That would imply that eventually everyone who comes in contact with anyone with spike proteins would be infected. Therefore the planned extermination of most of the human race will be achieved,

.....unless there are effective detoxes, meaning everyone would need to be aware of spike proteins in their bodies and desire to detox.

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I have seen daily millennials are dying which includes nurses, doctors and pharmacists and all medical staff who took the jab. Pilots, government workers and military personel, employees of all companies who required the jab or came in contact with people who did daily who had the jab, care takers who took care of home bound people who had the jab, spouses who slept side by side with vaxed individuals even if they were not jabbed,...and on and on and on. SO yes the BIG UGLY as Cliff High would say, is upon us. Millions are dying daily and will continue to. I am so sorry to say this but every one of us will loose someone we love as I have!!!

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Don’t forget it’s shed in poop also, tell people shut toilet lid before flushing.

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Yes it's an extinction level event. It doesn't matter if it it's from infection or transfection or otherwise.

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After infection people can test negative several times but actually be positive, it hides in the body even in macrophages protects itself with biofilms. Sneaky little virus. Hide in your basement.

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we really need to CHANGE OUR LANGUAGE. These are NOT natural "viruses" or "vaccines. Both "sars-cov-2" AND the "vaccine" are POISONS made in a lab to kill u. ALL vaccines have been part of a eugenics program going on for centuries...call them what they REALLY ARE

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I agree Victoria. There is no, none, nada vaxcines in shot form for anything because a shot bypasses your immune system. Kill shot is full of parasites. Read Merck manual and see it in print in the book all doctors are supposed to have on hand. A virus is synonymous with parasite. That is why Ivermectin is the wonder drug it is. The venoms are an added plus to totally upset our immune system so it does not work and cause autoimmune diseases and immunity malfunction along with hundreds of other toxins they put in the kill shot to kill us. All vaccines are a hoax and the only virus is really in your computer. This is a Eugenics program to cause DEATH not life, Their plan was to kill over half the population on the Earth.

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It makes HIV look like kindergarten stuff.

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HIV was a bioweapon created in their lab to kill specific groups of people, cause fear and death. It was horrible and people punished people who got it and that created some of the worst scenarios I had ever seen in the "care industry"

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If all this is true then why care about anything anymore. There is nothing anyone can do about it so life is over. Might as well take a bottle of pills and just get it over with.

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Or you can pull up your knickers and do what we all have done, "find a solution" by doing your homework and help us save as many as possible. Give up and you die, fight and you live or you may die but you never gave up! I have a power in me that is more powerful than any kill shot or evil scheme, and I am 70 years old and cheated death on so many occasions. I know it does not exist at all! Yes you can try to kill yourself, but I have worked as a nurse with 1000's of people who tried that. and It is not easy to kill yourself and a bottle of pills will not kill you because your body wants so badly to live. When you open your eyes and I am staring at you , you will have more problems then you had when you thought you had problems! But you will be happy you did not die and know that suicide is not easier then living! You will jump in and help us find the solution with everything you have in you. That is what life is all about. You live it no matter what!

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Spike protein detox suggestion : Nattokinase supplement is supposed to dissolve protein and fibrin, also serrapeptase.

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So I’ve heard.

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That's a ridiculous conclusion to draw. Look at Magic Johnson. He contracted (or "tested positive" as the flat earthers who think that there was nothing to contract would say) HIV 30 years ago. There's no need for people to race to meet their maker.

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Talk to Judy Milkovich and see what she discovered about HIV. Then you will know the truth. They threw her in prison to ruin her reputation because she discovered what HIV AIDS was. I was there and I helped people HEAL themselves. Tests were designed to kill yu with fear mainly and a lack of care for the cancer, and all the things that occurred by destroying the immune system which they are good at.

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I don’t think so. If even dead people are contagious & the spike causes turbo cancer, strokes, heart attacks, etc those of us who spent the last 3 years protecting ourselves did it for nothing. If it’s an extinction level event, what’s the point in caring about anything ? Either you guys are completely crazy or we are doomed. So fuck it. I’m so sick of this I can’t even begin to tell you. Life like this is NOT WORTH LIVING.

