I dislike Obama, but didnt know he was Iranian-However here are the elements- one twisted nerd

kid ( parents are counsellers hmmm... One ar15- 8 expended shells on the roof, one corpse

a spotting scop-( these are not cheap) a drone ( some of these are not cheap with a hi grade omni directional camera- an unexploded bombs or bomb material, one car with out of state lscense , one bycycle, one backpack ( bloody) one ladder- one cell phone , ( with which he made a call to WASHINGTON D.C. --( The FBI has not told us whom he called ? -- who was his FBI or CIA handler ?--Could it have been the Head of SS?-3 encrypted offshore European bank accounts-- Bomb making material at his home ( WHAT KIND OF PARENTS ARE THESE?)

THIS IS A VERY EASY PEASY WHO-DUNNIT, as Biden Calls Trump after half his ear gets blown off and asks “ WHAT MADE YOU TURN YOUR HEAD AT THE LAST MOMENT”--?


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Trump gunman Thomas Crooks likely had a Gab account that he used to ‘support’ President Biden, site’s CEO says


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At least I finally learned how to share a link. 😬

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Awake, I sorry the flick I sent was so cheseesy.

But two thing are important

1 Nikki Haley would do anything to be Prez, including helping stage the assassination.

2 Iran is not to blame. If they wanted Trump dead ,he'd be dead.

The Mossad is the most likely suspect. They want a war with Iran above all else.

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I like to keep an open mind.I agree with your points 1 and 2.

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Thanks Awake.

I try to not get wild with YT links because a lot of times they're garbage.

This was the only one I found that put Haley the Mossad,and Iran together.

And it was cool to learn how to share a link.

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I wonder if Haley was ever on "the island."

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I bet so. She's just as sleazy as Jill.

And about as ugly too.

Epstine caters to those kind of people.

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Kenyan, but Valerie Jarrett is Iranian, and IIRC BHO’s brand of Muslim is Shia.

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No it takes willful disregard of the elephant in the room.

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Why isn’t the second and possibly third shooter issue being addressed here? Crook is just a fall guy.



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Some independent recreations have made the case that there is no need for postulating 2 or 3 shooters. I.e., No ax to grind .

Also no need to go down that rabbit hole; there is plenty of evidence that the Feds were involved & culpable.

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I.M.O it has to lead inside D.C-as

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There is more than enough evidence to lead inside DC without postulating or proving multiple shooters. Just the fact that the snipers were not given shoot first orders and the one that did shoot was reportedly disciplined, makes the case, and there are so many other overt and covert and the pattern of failed extralegal law fare, makes a more than compelling case.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26

The deep state, Biden, Obama, and Satanists were behind the assassination attempt. But the worst thing is you won't lift a finger and do something about it.

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The whole idea was to start a war with Iran. And get Nikki Haley into office


I Know the flick is full of file slides.

But the narrative is important. If Iran wanted Trmp dead they would have used professionals.

Not some wacked out kid.

Mossad was behind it .

They want a war with Iran.

And we will fight it for them

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I asked a mentor once what would become of a man who killed hoping he would be rewarded with 72 virgins in the after-life. I was told he would receive his reward... 72 virgins and virgins they would remain.

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no, unless got a lot of other Iranian traitors in security too... or otherwise conned into allowing security failures.... too many failures in security.

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Hi,Flocksylady ! Thanks for all the likes the YT flick that I was passing around is somewhat of a comedy and filled with irrelevant file clips

The point is the most likely culprit in the assassination plot is Mossad.


Because Mossad wants a war with Iran.

And they want us to fight it.

( IDF solders suck)

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Agree. Revenge is a feasible motive for that regime as it is a very critical part of their

history and extremist ideology. Incomprehensible levels of incompetence from all aspects of the event suggests possible collusion that provides plausible deniability, although very poorly, almost seemingly intentionally, transparently implemented.

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Www.anamihalceamdphd@substack.com has interesting news, go to her substack. Bluetooth MAC signals are being emitted by the Covid " " Vaxxed"...

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