have there been debates with the opposition? Am I missing something? I share your data with my friends and family...none seem to care. Is it just impossible to wake them up? Or are we the 10% that care about freedom and truth?
Hypnotized are overwhelmed and can onlycope by denial. Can not blame them. As a fifth branch of government, the media allows their illusion to continue. Try talking to people who may be receptive to discuss small thoughts about this reality. The scenario takeover of our bodies,length of life, food,minds finances property(eminent domain) our mental and physical safety by unelected technocrats is hard to fathom.
Dr Alexander, thank you. Your daily, continued vigilance is critical to enacting change and immeasurably appreciated. By calling out these frauds, by articulating why they are fraudulent, by articulating the actual data in contrast to the mainstream lies — you are shining incredibly needed light for the many still grappling in the dark.
Not only with lucid opposition to this bill but across all your Pandemic efforts — regardless of personal cost to yourself.
As the data mounts and grows and crosses tipping points, a portion of the public will no longer be able to deny what is actually occurring. The media machine can only spin so much for so long. When real-world data and loss of life continues to conflict with media lies, again and again, over time — this stark contrast will become undeniable, and the liars will lose some footing. With applied pressure over time, their ability to stand will be diminished. Progress may be slow and incremental, but over time it can move mountains.
Efforts like yours work to ensure that the actions that have brought us here aren’t for nothing. By tracking, outing, and illuminating these falsehoods — exactly as you and your exceptional peers are doing — future change becomes possible.
If a public tipping point can be reached, perceptions will shift, and a larger portion of the population will oppose new measures. Bit by bit this will undermine policy and define the limits of these paper tigers.
By standing up and using your knowledge and experience to expose this massive fraud and corruption, you move the needle.
You and your brave peers — Kennedy, Malone, McCullough, Vanden Bossche, Yeadon, Bahkdi, Montagnier — to name a few, all move the needle.
A portion of the public will never come over to the side of the truth, but a portion will. That newly educated portion, the population you seek to reach, will combine with the likes of those here who already know the truth, and will grow in voice, influence and power. It is a tall mountain to climb but you are are climbing it, and those here in support will climb it with you.
We must collectively envision a new path, mobilize thoughts, voices and actions towards that path — and climb that mountain together. You and your colleagues who refuse to be corrupted and captured are critical in these efforts. There can be no substitute for alternative expert voices. Without them, the easily swayed masses will capitulate to the flimsy lies of the so called “educated” frauds.
These frauds have lost their way long ago, high on their own daily lifestyles, power addictions, and insanity. Most of them can no longer be reached by reason, so they must be put into check by public non-compliance. Outed, disarmed, and neutralized.
Keep hammering. Keep exposing. Keep amplifying the message.
Thank you for your heroic and selfless acts, driven by wisdom, conscience, and perhaps the refusal to let evil go unpunished. Keep fighting Paul and thank you.
Informed Citizen, what a fantastic letter - full of SO much wisdom! - that you wrote!! It truly is a masterpiece in discussing the enormous challenges ahead, but also offering so much hope that a great deal can be accomplished by everyone working together to enlighten our fellow citizens and to dispel the lies and the hobgoblins!! Thank you SO much!!
I think there’s no need to do anything. Democrats are out of control in California because the tax base is huge, they have enough sheeple supporters who will vote only for them, and doctors who want to fit in. It is these doctors that should not be working. I have heard from doctors that foot traffic has dropped off a cliff. It seems the vaccinated don’t want to frequent places where the unvaccinated pariahs may be seen. The unvaccinated don’t trust the system.
When this bill passes, the only opinion that will matter is that of Dr. Gavin Newsom. The doctors who don’t oppose this bill deserve to go out of business. Imagine a person who spent some decade and half getting trained and then believing that a politician (who sucked at everything he touched) knows more than him. That right there is the definition of an incompetent doctor.
We have had too many hypotheticals. We need to let the Democrats run an experiment end to end. Otherwise, they claim they’d have succeeded if the ideas were tried out.
Guido, you said something that really resonated with me: Namely, "It seems that the vaccinated don't want to frequent places where the unvaccinated pariahs may be seen." WOW! Does that resonate with ME!! My dear sweet cousin, who was planning to be in town for a couple days, invited me to dinner with him & some family members; but when I told him that I was unvaxxed (a sixth sense kicked in that since he was a Demonrat and, generally, a libtard, he MIGHT be wary of being near me!), the invitation was off (his doctor apparently told him "to be careful," and he interpreted that to mean than since I was an unvaxxed pariah, danger would definitely lurk in my presence!! He suggested an alternative meet-up, but I politely declined (without, of course, getting into a pissing contest over this whole nonsense about vaxxed and unvaxxed, etc. etc., ad nauseum!) The slaves to the phony "vaccines" have already drunk the Kool Aid - and their ignorance continues apace, which is SO sad to observe!
