etc. will wage and attack on any cells taking up the LNPs whereby the mRNA technology can be translated to the spike protein that is expressed on the cell surface e.g. brain cells etc.
THEY KNEW! Hell, I knew, and I'm nobody! I listened to Dr Francis Boyle on Alex January 2020....of course no one would listenn to me, because I'm no body.....
Negative self-image is extremely self-destructive. In fact you are in possession of a God-given brain-intellect that is the equal of that of a Rhodes Scholar Phd. Attacking a thesis by accusing the author of being a "nobody" is an ad hominem attack i.e., attacking the man, not the argument, a logical fallacy. This is the tactic of choice used by those unable to present evidence in support of their own thesis. Calling someone a "nobody-conspiracy theorist" is an attempt to shut down, cancel, and censor the debate.
Thanks for the reply. Its true. THE CIA started that conspiracy theory indoctrination. I don't care what others think of me. Disparaging comments could not sway my opinion. I stayed true to my GOD given Common Sense. BESIDES. WHATS SO WRONG ABOUT BEING A NOBODY?.🤣🤣🤣... It seems as though all those trying to be SOMEBODY, are seriously deficient in empathy and intelligence anyways....LOL.
The elimination of reasoning ability, and critical independent thinking is the goal of modern education. The divergents, with their individualistic, independent thinking must be eliminated by whatever means necessary. They are a mortal threat to the groupthink cohesion of the collective. See ya in the Gulag.
What's staggering is the amount of damage being done to humanity and no one cares. The people running the show and the people with the most power don't give a darn about any of us. That's where we are at...having to fight for our own health and lives. Meanwhile gates, the wef and now WHO and the UN all want us dead.
Because we DO NOT have the police or the military on our side. THEY enforced the mandates without empathy or reasoned thinking. We can do NOTHING without the military. We must appeal to our soldiers and policemen. We MUST. Or we are DOOMED..IMO
Ariadne, you are correct, but may I add something to your statement.
We must recognize our myopia and understand, that we've been conditioned to view the world and it's/our problems, through this shortsighted lens. We fight and navigate these issues in 2 and 4 year hero cycle, never understanding the futility of those time cycles. Now I'm not saying don't vote or have too...but if voting harder worked, we would not be in the mess we are in. We are here because we failed (as did the millions that came before us) to plan for and play the long strategy. The other problem is short memory and the inability to apply history to our own time. Example, a little over 70 years ago, people shouted "never again" as nazis hung after the Nuremburg sham trial and we just had a soft genocide, that has killed over 7 million (estimates this week). Bad memories and short term attention and planning, are what allow history to repeat - in part.
The enemy however, works in multiple decade blocks and centuries - indoctrinating, infiltrating, subverting and capturing institutions, governmental posts, education, media, banking, churches, businesses, the military and most importantly our collective children...the future members of all those societal pillars I just mentioned. They understand the power and value of memory, long attention spans and long term planning.
Home schooling is a good example of a long term strategy. However, it's beneficial results will take multiple decades to make a societal's a numbers game after all. While the home schooling movement is growing, it is behind. It will take time, not only to overcome the indoctrinated masses who now virtually run the world and their ever replenishing source of acolytes coming out of the government schools and universities yearly. You also must take into account, the ideological grooming/indoctrination tools they have in place (social media, hollyturd, MSM, sports, music) and you see the disparity in the two strategies...decades and centuries of slow methodical subversion and capture...vs...2 and 4 year hero cycles.
Ariadne you look like a young woman (compliment), so this may not be totally the case for you...If there is a "take-back" or "victory", most of you will not be around to see it. It won't happen in 10 or 20 year...because you have tens of millions of kids who will be the woke adult wave, for the next 50 years and there's a new wave of them coming out of the schools/universities...and they will be the ones in seats of power and influence.
This is like being in a prison and understanding that you can tunnel out, but it will take years and many who dig, will never see freedom. And there in lies the problem. We conservatives talk a great game, but when asked to sacrifice, the things we covet - for the cause - we all of the sudden become the "lock and load" contingent...which is no sacrifice at's a profession of martyrdom, which is much easier.
The sacrifices, that will have to happen involve 3 things...Comfort, Convenience and Entertainment. They are all the distraction and escape programs the globalist, progressive and leftist have used for centuries. This is the premise of the over used trope "bread and circus".
I've asked some conservative "Would you be willing to make sacrifice, to stop issue/problem XYZ?" All said version of "hell yea, let's do it, of course, without question". I then asked them "what would you be willing to sacrifice, FOREVER - sports, netflix, your car, hot water, movies, beer, cell phones, social media, junk food, the internet???"