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Extinction is not going to happen tomorrow Leslie. Nor is it inevitable with advances in science still to come. We did the right thing to protect ourselves from spike protein exposures. It's far worse to have multiple exposures than to have a few. Get yourself a copy of Albert Ellis' "How to Stubbornly Refuse To Make Yourself Miserable About Anything. Yes, Anything."

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This title is available on the internet archive to read for free. Thanks.

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From the comments on this thread I don’t think a book is going to help.

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The 💩 bit with the prion etc in the bogeyman got kicked out when Omacron came around, ( that’s science language to me) that’s also why MISC cases went right down. So not so bad now. Most basements are empty now.

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Baric, and the Bidens and DNC, knew what they were doing when they created and then later released this pathogen

" This now clarifies why, among many reasons, I believe that repeated exposures to the Spike Protein, by either infection or transfection, may eventually induce cancer in a vast majority of the population. One may view the Spike Protein, in essence, as a 'Transmissible Cancer.' ”

Repetitive Exposures to DNA Reactive/Genotoxic Substances Can Induce/Promote/Progress Cancer. The Spike Protein as “Transmissible Cancer”


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And cancers are just the tip of the iceberg of infection and transfection induced pathology.

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I have carefully scanned the patents for these bioweapon jabs and have been unable to locate any pretense of an "off switch" for the INTENDED replication of the spike proteins as programmed into human DNA by the action of the nanotech.


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Does it die with the host?

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Dr. Gustavo Aguirre-Chang



Study Concludes:

SARS-CoV2 can persist

Months after death and

remain Viable and Infectious for weeks.

Infectivity was detected by viral cultures

and it was for a longer time in the lung, trachea, perioral

SARS-CoV-2 persistence and infectivity in COVID-19 corpses: a systematic review


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all infectious "viruses" are MADE IN A LAB. There are NONE in nature...

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Dr Ana Mihalcea was interviewed by Maria Zeee as a guest host on the Alex Jones Show and she said it continues to replicate independently of our life. Also, this is being shown in the UNVACCINATED as the vaccinated shed all this on us! Synthetic biology made from hydrogel and they grow with a low level electrical technology. Morgellons also look the same way. Look for this interview on Zeee Media online. This is being affected by 5g EMF radiation and these metals are being sprayed on us as well. It continues after the death of the human! Look for “Dr Mihalcea exposes the transhumanist agenda.” Absolutely frightening!

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Dr. Gustavo Aguirre-Chang


Several peer-reviewed studies have already been published

showing that the SARS CoV-2 can persist indefinitely


can persist for months after the person dies

and they are viable viruses with the capacity to infect

which has been demonstrated by cultures

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It persists in cadavers and poses a risk to pathologists etc.

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Probably not. This is like Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

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Once your DNA/RNA is destroyed or altered there is no going back. Very similar to the transgendered who permanently destroy their bodies.

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Does anyone care yet?

My daughter and I have been ill for 3+ years now.

Test our blood and you'll see how long spike really lasts.

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Ill with long Covid? or ill for 2.5+ years due to long vaccine?

Have you tried Dr. Paul's recommended therapies or Dr Z's Covid protocol (https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/medical/hydroxychloroquine/treatment-protocols)?

While my booster shot cost me lots of money, dental operations and procedures, physical therapy... I now feel I am in some ways in better health now than when decades younger, since during Covid I concentrated on the following approach:

1) Eat _real_ food, including plenty of animal-based products and natural oils (like ghee and olive oil).

2) Avoid sugar, corn syrup, and most other natural and artificial sweeteners.

3) Avoid processed foods, especially processed carbs and seed/vegetable oils.

4) Stop snacking and investigate intermittent fasting.

5) Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine, while avoiding sunburn.

6) Exercise moderately.

7) Sleep long enough each night.