I think California is on its way to follow Canada implementing medical tyranny.
"Dr. Mary O'Connor, a physician in Canada stripped of her medical license after refusing to cooperate with an investigation into why she gave patients exemptions to the experimental COVID vaccine."
We all have vested interest in stopping California slip into tyranny. Morally and because complacency gives them the impression that we will all roll over as this proceeds state by state.
I feel for Beautiful California💙My three siblings have all lived there. I’m the only one that has not and I always dreamed that I could also end up there, but not now. Not unless there’s an act of God that is able to turn this insane, demonic situation around.
It’s okay. Starve the California medical system. Go to states like Nevada, Utah, or Arizona for medical treatment. Eventually the industry in Cali will suffer and starve. Money talks.
California’s medical community was lost as soon as they allowed the legislature to get rid of exemptions to childhood vaccines. The poem “first they came for…” is very appropriate in this instance.
What the hell?! What the f*** is wrong with these people?! Will there be any doctors with pure intent left in that state?
They’re communists trying to kill off the herd of people they have deemed “unworthy.” The left is completely devoid of viewing their own children as unique human beings. Each one just another red diaper baby, they’re willing to sacrifice to government.
Paul, I believe I shared this previously, but please feel free to use my "Letter to the California Legislature" ( opposing the slate of medical tyranny bills with a focus on AB2098 if it can be of any help in this epic battle against tyrannical censorship.
beautiful, thanks for being in the battle and helping us, much needed!
It is my profound honor, Paul, and thank YOU for your heroic relentlessness! 🛡
Also, my recent letter calling for the rejection of S.3737 provides an arsenal of evidence against the suppression of free speech in the name of “misinformation”:
• “Letter to US Legislators: #DefundTheThoughtPolice” (
You're a noble soul, Margaret Anna Rice! Thanks for lending such a great "helping hand!" Of course, most Californians don't have a CLUE that this evil bill is on the legislative agenda (I live in Californicated, and until I just read about it now on Dr. Alexander's website, I hadn't clue that this evil is almost upon us!! So, thanks to Dr. A. , you and others who are in this battle, thank you!!
On a personal note - and since I am now very much up-to-date on all things Covid and the jabs, I've been telling MY doctor what I believe and no longer listen to her or take her advice when it comes to Covid and the jabs!!
Aww, thank you so much, Joy, and good on you for bravely educating your doctor!
Actually, Margaret Anne, when last I saw her a few months ago, I wasn't NEARLY as well-versed about all this as I am now, but my gut instincts helped me navigate what might have been a difficult or touchy conversation. I am, however, even better prepared when I'm scheduled to see her in August, but I'll "mind my manners" and try to avoid any unpleasant or unnecessary arguments! Actually, I'll try to steer the conversation toward vitamins & supplements: That should be a relatively "neutral" area of discussion....
Sounds like a wise strategy!
We'll see, eh?
Why can’t other states simply follow the lead of Gov Ron DeSantis. This guy is smoking! His Surgeon General Dr. Joe Ladapo a brilliant mind. Every other state should copy what Dr Santis and Dr. Ladapo are doing for the state of Florida.
Because Commifornia is a litmus test. And TPTB are anti-American.
So is New York City a litmus test. I cringe because I have a daughter that lives there and doesn’t believe me, yet!
I'm sorry about your daughter not believing you yet. The worry is awful innit. My brother is sick to his stomach his young adult daughters listened to their mother instead of him, me and their other aunt (on mom's side no less) and got the jabs. I'm trying to come up with a non threatening way to convince them to not take any more shots and haven't come across anything yet. If I do I'll be sure to share.
I understand all too well. Three of my four daughters who were raised holistically, took the shots Despite my trying to warn them and sending them numerous articles, videos, and podcasts to listen to. Social media & MSM won out! They thought they were doing the right thing and that I was a conspiracy theorist.
I knew they were putting their lives at risk. They are also young adults. They listened to their father who hasn't a clue about health (M&A attorney) but not to me, the Functional Practitioner w/4 decades of studying who raised them pharma free. I have learned to surrender the outcome to a higher power, if not I would be sick.
Send them the Epoch Times article about the first three months of Pfizer’s roll out which shows 1200+ deaths and 158,000 adverse health issues. I’m sorry about your nieces!