The second question changed their gung-ho demeanor and they became quiet and contemplative. The point is, we don't want to give up the fun, cushy, comfort to achieve the victories in battles we say are crucial, vital, life and death...much easier to end in $20 to your favorite politico hero or PAC and feel like you truck a blow for freedom. This is one of the major reasons why we will to truly sacrifice.
Last thing, we - today - are doing the same things the commoners, that came before us did. They shouted - never again - we have to change - blah blah blah...and look where we are. Millions before us held these views...and yet it did happen again and again and again.
If ANYTHING is to change, we must do thing differently and the time line has to be one, that is longer than 2 - 4 - or even 10 years.
Thinking in short term tribal victories (dem vs rep - it's a uni-party BTW) will not recapture, save or foster a civilization/way of life. It will only produce the results we are living with now - for those who came after us.
Well Connecting the dots...I agree with EVERYTHING you are saying . Now I can understand why I am sooooooo depressed! I KNOW NO ONE IS LISTENING. I gave up all the distractions except internet, during covid, GLADLY, to stand my ground and say NO. Most of us who did not take the V were abandoned and vilified.....I got a taste of how bad it really WAS/IS and HOW BLIND people are to the agenda at hand.....but I won't give up speaking up and giving my 2 cents. I didn't come to planet Earth to sit on my ass and go along with the tribal turds.... I will view it all from the heavens some's a crapshow down here. PS. Excellent synopsis on the naiveté of the current western cultural paradigm. And the criminality of the organizations keeping people deaf dumb and blind...if I wasn't so discusted I would be impressed.
Accept my score of 10, for the use of "tribal turds"!! You may have coined that gem. Well done lady.
I don't really think depression was a thing for me...maybe because since the Clinton Era, I have always believed they were ALL (the uni-party and bureaucrats) lying, scumbags and we're just pieces on the game board to them. Once I got there, then I felt empowered - oh the red pill - and could actually start making personal changes. My outlook now is, if someone asks, I'll share an alternate perspective, but if they don't, I won't stop and try to convince them. Life is too short for that.
I don't mind poking the sheeple, but honestly - and this will sound cold - I could care less if they wake up. That's an admitted flawed outlook as, they are the reason the agendas gain momentum and are letting sleeping sheeple self defeating, on some level.
Not that you asked for it, but here is some hope. Remember, these same issues, have been repeating for thousands of years and we're still here. In each era, there were fighters, sheeple and opportunist/tyrants - and we always seem to persist - so maybe that's the silver wallpaper on the outhouse wall??? Not sure.
Good for you, for not keeping quiet. Same here. I have a bad habit of calling BS when I see it.
I love it. And yes I agree, "uniParty" always has been. I figured that out in grade 7 social studies class, when our teacher asked us to evaluate the candidates and tell everyone what they stand for. LOL.... I couldnt figure out what the hell they were saying because they were saying absolutely nothing..LOL....I thought SURELY, when I grow up things will be different. You are exactly right, our past is our future. Same merry go round. I suspect accepting that, brings health, wealth and peace...'IT IS WHAT IT IS"
I guess the answer to that question is that they have the illegitimate power and wealth to "own" most of our political leaders and every Democrat-appointed judge.
Even though that is the antithesis of the American way.
In my opinion yes. I was told by someone who does live cell microscopy that she now sees a great number of what are called Ghost cells , in both jabbed and unjabbed people. I was curious about this and did some searching with key words and found the definition of erythrocytes, ie. ghost red blood cells that die but linger for up to three months retaining their shapes, although barely visible if at all, although not their nucleus. Their death is caused by hemolysis, their membrane remains , but the cell becomes permeable.
well it seems clear that maybe this had been done already. or they intend to do it, but the large number of ghost cells people have now, make an ideal delivery mechanism for nano-components. Anything contained within the ghost cell would be able to penetrate the blood -brain barrier.
How totally sneaky.
Here is a quote from an article cited:
''Efforts are also being made to incorporate features of RBCs in nanocarriers to mimic their most useful aspects, such as long circulation and stealth features''
'Stealth' is not a word I associate with health even if it rhymes with it. Stealth is military language, further proof we are being weaponized.
So pretend you're just being a good person, corporation, institution, looking for safe drug delivery systems , cause you're so nice , but really... STEALTH is the operative word here. I'm surmising that in the giant experiment this is , knowing 30% were going to refuse your offer, they still came up with a way to weaponize us all.
radiation is a big cause of hemolysis and so is malaria. ( HCQ treatment for malaria) , so ? radiation via 5G ? and what else?