8) Find non-drug and non-alcohol stress coping mechanisms that work for you.

9) Pray.

10) Communicate with friends

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An intention to heal from it is vital and I believe that for myself when I got infected, a very strong spiritual practice based in LOVE not FEAR is needed to raise your frequency physically, emotionally, and mentally. Change in lifestyle was "Biggy" for me as stress feeds these things and a commitment to never be lack in protecting myself, others I love nor to ignor or be passive about gaining knowledge to keep me out of trouble, again. The PCR test IS the kill jab and has spike proteins on it when they do it.

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Have you tried supplements: Nattokinase, Quercetin with Bromelain, NAC with Bromelain, extra vitamin C, D, green tea extract, and Zinc?

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I found lumbrokinase better at controlling clots than natto or serrapeptase. I use or have used all of the above and many others besides, in the search to cure myself and my daughter.

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So many working on this. The question for you is (and I do not intend for this to be a judgmental or harsh criticism of you because this is scary SH...T) how much are you going to care and start investigating for your self how to get rid of it. The information is out there as the greatest doctors on the planet have been putting forth information just for you and healers of those infected like me. Each person's circumstances are different.

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D-dimer shows unvaxxed blood is full of clots 3 years after Wuhan strain infection.

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😱 frightening..so concerned for loved ones and humanity.🙏♥️

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We told my MIL over and over why we weren’t going to take it. Last week she says, I wonder why 50-year-olds are having strokes? <face palm>

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Of course they will make spike proteins for life. Their DNA is no longer human. They are cyborgs in progress.

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"Researchers ‘investigated the presence of SARS-CoV-2 S1 protein in 46 individuals’."

Where these 46 individuals jabbed or un-jabbed?

For the jabbed; Did they "Contract" "COVID" before or after the jab?

For the un-jabbed; had they ever been diagnosed with COVID?

These seem like very important questions to flesh out in order to discern between "natural" immunity, exposure to the jab and an exposure to shedded virus and an immunity to those pathogen.

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Thank you so much for sparking the reality news about this and perhaps more will begin the process of educating themselves and family and friends to avoid death by Kill Jab Bioweapon. You are a Hero Dr Paul and I am grateful for your passion to write on this and other subjects so vital for recovery from this Spiritual, Informational War on humanity and LIFE ITSELF!!!

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What recovery? If the unjabbed are getting contaminated and even dead people are contagious this is ridiculously hopeless.

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Baric and his team who during the Obama/Biden administration created and added spike proteins to coronaviruses in Baric's lab at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill may have answers. Biden and Obama may have answers. Hunter Biden and Metabiota and the DNC may have answers. They should all be hauled before Congress and askedto provide solutions.

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Where they will lie under oath. It has been done before so they know they can say whatever they wish and not be held accountable (no fear of perjury for them).

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Apparently the globalists are aware of suramin as an anti-dote.

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Just think how much worse the spike proteins would be without the vactine [Biden's word] ... oh wait, they wouldn't be present without the vactine.

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Try the Asian Huaier mushroom, or Trametes robiniophila murr! The study from Tanaka et all suggests this mushroom could be the 'off switch', even after multiple injections. Absent that, those who got the jab, who didn't catch a placebo, have to take Ivermectin and/or Nattokinase to neutralise the spike protein. There's also a Japanese study about Nattokinase. The injection damages the Interferon I signalling pathways of the immune system, according to the study by Seneff and Nigh. Vitamin D and Ivermectin can help to restore Interferon I, according to Colleen Huber MD.

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But does this mean that donated blood can contain the spike protein or will it be removed when the immune system components are removed during processing of the donated blood?

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I am a paid subscriber $50 a year. Every time I get an email to respond to a comment I have to resign in as if I have no subscription. I have contacted support and Dr. Alexander with no response from either. SUBSTACK support is the worst support of any social media platform I have ever used. I will never subscribe to another SUBSTACK again until this problem is fixed. It occurs on every paid subscription that I have.

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