The way you raised them probably makes their bodies more able to handle the damage. (It’s so frustrating. )
I only have one adult daughter... she's a teacher and was living in Baltimore. Took 2 shots there, then moved to TN and got a booster. It is so hard to persuade her now. My mom was a doctor's office nurse and we revered her wonderful boss... I know I trusted doctors way too much (I was given Levsin (hadn't been tested on women) and too late I realized I was pregnant). Daughter had gastroschisis and has troubles to this day! And I, sadly, promoted shots to her (because I didn't know better/maybe was brainwashed sort of) and I regret it deeply.
You did the very best you could at the time, so don't beat up on yourself! You can't do EVERYTHING for your offspring - just give the best advice you know - and then PRAY!!
No sane human being should be in NYC. Seriously
If this passes doctors will leave the state of CA. At least REAL doctors will leave. Patient heal thyself. Good health DOES NOT come from a pill or the tip of a needle. Most health conditions today are because of poor habits. Many health issues today could be relieved simply by losing weight. As obesity has risen in the US so has many health issues. Stay way from fast food restaurants and packaged processed foods. Get out in the sun and exercise.
I have one great "plus" in my defence: Namely, I'm now 81 and, as an unexpected "bonus" of old age, I don't have the appetite I used to have and don't eat nearly as much. Of course, I'm not nearly as active as I used to be, either! But back in the day, I was always sort of fighting the battle of bulge, but, thank God, no longer. But truth be told: losing weight isn't easy at all, so the best advice I could give is, "Don't eat too much!"
Can’t believe they are trying this round about at the State level. Did not work at Fed because it violated first amendment. Fed backed out. Will pass this forward. 🇺🇸👍
California legislators are pathetic cowards. Much like those in NY. Threaten, sanction, penalize, or burn me at the stake. A consensus of lies is still a lie. They can not alter the truth. They do not speak for me. They do not think for me. I will not lie for them.
The tragic thing about this is that some doctors and Healthcare professionals in California will be too afraid to put their opposition to this bill in writing. The politicians will gladly surrender their lists to big pharma for a few bucks. We all know what happens after that. It will be necessary to leave CA to get honest and competent medical care if this passes.
just a thought - let all the covidiots go live in CA and all the sensible people move to Florida. As the Meerkats advert in the UK says ......Simples no 😊
What I’ve pondered, is that all the free, sane people will be in one place. Hmmmm…
Practising medicine by central control is upon us. Has nothing to do about practising good medicine for the benefit of the patient! A California company is working on a iphone app that will use only test result numbers to deterimne medical treatment. Cholesterol level 181=Statin drug etc.
Still find it fascinating that the "approved" cholesterol level keeps falling like the pouring rain. Soon, it will be statins for all babies straight from the womb.
Agreed. I read that in the 1980s the upper threshold was 325. I’m a bit over 200 and have been higher, but my ratios are fine, I follow an anti-inflammatory diet, CReactive protein is .45.I would never take statins! I also learned in my studies that low cholesterol creates dementia in the elderly! Statins are One of the most dangerous drugs on the market!
the blood pressure range is moving down too perhaps-to increase those on meds?
They've been lowering the blood sugar for years, too. Gotta sell that Metformin! ....and whatever the newest thing is. 🙄😕
Hmmmm. There are many holistic ways to lower blood sugar, which is vital to good health and mental health. One simple way is to have fat, fiber, and protein at every meal, eliminating all processed and fake foods. And there are supplements and herbs that help with blood sugar balance. Big pharma needs to go away!! 😄
My A1c is 4. something. Never get a comment on how good that is, just I'm'a die tomorrow afternoon from high cholesterol. 🙄 If they had brains, they'd take 'em out and play with them. --- !!!! I'VE GOT IT! That's it! Their cholesterol is so low they can't think right! The brain is mostly cholesterol! --- I'm brilliant and am going to win the Nobel prize! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Can you please share good supplements to reduce blood sugar?
In the early 1990s they had already lowered it to 200. I'm around the 1980s limit. 🙄 The doctors have fits. I don't care. My Mom did pretty well until they started her on the statins. She died of Alzheimer's.
You can always take niacin if you want to lower it or Red Rice Yeast. Every cell in your body has and needs cholesterol. That’s trillions of cells!
How much niacin should we take? And what are you talking about lowering? (I have niacin at home, but haven’t been able to figure out how much to take.)