Now see Carnicom's 8/27/2009 report: Artificial Blood (?): What Carnicom has called the "CDB" ... cross domain bacteria enters into the RBC. He describes the RBCs as having "extreme geometric regularity" ... unlike natural RBCs. Are we seeing RBCs being used as "ghost" transport cells ... all the way back to 2009? As Dr. Mihalcea has stated, it looks like this wicked transhumanist plan has not just started w/the plandemic. In fact, it's far advanced.
Meant to thank you for your posted references. Wasn't aware of "ghost" cells & believe this is playing a part as it's the blood that's carrying what I call wicked "devices." (By the way, the Bible even uses the term "devices" in reference to the wicked.)
I would take these questions one step further and ask:
How is it possible that they did not know?
Each of them has sufficient background in this field such that it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for them to claim an innocent ignorance of the Pandora's Box they were opening.
What? Are you telling me the magic spike proteins don't stay in the deltoid????? That they go through the lymph system and throughout the whole body??????????? No way Jose! Everybody knows the deltoid muscle is like the great wall of China, and nothing gets past it EVER! TheScience said so. /s
Yes undoubtedly,no one would have taken the vax.( I had 3 😳Pfizer Booster Damaged) In the UK all our MSMedia is controlled.I just didn’t know that ,then!
You have a broader Media Selection in US.The BBC and their Trusted News Initiative, lied about everything.I only discovered our own Dr Mike Yeadon watching an American News Chanel.
They knew the bio distribution of the LNP, and just lied about it staying near the inj site.🤯🤬
Many of us are awake now in UK but in my estimation less than 50% because I try to plant seeds every day,most fall on the stony ground of a brainwashed mind 🥲
THEY KNEW! Hell, I knew, and I'm nobody! I listened to Dr Francis Boyle on Alex January 2020....of course no one would listenn to me, because I'm no body.....
Negative self-image is extremely self-destructive. In fact you are in possession of a God-given brain-intellect that is the equal of that of a Rhodes Scholar Phd. Attacking a thesis by accusing the author of being a "nobody" is an ad hominem attack i.e., attacking the man, not the argument, a logical fallacy. This is the tactic of choice used by those unable to present evidence in support of their own thesis. Calling someone a "nobody-conspiracy theorist" is an attempt to shut down, cancel, and censor the debate.
Thanks for the reply. Its true. THE CIA started that conspiracy theory indoctrination. I don't care what others think of me. Disparaging comments could not sway my opinion. I stayed true to my GOD given Common Sense. BESIDES. WHATS SO WRONG ABOUT BEING A NOBODY?.🤣🤣🤣... It seems as though all those trying to be SOMEBODY, are seriously deficient in empathy and intelligence anyways....LOL.
The elimination of reasoning ability, and critical independent thinking is the goal of modern education. The divergents, with their individualistic, independent thinking must be eliminated by whatever means necessary. They are a mortal threat to the groupthink cohesion of the collective. See ya in the Gulag.
Oh NO....DEATH BEFORE THE GULAG...I'll go down fighting...😁🤪
Exactly. And if they didn't know, because they are dumbasses, then why would you listen to ignorant dumbasses?
During the Nuremberg trials, this was done and there is publicly available footage of it. See the enclosed materials:
Georgie soreass
Imagine featuring Klaus Anal Schwab
ewevil noagh harikari is the anal schwlobstikka
What's staggering is the amount of damage being done to humanity and no one cares. The people running the show and the people with the most power don't give a darn about any of us. That's where we are at...having to fight for our own health and lives. Meanwhile gates, the wef and now WHO and the UN all want us dead.
And we are more than them. Why can’t they be prosecuted and dismantled?
Because we DO NOT have the police or the military on our side. THEY enforced the mandates without empathy or reasoned thinking. We can do NOTHING without the military. We must appeal to our soldiers and policemen. We MUST. Or we are DOOMED..IMO
Ariadne, you are correct, but may I add something to your statement.
We must recognize our myopia and understand, that we've been conditioned to view the world and it's/our problems, through this shortsighted lens. We fight and navigate these issues in 2 and 4 year hero cycle, never understanding the futility of those time cycles. Now I'm not saying don't vote or have too...but if voting harder worked, we would not be in the mess we are in. We are here because we failed (as did the millions that came before us) to plan for and play the long strategy. The other problem is short memory and the inability to apply history to our own time. Example, a little over 70 years ago, people shouted "never again" as nazis hung after the Nuremburg sham trial and we just had a soft genocide, that has killed over 7 million (estimates this week). Bad memories and short term attention and planning, are what allow history to repeat - in part.
