Ok, so this is horrifying. πŸ˜‘

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If these preliminary studies are confirmed, it appears an unvaccinated person would have to be a hermit to escape the consequences of other people's very bad judgment.

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FBI Director Christopher Wray recently stated in an interview covid 19 release was an incident, from Wuhan lab. Note the word Incident, not accident. All involved need to be held accountable.

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We have two sets of young grandchildren, one set has unvaccinated parents, the other Moderna x2. Guess which set has had more illness? Breaks my heart.

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This makes me think of roach motels or ant traps.... encouraging carrying of poisons back to insect colonies. But WE are the bugs being exterminated.


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Do you think it's possible that these children developed antibodies from their parents shedding spike protein alone or is it possible the children could have also caught Covid naturally and been asymptomatic?

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Jesus stated that He would have to come again or "No flesh would be saved" on this planet as designed by God Almighty, which was made with, through and for Him at creation. The greatest lie the luciferians ever promoted for their master was that He did not exist, therefore negating the very existence of God Almighty by proxy. Atheism is even worse- as it implies this duel for the very souls of man kind do not exist and it is up to man to save himself. How is that working for them now?

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Due to the questions we have as lay people, I recommend AnthonyPatch.com for a magazine #1 on Amazon in its class called Entangled Magazine. A year subscription plus all back issues digitally on the website is very cheap. This series is a review of the Published white papers, patents and other science reports broken down by Anthony, who is in my opinion not only an honest reporter of these facts, but able to fortell the future since 2010 when I first started research in his work. Also recommend his two novels which fortold prophetically what was goin to happen ahead of the events. Everything he pointed out has happened. I also thank and appreciate Dr. Alexander's work here and other places for a more forensic evaluation of what is medically and legaly happening now. With the backround set by Anthony, Dr. Alexander's work is better understood as it unfolds so you can say this is "both" conversation for those who want to understand what is happening to man kind. I preface that the Bible is essential and prayer continually, putting on the full armour of God daily for this work of discernment.

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How does this differ from whats called β€œshedding”?

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This is way over my head to completely comprehend. Yet, my question is, what exactly IS β€œshedding”? can anyone here explain it in layman’s language? Thanks so much!

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Well that’s just made my day..

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All it takes is one bad seed, oops, one vaccinated family member, to acquire SARS2 antibodies which . . . reduce our adaptive immune response. Did I read that correctly? Next, some people will study how long an exposure to vaccinated people is sufficient to accomplish this. If casual exposure is sufficient, then one vaccinated person per small town or neighborhood will be all that is needed to screw the rest of us.

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Are exosomes playing a role? Seems very likely.

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Aren’t IgG antibodies supposed to be in the blood? How are they getting into the mucus where IgA antibodies are supposed to be?

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