Can’t give medical advice. I’m not a doctor. Only Doctor Mom to my children and some friends. You can look up niacin for circulation, lowering cholesterol and triglycerides. It’s also an excellent detoxifier. Look up niacin detox. It gives you an uncomfortable flush but I’m OK with that. I’ve been taking it for years. I used to take it before getting into a sauna or exercising for 20 minutes and then take a binding agent like activated charcoal.
I'm going to write the yeast down. Is that a pill?
yes, you can get at health food store
I am so sorry to hear that 🙏🏼😳I learned that in my studies and in Dr. Dale Bredesen’s book, The End of Alzheimer’s.
Thank-you. --- I follow a lot of, I guess, natural doctors (at least they're not mainstream) on Utoob and others websites and on-line seminars. ---I try to tell others what I learn, but they're like the Branch Covidians, they think I don't have a clue. >Heavy sigh<
Technocracy is fast approaching. Death by Algorithm. Transhumanism approaches. A Great Reset? No. The Great Re-make. I saw a program describing the excavation findings of a previous civilization that was very advanced technologically. Interesting and puzzling artifacts were discovered by the archaeological teams. There were numerous depictions of human faces with “no mouths”. The archeologists still don’t know what it means.
Reminded me of us wearing the Masks. As people were getting the jab, their mouths were covered as were the mouths of the giver of the jab.
Now Doctors will be rendered useless. After all, the shots were given without any Doctors’ consultation and done in public settings such as drug stores, shopping malls and stadiums. Auto-mart Medicine. The high almighty and all knowing Algorithm decides your treatment and your fate according to your social credit score and your usefulness. There will be no Complaint Department.
Don’t Complain; Just Comply.
We can’t stop pushing back.
We gave them an inch….What did the Doctors do then…what will they do now.
I heard discussion by drs and rabbis of aSsisted euthanasia is also being made acceptable for a range of excuses in New Jersey and medical bankruptcy in Canada. Do drs take the hippo oath any longer? Is this oath a conflict with euthanasia prescriptions? Universal healthcare led to a cultural societal discussion of cost benefit of “some” peoples who may not be able to contribute ( Weimar example).
One could also consider this injection of genetic material by coercion to be rape.
Coop, because I'm a great admirer of the Brownstone Institute, I was curious about this article and wanted to see what they had to say. Well, I was overwhelmed!! It was SUCH a font of historical information and presented a terrific argument comparing mandatory mask wearing today with compulsive - and very harsh! - mask mandates in times past!! Often (usually?) a mask in olden times was a very strong metal thing that often was LOCKED on the slave or whoever else was being imprisoned. It truly was a very ugly and dreadful symbol of enslavement!! Anyway, I learned a lot from the article (but, truth be told, many instances and images of that cruel enslavement was almost too painful to read in its entirety!! But. still, thanks for posting that fascinating & truly riveting article!!
I feel like you and the other covid dissidents are preaching to the choir at this point. Have there been debates with the opposition? Am I missing something? I share your data with my friends and family...none seem to care. Is it just impossible to wake them up? Or are we the 10% that care about freedom and truth?
Hypnotized are overwhelmed and can onlycope by denial. Can not blame them. As a fifth branch of government, the media allows their illusion to continue. Try talking to people who may be receptive to discuss small thoughts about this reality. The scenario takeover of our bodies,length of life, food,minds finances property(eminent domain) our mental and physical safety by unelected technocrats is hard to fathom.
Dr Alexander, thank you. Your daily, continued vigilance is critical to enacting change and immeasurably appreciated. By calling out these frauds, by articulating why they are fraudulent, by articulating the actual data in contrast to the mainstream lies — you are shining incredibly needed light for the many still grappling in the dark.
Not only with lucid opposition to this bill but across all your Pandemic efforts — regardless of personal cost to yourself.
As the data mounts and grows and crosses tipping points, a portion of the public will no longer be able to deny what is actually occurring. The media machine can only spin so much for so long. When real-world data and loss of life continues to conflict with media lies, again and again, over time — this stark contrast will become undeniable, and the liars will lose some footing. With applied pressure over time, their ability to stand will be diminished. Progress may be slow and incremental, but over time it can move mountains.
Efforts like yours work to ensure that the actions that have brought us here aren’t for nothing. By tracking, outing, and illuminating these falsehoods — exactly as you and your exceptional peers are doing — future change becomes possible.
If a public tipping point can be reached, perceptions will shift, and a larger portion of the population will oppose new measures. Bit by bit this will undermine policy and define the limits of these paper tigers.
By standing up and using your knowledge and experience to expose this massive fraud and corruption, you move the needle.