The enemy however, works in multiple decade blocks and centuries - indoctrinating, infiltrating, subverting and capturing institutions, governmental posts, education, media, banking, churches, businesses, the military and most importantly our collective children...the future members of all those societal pillars I just mentioned. They understand the power and value of memory, long attention spans and long term planning.
Home schooling is a good example of a long term strategy. However, it's beneficial results will take multiple decades to make a societal's a numbers game after all. While the home schooling movement is growing, it is behind. It will take time, not only to overcome the indoctrinated masses who now virtually run the world and their ever replenishing source of acolytes coming out of the government schools and universities yearly. You also must take into account, the ideological grooming/indoctrination tools they have in place (social media, hollyturd, MSM, sports, music) and you see the disparity in the two strategies...decades and centuries of slow methodical subversion and capture...vs...2 and 4 year hero cycles.
Ariadne you look like a young woman (compliment), so this may not be totally the case for you...If there is a "take-back" or "victory", most of you will not be around to see it. It won't happen in 10 or 20 year...because you have tens of millions of kids who will be the woke adult wave, for the next 50 years and there's a new wave of them coming out of the schools/universities...and they will be the ones in seats of power and influence.
This is like being in a prison and understanding that you can tunnel out, but it will take years and many who dig, will never see freedom. And there in lies the problem. We conservatives talk a great game, but when asked to sacrifice, the things we covet - for the cause - we all of the sudden become the "lock and load" contingent...which is no sacrifice at's a profession of martyrdom, which is much easier.
The sacrifices, that will have to happen involve 3 things...Comfort, Convenience and Entertainment. They are all the distraction and escape programs the globalist, progressive and leftist have used for centuries. This is the premise of the over used trope "bread and circus".
I've asked some conservative "Would you be willing to make sacrifice, to stop issue/problem XYZ?" All said version of "hell yea, let's do it, of course, without question". I then asked them "what would you be willing to sacrifice, FOREVER - sports, netflix, your car, hot water, movies, beer, cell phones, social media, junk food, the internet???"
The second question changed their gung-ho demeanor and they became quiet and contemplative. The point is, we don't want to give up the fun, cushy, comfort to achieve the victories in battles we say are crucial, vital, life and death...much easier to end in $20 to your favorite politico hero or PAC and feel like you truck a blow for freedom. This is one of the major reasons why we will to truly sacrifice.
Last thing, we - today - are doing the same things the commoners, that came before us did. They shouted - never again - we have to change - blah blah blah...and look where we are. Millions before us held these views...and yet it did happen again and again and again.
If ANYTHING is to change, we must do thing differently and the time line has to be one, that is longer than 2 - 4 - or even 10 years.
Thinking in short term tribal victories (dem vs rep - it's a uni-party BTW) will not recapture, save or foster a civilization/way of life. It will only produce the results we are living with now - for those who came after us.
Well Connecting the dots...I agree with EVERYTHING you are saying . Now I can understand why I am sooooooo depressed! I KNOW NO ONE IS LISTENING. I gave up all the distractions except internet, during covid, GLADLY, to stand my ground and say NO. Most of us who did not take the V were abandoned and vilified.....I got a taste of how bad it really WAS/IS and HOW BLIND people are to the agenda at hand.....but I won't give up speaking up and giving my 2 cents. I didn't come to planet Earth to sit on my ass and go along with the tribal turds.... I will view it all from the heavens some's a crapshow down here. PS. Excellent synopsis on the naiveté of the current western cultural paradigm. And the criminality of the organizations keeping people deaf dumb and blind...if I wasn't so discusted I would be impressed.
Accept my score of 10, for the use of "tribal turds"!! You may have coined that gem. Well done lady.
I don't really think depression was a thing for me...maybe because since the Clinton Era, I have always believed they were ALL (the uni-party and bureaucrats) lying, scumbags and we're just pieces on the game board to them. Once I got there, then I felt empowered - oh the red pill - and could actually start making personal changes. My outlook now is, if someone asks, I'll share an alternate perspective, but if they don't, I won't stop and try to convince them. Life is too short for that.
I don't mind poking the sheeple, but honestly - and this will sound cold - I could care less if they wake up. That's an admitted flawed outlook as, they are the reason the agendas gain momentum and are letting sleeping sheeple self defeating, on some level.
