The US bombed Serbia to assist their allies al-Qaeda who were fighting in the Kosovo Liberation Front. The Kosovar Albanian muslims had outbred the Christian Serbs and were committing atrocities against them. The USAsians wanted to facilitate islamic colonization by creating a new islamic country in the heart of Europe. Serbia was a nation of 7 million people and the US was a nation of 279 million people. The US only ever attacks small countries.. The US attacked the outnumbered Serbian Christian civilians to help their al-Qaeda buddies while safe from any retaliation and lauded US courage because this is what the US considers bravery. Two years later the USAsians mudlim buddies turned on the US and attacked New York. This is how the US wins hearts and minds. Some of the USAsian muslim buddies who fought alongside the US in Kosovo were found fighting against the US in Afghanistan.

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The Kosovar Albanian muslims had outbred the Christian Serbs and were committing atrocities against them.


You bunch of stupid f*cked up bast*rds who listen to damned liars like turdo who says "multicultism" is our strength and import moslems in total ignorance of history are going to see the same results. Dr. P has already warned everyone but the woke wankers are determining the future murders and rapes and torturing and persecution of their own children. Stupid freaking bastardized bigots and haters of their own race and children/grandchildren. You sobs please keep on taking the jab and die off! Carlin was right. Stupid is forever and can never be fixed.

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It’s correct. The bombing of Serbia didn’t have the approval of UN. Clinton did it because the United States had the biggest fist 🤜. This move officially made the US a global mafia ring leader in international affairs.

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Stupid actions by stupid people seem to be the trend anymore.

-turdo a grade five ASSistant drama teacher voted into the position of slime minister

-ovomit the unqualified and illegal candidate voted in as POTUS (putrid offal terribly unqualified & stupid)

-a cackling fool as VP (very pathetic)

-an ASSministration of black bigots and criminals for ovomit

-the imposition illegally in violation of the Nuremburg Code for millions of fake jab experimental human guinea pigs to accept a deadly injection

-the damnocrap open border policy to admit criminals, illegal aliens, gang members, drug cartels, and other human trash into western nations

-the massive importation of religion of pieces members

-the two year drugging, rape and sex trafficking of young British girls by bangladeshi human trash IGNORED by cowardly pigs and criminal ASSistants as council members fearful of being called islamophobes

-the stolen election after ovomit of senile jackass Joe biDUMB

-the use by turdo the spawn of a commie father and hippie mother of the Emergency Act to illegally and criminally stop the civil right to peaceful protest by the Truckers Freedom Convoy

I could continue but the massive moronic maniacal turn the world took during the reign of the ovomit and his Clydesdale moochelle was unprecedented.



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U.S. actions in Serbia and Ukraine were wrong whether they had UN 'approval' or not. I don't acknowledge or respect the authority of the UN.

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Me neither. But peruse this world insanity noting biDUMB is a danger to Freedom and Justice.


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Sachs also joined Tucker Carlson for a GREAT ( but long ) interview recently. As this , wherein he schools P. Morgan - it is well worth viewing.


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It seems the government has been attack wrong places and then aid military money equipment since WW I who benefits in the money should be followed especially people with insider trading in Congress etc even contracts with family friends lavish trips sway people cost tails with a lot of bs added corruption rampant no check balance where we got be today

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