You and your brave peers — Kennedy, Malone, McCullough, Vanden Bossche, Yeadon, Bahkdi, Montagnier — to name a few, all move the needle.
A portion of the public will never come over to the side of the truth, but a portion will. That newly educated portion, the population you seek to reach, will combine with the likes of those here who already know the truth, and will grow in voice, influence and power. It is a tall mountain to climb but you are are climbing it, and those here in support will climb it with you.
We must collectively envision a new path, mobilize thoughts, voices and actions towards that path — and climb that mountain together. You and your colleagues who refuse to be corrupted and captured are critical in these efforts. There can be no substitute for alternative expert voices. Without them, the easily swayed masses will capitulate to the flimsy lies of the so called “educated” frauds.
These frauds have lost their way long ago, high on their own daily lifestyles, power addictions, and insanity. Most of them can no longer be reached by reason, so they must be put into check by public non-compliance. Outed, disarmed, and neutralized.
Keep hammering. Keep exposing. Keep amplifying the message.
Thank you for your heroic and selfless acts, driven by wisdom, conscience, and perhaps the refusal to let evil go unpunished. Keep fighting Paul and thank you.
Informed Citizen, what a fantastic letter - full of SO much wisdom! - that you wrote!! It truly is a masterpiece in discussing the enormous challenges ahead, but also offering so much hope that a great deal can be accomplished by everyone working together to enlighten our fellow citizens and to dispel the lies and the hobgoblins!! Thank you SO much!!
Thanks Joy, glad it resonated with you
By the way after my comment this popped up article🤷♂️🌎👀.
I think there’s no need to do anything. Democrats are out of control in California because the tax base is huge, they have enough sheeple supporters who will vote only for them, and doctors who want to fit in. It is these doctors that should not be working. I have heard from doctors that foot traffic has dropped off a cliff. It seems the vaccinated don’t want to frequent places where the unvaccinated pariahs may be seen. The unvaccinated don’t trust the system.
When this bill passes, the only opinion that will matter is that of Dr. Gavin Newsom. The doctors who don’t oppose this bill deserve to go out of business. Imagine a person who spent some decade and half getting trained and then believing that a politician (who sucked at everything he touched) knows more than him. That right there is the definition of an incompetent doctor.
We have had too many hypotheticals. We need to let the Democrats run an experiment end to end. Otherwise, they claim they’d have succeeded if the ideas were tried out.
Guido, you said something that really resonated with me: Namely, "It seems that the vaccinated don't want to frequent places where the unvaccinated pariahs may be seen." WOW! Does that resonate with ME!! My dear sweet cousin, who was planning to be in town for a couple days, invited me to dinner with him & some family members; but when I told him that I was unvaxxed (a sixth sense kicked in that since he was a Demonrat and, generally, a libtard, he MIGHT be wary of being near me!), the invitation was off (his doctor apparently told him "to be careful," and he interpreted that to mean than since I was an unvaxxed pariah, danger would definitely lurk in my presence!! He suggested an alternative meet-up, but I politely declined (without, of course, getting into a pissing contest over this whole nonsense about vaxxed and unvaxxed, etc. etc., ad nauseum!) The slaves to the phony "vaccines" have already drunk the Kool Aid - and their ignorance continues apace, which is SO sad to observe!
I think California is on its way to follow Canada implementing medical tyranny.
"Dr. Mary O'Connor, a physician in Canada stripped of her medical license after refusing to cooperate with an investigation into why she gave patients exemptions to the experimental COVID vaccine."
Trudeau says he and Newsom recently met "to make sure we continue deep partnership".
We all have vested interest in stopping California slip into tyranny. Morally and because complacency gives them the impression that we will all roll over as this proceeds state by state.
I feel for Beautiful California💙My three siblings have all lived there. I’m the only one that has not and I always dreamed that I could also end up there, but not now. Not unless there’s an act of God that is able to turn this insane, demonic situation around. Go there & learn what is really happening in California.
This is great! I hope they can pull it off. It’s seems complex, as per the article I just read. I love America’s thought leaders.
It’s okay. Starve the California medical system. Go to states like Nevada, Utah, or Arizona for medical treatment. Eventually the industry in Cali will suffer and starve. Money talks.
California’s medical community was lost as soon as they allowed the legislature to get rid of exemptions to childhood vaccines. The poem “first they came for…” is very appropriate in this instance.
I’m sure WA will soon follow suit. Jay Inslee is a monkey see, monkey do kind of politician, now on day 850-something of his fake emergency.