Not that you asked for it, but here is some hope. Remember, these same issues, have been repeating for thousands of years and we're still here. In each era, there were fighters, sheeple and opportunist/tyrants - and we always seem to persist - so maybe that's the silver wallpaper on the outhouse wall??? Not sure.
Good for you, for not keeping quiet. Same here. I have a bad habit of calling BS when I see it.
Chin up and keep fighting.
I love it. And yes I agree, "uniParty" always has been. I figured that out in grade 7 social studies class, when our teacher asked us to evaluate the candidates and tell everyone what they stand for. LOL.... I couldnt figure out what the hell they were saying because they were saying absolutely nothing..LOL....I thought SURELY, when I grow up things will be different. You are exactly right, our past is our future. Same merry go round. I suspect accepting that, brings health, wealth and peace...'IT IS WHAT IT IS"
deep and wize . CHEERS!
I guess the answer to that question is that they have the illegitimate power and wealth to "own" most of our political leaders and every Democrat-appointed judge.
Even though that is the antithesis of the American way.
Sad but true
Gee we have been told some lies
Quite the understatement.
In my opinion yes. I was told by someone who does live cell microscopy that she now sees a great number of what are called Ghost cells , in both jabbed and unjabbed people. I was curious about this and did some searching with key words and found the definition of erythrocytes, ie. ghost red blood cells that die but linger for up to three months retaining their shapes, although barely visible if at all, although not their nucleus. Their death is caused by hemolysis, their membrane remains , but the cell becomes permeable.
then I found a patent:. .Read the references at the bottom...!
now read this
well it seems clear that maybe this had been done already. or they intend to do it, but the large number of ghost cells people have now, make an ideal delivery mechanism for nano-components. Anything contained within the ghost cell would be able to penetrate the blood -brain barrier.
How totally sneaky.
Here is a quote from an article cited:
''Efforts are also being made to incorporate features of RBCs in nanocarriers to mimic their most useful aspects, such as long circulation and stealth features''
'Stealth' is not a word I associate with health even if it rhymes with it. Stealth is military language, further proof we are being weaponized.
So pretend you're just being a good person, corporation, institution, looking for safe drug delivery systems , cause you're so nice , but really... STEALTH is the operative word here. I'm surmising that in the giant experiment this is , knowing 30% were going to refuse your offer, they still came up with a way to weaponize us all.
radiation is a big cause of hemolysis and so is malaria. ( HCQ treatment for malaria) , so ? radiation via 5G ? and what else?
Now see Carnicom's 8/27/2009 report: Artificial Blood (?): What Carnicom has called the "CDB" ... cross domain bacteria enters into the RBC. He describes the RBCs as having "extreme geometric regularity" ... unlike natural RBCs. Are we seeing RBCs being used as "ghost" transport cells ... all the way back to 2009? As Dr. Mihalcea has stated, it looks like this wicked transhumanist plan has not just started w/the plandemic. In fact, it's far advanced.
Meant to thank you for your posted references. Wasn't aware of "ghost" cells & believe this is playing a part as it's the blood that's carrying what I call wicked "devices." (By the way, the Bible even uses the term "devices" in reference to the wicked.)
Please see Carnicom Institute for his work revealing the alterations being made to blood by the tech of the wicked.
This is scary.
I would take these questions one step further and ask:
How is it possible that they did not know?
Each of them has sufficient background in this field such that it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for them to claim an innocent ignorance of the Pandora's Box they were opening.
THEY ALL and blackmail...that's how you get it done!
What? Are you telling me the magic spike proteins don't stay in the deltoid????? That they go through the lymph system and throughout the whole body??????????? No way Jose! Everybody knows the deltoid muscle is like the great wall of China, and nothing gets past it EVER! TheScience said so. /s
Yes undoubtedly,no one would have taken the vax.( I had 3 😳Pfizer Booster Damaged) In the UK all our MSMedia is controlled.I just didn’t know that ,then!
You have a broader Media Selection in US.The BBC and their Trusted News Initiative, lied about everything.I only discovered our own Dr Mike Yeadon watching an American News Chanel.
They knew the bio distribution of the LNP, and just lied about it staying near the inj site.🤯🤬
Many of us are awake now in UK but in my estimation less than 50% because I try to plant seeds every day,most fall on the stony ground of a brainwashed mind 🥲
Great points, Helen.
Your last sentence is evocative and poetic.
Paul, check this link's data comparison;
numbers are interesting preliminary look; pol's CFR controlled so are stonewalling the conspiracy