here's the solution. don't get fake vaxxed by psychopaths. get your revenge on the low level stooge who directly enforced the need for a vaccine to do something which one has the right to do without a vaccine. Which is everything. Don't kill them, don't hurt them physically. Make it more expensive for them to obey the NWO and keep their job than to force you to miss out on what belongs to you to not be poisoned.

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There seems to be a Spike religion in which people believe in Good Spike and Bad Spike. The jabbers believe the synthetic mRNA generated Spike is Good Spike and the Covid Spike is Bad Spike. Others believe the Covid Spike is Good Spike and the Jab Spike is Bad Spike. Very few believe that All Spike is Bad Spike.

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So basically if you are jabbed or not jabbed but have had Covid this can be an issue.

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We got blood clots, myocarditis, kidney failure, off the charts pregnacy induced hypertension requiring magnesium (even after birth), and deaths. Nothing to see here (and that's just my circle).

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